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the next morning, Samantha was woken up from multiple phone calls from Daisy.

Daisy explained she was going to come over and came over in less than ten minutes.

they sat on the couch and Daisy explained every detail, not leaving in thing out about her date with Derek.

"oh my god, so he took me to this restaurant called 'Per Se' and we just talked and got to know each other more and you know, the usual. after that we went to the park and talked more." she answered.

"most of it was talking but i learned a lot about him and he was such a gentleman, he gave me his jacket when it got cold and we held hands while walking."

"aw! that's so cute. i'm happy for you." Samantha told her and hugged her.

she loved seeing her best friend so happy because she honestly deserved it. especially with having to deal with Samantha in her life, who's never liked a single boy she's dated or talked to.

Daisy giggled. "now all we have to do is find you one and we can double-date!" she said the last part excitedly.

"haha, no. I don't do double dates and I don't do dating. besides you know David and Daniel are gonna scare them away." Samantha replied and rolled her eyes at the end.

"you bet your ass we are." David and Daniel both said in unison, coming into the living room.

"you guys were listening to our conversation?" Daisy said glaring, then turning away, blushing at the thought of Derek.

"yeah. good luck with Derek though. I don't know him well but i hope you guys last." David said to Daisy, which made her smile.

"well one guy of your group can't be a pig. we found the person." Samantha said the last part clapping. David and Daniel both rolled their eyes.

"what? it's true." Daisy shrugged her shoulders, agreeing with Samantha.

"not true." David defended.

"um, have you seen your friends and yourself. when was the last time you guys had a girlfriend or committed to anything?" Samantha asked, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"1 ye- 2 ye- that's not the point okay." David replied and looked away.

Samantha and Daisy looked at each other and laughed. the boys knew the girls were right about their whole friend group being playboys.

"hm sure. now can you guys leave. me and her need girl time." Samantha said trying to get them out.

"why can't we all hang out." Daniel said fake pouting and sitting next to her on the couch.

"because you guys always ruin everything." Daisy answered, crossing her arms and David sat on the other couch in front of her.

"what are you guys gonna do either way?" David asked.

Sam and Daisy looked at each other for a minute blankly and then they both smiled out of nowhere. they boys looked at them weird. "Get your car keys." Sam said with a big smile on her face. "We're going to the mall after i get dressed."

"nevermind, have fun." David said, both of them about to leaving the area.

"wait, no. think about it, we need a ride. Please?" Samantha asked David since she didn't have a car and he did.

he thought about it for a second and then sighed and nodded his head.

Samantha jumped in excitement and kisses her brother's cheek and quickly went upstairs to take a quick shower and change.

she wore a blue, beige, and gray vest with a white collared shirt underneath and a teal tennis skirt.

after Samantha got dressed, they exited the house and went to the car. the car ride was mostly just of Sam and Daisy talking.

the boys sat in the front and the girls in the back. after they arrived at the mall, the boys and the girls went their separate ways.

Samantha and Daisy went to a bunch of stores. Daisy didn't buy as much since she didn't have that much money on her but Samantha insisted to buy her, but she refused. Samantha bought around her average amount of clothes.

Samantha was currently in their last shop, Victoria secret. Daisy finished early so was told to go to starbucks and Samantha would meet her in the food court.

once she finished paying, she went to exit the store. when she exited the store she was trying to organize her bags and then bumped into a hard chest.

"i'm sor- oh it's you." Samantha said after her head went up and saw it was Daniel.

"so, Victoria Secret hm.." Daniel said, smirking.

"ugh, keep your dick in your pants." she replied to him and walked away. Daniel followed behind her.

"where you going?" he asked.

"to the food court to meet Daisy and then we can leave." she answered him. she fixed bags and realized she had to call David, seeing he's not with Daniel.

"Can i come?" he asked.

'is he dumb, we're going home together..?' she thought in her head. "sure, call David for me?" Daniel nodded and they walked to the food court as he called David. he arrived about five minutes later and then left to go home.

on their way home, Daisy had to go home so they dropped her off and Daniel is apparently 'living with them'.

Samantha ignored them once they got home and went upstairs to go do some homework since it was sunday and it was already six o'clock.

she didn't have a lot of homework so she finished by eight o'clock. after that, she just chilled in her bed till someone called her name.

she went downstairs, from where the voice was coming from. "Aunt Claire!" Samantha said excitedly and hugged her aunt. "you're home for once."

Aunt Claire gave her a look. "you know i wish to be home more, but cases have been going up more. have you eaten?" she asked. Sam shook her head no. "okay call the boys and set the table please."

