I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone ringing. I took it from the side of the table and answered.
"Hello?" I asked, my voice raspy.
"What do you mean by that? Cassie, you're awfully late. Where the heck are you?" Tracey scolded.
Late? Me? I'm never late for work. If I do want to oversleep, I always tell Tracey to take over for a while.
"Wait what? How am I late?"
"Oh my god! You just woke up? are you kidding me?" she added, "Get your butt out of bed and get ready for work, geez"
"I'm sorry! I'll get going now," I hang up on her and looked at the time.
Damn it! 8:30...I am late! What the hell happened? I knew I shouldn't have gone there. Shoot!
I stood up and fell on my knees.
What the...? What just happened?
I stood up once more and suddenly felt pain in between my legs and all over my body. I supported myself and sat on the bed for a while.
What is going on? Why am I aching all over? Definitely a sign of aging! Wait! Why does my bed feel different? I don't remember buying a new comforter or a new mattress for that matter. And...when did I have my walls painted yellow?
I looked at everything closely and then I realized, "What the heck? This isn't my room."
No wonder...this isn't my room. Heck, this isn't my house. Where the hell am I?
It took me even longer to realize that I was without clothes. I took the towel off the floor and covered myself.
Damn it, Cassie. What did you do? Why on earth am I naked? You have got to be kidding me? no, no, no...nothing happened! I'm just stripped naked because it was hot. No other reason. Oh, God! Please let that be true.
I slowly stood up and peeped out of my room.
What am I doing inside a hotel? What the heck is going on? There's a bell boy. I better ask him.
"Excuse me, where am I?"
"This is a hotel ma'am. You're a guest here and you're roommate just left."
"Roommate? You mean...I was with somebody last night?" I stuttered.
"Yes ma'am," he stuttered.
"Do you happen to know who he is?" I hesitantly asked..
"Sorry ma'am but I'm just a bell boy and I just saw him run out of the room," this was the last thing he said before leaving.
I went back to my room and sat on the bed to let the pain pass. Minutes later, I stood up and did my morning routine. I then left for work.
"Cassie, why are you still wearing the same clothes?" Tracey asked.
"I bought two sets of these," I lied.
"You can't lie to me. I know you better than you know yourself. Did you drink?"
"No! You know I don't drink. I was just with Miggy and his friends last night. It was his birthday. He invited me to a simple birthday gathering with his friends."
"And?" she hesitantly asked,
"And what?" I stuttered.
"Where did you go after that? Obviously, you didn't return to your house since you're wearing the same clothes."
I didn't really know how to answer her. I wasn't sure what happened last night either. I had more questions than I had answers. There was no way I could tell her that I probably had sex with some random guy last night. I for one know it wasn't Miggy because he was too drunk to even drive.
"Nothing really, I just slept over at Miggy's place," I stuttered.
"That's it? Nothing else happened? Are you sure that this time around, you didn't do anything heinous?"
"I told you everything. Can I just get some things done and over with and return home to change. I feel so disgusted with myself right now," I walked to my best and somehow, my knees gave out and I fell over. I really don't know why I'm so weak.
"You have to go home now. I can't let you work in this condition," she grabbed my hand and dragged me to my car.
"Just be careful and text me when you get home," she added.
I nodded and thanked her. I drove home, still a bit bewildered and light-headed.
Gosh! It's so good to be home. I miss my bed.
The moment I laid on my bed, I recalled what had happened. I sat up on my bed and tried to remember exactly what happened that night and who was the guy I was with.
Wait! I remember seeing a face. The shape of his face was somewhat like...Miggy's. Oh no! Please don't tell me it was him. That's insane! I've known Miggy for so long and never in a million years would I ever think that Miggy would have sex with me. When we were young, he even pushed me off my chair and scrapping my knee when I tried to kiss him; I still have the scar to prove that. We could have shared a room but I know that was it. There's got to be some logical explanation for this but on the other hand, if I did have sex, I would be more horrified to find out that I had sex with some random guy I found at the bar than having done it with my gay best friend. I'm just really confused as to why that happened though. I swear I didn't drink and the once I did drink were none alcoholic.
Ring. The doorbell all of a sudden rang. I stood up and answered the door.
"Hi!" Miggy greeted. "May I come in?"
I gestured for him to come in. If he thinks he can get away just like that, he's wrong.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" He finally says.
"Sorry? What are you sorry for? For leaving me alone in that hotel? or for getting me drunk and obviously, something else happened that day that I can't even remember." I sat down opposite of him.
"I'm sorry for leaving you at the hotel room alone but just to make it clear, you weren't drunk. I made sure you had a different drink remember?"
I crossed my arms, "So if I wasn't drunk, what happened? and why did I wake up butt naked?"
He took something from his pocket and showed it to me, "this is one of the things I'm sorry for."
I took it and read the bottle...antihistamine... "what is this?"
"Remember when you said, you had a headache and I gave you a medicine...well,"
"You gave me an antihistamine instead of a pain reliever?" I cut him short.
"Yeah...and that is kind of a strong one so...hence...what you felt." he stuttered.
"Who was I with in the hotel, Miggy?"
Miggy didn't answer. He just sat there quietly.
"Miggy! Aren't you even going to answer me?"
"It was me and the reason I left was because...I...was...I got scared."
I gulped. I didn't know how to react. I was relieved to know who I was with but at the same time, I'm kind of overwhelmed. I've loved this guy for so long and to know that I might have just had sex with him is kind of fulfilling in some way but as I look at him, I lose all interest in knowing more about what happened. It seemed like there was so much regret on his face and him running away at the break of dawn kind of proves that.
"Look, don't think about it anymore. We can just forget it ever happened. I won't even tell anybody. Besides, we both don't remember exactly what happened that night. For all we know, we could have just stripped naked and laid down, thinking we were in separate rooms, right?" I finally said. what can I do? I have to be the bigger man here. I had no choice.
He lets out a loud sigh...probably, a sigh of relief, " Thank you."
I smirked. "Thank you? is it really that bad to be with me? I get it, Miggy. You're gay and you will never see me as someone else other than a friend but you don't have to rub it in my face;" I stood up and walked away from him, "just close the door when you leave, and thanks for explaining."
Before I could reach my room, he ran to me and tugged on my hand. He then pulled me close to him. Our body's touching. He placed his left on my back and the other on my cheek. I felt his warm breath touching my cheeks then my neck. He then kissed me. I felt the whole world freeze at that very moment. I didn't know what to say...or what to do. His kiss felt like an eternity.
"I don't know what is going on with me but just the mere thought of you drives me crazy," he muttered under his breath. He pulled away from me and left.
I just stood there, astonished...frozen...overwhelmed...taken aback...shocked. oh my! What in the hell just happened?