Author's POV
Y/n grab his phone inside his bag and called Rias to call his brother.
Rias(Phone): "Hello?"
Y/n: "Rias it's me, I need a favor."
Rias(Phone): "Oh hey Y/n, sure anything you need."
Y/n: "Can you call your Brother and tell him to come to the shop now?"
Rias(Phone): "Sure but why?"
Y/n: "Something happen and I need to talk to him right now."
Rias(Phone): "Alright, give me a few minutes."
Y/n hang-up the phone and help Lady with the mess.
Lady: "So, what are we going to do with all this mess?"
Y/n: "What else? We throw them, I don't even think that Uncle Morrison will fix that."
Lady: "And what the hell is this crazy bitch thinking of stealing the Devil Arms and destroying the shop?"
Y/n: "I have no idea, but I will pay his 'Master' a visit once Sirzechs gets here."
The two of them continue cleaning all the mess then a Red Magic circle appeared on the middle of the room. Sirzechs and Rias came out.
Sirzechs: "Hello Y/n, Rias told me yo-"
He didn't finish his sentence when the two of them look around and saw the shop was destroyed. He was even more shock when he sees Dante's Jukebox was destroyed as well.
Sirzechs: "Y/n, what happen here? Who destroyed Dante's Jukebox?"
Y/n grab the sack on the table and toss it in front of Sirzechs and a head roll out of it hitting his foot.
Y/n: "This bitch destroyed the shop, Dad's Jukebox and tried to steal the Devil Arms. Do you know who's this bitch?"
Sirzechs: "Yes, her name is Yubelluna, also known as 'The Bomb Queen'."
Y/n: "She also said that her master ordered her to trash the shop and steal the Devil Arms. Do you know her master?"
Sirzechs: "Yes, her master is Riser Phoenix. You already know him."
Y/n: "That's all the information I need."
He walks to the drawer and grab some Devil Arms
Rias: "Wait Y/n, where are you going?"
Y/n: "To give Riser a visit and to give him a retirement he wants."
Rias: "You know he has the power of the Phoenix right? He can heal."
Y/n: "And that will only make his retirement more fun to me, and more painful to him."
Rias: "just be careful Y/n."
Y/n: "Sirzechs, where can I find this guy?"
Sirzechs: "He will be in his domain near ours. I can teleport you there."
Y/n: "And you’re not stopping me?"
Sirzechs: "No, I want the others to know the true Power of a Sparda. And besides, he made it personal when he destroyed Dante's Jukebox."
Y/n: "Guess you and Dad were BFF huh? Hey Lady, can I borrow Kalina Ann?"
Lady: "Fine just don't destroy it. It's gonna cost me a fortune to repair it to Nico."
She hand Kalina Ann to Y/n and Sirzechs made a teleportion circle for Y/n. He entered the circle and when arrived, he saw a giant castle in front of him and there were guards at the gate so he approach them.
Guard1: "Halt. Do you have business with Phoenix Clan?"
Y/n: "Yeah, I have an appointment with Riser."
Guard2: "State your name please."
Y/n: "Y/n Redgrave."
The two of them look on the list to find Y/n's name but no luck.
Guard2: "I'm sorry sir, bu-"
Y/n brought out Ebony and Ivory and shoot the two guards in the head, killing them instantly. The gun shot alerted the whole guards on the castle.
Y/n: "I could use these guys as a warm up."
He kicked the gate open and summoned Cavaliere and drove inside while dragging some guards on the way.
Guard: "Stop that Psycho!"
Y/n used some of the dead Guard's body as a ramp to jump into the air. Then he transformed Cavaliere from bike to dual like chainsaw.
Y/n began to attack all the Guards with his chainsaw bike while the Guards calls for more back up and report it to Riser.
Y/n: "Come on guys, that all you got? And here I thought that the Phoenix is all powerful in the Underworld. Guess they were just endorsement for the KFC."
He see's some of the Guards were firing their magic at him but he easily dodge them.
Y/n: "You call that 'Fire Power'? Guess I'll show you guys the real one."
He brought out Double Kalina Ann and some of the Guards firing magic to him, started to run.
Y/n: "Out run this."