Samantha nodded and went upstairs to let the boys know. she knocked on David's door and entered. "hey, Aunt Claire is home and said to come down for breakfast." she told them, who were just playing video games.

"okay we're coming." David replied and she went back down to set up the table. she helped make salad and the boys came down just in time. "Aunt Claire." David kissed her cheek as a greet.

"oh my, i need to come home more often. your voice had gotten deeper and you've grown too tall!" she pinched his cheek, which made him feel embarrassed. "Daniel, you're here too, i'm glad. oh wow, you're taller than David now." she giggled.

"since you weren't here, Samantha's been hitting me non-stop." Daniel fake pouted to Aunt Claire. Samantha's jaw dropped and Daniel held up a circle and pulled it in and out as a way of saying 'sucking d*ck' when Aunt Claire wasn't looking.

her eyes grew and he let out a quiet chuckle. "i'll try to be home more, maybe take a week off of work, or we can go on a vacation." Aunt Claire said sitting down.

"David, Sammy, your birthday's are coming up soon, have you decided on how you're going to celebrate?" she asked.

David and Samantha shook their heads no. "we'll probably ask our friends what we should do and we'll let you know. there's still a few weeks left." David replied.

"okay, please do. Daniel, how are your parents?" Aunt Claire replied and asked.

"um," he thought about it. "my dad moved out. they don't talk anymore unless it's 'business'. also i haven't been home in weeks where i see them so that's all i know."

"oh dear, i'm so sorry Daniel, you're always welcomed to stay here. since your mom is away for work most of the time, just ask her to send some clothes here so you won't be alone and can just stay here like you do anyways." she replied with a smile.

"okay cool!" Daniel replied with a polite smile.


it was currently hours later, eleven o'clock to be exact. Samantha was in her room on the bed using her phone when someone knocked on her door. "come in." she replied.

"are you sleeping?" Daniel asked. she shook her head and continued staring at her phone. Daniel laid down next to her and she gave him a 'what are you doing' look. "David's taking a shower so i'm bored, and i already took mines."

"ugh, go use your phone or play games. just don't bother me." she replied and turned the other way so her back was to him.

"but why won't you comfort me." his hand wrapped around her waist, which sent her a weird feeling as his arm tightened and he was all up behind her.

"get off me you idiot, i'm tired." she lied. his hand was still on her waist with a slight grip and she could feel her butt against his thing.

"no i think i'm good." he said, and then closed his eyes. when she didn't hear anything, she turned around slightly and saw his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping.

"Daniel, come on, enough jokes. get out before David or Aunt Claire get the wrong idea." she tried pushing him off but he was strong against her. "Daniel if you don't get off, i won't hesitate to kick you in your balls."

he didn't hesitate or move. she sighed. she took off the blanket and positioned her foot to kick him. "hey! those are my kids!" he replied and held her body down.

"okay okay! get off of me now." she said finally pushing him off.

"goodnight princess." he said to her which made her groan. he chuckled and exited the room.

she sighed. 'he was so close tonight. oh god, i felt his thing!' she thought. her face turned red and she got up to go the bathroom and wash her face and thoughts away.


few weeks later

"princess! it's time to wake up." Daniel tickled her face. she groaned and turned the other way. "come on, wakey wakey."

"leave me alone." she replied to him.

"we're gonna be late, come on." he said and took off her blanket.

her eyes flew open because cold air just hit her and she groaned sitting up. "i'm up, jeez. now get out of my room so i can get ready." she rubbed her eyes.

Daniel listened and exited the room. she got up and still half sleepy, walked to her bathroom and got dressed for her day.

she dressed into black lace top with a bow and a black bra underneath. and paired with a black skirt.

after she finished getting dressed, she brushed through her hair one last time and then walked downstairs. "you look cute." her aunt sent her a smile.

"thank you! are you getting ready for work?" Samantha asked. she nodded. "you work too much. even lawyers need rest."

"don't worry about me sweetheart. hurry on now, the boys are waiting for you in the car." she replied. Samantha kissed her on the cheek and then exited.

she entered the car and stayed on her phone till they arrived at school. "bye you buttheads." she told them and walked inside the school to her locker.

and like usual, her best friend came to her. "you're late today." Daisy said as she leaned against the locker. "also there's a new cute kid apparently. a boy, and cute."

"i didn't feel like getting out of bed today and oh. have you seen him yet?" Samantha asked.

Daisy shook her head no. "he's in your AP classes. so i'm guessing he's smart. maybe..you know. talk to him." she gave Samantha a look.

Samantha gave her a blank look. "i told you, David and Daniel. and Daniel's in my AP classes too, so i wouldn't even be able to talk to him."

the bell rang. "i'll see you later, good luck and call me so we can go on our bathroom breaks." Daisy winked and left.

