Y/n's POV
It's been a week since I kicked that bastard Phoenix's ass. Right now, I'm at the shop polishing Yamato while waiting for a costumer to call.
*Ring* *Ring* Ring*
Y/n: *Picks-up*" Devil May Cry....A Job? What's the password?..... An abandon warehouse?..... You know where to send the payment right?..... Consider it done."
I put Yamato back to its Sheath and it turned into blue particles and it disappeared. I pick up Ebony and Ivory and put them on my back and summon the Devil Sword Dante and put it on my back too.
I went outside and summon Cavaliere and drove to the abandon warehouse to kill the devil on the loose. When I arrived, I saw Rias, Akeno and Asia in front of the warehouse, waiting. Then all of the sudden, the Devil on my contract were launch out of the roof. I rev up Cavaliere to the max, launching it in the air and going straight to the Devil.
I un-summon Cavaliere and grab the DSD on my back and started to slash the devil into pieces and only leaving the torso along with the head. I kick it down on the ground, grab Ebony and Ivory on my back and started to Rain Storm it destroying its head.
After killing it, I spin Ebony and Ivory and put them on the holster on my back.
Rias: "Y/n? What are you doing here?"
Y/n: "I got a call from a costumer, want me to kill this stray."
Rias: "I guess your costumer wanted to get rid of her ASAP huh?"
Y/n: "Yeah, he said that it lured some men here in the warehouse and none of them came out."
Then I noticed Koneko, Kiba, and the pervert walking out of the warehouse while Koneko was holding her left shoulder and half of her uniform was destroyed. I teleport in front of them, grab Ebony and point it into the pervert.
Y/n: "Give me one good reason to not shoot you for molesting an underage."
Isse(Scared): "W-W-Wait I didn't did this! I-It was the stray did this to her! She shoot something at her and her clothes were melted!"
Y/n: "Koneko?"
Koneko: "As much as I want to see you kick this perverts ass, but he's telling the truth."
Y/n: "Alright, your off the hook. For now."
I put back Ebony on the holster and we all heard a really hard slap. I turn around and saw Rias just slap Kiba in the face for some reason.
Rias: "I hope that made back to your sense. With one mistake, you could have put someone else in danger."
Kiba: "I sorry President."
Rias: "What's the matter Kiba? This isn't like you?"
Kiba: "I just don't feel like myself. Please excuse me for today."
Kiba just walk away and I put my hand on Rias' shoulder.
Y/n: "I'll try to talk to him."
I follow Kiba and he was already a few blocks away from the warehouse then I called him out.
Y/n: "Kiba. Is there a problem? I know I barely know you, but I feel like you've been driven on something. What is it?"
Kiba: "I just remember the only purpose that made me live every day."
Y/n: "Serving Rias?"
Kiba: "No, revenge. I live only on a purpose to destroy the Holy Swords. Y/n, I need to borrow your sword to accomplish my mission."
Y/n: "The way you talk kinda remind me of my late uncle. And besides, you can't wield my sword because you’re not a Sparda. Even if you try, you cannot carry it. Here try it."
I grab the DSD and drop in on the ground. He grab the handle with two hands and try to lift it but avail. He keeps trying to lift it with all his strength but soon he gave up.
Y/n: "Just forget about the Holy Swords Kiba, you should already know what will happen to you if you even touch it."
Kiba: "I don't care what happens to me as long as I destroyed every single one of them. If you’re not going to help me, then I will take my leave."
Y/n: "Fine, just don't say I didn't warn you."
Kiba walked away while I walk back to Rias and the others.
Rias: "How did it go? Where is he?"
Y/n: "His head was thicker than I thought. He said all he wants in his life is to destroy all the Holy Swords."
Rias: "I see, so he's already in the move."
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
Rias: "Before I turned Kiba into a devil, he was part of the Holy Sword Experiment years ago. And he was on a brink of death when I found him."
Y/n: "I see. We'll just have to see what happens to him tomorrow."
I summon Cavaliere to head home but Rias hop on the back.
Y/n: "Your coming with me?"
Rias: "Yup."
Y/n: "Hold tight, we'll be their less than 5 minutes."
I rev up Cavaliere and we're already at 120 kmph and Rias were hugging me very tight. After 3 mins. of driving, we finally arrive at the shop. We entered inside and she went up to my room while I close the shop. When I got up, she was already fully strip and laying on my bed while I put my coat on the coat rack and took off my boots and pants and lay down next to her and drifted to sleep.
Time Skip
Me and Rias are now walking towards the school gate and we saw Sona along with Tsubaki waiting for us.
Sona: "Good Morning Rias, Y/n."
Rias: "Good Morning too Sona, Tsubaki."
Y/n: "Hey, sup."
Rias: "You don't usually wait for me here at the school gate unless it's a problem."
Sona: "There is. Just now, 2 members of the church requested to meet you in person. So I told them to wait after for you at your clubhouse at lunch."
