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Chapter 7

Author's POV

After the battle with Kokabiel yesterday, Y/n and the others are now fully recovered. Xenovia accepts Rias offer to let her join her household which Rias delightfully lets her as her new Knight.

Everyone is now inside the ORC except for Y/n who didn't came to school for some reason.

Issei: "Man, if my Mom tasted your tea Akeno, she would bargain you for the recipe."

Akeno: *Giggle*"I'm willingly giving her the recipe."

Asia: "No matter how many times I drink it, it still taste amazing Akeno-san."

Akeno: "Thank you for the compliment, Asia-chan."

Kiba: "By the way, where's Y/n-kun?"

Issei: "Yeah, I haven't seen him this Morning."

Rias: "Y/n said that he has a job to do so he can't go to school today."

Issei: "So he skip school?"

Rias: "I wouldn't say that Issei, he said it was urgent so he has to go."

Then someone knock on the door and Akeno open it and it was Xenovia wearing Kouh academy female uniform.

Xenovia: "It's nice seeing everyone again."

Issei(Shock): "What the! What are you doing here?!"

Rias: "As of now, she's the new Knight of the Gremory Household."

Asia: "Wait, if she's a Knight. That means-"

Xenovia spread her Devil wings shocking Issei and Asia and retracted on her back

Xenovia: "Asia Argento, I said some curse words to you. Hit me as your heart desires."

Asia: "I-It's alright Xenovia I forgive you. I happy with my new life as a Devil now."

Xenovia: "Asia...."

Issei: "By the way, what happen to Irina?"

Xenovia(Sad): "After I collected all the pieces of the broken Excalibur, I gave it all of them to her including mine. When she found out that I became a Devil, she didn't take it too lightly. She called me a 'Traitor' before she left. I can't just tell her that God is dead, her belief is far stronger than mine. She would be devastated."

Issei: "I see....."

Xenovia: "Kiba Yuuto, I wish to spar with your Holy-Demonic Sword."

Kiba: "I would love to spar with your Durandal too."

Akeno: "Looks like Xenovia will fit in perfectly."

Rias: "Yes she will."

She then noticed Koneko is nibbling a box full of cookies.

Rias: "Koneko, where did you bought that?"

Koneko: "Y/n-senpai gave it to me this Morning before he speed away with his bike."

Akeno: "A homemade cookie from Y/n? Mind if I try some?"

Koneko lean the box towards her to give her a piece. Akeno grab one and she bite a small piece.

Akeno: "Ara-Ara~ This is so delicious.~"

Rias: "Really?! Koneko, can I have one as well?"

Asia: "Can I have some please?"

Kiba: "Can I try one too?"

Xenovia: "I would like to have one as well."

Koneko gave them each one piece of the cookie and they made a bliss faces.

Rias: "This is the best cookie I've ever tasted!"

Xenovia: "I'll say, who knew a Sparda know how to bake."

Issei: "Hey that's unfair! Koneko, can I have one?!"

Koneko grab all the remaining cookies and eat them all.

Koneko: "There's no more."

Issei then fell in his knees why sobbing.

Issei: "Why?! I just want one!

Time Skip

School was over and the students are now heading back to their own homes. Issei and Asia was about to head home, but someone called him.

Y/n: "Hey Issei."

They turn around and saw Y/n leaning on his bike near the school gate with Saji standing beside him.

Issei: "Hey Y/n, what's up?"

Y/n: "Wanna come to my place? I wanna show you guys some of my... 'rare collection'."

Issei(Excited): "REALLY?!"

Y/n: "Yeah, you can even invite your two friends."

Issei(Excited): "Sweet! I'll call them!"

Saji: "Wait, why am I here?"

Y/n: "Come on, don't tell me you don't like being here? Don't worry, I already ask Sona's permission and she approved."

Saji: "Really?!"

Y/n: "Yup."

Issei: "I already called them. They said that they should be-"

He was cut off when he saw his two friends running towards them with great speed.

Four-eyes: "So, where is this 'rare collection' you speak off?"

Bald-guy: "OOHHH!! When it come to this, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Y/n: "Then it's settled. I'll meet you guys back at the shop. You two know where it is right?"

Saji/Issei: "Yeah."

