I shut my eyes, wondering and formulating ways in which I could get out of this situation as best I could, without having to look into his wonderful eyes or at his gorgeous face.
For about thirty seconds straight, I stood there, my fingertips clutching my sajjada to my chest tightly as I felt his silent presence behind me.
I inhaled and exhaled rhythmically, trying to calm my beating heart but it was to no avail. There was no escape.
Ya Allah, help me get out of this situation.
I released one last breath before shaking my head and opening my locker, placing my things inside before slamming it shut and beginning to walk away, only to be held by his grip on my arm. That was expected.
"Leave my arm." Was all I said. Alhamdulillah my voice came out strong and direct, not cracking or faltering at all like I had expected it to the moment I began speaking.
"Please, just let me explain."
"Leave me alone." I repeated, realising that my voice was now more quiet, more vulnerable.
After all that time the first thing he said to me was let me explain? Did he really think I was going to give him that chance? Did he really think he deserved that chance?
He released his grip on me only to walk ahead and stand directly in front of me. My breathing started to become patchy again and I quickly looked to the ground, having no courage or will to face him and look at his face, look into his eyes.
"Look at me." He ordered, but his soft and broken tone made it sound nothing like an order, but rather a plea, a plea of absolute and utter desperation. "Please." He added quietly.
He was stubborn. I knew this. He also knew how stubborn I was. We both knew that my stubbornness outweighed his by a mile.
"Leave." I muttered, trying to side step him to get to the exit. At this point the lump in my throat had grew and I was so close to letting my tears flow freely. "Please." I added, just like he had, but mine didn't sound as desperate, it was more of a sarcastic please that I only said because he used the very same word.
"Don't!" I barked quite loudly, cutting him off before he could say my name. I knew that hearing my name fall off his lips after so many years would be the breaking point and I would no longer be able to keep a strong façade in front of him.
He began saying my name again and I shut my eyes, placing my hands over my ears to block his voice out, my name sounding like a mere mumble when he said it, but even that was enough. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to keep in the tears but I felt my eyelashes dampening as I began losing strength, my hands fell limp to my sides and I leaned against the lockers for support as he said my name again in concern.
"Sumayya, I'm sorry." He cried out in frustration as he bent his knees to come at eye level with me.
"Leave." I croaked, placing my hand on my chest as I tried to regulate my breathing, feeling like my ribs were closing in on my chest and squeezing my insides.
"Your ring." He blurted, his eyes zooming in on the ring that I had kept on my finger for four years straight.
He had bought it for me as a proposal ring and since the day it had slipped onto my finger, it had yet to come off. There were two separate rings, gold in colour and very delicate looking. One of them had a thin band that split into two at the top to make it look like two rings and the other was a very thin band with a small heart shape in the middle.
As I forced my brain to decide on whether or not to take the rings off, I felt myself get light headed. This was all too much for me to bear so suddenly.
"Sumayya! Sumayya, oh god, are you okay?" Bella rushed into the room as she stared at my obviously pale face, holding my arms just before I fell to the ground.
"Who are you!?" Came another voice. I recognised it to be Kyle's. He sounded mad. "What the hell did you do to her?"
He was silent. He didn't say a word. I focussed on Bella who was telling me to breathe in and out deeply as if I was a woman in labour. I listened to her, while hearing Kyle and his mumbled argument in the background, not understanding what they were saying. My breathing became more steady and my heart rate began dropping back to an average pace.
As I started to come back to reality, I heard a sentence. One statement out of all the things he could have said and that was when I blew.
"I would never do anything to hurt her."
"Excuse me!?" I asked, completely appalled at how he actually had the nerve to say something like that. "What do you mean you'd never do anything to hurt me!? No one on the face of this Dunya has ever hurt me as much as you have, Zaid." I said, using his name for the first time in years. It felt foreign and different on my tongue, especially since it was the first time I was saying it in a tone of complete hostility and resentment, compared to all those times I used to say it with love and adoration. "I'll never forget the hell you put me through on earth. Allah (swt) has witnessed every single tear that I shed because of you. He knows how many times my heart felt like it was breaking from sadness and grief. He heard every single dua that I made while I cried alone at night. But you know what, Zaid?" I said, furiously wiping the tears on my cheeks and trying to stand up straighter. "I never once lost hope in Him. I knew that Allah (swt) was hearing my Du'a and I put my trust only in Him. Alhamdulillah, Zaid, he turned my constant tears of sadness into ones of absolute bliss, without you." I said, narrowing my eyes as his were clouded with hurt. "I don't need you anymore, Zaid. Leave me alone. Forever." I said before pushing past him, only to change my mind before I completely left the room. "Oh, and you can have these back! I was waiting for the day I could throw them back in your face." I said as I unwillingly pulled the rings off my finger, throwing it at him, the pieces of gold hitting his shoulder before falling to the floor in silence.
I left the locker room and stormed to the bathroom, Bella behind me. My finger already felt bare and empty. I was definitely going to regret giving the rings to him.
In fact, I had regretted it the moment they slipped off my finger, making it look naked and different. A bad different.
I wanted my rings back.