Samantha made her way to her classes and sat down. she sat in her usual back seat and used her phone till the teacher came in. "students, this is Jacob Woods. he's a new student and please make him feel welcome. Jacob take a seat wherever you want." the teacher said.

Jacob's eyes went to the back of the class. everyone followed his eyes and it was on Samantha, who's head was down on the desk.

Jacob made his way over to the chair next to her which was empty. "Samantha!" the teacher called out her name like usual.

"i'm awake." she replied and gave him a pouting look. she looked to her side and saw the boy staring at her. "hi i'm Samantha."

"Jacob." he replied and just gave her a nod. she gave him a light smile and took out her books for class.


currently in her last class, she had her head down. "are you okay?" Daniel asked. "you had your head down mostly all day."

she nodded her head. "i'm tired." she replied quietly.

"just take a nap, he's half asleep too while watching the video. i'll wake you up if you're about to get caught or make a excuse." he told her.

she nodded and closed her eyes. Daniel did as he said and watched if she would get caught and every now and then stare at her sleeping face.

he didn't know how it was possible someone would even look cute while sleeping.

the class bell rang and he softly tapped Samantha. "princess, wake up. it's time to go to lunch." he whispered in her ear.

"mm." she sat up. "thank you." she said and packed her bag.

"i'll carry you books. do you need to go to your locker?" he asked. she nodded and he carried her books and they walked to her locker.

after her books were put away, they both entered the lunch room together. everyone had their eyes on them but they didn't think much of it and sat down. "Daniel, Samantha, this is Jacob." Daisy introduced.

"oh right, we have first period and AP classes together." Samantha said. Jacob nodded.

"what's up man, i'm Daniel. you're a junior right?" Daniel asked. Jacob nodded. he had his eyes on Samantha who was still half asleep. "you play any sports?"

"i played soccer in my old school but only for a bit." Jacob replied.

"oh. you should join the team, all the boys here, on it. i used to play but i stopped." Daniel said.

"anyways Sammy." Daisy said, making Samantha's head shook up. "we were talking about what to do for yours and David's birthday."

"David and Samantha are siblings." Daniel explained. "but they have different mothers." Jacob nodded, meaning her understood.

"David and I were thinking we go to your parent's guest house since it has a lot of guest bedrooms, a pool, and a lot of shops nearby."

"i mean i wouldn't mind. but it's not really up to me or David. it's up to my aunt. they buildings were left to her till me and David turn 18." Samantha replied.

"we know that. that's why we want you to talk to Aunt Claire because she likes you more. please?" he said and begged at the end.

Samantha rolled her eyes. "okay but she's gonna wanna know how many people are doing and what do we're leaving and coming back."

"your birthdays and our next break is next week. so we'll just can then for a week and then we'll still have a week to spend here before school opens." another girl in the table said.

Samantha nodded. "okay. since it's yours and David's idea, it's your job to right down who's going and make space for everyone."

David and Daisy both sighed, but then agreed. after some time, everyone was going their own ways.

"i forgot i have soccer practice, you and Daniel can take the car." David handed Sam the key.

"i'm fine with walking, if Daniel's fine with it. i was planning to stop by the store anyways." Samantha replied and handed the keys back.

"yeah i'm fine with walking. you'll be tired after practice anyways. so see you later, i'll walk Samantha." Daniel said.

David waved goodbye and went with his friends to practice. Samantha and Daniel walked  away to a certain shop.

"you don't have to walk me, go home." Samantha said.

"i don't have anything else to do anyways. and besides, i can't get into your house with the keys..and i don't plan on going home." he replied.

"oh right.." Sam said. she thought about his family situation and felt bad. "well don't tell David, but i'm searching for a present for him."

"i won't. but have you chose something?" he asked.

Samantha shook her head.

they entered a store and looked around for anything they thought would interest David, but found nothing.

they exited and visited one more store by their house but found nothing again. Samantha sighed, and worried if she would have time to get David anything.

Daniel reassured her she'll find something as they walked.

"oh my god." Samantha gasped. she stopped in her tracks and pulled Daniel behind her and hid behind the tree.

"what?" Daniel asked and looked where she was looking.

"it's Derek! but he's not with Daisy." Samantha replied. her jaw dropped when she saw Derek kiss the other girl. she quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture. "what a piece of shit."

she got out of the hiding spot and marched towards him, but was stopped by Daniel. "hey, hey! going up to him isn't gonna change anything. let's figure out what to do once we get home."

Samantha grunted.


hope you liked chapter 2 and that you come back for more :3

i love you, hope you have a blessed and wonderful day
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