Y/n's POV
Me and the rest of the ORC are at the school pool that I didn't know we have. And the water is so dirty that I can see Issei's face on the mold.
Y/n: "So what am I doing here?"
Rias: "We're here to clean the school pool. This should be the Student Council's job. Since they help us beat Kokabiel, this is the only way to thank them."
Y/n: "My question is. Why am I here?"
Rias: "Oh come on Y/n. After cleaning the pool, we can have it for ourselves. And besides, aren't you excited to see me in my swimsuit?~"
Y/n: "I already saw you naked many times."
Rias: "There's a different with 'being Naked' with 'being in swimsuit'."
Y/n: "I'm not gonna fight anymore. So just.... whatever. Let's get this over with."
Issei: "Yes! I'm so excited for the pool! Raise your hands if your excited to clean!"
Koneko: "Raise your hands if your just a dumbass pervert."
Y/n used a spectral sword to push Issei on the dirty pool water.
Issei: "What the hell?! It's so gross! Who pushed me?!"
Kiba: "Issei-kun, no one pushed you. No one was behind you."
Issei: "EEEHH?! How did I fall here!?"
Koneko: "It's because you’re a dumbass."
Y/n: *Chuckle*"Oh Koneko. Your becoming like a Mini-me. And I like it."
He patted Koneko's head and went to the locker room to change his clothes. After changing, he grab a mop, carry it over his shoulder and went to the door and kick it.
Y/n: "Let's get this over with. I could go for a swim after."
Akeno drain all the dirty water and everyone proceed to scrub the molds off.
Y/n: "You guys take the other side of the pool and I have the other."
Akeno: "Are you sure about that Y/n-kun?"
Y/n: "Trust me, I got this."
He summon his Cavaliere and everyone noticed that something was different. The wheels of the Cavaliere was covered in cloth.
Rias: "Y/n what are you doing?"
Y/n: "Making things more exciting for me."
He drove the Cavaliere on the half side of the pool and started to clean all the tiles.
Kiba: "Y/n-kun sure knows how to make thing easy."
It only took Y/n 3 minutes to finish cleaning the pool side and it looks brand new.
Y/n: "Alright I'm done."
Asia: "Wow, your so fast Y/n-san."
Y/n: "Tell me something I'm not good at."
He unsummons his bike and went back to the locker room and grab something on his bag. When he came out, he was holding a box full of cookies and he's already munching one.
Koneko: "Y/n-senpai. Can I have some?"
Y/n: "If you finish your work, then you can."
She grab another mop and scrub the wall repeatedly until it sparkle while everyone is watching her.
Akeno: "I guess nothing will get in her way when it comes to those cookies. Right?"
She turned around and Rias was doing the same thing as Koneko.
Kiba: "I guess the President is too."
Asia: "I-I wanna eat those cookies too!"
She did what Rias and Koneko was doing while Kiba and Akeno look at each other and they just shrug and did what everyone was doing. Issei on the other hand wanted to do what everyone was doing but keep slipping on the mold.
Y/n: "If Uncle Vergil was here, he'd probably be happy to see these guys Motivation."
Time Skip
Y/n: "I never expected that my cookies would motivate you guys."
Asia: "These was the best cookies I've ever tasted!"
Rias: "Where did you learn to bake Y/n?"
Y/n: "Well. Patty keep dragging me to help her bake some sweets. So I was kinda force to bake."
Akeno: "Is this the first time you baked?"
Y/n: "No. The first one I baked is just a cake. And it didn't turned out as I was expecting."
Kiba: "What happen?"
Y/n: "I kinda accidentally put salt on the cake instead of sugar and it was at Nero's birthday."
Issei: Who's Nero?"
Y/n: "He's my cousin. He's at Fortuna with his wife."
Koneko: "Senpai, do you have more?"
Y/n: "Sorry buddy. There's no more. By the way, where the hell is Xenovia?"
Rias: "She said that she'll catch up because she's still cleaning on her apartment."
Y/n: "Apartment? Where the hell did she got the money to pay?"
Rias: "The apartment she's staying is belong to the Gremory. So she doesn't need to pay me."
Y/n: "So... What now?"
Rias: "Now we go change into our swimsuit."
Everyone stand up from there cookie break and started head to the locker room to change until....
???: "Sorry I'm late everyone."
They all turn around and saw Xenovia running towards them.
Rias: "Glad you made it Xenovia."
Xenovia: "Sorry for not cleaning with you guys."
Akeno: "It's alright. We somehow finished cleaning with only a few minutes."
Rias: "Alright. Now let's change everyone."
Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko and Xenovia went to the female changing room while Y/n, Kiba and Issei went to the men's changing room.
Y/n: "Good thing I already wore some trunks."
Y/n was about the head outside when he heard Kiba and Issei talking.
Kiba: "Issei-kun, I want you to know that I'm grateful that you were my friend. If anyone is ever dare to harm you, I will destroy them."
Issei: "Kiba, that kinda awkward."
Y/n: "Issei, did that video turned you into Homo? Cuz that's pretty bad for you."
Issei: "T-That not it! Kiba, this isn't the right situation saying those thing! And it's kinda gross to hear!"
Kiba: "I-I see, my bad."
Issei: "Anyway, let's just go out on the po-"
He kneel down and his arm turned into his sacred gear.
Y/n: "What happen to you?"
Issei: "T-The dragon's power is overheating! It needs to release the power!"
Y/n: "By releasing the power means that you just wanna masturbate?"
Issei: "T-That's not it you jerk!"
Kiba: "Hang-on Issei-kun, I'll call President!"
Kiba run outside to tell Rias what's happening. After a few seconds, Rias and Akeno entered the door and saw Issei's Sacred Gear's overreacting.
Y/n: "So what happened to his arm?"
Rias: "He sacrificed his left arm to his dragon to activate his Balance Breaker for 10 seconds."
Y/n: "Only 10 seconds?! Why the hell would he do that?"
Akeno: "He did it to challenge Rias into a duel so Rias doesn't have to marry him."
Y/n: "That's somehow touching and pathetic at the same time. And a waste of effort. When did that happen?"
Rias: "Before you went to the Underworld with your sword impale on you."
Y/n: "Oh. So what are we gonna do to his hand?"
Rias: "We just need to release the power of the Dragon and his hand will return to normal."
Y/n: "I think I might have something that he can use."
Akeno: "What's that?"
Y/n: "It's at the shop. Be right back."
He summons Yamato and created a portal back to the Devil May Cry.
Akeno: "Do you know what's he talking about?"
Rias: "I don't know, probably one of his Devil Arms, I think."
Then a portal open and Y/n walk out holding something on his hand.
Rias: "What's that?"
Y/n: "It's a Haywire Neo Generator. This thing can drain any kind of power just by holding it."
Akeno: "Why isn't it affecting you?"
Y/n: "I have no idea too. Issei, hold this with your left hand."
Issei grab the Neo Generator with his sacred gear and he slowly felt the Dragon's power is disappearing.
Issei: "Hey it worked! I don't feel any pain anymore!"
Y/n: "You’re gonna regret saying that."
Issei: "Huh?"
After the Neo Generator suck all the dragon's power, it started to glow and it shock Issei. After a powerful shock, Issei is now laying on the ground panting in pain.
Rias: "What happened Y/n?!"
Y/n: "The side effect. That's why it's called 'Haywire Neo Generator.' After sucking the power, this thing release it to attack the source by the same power it sucked."
Akeno: "I'm going to call Asia to heal him."
Y/n: "No need for that. Here Issei, eat it."
He gave Issei a Medium sized Vital star and he eat it.
Issei: "Yuck! It's so bitter!"
Y/n: "Maybe it changes taste depends on who eats it."
Issei stands up and he felt alright now.
Rias: "What was that star Y/n?"
Y/n: "It's a Vital Star. I eat those every time I get too tired at the Job."
Rias: "It's pretty effective than Phoenix Tears."
Y/n: "Phoenix Tears can heal injures. While Vital Star can heal injuries, restore stamina, and can make you go for more rounds at anything."
Rias: "Since everything is done, let's go change."
She and Akeno left the men's locker room and went back to the female's locker room to change. Y/n walk out of the locker room wearing his red trunks and holding a towel with a DMC Logo.
Y/n: "Might as well lay down here to wait."
He spread the towel on the pool side and lay his back down and put on his sunglasses.
Rias: "Y/n.~ What do you think of my Swimsuit?~"
He lowered his head and adjust his sunglasses and look at Rias with a smirk.
Y/n: "Beautiful.~ It makes me wanna take you to bed right now.~"
He winks at her causing her to blushed wildly.
Rias(Blushed): "T-Thank you, Y/n.~"
Akeno: "What do you think of mine, Y/n-kun?~"
He turn around and saw Akeno at her swimsuit.
Y/n: "Looks like that chain won't hold any longer.~ It's going to blow.~"
Akeno: *Giggle*"You sure know how to make me laugh.~ As well as..."
She leans on his head and whisper something to his ear.
Akeno(Whisper): "...Excited.~"
She stands back and stretches her arms.
Rias: "What did you say to him Akeno?"
