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Chapter Eight

Aria’s pov

I can’t believe this. I can’t believe him. He was the one telling me that nothing would change we would fight the bond together he couldn’t even keep his lips off of her for one minute. I know the bond is hard I am dealing with this too, but you don’t see me giving in to Leo. All these thoughts as I am leaving the ball. The total humiliation I am feeling right now everyone saw him my fiancé kissing another woman.

I can feel Leo hot on my tail. Not that I care I didn’t want to see either of them right now not that Leo did anything wrong I just needed space. I run to Julian house and I grab my belongings and run to the lake I sit on the grass and I found the remote I guess Julian didn’t get around to cleaning everything up.

I sit with my bag next to me and my knees in my chest. I finally let it out. All the pain and heartache all the promises he made out the window. Then I feel him he is here I hear him walk up he is behind me.

Conversation between Leo and aria: L-Leo A-Aria

L- may I sit?

A- sure

he sits next to me

L- he is a fool for what he did. He ruined the best thing he ever had

A- He was the one promising we would fight the bond together. He was the one who proposed to me. I had every ounce of faith in him that he would fight the bond with me. He said that we would still be together. I feel like a fool for thinking this would actually work out.

L- I can not even imagine how you feel. I hate knowing that he hurt you.

A- yeah right. This works out perfect for you now I am free to be with you and give into the bond

L - Aria I know that the bond is what made me think of you as more than a friend. I know I have years of getting to know you before I catch up to Julian's knowledge of

You but I would give you all the love and attention you deserve and I promise you would never catch me kissing another woman.

A- as much as I believe that to be true I just can’t right now my heart is torn in two I am heartbroken and humiliated and on top of that I have no where to stay because I can’t stay with my parents after the fight and I won’t stay with Julian.

L- stay with me.

A- Leo I just told you I want ready for anything

L - I completely understand that but you need a place to stay and I have a whole house to myself, no pressure on us but please come stay. I have a quest room you will have total privacy.

I think about this and what choice to I really have I know I have my siblings but I would rather not face anyone after the humility that I just endured.

A- okay I’ll stay in the guest room thank you

He grabs my bag and we walk to his house, as we get to the front I notice that Julian’s Lights are on he lives across the street from Leo and I could not help but look over I could only imagine what was happening in that room. Leo feels me tense and guides me up the stairs reminding me that Julian doesn’t deserve me.

We get in the house and Leo. Helps me settle into the guest room. It is so nice of him let me stay here I know he is my mate and all but I haven’t exactly been welcoming to him or to the idea of us because I was so consumed with being with Julian. I can’t believe that I gave myself to Julian for the first time three days ago. I said yes to marrying him and spending forever with him.

I dont know where to go or who to be with now. I could stay at the pack house and give myself time to be alone and dream a new future. Leo said I could stay here since it is empty most of the time anyway. His house is beautiful it is right off of the water and it looks like a white modern Beach house. The interior is white with hold accents and some light blue and light purple accents and some indoor plants around. You can tell his mother had great taste.

This is all so confusing but I know to start to get some clarity I need to talk to Julian.

I take out my phone and dial his number

phone conversation with aria and Julian. A-aria J-Julian

J- Aria are you okay?

A- yes I am fine… we need to talk though

J- can we talk in person?

A- I am not up for that at the moment but I need to talk with you because we need to figure out the next steps.

J- okay.

A- what was that? How could you do that to me?

J- Aria you know me that was not my intention. You know I have always wanted to spend forever with you. I still do. But I also know that my behaviors tonight prove that I do not deserve you.

A- Julian I know what the bond feels like But also know that you have the willpower to control it. I have controlled it with Leo the most that he has done was touch my shoulder. I didn’t run into his arms and kiss him.

J- I shouldn’t have done that. I dont know what has come over me.

A- do you love her ?

J- I dont know her to love her.

A- Do you think if you decided to choose me that you would be able to reject her? And deal with the pain of you rejecting her?

J- I don’t think so. Now that I have met her and we have been talking.

A- so you are telling me that you hurt me and you decided the best way to fix that was to continue talking to her before you even tried to talk to me

J- I tried to talk to you. I. Mind linked with Leo he told me that you were okay but not ready to talk to me yet. I was trying to give you space and I knew I was the last person you would want to talk to.

A- so you wouldnt be able to reject her. What does that mean for us?

J- I think you and i need to take time and find out what we want to do. Who we want to be with. And should we choose each other than we reject our mates.

A- Julian i am not going to be your back up. If you want to be with me than you have to chose that now. It is me or her you can’t have both.

J- you are meant for so much more than to be a betas wife you are meant to be a Luna. Do you know what that even means? You wouldnt be able to take orders from someone else should Leo marry someone else.

A- That doesn’t really tell me your choice Julian

J- After feeling the bond I think it would be to hard and strong to reject.we need to see how this goes with our mates. I am sorry aria.

A- Good bye Julian

we hang up.

I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I dont know where to begin to start over everyone has known about Julian and I for the past four years they all found out about the engagement and now i am the sad she wolf that was broken up with.

There is a knock at the door

“Come in.” I say

It is Leo and Caden

“How are you doing aria?” Caden asks

“Horrible how are you guys I’m so sorry your night at the ball got ruined with this drama.” I apologize to them

“It’s okay.” Caden says

“ I spent the whole night wishing i was with you.” Leo says

he really is the sweetest but I dont understand how the monon goddess paired us together. He is an alpha and I am the daughter of the weakest Wolf in the pack.

“I am here if you ever need to talk Aria.” Caden says then leaves

Leo is standing by my door.

“You can come in.” I tell him

he comes and sits at the edge of my bed.

“I know you still have a lot to figure out with Julian . But in two days i will be leaving again for training. I will be back in a month. When I come back my father will begin preparations to step down as alpha I will then takeover the pack.” he tells me

“Oh. ?” I say

“Aria there are some things that I need to talk to you about. Things that only alphas and Their families know about because it pertains to alphas and future lunas only. “ he says

I am now confused. This must be what he is learning in his alpha training.

“Okay.” I say to him

“Now that we met and addressed each other as mates you will be coming into heat. Within the next few weeks whenever your cycle is due. If you need me mind link me please I dont want you going through that alone. Also when my father steps down and I step up that is when you will be able to step up as well as Luna of our pack. I completely understand if you are not ready and i understand if you need time before you are ready to pursue us but I just want to let you know the changes you will be undergoing. Also my father would like to start training you for the Luna responsibilities. When you are up for it.” He finishes he can tell this is a lot for me to take in just by the expressions on my face.

“There is no pressure you can say yes and begin or take your time we completely understand either way.” He finishes. I dont know what comes over me but i lean in to kiss him he doesnt pull away he actually leans into it himself.

“I’m sorry Leo I dont know what came over me.” You have nothing to be sorry about. He says as he kisses me again.

I’m not thinking about commitments but this is nice. I was tired of fighting the fact that I am attracted to him. At least I am not like Julian and I waited to talk to him first and I didn’t rip his heart out in front of the whole pack.

We pull apart and Leo tells me “ i am going to let you get some rest you have had a long two days. “

He gets up and starts walking out of the room

“Leo” ‘I say

“yes “ he responds

“Do you think you could lay with me?” I ask him

he smiles and says “of course”

he gets in the bed with me and pulls me into his arms and I fall asleep instantly like his arms are this safe place that i feel like I have been in a thousand times before I. Could get used to this.

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