Issei: "Where are you going?"

Y/n: "I'm taking Asia back to your house just to be safe."

Asia: "Are you sure Y/n-san? I mean, I don't wanna trouble you though, I can just walk."

Y/n: "This is much faster than walking so hop on."

She climb on the back of the bike wrap her arms around Y/n's waist so she wouldn't fall. Y/n then accelerated out of the school and bring Asia to Issei's house while Issei and the others headed to the Shop.

It only took 5 mins for Y/n to reach their destination.

Y/n: "Well here we are."

Asia slowly climbs out of the bike. Then house door suddenly open and Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou came out 

Mr. Hyoudou: "Asia, is that you?"

Asia: "Yes it's me. Thank you for taking me home, Y/n-san."

Mrs. Hyoudou: "Who are you? Are you Asia's boyfriend?"

Asia blushed madly at her adopted mother's question.

Asia(Blushed): "M-M-Mom! H-He's not my b-b-boyfriend! He's President Rias's F-Fiancé!"

Y/n: "Y/n Redgrave, at your service."

Mrs. Hyoudou: "Oh my, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Y/n: "Hehe, it's alright, no biggy."

Mr. Hyoudou: "You’re still in High School and you alright have a Fiancé? It's so nice to be young again."

Mrs. Hyoudou smacks her husband's head with a broom she was holding.

Mr. Hyoudou: "Anyway, nice bike that must have cost a fortune."

Y/n: "Me and my Dad just customized it and the result was beautiful."

Mr. Hyoudou: "I'll say. By the way Asia, where's Issei?"

Y/n: "Oh, I invited Issei over to our shop to hang out with some of his friends."

Mrs. Hyoudou: "Oh dear, I hope that boy doesn't corrupt you with his perverted antics."

Y/n: "Trust me Mrs. Hyoudou, after this, Issei is going to think twice about his decision about women."

Mrs. Hyoudou: "I hope it's for the best."

Y/n: "I'll be on my way now, don't wanna keep them staring at each other."

Asia: "Bye Y/n-san, see you at school tomorrow."

Mr./Mrs. Hyoudou: "Take care young man."

Y/n saluted them with two fingers and drive out of there and head back to his shop. When he got there, he saw Issei and the others were sitting on the couch and waiting for them.

Y/n: "Well this is surprising. I was expecting that all of you would walk around until you find something cool."

Saji: "At first they wanna, but when they got inside and saw some weird skulls with swords impaled on them, they just wanna sit here and wait for you."

Y/n: "Alright then so... Follow me."

The four of them got up and follow Y/n. They went to the back of the shop and He opens a door that leads down the basement. Then they saw a red door with a police tape cross on it and has a keep out sign.

Issei: "I don't like where this is going."

Y/n: "That's just for design for the others not to enter."

Y/n opens a door and the four of them saw a 36 inch flat screen TV, some boxes near it and some 4 chairs.

Y/n: "Well boys, this is it. Come on in."

The four of them entered the room and two of Issei's friends were drooling with excitement.

Bald-guy: "This is going to be a blast!"

Y/n: "It sure it. You guys can turn the volume to the max because the walls are completely soundproof."

Bald-guy/Four-eyes/Issei/Saji: "HELL YEAH!!"

Y/n: "Oh and, one more thing."

Y/n summons King-Cerberus and transform it into a Bo staff and hit the four of them in the head at the same time making them unconscious.

Y/n: *Chuckles*"Hell yeah indeed."

He pick them up one by one and tied them up in a special chair he made.

He tied up their legs, waist, arm, feet, and head and place them in-front of the TV. He then opens the box brings out a videotape with 'Worst torture ever' written on it.

Y/n: "Alright, time to wake up this maggot."

He tossed a bucket of water into them to wake them up.

Issei: "What the?! Y/n! What the hell is this?!"

Saji: "Why are we tied up?!"

Y/n: "Well, this is your punishments."

Bald-guy: "Punishment?!"

Four-eyes: "What did we ever do to you?!"

Y/n: "For me nothing, but for the girls at the changing room, plenty."

Saji: "If this is a punishment to them, why am I here?!"

Y/n: "Did you already forget the first time we met? Acting like you can take me on?"