Akeno: "Oh nothing at all.~"
Rias: "If you’re talking about sleeping with him, That's not happening yet until I did it with him."
Akeno: *Giggle*"As you wish, President.~"
She walk at the diving board and used her magic to fill the pool with water.
Rias: "Alright everyone. You can swim with your heart's contempt."
Y/n stands up, put his towel at the chair and a little stretching.
Y/n: "Alright, time for some free style."
He was about to dive but then Rias called him.
Rias: "Y/n, can you please put some sunscreen on my back?"
Y/n: "As much as I want to deny, that won't happen because your just gonna keep asking me anyway.
He walk towards Rias and she lay her chest on the towel on the ground and untie her top. Y/n grab the sunscreen beside her put some on his hands and apply it on her back.
Y/n: "There all done."
He then saw Kiba and Issei having a swim race and Issei is losing. Obviously.
Y/n: "Why am I not surprise."
Kiba: "I can help you how to swim Issei-kun."
Issei: "I know how to swim on my own! I-It's just, not fast enough."
Issei: "Shut up! I bet you don't even know how to swim!"
Y/n: "Please, I'm good at everything."
Kiba and Issei got off the pool to rest for a bit. The Koneko and Asia just came out of the changing room and they were wearing a school swimsuit.
Koneko: "Y/n-senpai. W-What do you think?"
Y/n: "I really think it's cute on you."
Koneko(Blushing): "T-Thank you."
Then Akeno hugged Y/n from behind and he can feel her bare chest on his back.
Y/n: "Hey Akeno. You need something?"
Akeno: "Actually I do.~ Can you put some of that thick white stuff on my chest?~"
Issei heard this and he raised his hand.
Issei: "I'll do it Akeno! I'll put some on your chest!"
Akeno: "I appreciate that Issei-kun but, I only offer that to Y/n-kun.~"
Issei fell on his knees and begins to sob.
Rias: "He's not done with me yet Akeno. He still hasn't put some on my chest yet."
Akeno: *Giggle*"But I'm the one who offer him that.~"
Rias: "And he's my Fiance and HE will do me first."
The two of them keep barking at each other while Koneko looks on her chest with concern. Then Issei put his hand on her shoulder.
Issei: "Don't worry, he grope what's not there."
Koneko didn't take that very lightly. She grew a very thick mark on her head while clutching her fist.
Koneko(Pissed): "Omae wa mou shindeiru."
Issei: "Uh.... What?"
Koneko dashed behind Issei and give him a powerful German Suplex. She repeated it three times and she toss him in the air. When Issei was about to fall, Koneko charged her fist and give him a Rising Dragon fist uppercut.
The uppercut sent Issei 100 meters above and he's starting to fall. Everyone was expecting Issei to land on the water. But the bad news is he landed 12 inch away from the pool.
Issei(Weak): "I-I w-was expecting a b-bigger s-splash."
Rias just sigh on her pawn while Akeno just giggled. Asia was worried, Kiba still confuse on what happened, and Koneko is still piss-off.
Y/n: "That's a wrap."
Y/n stop the recording on his phone and Rias asked Akeno to fix the damages. Kiba carried Issei on the bench while Asia heals him.
Koneko: "Senpai. Can you send me a copy?"
Y/n: "Sure, why not."
Koneko: "And Senpai. C-Can you t-teach me how to s-swim?"
Y/n: "Alright then, you’re gonna learn from the best.
Y/n and Koneko went to the water then Asia went towards them.
Asia: "C-Can you teach me after, Y/n-san?"
Y/n: "Sure. I have an idea."
He used his Doppelganger to teach Asia. While the real him teaches Koneko.
After a few minutes of teaching, Koneko and Asia can now swim up to 75 meters. He jump out of the water and head to the changing room while Rias and Akeno did a friendly race.
He then saw Xenovia wearing her green two piece swimsuit.
Y/n: "What took you so long?"
Xenovia: "I was having a hard time wearing this since it my first time."
Y/n: "Really now?"
Xenovia: "Alright the truth is I've been thinking of something."
Y/n: "And that is?"
Xenovia: "Making a baby with you."
Y/n: "Eh?"
She grab Y/n's arm and drag him inside the locker room and she lock the door.
Y/n: "You want to make a baby with me? Are you high?"
Xenovia: "I've been thinking this before I become a Devil. Since that I knew that God is dead, I've searching a new purpose of living. And I thought of making a child."
Y/n: "Then why me? Why not everyone else except Issei?"
Xenovia: "Because you’re a Sparda. The most power Demon has ever known. I want my child to be like you. And besides, don't you wanna revive the Sparda Bloodline?"
