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Chapter 5

Author's POV

Kiba went rouge for his ambition to destroy all of the Holy Swords while the Church Duo proceeds on their mission to retrieve or destroy the stolen Holy Swords if it's necessary.

Asia: "Issei-san, is something troubling you?"

Issei: "It's about Kiba. I just can't believe that he left."

Asia: "I wish there was something we could do."

Issei: "Wait, I think there is something. But you must not tell it to President."

Asia: "Hai."

Issei: "Thanks Asia, You can go home first, I'm going to meet someone."

Asia: "Alright Issei-san be careful."

Issei run to the park and texted Saji to meet him there. Unknown to him, a white-hair rook were following him.

Issei is sitting on the bench while waiting for Saji to come and Koneko is hiding on a bush.

???: "Alright Hyoudou, I'm here. What do you wanna talk about?"

Issei: "Saji! Thanks for coming. I need your help."

Saji: "With what?"

Issei: "I need your help to help me to help Kiba destroy the Holy Swords."


Issei: "I know but I can't just sit here while my friend is in danger. That's why I called you."

Saji: "Why me?! You know that I'm just a pawn like you right?! Why don't you go ask Y/n? I bet he's strong enough to handle this."

Issei: "I can't ask him."

Saji: "And why not?"

Issei: "Because every time I see him, I can still remember that scary transformation on him."

The two of them shivered when they remembered Y/n's Devil Trigger.

Saji: "Anyway I can't help you Issei."

He was about to walk away but someone pulled his shirt behind to stop him.

Saji: "Issei, I told you I ca-"

He looked behind him and saw Koneko stopping him.

Issei: "Koneko? What are you doing here?"

Koneko: "I'm here to help too, I don't want to lose Kiba-senpai."

Saji: "Looks like your Rook is willing to help you Issei. So I'm gonna go now."

Koneko: "No, you’re still coming with us."

Saji: "WHY?!"

Koneko: "The more help, the more we can succeed."

Issei: "She' right Saji."

Koneko: "So, what's your plan, pervert?"

Issei: "First, we need to find Irina and Xenovia and convince them to help us find the Holy Swords."

Saji: "And what makes you think that they will help us?!"

Issei: "Because they said they're going to destroy the Holy Swords if it's impossible to them to get it back."

Koneko: "Alright let's go."

They went in town to find the Church Duo while Koneko is dragging Saji by his shirt. After a few minutes of Walking, they finally found the Duo begging the passing people for money.

Xenovia: "Please help the lost lamb of God."

Irina: "We're begging for your kindness to help us."

The three Devils couldn't help it but to sweat drop at the Duo's antics.

Saji: "They’re seriously begging?"

Issei: "Maybe they run-out of money."

They were about to approach them but a guy with a White-hair and Red Coat approach to Church duo and gave them money.

Irina: "Thank you for your kin-"

She didn't finish her sentence when he saw Y/n gave them money.

Xenovia: "Grandson of Sparda?"

Y/n: "Just call me Y/n. What are you to doing here?"

Xenovia: "We have no choice, were out of money. Thanks to Irina buying this fake painting."

Irina: "It's not fake, it's a painting of a saint."

Xenovia: "And who is that saint?"

Irina: "......"

Y/n: "It's a fake. They just use oil pastel." 

Xenovia: "See, told you."

Their stomach started to growl loudly enough for Y/n to hear. Xenovia looks away while Irina looked down from their embarrassment.

Y/n: *Sigh*" Come on you two, I'll treat you."

Irina/Xenovia: "REALLY?!"

Y/n: "Yeah yeah yeah."

They were about to leave but Koneko called them out.

Koneko: "Y/n-senpai."

They turn around and saw Koneko with a usual bored look and Saji and Issei with a scared look.

Time Skip

All of them are in a Restaurant, watching Xenovia and Irina devoured every single food on the table while Y/n, Koneko, Issei and Saji were watching them.

Saji: "I haven't seen anyone eat like this before."

Issei: "Me too."

The two of them continue eating while Y/n eat the strawberry Sundae he ordered.

Xenovia: "You were right Irina. The food here is so delicious!"

Irina: "The food from my home country is delicious as ever!"

Y/n: "How come these two doesn't go fat from eating all this food?"

Koneko: "I have no idea."

After the two of them finished, the waitress came over and handed Y/n their bill. He pulled out his wallet and give her their payment and he gave the waitress a $20 tip.