Rias: "What would the members of the church want to talk to me?"
Sona: "I don't know either. But be careful, they have a Holy Swords with them."
Rias: "I will, thank you Sona. Come on, let's go to class before the teacher comes."
The 4 of us went inside the school building and head to our class and wait for the teacher.
Time Skip
Author's POV
It's lunch time and Rias is walking towards Y/n's table to wake him up.
Rias: "Y/n wake-up. It's already lunch time."
Y/n: "Finally. I thought it would never end."
Rias: "Come on let's go to the clubhouse, The members of the church is waiting for us."
Y/n: "You go ahead, I'll head to the cafeteria first."
Rias: "Alright, see you there."
Rias went on ahead while Y/n is putting some of his stuff back to his bag and head to the cafeteria.
Inside the ORC clubhouse, Rias is sitting on one of the couch while her Peerage is standing behind her and in front of the is the 2 members of the church.
Blue hair: "Thank you for accepting our request on your presents. My name is Xenovia and this is my partner, Irina."
Rias: "Likewise. I'm Rias Gremory and this my peerage. So what brings the members of the church to us Devils?"
Xenovia: "We would like to warn you to stay out of our mission."
Rias: "And what mission would that be?"
Xenovia: "Our mission is to retrieve the stolen Excalibur from the Fallen Angels and we don't want any Devil involve in this. We won't know that you might stab us in the back since Holy Swords is your weakness."
Rias: "We will never align with the Fallen Angels and I will not humiliate the name of my Family."
Xenovia: "I glad that you understand, but even if you are the Devil King's sister, I will not hesitate to slay you here if you ally with those Stray Fallen Angels."
Irina: "Come on Xenovia, we just here to warn them, not kill them."
Xenovia: "Very well."
Rias: "Would you like some tea or something?"
Xenovia: Thank you for the offer but we'll pass. We don't intent to befriended with Devils. If that's all, we will take our leave."
They were about to leave but Xenovia notice Asia hiding behind Issei.
Xenovia: "Excuse me but, aren't you Asia Argento?"
Asia: "Y-Yes I am."
Xenovia: "I didn't think that I would meet a Witch here."
Irina: "Woah, it really is her! I can't believe it. The banished Nun turned into a Witch, now became a Devil."
Issei: "Hey don't talk to her about that!"
Xenovia: "Asia Argento, do you still believe in God?"
Irina: "Come on Xenovia, there's no way a Devil would ever believe in God."
Asia: "N-No, I-I still believe in God, even thought that I'm a Devil now. I still keep believing in him."
Xenovia: "Well then. Let us execute you right here, right now."
Issei: "What?!"
Asia is now going to cry and she hides behind Issei while gripping on his shoulder.
Rias: "I will now let you do as you please with my servants! They are a Family to me!"
Xenovia: "I was just going to cleanse her soul so God could forgive her."
Issei: "Like hell I will let you kill her!"
Issei then summons his Boosted Gear.
Xenovia: "Are you sure you wanna do this? You should know that I have a holy sword with me. I single cut is a fatal to you. Means you are no match to me."
???: "Then I'll take you on, both of you."
All of them look by the door and saw Kiba leaning with a smirk.
Xenovia: "And who are you?"
Kiba: "You superior."
All of them went outside just behind the clubhouse to have a sparring match while Rias and Akeno put a barrier.
Rias: "Remember that this is a Friendly Match. No killings allowed."
Kiba is facing Xenovia while Issei is facing his childhood friend Irina.
Rias: "Start!"
Kiba and Xenovia begin to clash with there sword while Issei is chasing Irina with a really weird face.
Irina: "Issie-kun, why is your face like that?"
Issei is desperately trying to touch Irina with his Boosted Gear while Irina keep hopping away from him.
Koneko: "Be careful, he has a power to destroy your cloths if he touches you."
Irina: "Destroy cloths?! I can't believe that you would fall very low."
Issei: "Koneko! Why would tell the enemy about that?!"
Koneko: "Because you’re the enemy of all women, and I despise you."
Irina: "Oh God, please forgive the perverted actions of Issie. Amen!"
Issei keep trying to touch Irina with his Boosted Gear while she keep jumping away from him. Issei trip all of the sudden and he destroyed Asia and Koneko's cloths so she gave him an uppercut.
Koneko: "That's what you get you pervert!"
Akeno made Asia and Koneko a new set of cloths while Irina poke Issei with a stick to wake him up.
Akeno: "Ara-Ara, looks like Issei-kun cannot continue."
All of them suddenly felt a small earthquake. They all look towards Kiba and Xenovia and saw Kiba laying down on a small crater while Xenovia is standing in front of him.
Xenovia: "Your anger on the Holy Swords makes you easy to defeat, my Superior."
Rias: "This match is ov-"
She didn't finish when the barrier around them were destroyed.
???: "So this is where you all been."
