"Sammy, get up, we're gonna be late again because of you." David, the older brother by a day said, opening the door to her room.
"five more minutes." Sammy, or as known as Samantha slurred, half asleep.
"you said that twenty minutes ago princess. if you want, i can help you get dressed." a male voice said.
Samantha groaned. "get out of my room you ass face, and don't call me princess." Samantha said and grabbed another pillow to cover her eyes.
"i'm gonna get the bucket.." the male voice said, slowly walking away.
Samantha opened her eyes. "Daniel, i swear to god if you bring the bucket, im never talking to you again. oh my god, i'm up, jeez." she stood up from the bed and stretched.
"see that wasn't so hard." Daniel said leaning against the door. "i'll be downstairs eating your breakfast."
Samantha groaned and walked into the bathroom. she looked herself in the mirror and sighed. 'let's get ready for another day in hell.' she thought.
about an hour later, Samantha was brushing through her hair and admiring her outfit. she wore a blue, white, and black vest with a black tennis skirt.
"i think you should really go back up and change." Daniel said to Samantha as she walked down the stairs.
"and i think you should really stop telling me what to do." she sent him a fake smile. "Auntie Claire at work again?"
David nodded. "are you ready? we can pick up some food, she left us money."
Samantha and Daniel both nodded and the three exited the house and got into Daniel's car.
Most of the days, well everyday, Daniel would sleepover. so this was a routine for them. and if he would go come, he would just come here in the mornings.
they stopped at a diner and picked up some food, which was just a latte and donuts. then they drove to the school.
the time was only 7:55 and the parking lot was already filled up. but their usual parking spot was always empty for them.
once they arrive, Samantha got out and said bye to her brother and Daniel by waving.
David told her to be careful and Daniel just said 'bye princess', which made Samantha roll her eyes. She walked to her locker and got greeted by her 'lovely' best friend.
"Samantha!" Daisy says coming toward her in excitement. or she thinks of calling her Dai. "I got some tea to spill." Daisy giggles.
Samantha look at her weirdly. "okay..spill the tea." she replied while getting her books.
"Derek and I finally talked." she says happily. Samantha's eyes go wide and a smile spreads across her face.
"Oh really that's great, you've been liking him since freshman year, did you get his number?" Samantha replied back.
"thank you and I know right, but no I didn't." she answered the end with a pout.
"What do you mean you didn't, you guys were talking and you couldn't just ask for his number?" Samantha said as she closed her locker and then walked towards class.
"Well, you see, I tried and then I chickened out. he was standing so close to me, I could barely function right." Daisy says smiling while biting her lip. Samantha looked at her disgustedly and shook her head.
"Don't worry i'll take care of it." Samantha said to her then walking in class and waving bye to her.
she had looked at the class seeing who was here today. Which didn't really bother because she wasn't awkward when talking to people but at the same time somewhat anti-social.
But for the boys, most of the time, they don't have to have confidence to talk to her cause they all know David and Daniel Aka 'The Popular Boys' or 'The Hotties', which Samantha thought was retarded.
but anyways, they know she's related to David, and Daniel was like another brother to her so they'll hurt any boy who dared to talk to her.
As she scanned the class and she saw Liam was here, her crazy ex. Good thing she sat in the back and he was in the front. and also she could sleep and the teacher wouldn't notice her sleeping.
about six hours later, before lunch period also the last period of the day
Samantha goes to Biology, her last period of the day before lunch. she sat down and saw Daniel walking towards her and then sitting next to her.
she had almost forgotten he was in this class. she look at him and he's smiling. Samantha can't lie, his smile is sexy and sometimes you could catch her staring at him. but that doesn't change the way they act towards each other.
she put her thoughts about him in the back of my head and put her head down for five minutes until the teacher woke her up and gave her detention.
Daniel laughed and then the teacher gave him detention too for laughing and then Samantha laughed at him this time.
A few minutes later while they were taking notes on what the teacher was teaching, Samantha got a note from Daniel.
hi princess - your baby
what do you want? and like i said in the morning, don't call me princess! also your name not is not "baby" - S
okay chill damn - D
seriously Daniel, what do you want? - S
your attention :( - D
well you got it. now leave me alone - S
but why, it's so better to talk to you then listen to mr. annoying over there - D
He sent her the last note but she decided to ignore him and get back to work.
