"she said to get off of her." Daniel grabbed Samantha by her shoulders and hid her behind him. his inner new york accent appearing.
"hey man, we were just having fun." the man said all up on Daniel. they were both in each other's faces, but Daniel was way taller so he had to look down.
"Daniel, stop." Samantha said, pulling his arm.
"yeah man, listen to ya bitch." the man chuckled in his face. in a second, the guy was choking and a gun was held to his head.
everyone gasped and Samantha's eyes went wide. she thought he was just playing earlier about having a gun. "D-Daniel. stop." she stuttered.
"i was just playing, i'm sorry." the guy cried. Daniel narrowed his eyes on him and let him go after a few seconds. the guys gasped for air and ran away.
everyone was still watching Daniel since he had a gun of him. Samantha didn't know what to do.
out of no where, Daniel placed his blazer of his outfit on her and grabbed her arm and took her up the stairs of the building, which consisted of private rooms with bars. "what the fuck Daniel!" Samantha said as he closed the door.
he ignored her and went over to the bar and poured a drink. he poured two glasses, and handed one to Samantha. "drink." he simply said.
"what the fuck was that stunt you pulled in there! and why the fuck do you have a gun with you?" she yelled. "i'm surprised we're still even allowed in here." she muttered.
"it's one of my dads clubs." he sipped his drink. "they won't kick us out. and guns are allowed."
"that doesn't answer why you even have one!" she said. someone knocked on the door.
"what the hell happened?" David said coming in, along with three of the boys. "Sammy, can you go home with the girls. i need to have a talk with him and they wanna go home anyways."
Samantha nodded unsurely. she glanced at Daniel one last time, who was just sitting unbothered on the couch. she made her way downstairs with one of the boys who escorted her to the girls.
they picked up an uber and made their way back to the house. Samantha entered the code to enter the guest house and her and Daisy made their way to the main house.
Samantha weird. but she ignored it and walked to her room. she took off the killer heels and dropped her dress. she changed into some pajamas and entered the bathroom and did her nightly routine.
she exited the bathroom and dropped the towel that was in her hands. "oh my god, you scared me." Samantha said picking up the towel.
"sorry." Daniel muttered.
"come on, get up. before you fall asleep in my bed and i'll have to carry you." she said trying to pull him up. "which we both know i can't." she groaned not being able to move him.
"i'm fine here." he said quietly.
"what's wrong? you're being so clingy lately." she asked as she made her way to the vanity.
"why do you think somethings wrong?" he asked.
Samantha shrugged. "before this trip, you were outside and never came home. and these past two days we've been here, you're always on your phone or getting calls."
"are you jealous?" Daniel asked, whispering in her ear. she didn't even realize he moved off the bed. "you're not wearing the ring." he pouted.
"i don't see the point. i have the necklace on, it's better." Samantha replied.
Daniel ignored her and grabbed the box that Samantha had put on the vanity and took out the ring. he grabbed Samantha's hand and placed the ring on her left hand.
'holy fuck! why am i getting butterflies.' she thought. "uhm-fine." she replied and looked at her hand. she couldn't lie, it was pretty nice ring.
"i'll be going to be now." Daniel said. he ruffled her hair, making it messy and made his way.
"where'd you get the gun Daniel?" she asked. Daniel stopped walking.
he turned around to her. "it's better if i don't tell you." he said. "goodnight princess." he said lastly before closing the door.
Samantha wondered what that meant. she worried for him. she sighed and went to bed since it was late. even though they were planning to come home later. although some of them were already drunk.
even though Samantha was going to sleep, David and Daniel were on their own in the study room with a bottle of bourbon. "i'm not lying! i swear he was there and it was one of his men." Daniel exclaimed.
"i'm not saying i don't believe you, but how would they even track us all the way here?" David replied back.
"this is why i said let's go to another club. any besides this one. you know if i would've never taken out my gun, that guy would've never backed off of her."
"fuck!" David kicked the chair. "i told you i don't want any of this business come to my family. what if something happens to Samantha?"
"bro, don't worry. i'm with her most of the times anyways." Daniel gulped down his drink and pouring another. "just have to get done with this trip and i'll be able to deal with it."
"deal with it? deal with it how! you know your father would never agree to it." David replied.
