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"oh my god, i am in love with your outfit!" Daisy said as she looked at Samantha walk out of the closet. Samantha wore a white dress suit like that went up to her thighs and paired them with short heels and a small white and beige purse.

Samantha winked at her. "if you want, i have others like this. you can have them."

Daisy shook her head. "no no. besides it won't even look as good on me as it does for you. you have more curves, i just have..a door shaped." Daisy pouted.

"hey! you're still beautiful no matter what. and if a guy doesn't appreciate you for that, that's small d*ck energy." Samantha assured her.

Daisy hugged Samantha as much as she could and they both giggled.

a knock came on the door and David knocked. "the rest are here. we're loading the car so, do what you gotta do. we're leaving in ten minutes."

Samantha and Daisy both nodded and finished doing what they were doing. Daisy then went first downstairs since she finished. Samantha was just finishing up her hair.

"are you ready?" Daniel asked while leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

Samantha nodded. "yes. you could go, i'll meet you downstairs."

Daniel didn't move. "i..have something for you." he said quietly and walked towards her. he brought his hand to the front which was holding a box.

Samantha pouted. "wait what is this. don't tell me you got me something." Daniel nodded. "do i open it now?" Daniel nodded again.

she smiled and opened the box. it revealed a necklace and ring. the necklace has a picture inside of Daniel and Samantha when they were 6, at the park.

the first time Daniel comforted Samantha when some people tried to bully her. "awe! you even put the picture of us in the locket." Samantha hugged him tightly. "thank you, you idiot."

Daniel wanted to let out a cheeky smile but kept himself from it. "we should start heading downstairs. i'll take your bag." Daniel picked up her bag. "god damn, how much do you need."

"come on Daniel. you know me." Samantha said as she picked up her phone from her bed. she opened the door for him and the two went downstairs.

they got into their cars that was sorted out by partners. four, being Sam, David, Daniel, and Daisy in one car. and the other 6 of them in another car.

they all sighed and prepared for their one hour trip to Manorville, NY.

during the ride, most of it was just Samantha and Daisy giggling to their gossip. while the boys were annoyed of them already twenty minutes in the ride. but for most of it, they sat far away from them and had their own talk.

"David, where's the list for who's staying where?" Samantha asked. David handed her the list. she scanned through it.

"i hope you all know i'm staying in master bedroom one." Samantha said as she finished. Daniel shook his head. Samantha nodded. Daniel shook his head again. "Daniel. it's our house. i get to pick the room i want to stay in."

"no. David said if i did something for him, i get master bedroom one." Daniel argued.

"no! it's my house too. David you can't make all the decisions." Samantha told David.

"there's two master bedrooms! jeez. one of you can have the other one. i'll sleep in the regular rooms." David said. "at least Daisy doesn't complain." he muttered the last part.

"what was that." Samantha and Daniel both said in unison with glaring eyes at David. David put him hands up in surrender and shook his head.

the rest of the ride was just listening to music. when they arrived, half of them were tired, the other half hyper. "okay. since it's our first night, we're gonna stay in and the tour is going to happen now." Samantha said.

everyone clapped in excitement. "if my parents owned a house like this, i would be bragging." one of the boys said looking from the outside.

after Samantha had given the tour and shown everyone their rooms, she went to her room. which she ended up getting master bedroom one.

she opened the doors to the room and memories flooded. she entered the room and took a look around. it was dusty. but she wasn't surprised since no one had been up here in years.

"Aunt Claire..is it trouble to ask for a maid or two here? the house is really big and none of us really know how to cook.." Samantha said on the phone.

Aunt Claire giggled through the phone. "across the street, the willams agreed to lend some workers. they were good friends of your father, just ask them and tell them i sent you."

"thank you. muah." Samantha sent a kiss through the phone. they said goodbye and she exited the house and stood out in the front, to see if anyone was home.

"what are you doing?" Daniel asked. he joined her and looked where her attention was at.

there was lights on. "Aunt Claire said to ask the neighbors for a worker or two. the house needs dusting and we need food. come with me." Samantha replied.

Daniel nodded and the two walked over to the house next door. Samantha knocked on the door and a old lady opened the door. "my, my. is that Samantha Collins."

"hi Mrs. William. Aunt Claire said i could come to you for a maid, or anyone." Samantha replied awkwardly.

"of course, of course. come inside. i'll sort out someone to go with you." she said and took us to a couch.

she exited the room and went to a lady and talked about something. she came back after a few minutes and sat down in front them. "oh my. say, is this your boyfriend?" Mrs. William asked.