As soon as Samantha heard the bell ring, she packed her stuff and went to her locker to put some books in there.
she felt someone was following her so she looked behind her and nobody was there. she turned back around and saw Daniel leaning against the locker next to hers.
she jumped and had her hand on her heart, causing him to laugh. "don't scare me like that." she playfully hit his chest. he chuckled again.
"sorry, but hey at least i'm not a rapist." he replies while holding his hands up in surrender.
"are you sure?" she said whole putting her stuff away. He doesn't say anything and just glares at her while she put her stuff away in the locker.
she finished putting them away and the two of them walked to the lunch room. immediately she spots Daisy and walks towards her. "Hey Dai." she says as she sits down
Daisy says hi back to her and Samantha greets the rest of the people who were at the table.
Most of them were just David's And Daniel's teammates from the soccer team. although Daniel doesn't play anymore
They all greet her back and they start talking about random topics. about five minutes later, Derek comes to the table and sits down next to Daisy and Samantha peeped her cheeks turning link.
Samantha gives her the look for 'now it's time to ask for his number'. Daisy nods and talks to him.
"hey Derek can i talk to you privately?" She asks him and he nods then they leave and walk over to the part of the lunchroom where it wasn't crowded.
Samantha looked over to see what the boys were talking about and saw Daniel with a plate of fries and took a few. "hey my fries." he says as he knocks them from her hand.
she smacked him on the back of his neck and quickly took a bunch with her hand and stuffed them in my mouth.
she then looked over and saw Daniel rolling his eyes. It was twenty minutes later and she checked to see where Daisy and Derek were sitting and saw they left.
"hey Daniel, can you come with me somewhere." he nods and doesn't question and they walk towards the only way Daisy and Derek could've went.
"where the hell are they?" she asks after about five minutes walking around, looking for them. in their school, you're not allowed to go far from the cafeteria.
"they're probably making out somewhere. we could too." he smirks and Samantha rolls her eyes at him.
"you're a pig." she replied and walk a bit faster and ahead of him but he caught up to her. she then stops when she heard moaning, like people making out.
"you heard that too?" Daniel asks. she was about to turn around to him but realized he was all up behind her and if she moved an inch she could almost come into contact with his skin.
she nod and he moves back and they both start to laugh and walk away.
Detention was over and Daniel walked home with Samantha because, we all knew he was gonna hang at her house. they would've driven but David had taken his the car and he already left for home.
Samantha opened the door and her and Daniel walk into the house and see something nobody should never have to see but can experience.
Samantha's and Daniel's jaw drops when they see David making out with a girl on their couch.
"my couch." Samantha whines. David and the girl look up and had the most shocked face. the girl looks up and they recognized it was Olivia, the nicest one out of all the cheerleaders, face go into shock and turn red.
Daniel quickly takes his phone and takes a picture of them. "oh! send me that, their faces are hilarious." Samantha laughs as Daniel shows her the pic.
David quickly gets up and runs toward Daniel. Daniel runs around the house until he comes back to the living room and hands me the phone. "just give up, you're not gonna get it."
David groans and finally gives up and goes to the couch. Samantha and Daniel laugh while looking at the picture.
"I'm gonna go, bye guys." Olivia said out of the random and headed to the door. they all replied back goodbye and she exited.
they sat down on the couch and just chilled, watching tv. about two hours later Samantha started to get hungry.
"are you guys hungry?" she ask them and they both nod their heads. an idea comes to her head. "pizza!" she says jumping up and got the house phone to call and order the pizza.
the boys shake their head but go along with it and don't stop her.
the pizza came forty-five minutes later. they decided to make it a movie night since it was Friday night anyways.
"let's watch something scary." Daniel said, going to the movie Cult of Chucky, while Samantha grabs a slice for all of them.
"no! I hate scary movies, you know that." Samantha whined and dragged the no. Daniel completely ignored her.
they all sat and watched Chucky. she jumped at almost all the scary parts. she was holding Daniel's arm since he was next to me and David was on the other singular couch.
she pulled his arm every time she jumped and he just kept on laughing at her for being scared so much. they were one hour and thirty mins into their third movie.
they were watching Annabelle Creation until when sleep was taking over Samantha. she tried to get in a comfortable position and Daniel saw her struggling.
"you can lay on me and I won't bite." he said and she looked over to David but he was already knocked out so she was sure he wouldn't mind.