Saji went pale and the four of them begging Y/n to let them go and give them a second chance."

Y/n: "Quit whining, at least you’re going to watch hentai as a punishment."

Issei: "Wait, really?"

Y/n: "Yeah so, better get this thing on."

He put something on their face that would hold their eyelid.

Issei: "W-What is this?! I can't blink!"

Y/n: "So you can watch it the entire 10 hours."

All four: "10 hours?!"

Y/n loaded the video tape and press the play button.

Y/n: "Well boys, see you tomorrow."

The Video played and the four of them recognized the opening.  

All four(Terrify): "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

Issei(Terrify): "Y/n please!! Anything but this PLEASE!!"




Y/n: "Aww... Too bad Saji. She already approved it. Scream as loud as your heart contempt boys, this room is fully soundproof from the outside. See yea."

The four of them screamed wildly and Y/n exits the room and closed the door behind him.

Y/n: "I just hope those four learn they're lesson after this." 

He went back to the shop and the phone started to ring.

Y/n: "Devil May Cry..... Sorry the shop is close at 6."

He tossed the phone back to the table and he went to the kitchen.

Y/n: "Guess I'll just order Pizza for dinner."

Time Skip

Y/n is now taking a sip of his coffee in the kitchen, then he heard a knock on his shop's door.

???: "Hey Kid, you awake yet?"

Y/n: "Barely, hold up."

He open the door and saw his Uncle figure. The Broker, J.D Morrison.

Morrison: "Hey Kid, how you been?"

Y/n: "I'm good uncle J, nice to see you."

Morrison: "Good to see you too kid.

He entered the Shop and look around if something is missing, broken or new.

Morrison: "Looks like the place is still is uh."

Y/n: "Yup."

Morrison: "Lady said that the Jukebox needed fixing. So what the hell did your Dad did to it before he left?"

Y/n: "Nothing's broken at the Jukebox, cuz it still brand new."

Morrison: "Brand new? What the hell happened to the Old one?"

Y/n: "Some crazy bitch breaks in, destroys the shop and tried to steal some of the Devil Arms."

Morrison: "I'm guessing that you already dealt with that crazy bitch huh? So where did you get this new one?"

Y/n: "It's a gift from Lucifer. It turns out, he was Dad's old friend."

Morrison: "Looks like you got things from here huh?"

Y/n: "Yeah, for now. Would you like a coffee?"

Morrison: "Nah, I'm good. Do you still have cash with you for me to pay all the bills here?"

Y/n: "Yea I still have some."

Y/n opened the drawer of the table and gave Morrison the Bills and Money to pay.

Morrison: "I'll be going now. I'll see you around Kid."

Y/n: "You too uncle J."

Morrison left the shop and hops on to his Red Vintage car and drive out of there. Then an alarm went on to his phone and he shut it off.

Y/n: "Well, time to free those idiots."

He went down to the basement and opens the door and saw all four of them just staring the TV while drooling and shaking.

Y/n: "Sup boys, how you doing?"

All four: "Ice cream..... Bikes..... Swords...... Holes......"

They keep saying that over and over again. Y/n turns off the TV and untied them all.

Y/n: "Hope you guys learn something."

They didn't respond, they just said the same thing again. He then put blindfolds on them and he teleport each of them back to their own house and he went back to his shop.

Y/n: "Got nothing to do here anyways, might as well head to school."

Y/n put on his Uniform and drove all the way to the school. When he got there, he saw the school gate is still closed and the Guard just came.

Guard: "You seem to be so early. Class starts in two hours."

Y/n: "Got nothing to do back at my place besides cleaning my stuff."

Guard: "Alright then, I'll just open the gate for you."

The Guard open the gate to let Y/n in and he drove at the Gym. He hop off his bike and it disappeared.

Y/n: "Looks like I'm getting stiff. Gonna need some exercise."

He took of his uniform only leaving his pants and he puts on a finger less gloves.

Y/n: "Might as well start with 60 pound of dumbbell."

He did all different kind of exercise position of the dumbbell. and he started to sweat a little. He then put out his phone and put some Music on to make his workout more exciting but it was on shuffle so he doesn't care as long as there's music.

