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Chapter three

Aria’s Pov:

I am sitting on my deck waiting for Julian to arrive. I begin drawing the place I would love to have my wedding day to Julian. I feel a breeze and then smell a very familiar smell, my future mate. But he smells different his scent is normally like coca, sweet like a freshly baked cookie. But this other smell is warm and inviting like a fire pit on a summer night. This smell even has Ariel excited. I wonder what it could be he comes on the deck and I show him my artwork and we leave for our picnic.

We reach our spot by the lake and lie down together. I don't know if I should bring up my concerns about the mandatory ball. It is hard to know what will happen if we find our mates will our parents force us to reject them? Would we want to reject them on our own? Will the mate bond be too strong? I love Julian and I am so sure about us. But what if he changes his mind? He then asks me if I am ready for the ball and I just shrug I am so worried. Julian knows me too well after all this time so he asks me “What's wrong love?” I ask him “Julian what if we find our goddess gives mates ?” he reassures me saying that their mate bond is strong but the love we have for each other is stronger.

We both know the rumors about the strength of the mate bond. Julian assures me we will get through it together. I then see Julian smile I want to show you something. His smile is as big as a child on Christmas morning. He pushes a button and our special place lights up the scene is breathtaking like out of a movie scene. The fairy light the floating lights the soft music of our song All of Me by John Legend. Then I look down and here is my perfect man on one knee with the most beautiful diamond ring in his hand.

He starts “ Aria I know we are not allowed to get married until after the ball but they never said anything about an engagement. I want to marry you, have a home with you, raise a family with you, and build a life with you. I want to mark you and your wolf. I want to make love to you. I promise to honor you and treat you like the queen that you are. Aria will you marry me?” he finishes.

I have been tearing up this whole time. Nothing has ever felt more right so of course I say “Yes.” After we kiss he goes into a mind link probably telling the boys that I said yes I wait until he is out of the mind link to ask him if he wants to take our relationship to the next level but he doesn't answer.

I then asked him “Did you hear me love?”

He tells me “No I am sorry my love the boys were mind-linking congratulations.” I figured

“What did you say my love?” he asks

“Let me show you,” I respond

I then straddle him and start grinding him he then asks through breaths and moans “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I know why he is asking in our culture once you have sex with someone their scent is imprinted on the other person forever. But I know we are getting married so why wait?

“Yes, I am sure,” I tell him

We make love for the first time it is crazy how amazing if felt him stretching my vagina to fit him. Making my body cum all over him and feel him fill me with his cum. I know there is a risk of pregnancy but since we are getting married I’m not worried we finish and he gets off of me.

“How was that love?” I ask

“I can't wait to touch you like that every morning and night,” he replies and I blush,

It is now almost midnight so we get up to go home he is holding my hand the whole way I feel so much closer to him. I can't wait to be his forever. We reach my porch and he kisses me goodnight.

I go upstairs and into my room. I can not believe the events of tonight. If you had asked me four years ago how I felt about this whole arrangement I would have been upset. I always dreamed of finding my goddess-given mate. I always dreamed of the connection that you are supposed to feel from the way they look at you to the way that your skin reacts to their touch their scent. I know that we are not doing things the traditional way but Maybe that will be okay.

I have everything that I could ever want with Julian but I would be lying if I said that I was not curious about how the bond feels. Why couldn't my goddess-given mate be Julian? Why does my life have to be so difficult?

He is easily the most caring kind-hearted man I have ever met and I want nothing more than to be his wife. I could already imagine us in a four-bedroom house. With the white farmhouse style. With an open floor plan and a playroom for our children. A den and a living room. Or course an office for the Beta to do his work. I could picture our bedroom with a white wood furniture set and two chairs by our rounded window with a little table in between that we can have our morning coffee at. We have spoken about everything from how many children we want to what their names would be.

I remember when my father first sat my mother and me down and told us about the arrangement. Neither of us were happy. My mother couldn't understand how he could do something like that without communicating with her about it first. We were always very open with each other about everything but this was the first time my father did something behind my mother's back. I also never understood why me. There were other children he could have done this with. Unfortunately, these are answers we will never get.

I brush my hair go to my dresser and get out my pajamas. I then put my television on for background noise. While I pick out a book to read. I have always loved reading before bed I feel like it is the perfect way to relax and unwind for the night. I then change my close and look at the ring on my finger and it is so beautiful. I am over the moon when I think about everything that happened tonight. The way the lake looked straight out of a movie. I can not believe the amount of effort that he put into the proposal. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't still nervous about the ball but I know that Julian is mine and I am his and that is something that will never change.

I sit on my bed and plug in my phone and I see that I have a text from julian

Texting convo as follows:

J-julian A-Aria

J- I had so much fun today my love. I cant wait for the day that I can call you my wife.

A- aww love I had just as much fun you thought of everything. I can not wait to see how amazing you look for the ball

J- I am going to have to stay on guard all night to make sure that no other wolves try to take my fiance.

A- I still can not believe we are actually going to get married soon.

J- it feels like we have been waiting our whole lives for this moment.

A- and now it is finally here

J-soon we will be living together sleeping in the same bed, I will be beta and you will be my wife.

A- we will have pups of our own and it will be everything we have been talking about since we were 14

J- It will finally be the perfect life we have been dreaming of. Now you need some sleep. Good night beautiful I love you

A- Good night I love you handsome

And with that, we go to bed

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