'what the heck, why not' she said in her head and nodded.
he laid his legs out getting comfortable and she lied down on him. twenty minutes later, her eyes closed. the movie ended ten minutes later and Daniel turned the tv off so it was completely dark.
she opened my eyes and tried to reach for the lamp. she was struggling until the lamp turned on and she saw Daniel's hand. she looked up at him and he was smiling so she awkwardly smiled back.
she thought he was going to kiss her, thank god he didn't. she was still laying on his lap. he was playing with my hair and his other hand was on her thigh.
her heart beat started to go faster which was confusing cause this never happened around Daniel, he was her brother's best friend.
literally like another brother of her. but eventually she fell asleep and so did Daniel.
when they woke up the next morning, she was still laying on Daniel's lap and her eyes locked on his sleepy face. 'god he's so sexy. wonder if he's packing down there. wait, what the fuck am i saying'
she slowly tried to move Daniel's hand that was holding her hip. but for some reason he had a strong grip even though he was asleep. she then looked at him and see him looking at her, chuckling.
"let go of me you ass face." she said trying to get his arm off of her but he doesn't loosen his grip and she stops trying and looks at him.
"not until you say 'i'm cute and you're annoying'." Daniel replied.
she gives him a 'are you serious' look and replied, "no you stupid, let go of me."
"Alright you asked for it." he started tickling her and he knew what spot to tickle her exactly at.
"D-Daniel S-Stop, P-Pleasee." she said laughing uncontrollably. Daniel knew exactly where to tickle me, which was her weakest point.
"Not until you say it." he answered and tickled her more.
"fine," he stopped tickling her. "I'm cute and you're annoying." she said giggling. he rolled his eyes and let go of her by pushing her and she fell on the floor.
"ow." she groaned as she hit the ground.
"that's what you get." he said leaving the couch area and walking off towards the bathroom. Samantha quickly got up and made a run for the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "hey!" Daniel yelled.
"hey." she said in a girly voice. she could imagine him rolling his eyes and probably walking to the other bathroom.
she used the bathroom and then eventually went to her bathroom in her room and got dressed for the day. since she didn't really have anything planned, she wore a plain white tank top and shorts.
after she did that, she went downstairs to get some breakfast. she sees David and Daniel sitting at the table, eating. she grabs her food and sits down at the table.
she glare at Daniel cause she was still mad about this morning when he dropped her on the floor.
David just stares at us like 'what the fuck' but she rolled my eyes and started eating. while she was eating, she got a text from Daisy.
Daisy had texted her letting her know she and Derek had talked and the two were planning to go on a date tonight.
as soon as Samantha saw the text, she dropped her phone and the boys looked at her as if she had a heart attack or something. she quickly picked up my phone and text Daisy back.
she quickly finished her breakfast and placed the bowl in the sink. she turned around to see the boy's still staring at her. she ignored them and went upstairs.
Daisy came about twenty minutes later and talked and Daisy agreed to let Samantha dress her for the date.
it had been a few hours later and it was time for Daisy's date. she dressed her and put her makeup on her and do her hair.
they told Derek to come to Samantha's house and pick her up and he did. Samantha walked Daisy down since Derek was waiting in the living room.
"oh wow Daisy." he said flirtatiously, staring her down. Daisy blushed. Samantha just stood there awkwardly.
"thanks, you don't look bad yourself." Daisy replied. they both looked at each other as if they could do it right here and now.
"Yep cool,!we all look cute, bring her to her house at 9 PM. no later." Samantha said awkwardly. Daisy and Derek both exited her house and she closed the door after them. she turned around to see Daniel walking down the stairs.
"you know this is practically your home since you're always here." Samantha said walking over to the couch.
"cool, I'll talk to your aunt about getting my own room when she comes home," he said grabbing something from the fridge and then smiling at her.
"I didn't mean literally." she replied back, sitting down on the couch.
"oh well, the damage is done". he replied, going up the stairs and she rolled her eyes. there was nothing to do so she went to my room and chilled.
'gosh i need a life and a boyfriend' she thought to herself.
it was about ten o'clock at night and Samantha was going to go to sleep and call Dai tomorrow to know about her date.
but since she was home with two eggheads, they came into her room screaming. she quickly got up and saw the boys running in my room with water guns and aiming at me.
"wait don-" she was cut off by them spraying it already and laughing. "are you freaking serious, i'm freaking wet now! how immature can you guys be!" she yelled at them while they were still laughing.
Samantha gave them the death glare and they slowly walked out of her room while she was stepping forward. she locked the door after they exited.
"Ugh, why did they have to do that." she said to herself. she quickly changed out of her wet clothes and into some cute pajamas.
she went to bed after that and fell asleep peacefully.
she also remembered to lock her doors before going to sleep.