He mounted the Double Kalina Ann on his shoulder and fired a barrage of home seeking missiles. Some of them scream in pain because their missing a limb and some were just stay quite because their dead. He then saw more Guards were charging at him.
Y/n: "These guys just doesn't let go."
He connected the Double Kalina Ann and firing a beam of laser.
Y/n: "How's that for fire power?"
All of the Guards were disintegrated upon hit.
Y/n: "I hope that chicken comes out of his nest."
He look at the balcony and notice that Riser along with a blond old guy watching him kill all their Guards. The two of them got a pissed off face while watching Y/n kill the guards.
Y/n summons Dr. Faust Hat and did something to make them even more piss than ever. He dance Billie Jean.
Y/n: "Well, don't you stand there, applause."
Riser jump down the balcony to confront Y/n while his Mother and Sister went to the balcony to see what's happening.
Riser(Pissed): "What do you think you’re doing here?!"
Y/n: "I'm here to teach every one of you Devil that messing with me, will be your last."
Riser: "HAHAHAHA, Just because you’re a Sparda doesn't mean I'm afraid of you boy! I have the immortal Phoenix with me!"
Y/n: "So that's the reason you have the balls to destroy my Dad's shop and steal the Devil Arms. And most of all, destroyed his Vintage Jukebox. Now, I'll give you DEATH in return."
Y/n turns into his Devil Trigger and quickly dash towards Riser and slash him with his Devil Sword Dante. Riser didn't react fast enough to dodge Y/n attack, so he was sent away to the gate when he was hit.
Riser's Family were shock to see Y/n's transformation and power and how easily he sent Riser away.
Riser: "UGH. I gotta say, that hurt. But you can't hurt me next time!"
He sent a 5 fire balls towards Y/n but he just shoot them with Ebony and Ivory. Riser then charged towards Y/n attempting to punch him the face, but Y/n teleport above him and did a Rainstorm on him.
While they were fighting, Sirzechs and Rias appeared behind Riser's Family.
Sirzechs: "It seems it has begun."
Lord Phoenix: "Sirzechs?! What is the meaning of this?!"
Sirzechs: "I already told all of you the true power of a Sparda. And yet, Riser has provoked Y/n by destroying and stealing his Father's shop and Devil Arms."
Lord Phoenix: "Aren't you going to stop him?!"
Sirzechs: "And let myself caught on the crossfire? I may be a Devil King, but my power is nowhere near Y/n."
Lord Phoenix: "Fine! If you’re not going to help my son, I WILL!"
He jump down the balcony to help his son fight Y/n. Right now, Y/n is beating the crap out of Riser using Cavaliere while performing some insane tricks.
Lord Phoenix throw a fire ball on Y/n to get his attention but he quickly draw out Coyote-A shoot the fire ball.
Y/n(DT): "What's wrong? Not enjoying the show from up there?"
Lord Phoenix: "I will not let you do as you please with my Son!"
Y/n(DT): "Oh, so you wanna play too huh? Alright, I guess you can join too."
He fired a barrage of fire at Y/n while Riser is recovering by the beat down he received. Y/n dodge all the attack easily while he's dancing.
Lord Phoenix: "Stop mocking me!"
Riser went to his Father's side and help him sending fire balls on Y/n. Y/n then stab his sword on the ground and spin around it while kicking the fire balls away.
Y/n launch himself and kick Lord Phoenix in the face, sending him away while he shoot Riser in the chest with Coyote-A knocking him back.
Y/n(DT): "As much as I like to play with the two of you, I'd rather play with Riser instead. Cuz he made this personal."
He grab a bottle of Holy Water and throw it to Lord Phoenix. He's now screaming in pain as the Holy Water burn his skin like an acid and he wasn't healing. Y/n then slowly walking towards Riser with a menacing look.
Y/n(DT): "Riser Phoenix, You destroyed my shop, Stole my Devil Arms and most of all, YOU DESTROYED MY DAD'S JUKEBOX?! JUST FOR WHAT?! BECAUSE RIAS ISN'T GOING TO MARRY YOU?!"
Unknown to him, Rias and Sirzechs were standing on the balcony with his Mother and Sister and they heard everything he said. Rias got a very disgust look and Sirzechs has a very angered look while his Mother and Sister had a very shock face.