They all at the source of the voice and saw Y/n with Gilgamesh on his hands.
Rias: "Y/n! How did you know we were here?"
Y/n: "Just a hunch."
5 mins. ago
Y/n is now walking towards the ORC clubhouse to meet the members of the church while eating a strawberry sundae along the way. When he got inside, the place was dead silence.
Y/n: "Where the hell is everyone?"
He walked out of the clubhouse and head to the back to check if everyone is there. When he got there, everything is dead silence again but he suddenly felt something near. So walk to the open field but his face was slam on an invisible wall.
Y/n: "What the hell?"
He tap on the invisible wall and tried to punch it to break it but it didn't work. So he summoned his Gilgamesh and charged the booster on his arm then punch it, destroying it revealing everyone in the open field.
Y/n: "So what's going on here? Why's Kiba on the crater and who are these two?"
Rias: "We were just having a Friendly Match with the members of the Church. And apparently, Kiba and Issei lost."
Y/n: "I see, can I be next?"
Xenovia: "Are you saying that you want to fight us?"
Y/n: "Yeah I do. So what do you say?"
Xenovia: "Hmm, I don't know if you have a strong determination or just stupid to take us on."
Y/n: "Then why don't we get on with this and find out."
Xenovia: "Very well, don't say I didn't warn you."
Y/n: "Why don't we make this fun. Two of you against me?"
Xenovia: "You really are just stupid if you think that you can take the two of us on your own."
Y/n: "Oh come on, don't tell me that you can't beat little ol' me."
Xenovia: "Fine! Irina, let's go!"
Irina: "Right!"
The two of them rush towards Y/n but Irina went ahead first because her sword is lighter than Xenovia. Irina quickly went behind Y/n and tried to slice him downwards but Y/n easily blocks it with his hand.
He then grab Irina's sword along with her and pulled her in front of him then kicked her on the stomach, launching her away. Xenovia then keep trying to hit Y/n with her sword but he keep dodging every strike.
Y/n: "Aw. What's the matter. Is that all the combo you know?"
Xenovia: "Stop mocking us!"
Y/n: "Come on, where's the fun in that?"
He then punch Xenovia in the face, blasting her into a tree. Then Irina appeared again to fight Y/n again.
Y/n: "Woah, you almost got my hair."
Irina: "I was kinda aiming for your head though."
Y/n: "Here's a tip. You need more speed with your strike."
Irina: "Alright, I will."
Irina keep striking Y/n back and forth but he keep dodging them easily. Then all of the sudden Y/n was impaled by a big sword in the back. They all look behind him and saw Xenovia threw it at him. Everyone is shock even Irina to see Y/n got impaled by a Holy Sword.
Irina: "X-Xenovia, what have you done?"
Xenovia: "That's what he gets for mocking us. I cannot allow a Devil to mock a member of the Church!"
All of them heard a chuckle and they saw Y/n was getting up with a smirk on his face. All of them were relief except for the Church duo. Y/n then punch the sword through his chest and it went out of his back.
Y/n: "I gotta admit, you got me by surprise there."
Xenovia(Shock): "H-How?! How are you still alive!?"
Y/n: "Maybe because death doesn't welcome me for now. So, care to try again?"
He throw Xenovia's sword back to her and she picked it up and charged at Y/n again. Irina join her partner and the duo keep doing their best to land a hit.
Y/n: "Looks like I need to finish this game. Lunch is almost over."
Y/n entered his Devil Trigger shocking the Church duo and knocking them back. Y/n swap Gilgamesh with Lucifer, he jump up in the air and throw many red spears around them in a shape of a heart.
Irina: "W-What's all this?"
Xenovia: "I don't know."
Y/n then landed with a pose and he has a rose in his mouth. He then clap his hand and all the red spears explode and the Church duo is now surrounded with smoke.
When the smoke clears, the Church duo is now laying on the ground with bruises and their outfit were a little torn.
Y/n: "Guess I over did it."
Xenovia: "T-T-That power.... T-That form...."
Irina: "T-There's no m-mistaking it."
Y/n deactivates his Devil Trigger and all of the sudden the Church duo run towards them and kneel down.
Y/n: "What are you two doing?"
Xenovia: "Please forgive us for not knowing you."
Y/n: "What are you talking about?"
Irina: "You’re a Sparda. And we worship him for his bravery on saving Humanity 2000 years ago."
Y/n: "So that's why you’re kneeling down? If that's all, I'm gonna go we still have class."
Rias: "We'll join you later Y/n. We need to clean this up before anyone see's it."
Y/n: "Alright then, I'm going ahead."
Y/n walk away and head to the main school building while Rias and Akeno clean the place. While the Church Duo take their leave. Kiba was about to leave but Rias called him.
Rias: "Kiba, you are my knight and you are not allowed to leave."
Kiba: "President...... I'm sorry."
Kiba left them leaving Rias and the others in shock on his decision.