Y/n: "I do. But not like this."
Xenovia: "Why?"
Then the door was blasted open, revealing Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Issei. Kiba is still on the pool practicing his swimming skills.
Akeno: "Ara-Ara Xenovia.~ You've becoming even bolder.~ But I already call dibs on Y/n.~"
Rias: "That's not happening Akeno. He will be claiming me first before you."
Xenovia: "What's the problem? Where just going to make some babies."
Rias: "MAKE."
Akeno: "SOME."
Koneko: "BABIES?"
Issei: "You lucky Bastard!"
Asia: "U-Um, but where's Y/n-san?"
Xenovia: "What are you talking about? He' right he-"
She looked at where Y/n was and he's gone while Rias and the others were confuse too.
Rias: "Where did he go?"
Xenovia: "He was just right here."
They all look all over the room to search Y/n while Issei is just waiting on the door.
Koneko: "He's not here."
Akeno: "Then where could he possibly be?"
Asia: "There he is."
She pointed at the pool and everyone saw Y/n laying on the pool with a pizza shaped float while eating a strawberry sundae.
Rias: "Y/n?"
Y/n: "Oh hey."
Xenovia: "How did you get here?"
Y/n: “Magic.”
Issei: "Are you serious?"
Y/n: "I did say that I'm good at everything."
All of them except for Kiba sweatdrop.
Time Skip
Everyone is now at the ORC resting for the rest of the day.
Rias: "Xenovia, you mustn't get pregnant yet. Your still in school."
Xenovia: "I just wanna make some babies with Y/n so he can revive the Sparda."
Rias: "I will be the first one to bare Y/n's first Sparda."
Rias keeps explaing Xenovia the reason why Y/n can't pregnate her yet not until Rias was first. Koneko is just eating a chocolate bar while sitting on Y/n's lap while Kiba whispered something on Y/n's ear.
Kiba(Whisper): "How did you manage to escape from the locker room?"
Y/n(Whisper): "I just quicksilver to get the hell out of there."
Kiba(Whisper): "What's that?"
Y/n(Whisper): "I can stop time."
Kiba(Whisper): "I see."
Then a Gremory Magic Circle appeared on the ground. Then Sirzechs along with Grayfia came.
Rias: "Onii-sama?"
Issei: "It's the Devil King."
Kiba, Koneko, Akeno and Issei bow down to Sirzechs while the rest is just standing.
Sirzechs: "Please raise your heads everyone, I only came here for a business."
He then spotted Asia and Xenovia.
Sirzechs: "You must be Asia Argento?"
Asia: "Y-Yes I am."
Sirzechs: "I've heard some great things about you. Please continue to support my sister."
Asia: "Y-Y-Yes sir, I-I'll do my best!"
The Xenovia walk in front of Sirzechs.
Xenovia: "So you’re the Devil King Lucifer? It's an honor to meet you."
Sirzechs: "The honor is mine. I must say, I'm still shock to see that the wielder of Durandal is in my sister's Peerage. Please support my sister as well."
Xenovia: "If the Devil King himself requested it. Then I will do my best."
He then spotted Y/n.
Sirzechs: "Ah Y/n. Good to see you brother-in-law."
Y/n: "Don't shoot the confetti yet zechs. I still haven't made a move yet."
Sirzechs: "It's alright, I know that it will come."
Rias: "Onii-sama, what are you doing here?"
Sirzechs: "I just wanted to see my beloved little sister with her work at school."
Rias: "Eh? Aren't you supposed to be working as well? You’re the Devil King!
Sirzechs: "Visiting you here is part of work too. Did you forget what tomorrow is?"
Rias: "Wait, you don't mean..."
Sirzechs: "That's right, it's parent’s day. And I plan to make a meeting with the other factions here at your school.
Rias: "Eh?!"
Sirzechs: "Oh and speaking of business. Here Y/n, take this."
He grab an envelope on his coat and gave it to Y/n.
Y/n: "What is it?"
Sirzechs: "It's the contract of the Devil May Cry building."
Y/n: "Wait, that means..."
Sirzechs: "Yes. The Devil May Cry is no longer paying for the building rent. And I already paid all of your father's dept. at the bank."
Y/n couldn't help it but to smile while holding back his tears.
Y/n: "Isn't that too much?"
Sirzechs: "The truth is it's not enough. Your father saved me years ago before I become a Devil King. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now. I'm only paying my gratitude by helping you with everything I can."
Y/n: "Thank you Sirzechs, Thank you."
He shakes Sirzechs hand and put the envelope in his bag.
Y/n: "I wanna see the look on Lady's face when she found out about this."