Y/n(DT): "The likes of you disgust me. You have no honored of being a high class Devil, Scumbag."
Riser got shock to see Sirzechs and Rias along with his Mother and Sister on the balcony and heard everything he said.
Riser(Shock): "S-S-Sirzechs-sama, R-R-Rias. N-No, it's not what you think!"
Riser along with his family were shock on Sirzechs declaration to him. While Y/n just smirk at him.
Riser(Shock): "S-Sirzechs-sama please, you can't do that. Give me another chance please!"
Sirzechs just kept silence with an anger look towards him while his Mother and Sister are worried for him but they know he deserves it.
Y/n(DT): "From High-Class Devil, to Low-Class Shit. You probably wanna scream right now huh? Don't worry, I'll help you out."
Riser: "I'LL KILL YOU!!"
He was blinded by rage and rush towards Y/n. Y/n just keep his smirk and summons his Gilgamesh. He grab Riser and started to rapidly punch him.
Y/n then grab Riser's leg, jump into the air and slum him on the ground. He keep slamming Riser in the ground until the crater gets bigger and bigger. He then summons King Cerberus and trap Riser in the Ice.
He jump back a few feet away and wear his Faust Hat. He then charge his energy to the Hat and a few seconds later, a Meteor came out of nowhere and it hit Riser.
Riser is now crawling out the crater while his body is bleeding a lot and he's not healing. Y/n deactivated his Devil Trigger and walk towards him while he's trying to get up his feet.
Y/n: "You know, with all these playing with fire made me really thirsty. How about you? Wanna drink?"
He grab another Holy Water, show it to Riser and drink a small amount of it.
Riser(Weakly): "I-Impossible. Y-You should be burning with t-that!"
Y/n: "Really? Cuz it taste just like tap water to me. Want some?"
Y/n dip his finger on the Holy Water and flick it into Riser's face. He scream on top of his lungs while holding his burning face.
Y/n: "I would love to keep playing with you. But I gotta help Lady clean up the shop that you trashed. So let's end this."
He summon Lucifer and throw a bunch of Red Spear, impaling Riser. Riser screamed again and can't move because of all the Spear impaled in him.
Y/n: "Jackpot."
He throw the rose on his mouth on the spear and Riser exploded.
Lord Phoenix looked in disbelief to see his son exploded before his eyes while Sirzechs and Rias were satisfied that the Pig Riser won't bother them anymore. Lady Phoenix and her daughter can't help it but to mourn on her now dead son.
Y/n: "Ah..... So satisfying.... Alright, I'm going home."
Lord Phoenix: "You Bastard! How dare you kill my son!"
Y/n: "Well, he started it so I have to finish it."
Lord Phoenix: "I will kill you!"
Y/n: "AHAHAHAHAHA. Your son said the exact same thing to me, and look where he is now."
Lord Phoenix rushed towards him but Y/n brought out Pandora and slam it into Lord Phoenix's face throwing him a few meters. Y/n transform Pandora into Revenge and pointed it to Lord Phoenix.
Y/n: "One wrong move, and someone else is going to explode."
Lord Phoenix tried to get up and attack Y/n but Sirzechs interfere him.
Sirzechs: "Lord Phoenix, stand down. Your son is only to blame here for starting a war with a Sparda. You should already know that fighting him means that you will be joining your son."
Lord Phoenix didn't have a choice but to stand down and Y/n unsummons Pandora.
Y/n: "Since it's all done here, I'm going back to help Lady with the mess."
Sirzechs: "Y/n wait, follow me I have something for you."
Sirzechs and Rias fly down near Y/n and created a Magic Circle and entered.
Rias: "Brother, what are we doing at the warehouse?"
Sirzechs: "I just want to give Y/n something that he deserves."
He opened the warehouse door and they all see some old vintage items.
Sirzechs: "There it is. Y/n, I want you to have that."
He removes the sheet covering it and Y/n saw it was the exact Jukebox his Dad has.
Y/n: "How did you get this?"
Sirzechs: "There was only 10 of these in the Human World so your Father and I bought 1 for each of us."