Xenovia: "That was the best food I've ever tasted."

Irina: "I know. And I wanna eat some again."

Xenovia: "I just can't believe that the Devil would help us."

Irina: "Oh dear God, please forgive the sinful souls of these Devils. Amen."

Her praying caused Koneko, Issei and Saji a headache.

Y/n: "Is that how you say thanks to the Devils?"

Irina: "Sorry, my bad. It's been a habit."

Issei: "Anyway's, we want to talk to you about something."

Xenovia: "And what do you wanna talk about?"

Issei: "We wanna help you destroy the Holy Swords."

Xenovia: "Very well, we accept."

Issei: "Alright! Now that's settle, let's call Kiba too."

Irina: "Wait Xenovia, are you sure that we'll allow them to help us?"

Xenovia: "Yes. And besides, there's only a small chance that we will retrieve the stolen Holy Swords."

Irina: "Alright then, if you say so."

Y/n: "Now that's done, I'm gonna go now."

Issei: "Wait, you’re not going to help us?"

Y/n: "If only you have something to pay me. And besides, I already have a costumer, see you."

He was about to leave them but someone pulled his arm, stopping him. He turn behind and saw Xenovia holding his arm.

Xenovia: "Perhaps we can pay you with something else."

Y/n looked at Xenovia with a serious face and scan her from head to foot. Making Issei and Saji thinking the same thing.

Xenovia: "You want my body as payment?"

Her statement made Irina and Koneko blushed and it made Issei and Saji grin widely.

Y/n: "I don't take that kind of payment. And I'm only looking at you because I can see that you can handle this situation.

Y/n went out of the Restaurant and summons Cavaliere and drove back to the shop.

Irina: "Xenovia! What were you thinking of offering your own body?!"

Xenovia: "We don't have anything else to pay him if he help us so I'm willing pay him with my body." 

Issei(Grin): "If I were him, I would have taken her offer."

Saji(Grin): "True, so true."

Koneko heard the two of them and gave them a good sucker punch.

Koneko: "Perverts."

Y/n finally got back to the shop. He un-summons Caveliere and walked inside and the Phone instantly ring.

Y/n: "Devil May Cry...... Sorry the shop is close for now."

He put the phone down and put his feet up the table.

Y/n: "When the hell will these people ever learn that this is not plumbing agency."

Time Skip

It's night time and Y/n was about to close the shop until the phone ring again.

Y/n: "Devil May Cry..... Yup, that's correct..... A psycho priest with a sword?..... Alright, you can send the payment."

Y/n drop the phone and went outside and drove to the abandon church to kill the Psycho priest. When he got there, he saw Kiba, Koneko, Issei and Saji fighting at the Priest. Then he noticed that there's a fat old guy watching the fight not from afar.

Priest: "What the hell is this rope made of?! I can't cut it!"

Saji: "Try all you want, you can't cut my Sacred Gear because it's a Dragon."

Priest: "Damn you pest!"

Issei: "Alright I'm all set!"

Koneko: "Then off you go."

She throw Issei towards Kiba.

Issei: "Kiba! Heads up!"

Issei manage to tap Kiba's shoulder and transfer his power to him.

Kiba: "Thank you Issei, I will not waste the power you gave me!"

He channeled his power on his sword and stab it on the ground."


 Dozens of Sword come out of the ground and heading towards the Priest. But he was able to jump away before it stab him completely.

Priest: "You damn dirty Devil! I'M GOING TO CUT YOU TO PIECES!"

???: "Sword Birth huh? It's been a while since we last met."

Everyone look at the source of the voice and saw a fat old guy, wearing an old priest outfit.

Kiba looked at the Old guy with complete anger while the other were confuse.

Priest: "Oh, it's just you Valper. Help me cut this lizard... tongue.... thing...!"

Valper: "Just draw your power into the blade so you can easily cut it, Freed."

Freed: "Is that so huh?"

He tried what Valper said and draw his power into the blade and it started to glow. Then he cut Saji's rope easily.

Freed: "Ha! Now I can slice and dice you all!"

Kiba: "VALPER!!"

He was blinded by rage and rushed towards Valper. But Freed got in front of him and parried his sword with Kiba and kicked him away.

Freed: "Don't think that I'm done with you, pretty boy!"

He was about so slash Kiba but Y/n grabs Pandora and transform it into a giant Shuriken and throw it towards Freed.