Daniel's and Samantha's eyes went wide. Samantha cheeks went red and she shook her head. "no, no. you remember Daniel Carter. he came with us a few times before when we spent vacation here." Samantha said.

"oh right. i'm sorry, you've grown into a big boy. i remember when you were this small. and now you're this tall and handsome as ever." Mrs. William said.

Daniel chuckled nervously and thanked her. not that long later, three maid had entered the room with supplies.

"Samantha dear, these three are our best maids. ask them whatever you like, and they can come here for supplies if you don't have any at yours." Samantha nodded and thanked her.

Samantha got up and said goodbye to Mrs. William and headed back over to her house. after, she explained what she needed down in the house and the maids nodded.

Samantha thanked them and then sat down on the couch. "where's David and Daisy?" Daniel shrugged. "i don't even know what we're doing today."

"well, i know we're staying in. so probably just eat dinner, movie, maybe pool." Daniel replied and sat down next to her.

"hm." Samantha hummed. she turned on the tv and went to a channel. "i'm tired." she said with a sleepy voice after a while.

"take a nap then." Daniel replied.

"mm, i don't like sleeping in the room. it brings back too many memories." Samantha replied. Daniel gently pulled her down on his lap.

"you can sleep in my room." Daniel said smirking.

Samantha narrowed her eyes at him. "and catch whatever diseases you have? no thanks." Samantha giggled while Daniel rolled his eyes.

"hey." David said coming into the living room with Daisy. "since it's only two o'clock, i was thinking we just have lunch right now and then take a dip later?"

they all nodded. "you should turn on the heat for the pool. it's probably freezing." Samantha said. David nodded.

"can you turn it on? i have to go deal with something." David said. Samantha sighed but then nodded. she got up and made her way to the pool room, with Daniel following behind.

"jeez it's cold." Samantha said as she dipped her hand in some water. Daniel nodded. Samantha walked over to the heating and turned it on. "it should be somewhat warm by tonight."

they then exited and entered the kitchen. one of the maids was cooking lunch which consisted of sushi, sandwiches and fries, salads, and tacos.

Samantha and Daniel were already hungry by looking at it. but they went and waited with everyone else outside in the backyard, where most of them were just chilling and the other half which was boys, playing soccer.

"Jacob," Samantha said sitting next to him. which he was also sat by most of the girls here. "are you liking the trip so far?"

Jacob nodded. "yeah! you got a great house. what's not to like." the girls giggled.

"i was thinking someday we could go to a club? you guys still have your fake id's right?" one of the girls asked. all of them nodded.


it was hours later, everyone was resting in their rooms after playing and lunch. Samantha was currently checking the pools temperature since it was already 6 PM.

'better than before.' she thought. she felt like someone was watching her. she turned around, put was quickly picked up. "what the hell!" she yelled. "Daniel! put me down."

Daniel laughed and threw her in the pool. she yelped at she went in the water. when she came back up, she took a deep breathe. "Daniel you annoying shit!" she yelled at him while he laughed at her.

he put his hand out to help her out but she pulled him in. she laughed this time. Daniel came back up and choked out some water.

Samantha laughed but she also looked at how Daniel looked with hair wet. "oh, you're gonna get it." Daniel said and started running after her.

she giggled as she ran but Daniel had longer legs than her so he was able to catch up to her and catch her. he hugged her from behind tightly and started tickling her in his embrace.

"Daniel s-stop." Samantha laughed out. he tickled her more and more till she couldn't even speak anymore.

as he was tickling her, they didn't hear footsteps. out of no where, one of the boys jumped in the pool. and another one following after that. "you guys should've told us if the pool was ready to use." one of the boys in the pool said.

"we weren't using it. i threw Samantha in and then this idiot," Daniel tickled her. "pulled me in with her."

"whatever, we're gonna go change." one of the girls said.

Samantha and Daniel both looked down and forget they were still in their outfits. they both got out of the pool and wrapped themselves in towels and made their way to their room.

Samantha choose a swimsuit that was a two piece, olive green with strings on the side and then entered the bathroom. she took off her wet clothes and put them on the laundry basket.

she slid on the bottoms of her swimsuit and then her top. but she struggled to tie the back of her top. she grunted after so many tries.

out of nowhere, the door to the bathroom opened on the other side.

that's it for chapter 5. hope you liked and that you come back for more :3

i love you, hope you have a blessed and wonderful day
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