Y/n: "Why are you giving it to me?"
Sirzechs: "Just to replace your destroyed one. And besides, I'm not even using it so you can have it."
Y/n: "Thanks. Guess I owe you one."
Sirzechs: "No, this isn't even enough to repay you for saving Rias to that bastard Riser."
Y/n: "Whatever you say. Can you teleport me back to the shop?"
Sirzechs: "Yes I can, I will teleport the Jukebox after I finish cleaning it."
Y/n: "Thanks, I appreciate it."
Sirzechs made a Magic Circle and teleport Y/n back to the Devil May Cry shop. When he arrived, he saw Lady and Patty finish cleaning all the mess.
Y/n: "Oh, you just finished it."
Lady: "Yeah, good thing Patty came to help me out. So, did you finally get the guy?"
Y/n: "Yeah, the bastard's Dad would have joined him if Sirzechs didn't warn him."
Patty: "So it's going to be quite here now that the Jukebox is gone."
Y/n: "Don't worry, the new one is coming."
Lady was about to ask but Magic Circle appeared on the ground and Rias came out with the new Jukebox near her.
Rias: "Y/n, here's the Jukebox."
Y/n: "Thanks for bringing it Rias, appreciate it."
Y/n smiled softly in front of her and she couldn't help it but to blush.
Rias(Blushing): "N-No problem Y/n. Anytime."
Patty: "Hey Y/n, who's this? Your girlfriend?"
Y/n: "No, my fiancé that my dad arrange."
Patty: "I hope your treating her nice Y/n."
Y/n: "I just discovered that she's my fiancée a few days ago."
Lady: "Let's just put this jukebox over there."
Y/n help Lady move the Jukebox back on its original place. Y/n plugs it in started to play one of his favorite.
Y/n: "Alright, time to make some dinner."
Patty: "Don't worry Y/n, I already made it when I came here."
Y/n: "Nice. Hey Rias, wanna stay for dinner?"
Rias: "Sure, I'd love too."
Lady: "You should probably stay here for the night."
Both Patty and Lady just smirk and Y/n was looking them with a deadpan face while Rias is blushing.
Rias(Blushing): "A-Are you sure about that?"
Patty: "Yes, we insist. It's dangerous for a young lady to walk alone in the night."
Rias(Blushing): "A-Alright, if you insist."
Everyone went to the kitchen and Patty was setting all the food.
Patty: "I hope you guys love it."
Y/n: "Of course we will, since when did you cooking got us disappointed?
Lady: "What are we waiting for? Let's eat before it gets cold."
Time Skip
Lady: "Hey Y/n, make sure you lock the doors here."
Y/n: "You’re not staying?"
Lady: "No, I have to take Patty home you know. Or her Mom's gonna get worried."
Patty(Smirk): "Don't worry Y/n, Rias is here to accompany you all night."
Y/n: "Ha ha ha very funny, we're not doing what you think we'll do. Now get out of here, and say 'Hi' to Aunt Nana for me again."
Patty: "Will do. Night Y/n, Rias."
Lady: "Good night you two, don't stay up all night, you still got school."
Y/n: "Yeah yeah yeah."
Lady went outside and started her Motorbike while Patty climb on the back and the both drift off. Y/n lock the door shop, turn off the light and went up to his room while Rias follows him.
Y/n: "You can sleep here in my bed, I'll take the couch."
Rias(Blushing): "I-I don't mind sharing the bed with you. I can't sleep properly without holding on someone."
Y/n: "Alright then, your choice."
Y/n put his coat on the coat rack, take off his shoes and pants leaving only his boxers. Rias was blushing red as Y/n were stripping.
Y/n: "Enjoyed the show?"
Rias(Blushing): "Eh... No wait, it's not... it's just..."
Y/n: "Hehe, I'm just teasing you."
He layed down on the bed while his hands behind his head.
Rias(Blushing): "I hope you don't mind Y/n, but I sleep naked."
Y/n: "I don't mind at all."
Rias started to take off her Uniform along with her underwear. She then climb on the bed and lay next to Y/n, hugging his arm between her breast.
Rias: "Good night Y/n"
Y/n: "Yeah, good night too."