 He saw the Shuriken coming towards him so he blocked it with his sword but the momentum throw him back.

Freed: "Who the hell threw that?!"

The Shuriken fly back to Y/n and it transform back to its briefcase form and he walk out of the tree line.

Y/n: "Looks like you guys already started a party."

Issei/Saji: "Y/n!"

Koneko: "Senpai."

Kiba: "Y-Y/n?"

Freed: "Great! Another bastard!"

Freed quickly grab his gun on his back and shoot Y/n but he caught the bullet between his teeth.

Freed: "What the?!"

Y/n spit out the bullet and shoot Freed by the legs.


Y/n: "The only thing great about your body, is when your head is gone."

Then Xenovia and Irina came out of nowhere and landed in front of Y/n.

Xenovia: "Valper Galilei, Freed Sellzen. Surrender or face the consequence of the Church."


Valper: "Freed, it's time for us to go. There's too many of them for you to handle."

Freed: "I'll play with you all next time, and it will be the last."

He jump on Valper's side and throw a smoke bomb.

Xenovia: "Tch. Come on Irina, let's go after them!"

Irina: "Right!"

The two of them chased after Valper and Kiba went to follow them.

Y/n: "Looks like I'll finish my job tomorrow. Oh, and I hope you two are ready."

Issei/Saji: "Ready for what?"

???: "For your punishments."

They turn around and saw Rias, Sona, Akeno and Tsubaki came out of their magic circle. The two of them paled seeing their master glaring at them."

Issei/Saji: "PRESIDENT?!"

Rias: "Just what do you think you’re doing issei?"

Sona: "And you too Saji."

Saji(Panic): "I-It was Hyoudou! He drag me here!"

Issei(Panic): "W-We just wanna help Kiba so he can come back to the club."

Rias: "I expected Issei to do this, but you Koneko?"

Koneko: "I'm sorry President but, I don't wanna lose Kiba-senpai too."

Saji: "GAH!"

They looked over to Saji and saw Sona spanking him in the ass with a magic circle on her hands.

Rias: "Issei. Koneko."

Issei(Panic)/Koneko: "Hai?"

She hugged the both of them with a motherly affection.

Rias: "What's the matter with you kids? I was so worried."

Saji(Crying): "GAH! Why do they get a hug while I get my ass spanked?!"

Sona: "That's her thing and this is mine. So deal with it."

Rias: "Now Issei, bend over so I can give you 1000 spanks."

Issei: "Eh?"

She gave a devilish smile while creating a magic circle on her hand.

Issei(Panic): "I thought that you've forgive us?!"

Rias: "That's not how that works. A Master should disciple their Peerage."

Y/n: "Hehe, this should be good."

Koneko then bend over to Rias.

Koneko: "President please give me the other half of the punishment."

Rias: "Koneko... very well."

She was about to spank her but Y/n pull out Ebony and shoot it up.

Y/n: "If you spank her, you won't be sleeping with me ever again."

Rias: "I'm sorry Issei but, you will take all the punishments."

Issei(Crying): "NOOOOOOO!"

She started spanking him and he started to cry out in pain along with Saji. Koneko then approach Y/n with a small pink blush on her cheeks.

Koneko(Blushing): "Senpai, thank you."

Y/n: "No problem, my white-hair buddy."

She then hugged him and he hugged her back.

Y/n: "I'll see you guys tomorrow, I kinda left the shop unlock."

Koneko: "Good-bye Senpai."

He summons Cavaliere and drove back to the shop. When he got there, he saw Lady standing with her arm crossed.

Y/n: "Uh, hey Lady Sis."

Lady: "Don't 'Hey' me. You left the shop open again. What if another crazy bitch break-in and stole your Devil Arms again?"

Y/n: "Come on, it's not like they know how to use it."

Lady: "Not just Devil Arms. What if they stole or destroy the Jukebox again?"

Y/n: "Then I'll just chop them to pieces and feed it to Cerberus."

Lady: "Ugh. Just don't leave the Shop open again next time. Oh, and here's you payment from the last job."

She gave me a briefcase containing the money I earn.

Y/n: "Thanks Lady Sis."

Lady: "I'm going now. Lock the doors."

She left the shop to go home and I lock the doors, went to my room, put my coat on the coat-rack, took off my boots and jump into my bed and quickly drift to sleep.

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