The judgment day has come. We had executed the cake perfectly and Mr. Lee's daughter loved it so much that he mentioned giving us a bonus. Miggy did an awesome job too. The venue was spectacular and the program had run smoothly. Not bad for two months worth of preparation. The gowns Miggy chose for the debutant are just to die for. She had like three dress changes and all of them fit her just perfectly and she looked so elegant. Since Miggy needed help, I was assigned to check on the caterer and even they did a splendid job. The food was very delectable and the setting was ravishing. Everything was even better than I had imagined and most importantly, it was not as pretentious as it was previously planned yet everyone was having so much fun.
One of our most stressful tasks was finally finished. The event was a success. As expected, everyone loved the cake and cupcakes. Not only did I gain more respect from Mr. Lee but I also got more clients. We had upcoming weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries added to our list of events. It added more stress to my job but I love the thrill anyway so I took it as an opportunity to finally put a big star on my business.
"Thank you so much. I owe you the success of my daughter's birthday. Both of you did a splendid job. You sure have outdone yourself," Mr. Lee approached me.
"You're always welcome, Mr. Lee. I told you I wouldn't let you down."
He plastered a huge smile on his face and patted my shoulder. He also handed me the payment in a white envelope. He's old-fashioned. He always pays in cash. I checked the payment and as he had promised, there was a bonus. This is the happiest day of my life.
You've done well. Thank you! My family and I will be forever grateful. We hope to work with you more in the future. God bless you and your business.
This was written on a piece of paper when he handed me the payment.
"Job well done," Miggy clapped his hands.
"I couldn't have done it without you!" I gave him a tight embrace.
I reached for my bag and handed him a small paper bag.
"What's this? A token of appreciation?" he teased.
"Silly! Who would forget about your birthday? Happy Birthday, Miggy!"
"So you mean after all these years, you still remember?"
"Idiot! How can I forget?" I went on, "so, where are you headed after this?"
"My friends and I were actually planning on going to a bar...have a couple of drinks.Do you want to come with us?"
"Drinks....alcohol...Not such a good idea for me; plus, I need my beauty rest. I slept for only 3 hours today because of this event."
"Come on, Please! It's my birthday too. I'm also a debutant."
"a debutant? I didn't know thirty was the new eighteen," I teased.
"Are you just gonna stand there and be an ass or are you gonna be a friend and celebrate my birthday with me?"
I smiled, "When are we leaving?"
He smiled back. We both finished packing up our stuff and headed to the bar. His friends were all waiting inside. Beads of sweat came rolling down my face till I realized we were just wasn't a strip club after all. Thank God!
"Good thing you went here. I was starting to think you were headed to a strip club," I whispered to him.
"Hell no! There's no way I'm going there. That would ruin my reputation. Also, these people are professionals. They would never be caught dead inside those things." He answered.
"And yet somehow, singing karaoke and drinking booze is a good way to keep your reputation running?" I joked.
"Ha ha...I didn't know I hired a clown for my birthday;" he continued, "Guys, this is Cassidie, my best friend since grade school," he turned to his friends.
"Dude! I can't believe you weren't convinced of being a man when she tried to kiss you! She's beautiful," one of his friends commented.
"Just shut up, Creg!" Miggy sang.
"I can't believe you told them about that. I hate you!" I crossed my arms.
"Well, there's no escaping these guys. They can be detectives if they want to know you;" he went on, "let's just enjoy the night, okay?"
I nodded and went inside. They had gathered inside a private room. The table was filled with liquors and snacks.
"What drink would you like? Surely, there's nothing for you on this table," Miggy offered.
"Thanks, Migz, I appreciate that."
"Of course, I know you pretty darn well. Just wait here. I'll be back," he went out.
"Where is he going?" one of his gay friends asked.
"He went out to buy me a drink."
"Why? Is this not enough?" a woman asked and pointed at the bottle of beer.
"Well, that's kind of the problem...I don't hold liquor that well."
"Wow, you guys have been friends for a very long time. He knows you quite well. Was there ever a woman who fell for him?" the woman went nearer.
I was left speechless. No one fell for his charms because they all could tell that he was gay - only, that no one doesn't include me completely. Some girls had developed a crush on him but his being gay was a big letdown.
"I guess there was one. I just don't know her," I lied.
"So you mean to say, someone actually fell in love with him?" another gay friend said. "Wow, that girl is stupid," he went on.
Yup, That stupid girl is right in front of you.
"So, tell us;" one of them went near me, "has he never made a move on you? like ever?"
God! Do I feel like I'm being interrogated by a policeman right now?
"No! Never. He and I are just friends," I answered. Well, I learned that realization the hard way.
"But has he ever dated any other woman aside from Trisha?" she asked again. Does this woman like Miggy?
"Wait? Who's Trisha?" I asked curiously.
"You didn't know he dated in college?" another one asked.
"Alright! Here are your drinks! Now let's have fun," Miggy shouted.
"Miggy, you didn't tell her about Trisha?" The Girl beside me asked.
I just looked at Miggy. I was dumbfounded actually. Here I was crushing on him for, I don't know, all my life and he's out there dating other women? What am I chopped liver?
"Guys! Isn't it my birthday?"
They both nodded.
"So why are y'all fuckers grilling me?" I could hear the irritation in Miggy's voice.
Miggy's friends just smiled and moved away. I really wanted to ask him about it but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it on his birthday. Besides, we just saw each other after a long time. I don't want to lose him again. Maybe, for now, I'll just have to set that aside and forget about it. I'm sure he's gonna tell me eventually.