Y/n's been working out for almost two hours now and the school gate is already open. Then some of the Kendo girls were heading to the gym and heard some music in there. When they peek at the door, they immediately blushed madly when they saw Y/n's rock hard abs sweating.

They keep staring at him working-out as more and more girls where coming to see. Some of them were taking pictures of him while some were drooling with a little nosebleed while fantasizing.

Then Rias, The ORC except for Issei, Sona and Tsubaki arrived at the school and saw the commotion going on at the Gym.

Kiba: "What's going on at the Gym?"

Asia: "Is there an Event?"

Then Akeno asked one of the girls running towards the Gym.

Akeno: "Excuse me, what's going on at the Gym?"

Girl: "There's a very muscular hot Guy training at the Gym and I'm going to take a picture of him!"

The girl run towards the Gym with her friends while holding a camera.

Xenovia: "A 'Muscular hot guy'?"

Akeno: "Ara-Ara,~ Now this I wanna see.~"

All of them headed to the Gym and Sona and Tsubaki trying to control the crowd to get them back to their class.

Sona: "Enough with this commotion. Everyone get back to your classroom. Class is about to start."

Some of the girls quickly disperse because they were scare of Sona while some just ignore her. When they got into the Gym, all of them quickly blushed as well except for Kiba when they saw Y/n working-out without his top on.

ORC(Except Kiba)/SC: "Y-Y/n?"

He turned around and he saw them blushing along with the other girls but the door.

Y/n:" Oh, hey Guys."

Sona(Blushed): "Y-Y/n... what are you doing?"

Y/n: "As you can see. I'm working-out. I've becoming stiff lately."

Sona(Blushing): "I can see that. But why here?"

Y/n: "I don't have a Gym at my place. And besides, no one is using the Gym here so it would be such a waste."

Rias: "Y-Y/n please put your shirt back on, everyone is looking at your top."

Y/n: "Aw... Don't worry Rias, you can touch them later tonight.~"

 Akeno/Sona(Thinking): "Lucky!"

Xenovia: "Can I touch it as well?"

Y/n: "You wanna touch too?"

Xenovia: "Yes, I'm curious that I wanna feel what it's like."

Rias(Blushed): "No one is touching him unless I touch him first!"

Xenovia: "Why?"

Rias(Blushed): "Because he's my FIANCE!"

She screams on the top of her lungs that everyone in school heard.

Everyone in School: "EEEEEEEHHHHHH?!?!?!?!"

Then all the boys rush towards the Gym door with the verge of tears on their eyes.

Boy1: "Rias-sama has a Fiancé?!"

Boy2: "Why is the world so Cruel?!"

Boy3: "I was planning to as her out!"

Girl1: "The hot guy is Rias's Fiancé!?"

Girl2: "I thought that he would be mine!"

Girl3: "I was planning on giving my virginity to him!"

Sona: "Everyone get back to your Room or you will all be sent to detention!"

All of the other Students quickly run back to their respective room to avoid getting detention.

Y/n: "Who knew that those guys can run fast?"

Kiba: "Hehe, they just wanna avoid detention at all cost."

Y/n: "I don't wanna know why."

He grabs a towel to clean himself up and put his uniform back on and Rias is just blushing not saying a word.

Akeno: "Looks like the whole school knows that you and Rias are a thing now.~"

Asia: "C-Can I go to my classroom now?"

Akeno: "Sure Asia-chan. Everyone, you can go to your class as well."

Y/n "Well, let's get back to the room."

They were about to head back to their class but Rias didn't move from her spot.

Y/n: "Rias? Are you alright?"

Sona: "Rias?"

Akeno: "Seems that scream of her broke her."

Y/n tapped her forehead with two fingers and it broke her out of her thoughts.

Y/n: "You okay?"

Rias(Blushed): "Y-Yeah, i-it’s just. I'm so embarrassed that I scream that out loud."

Y/n: "Well, I can always talk to Sirzechs and tell him that the engagement is off."

Rias(Shock): "What?! No don't! That's not what I mean!"

Y/n: *Chuckled*"I'm just messing. Come on let's get to class."

He picked up Rias bridal style and she blushed while steaming. He went to the classroom while Sona, Tsubaki, and Akeno following him.

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