"just go to bed and forget this even happened. make sure everything is secured and our time here will be fine. we also gotta let the others know."
"fine. i'm going to bed." David muttered. he grabbed his coat and went back to his room.
Daniel sighed of the mess he was in. he finished his drink and went back to his room. he undressed till he was just in sweats.
he went to the bathroom and washed his face. he looked at the other door. 'it's probably locked.' he thought. his feet took themselves towards the door and turned the knob. 'it's open.'
he slowly opened the door and saw a sleeping Samantha. he walked towards the bed. "so beautiful." he muttered as he stroked her cheek.
"blow the candles." Daisy said excitedly. Samantha felt embarrassed but she blow out the candles and party poppers went off.
"i swear if you come near with the cake, any of you, i will cut off your dicks." Samantha backing away from everyone.
everyone had a smile on their face. Samantha didn't realize Daniel was right behind her as she was backing up. Daniel grabbed her and she let out a yelp. "no, no stop." she laughed.
one of the boys who had the cake, caked her. she stopped struggling and huffed. everyone took a picture and laughed. "you traitor." Samantha play hit Daniel.
"you caked me on my birthday when i specifically told you don't come near me or i'll cut your hair." Daniel said.
"you did cut my hair!" she exclaimed. Daniel laughed.
"okay everyone get ready, we're having dinner at a restaurant and afterwards, we're going to the club." Daisy said.
everyone nodded and went to their rooms. Samantha sighed and entered the bathroom. she washed her hair and all the cake off of her.
the time was currently seven o'clock so that meant they would go the club straight after dinner.
she hopped out of the shower and looked for what to wear, with the help of Daisy.
Samantha did her makeup while Daisy did her hair. afterwards, Samantha changed into a pink silk dress with killer heels.
Daisy then went to go get herself dressed. while Samantha was fixing her lips, Daniel walked in. "don't you think that dress is to-"
"Daniel." she looked him in the eyes. "please allow me to enjoy my birthday and dress how ever i want."
Daniel put his hands up in surrender. "i have a surprise." Daniel said and covered Samantha's eyes with a blindfold.
"do i have to be blindfolded?" she asked. Daniel nodded. he put his hands on her waist, which sent her butterflies. he led her to the stairs, where they got stuck.
"hm." Samantha yelped. "this is better." Daniel said as he carried her down the stairs bridal style. he put her down once they got to the ground and took her outside. she felt the breeze.
Daniel slowly took off the blindfold and her jaw dropped. "you're joking." Samantha exclaimed. Daniel shook his head. "oh my god!"
"David might've helped me pick it out. and we thought a Tesla would be could since you don't know how to drive good." he chuckled. Samantha narrowed her eyes at him.
"ugh, thank you! thank you!" she hugged him tightly.
Samantha looked around in the car and Daniel explained how everything works. in the meantime, everyone finished getting ready.
they got in a uber and this time went to a different club. everyone wasn't sure why but they just went with it. the same as last time happened, the bar then to dancing.
luckily this time, no guns were pulled out and no older men. the night went great and Samantha partied with no interruptions. but when it was time to go home, none of them wanted to leave. "noo." Samantha and Daisy whined, also drunk.
the boys each grabbed a girl and took them outside. "Daniel." a voice said. Daniel looked around to see where the voice was coming from. "Daniel." it came from the dark alley.
"stay here, don't move." Daniel told me Samantha and she hung onto Daisy. Daniel went over to the alley and saw it was his father's men. "i told my father i'm done with this."
"he's instructed us to come get you. or else we go after the girl and her brother." one of men said. Daniel narrowed his eyes. there was 2 of them, he deciding if he could take them.
gun shots went off. everyone in the block gasped. "in the car." David said to Samantha and Daisy. "Mason, go check on the alley." he told one of the boys.
Mason and another went to the alley. more gunshots started going off. Samantha and Daisy were scared for their life and hugged each other. David order the uber to go to the house, leaving him, Daniel, and the other two boys.
when they arrived at the house, Samantha told everyone what happened and she non-stopped called David and Daniel's phone. but none had answered.
that's it for chapter 7. i hope you liked and that you come back for more :3
i love you, hope you have a blessed and wonderful day