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Chapter six

Arias POV

I walk onto Julians porch and knock on his door. I am beyond nervous on how he will react. This is everything we had been dreading since we turned 18. Would he feel like I am betraying him? Would he want to be with me?

My mother opens the door. “Aria darling, what an unexpected surprise.” she says while greeting me

“Hi, I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while. My parent and I got into an argument and my father kicked me out.”

She immediately moves out of the way allowing me in and says “of course” she then calls Julian down as he comes running down the stairs.

“Hi beautiful what’s wrong I thought we were meeting at your house later for the dance?” He asks.

“Hey handsome we were but My father and I got into a huge fight. He kicked me out. I was. Hoping I could stay here” I explain to him

”Of. Course you can.” He replies

”Can we talk outside?” I ask him and he nods his head yes as we head out to the porch and sit on the porch swing.

”What happened to my love?” He asks me with concern in his voice.

“Remember how we have both been so concerned about finding our goddess Given mates before or during the ball?” I ask him

”Yes love?” He says questioning where I am going with this.

” This morning I woke up and had breakfast with my mom. When I went back upstairs to get ready. There was a knock on the door and it was Leo. When I saw him I knew that he was my mate and he knew that I was his. We had a discussion and then my father came home and Leo told him that I am his mate. Then my father got Physical with me when I told him that I was not going to leave you for Leo and that was when he told me that I had to choose between leaving you for Leo or being able to continue to live at home so I packed my things and I left.” I explain

“Leo is your …mate?” He asks, I can tell, still in shock.

“I know I can’t believe it either.” I explain.

“So what does this mean for us?” He asks me.

”Julian you know I love you I still want to be with you and to marry you and start a life with you. We spoke about how we would handle it if we found our mates.” I say

”what is it like?”he asks me

“What is what like?” I ask for clarification.

“The bond.” He says

“I mean I just found out today Julian. I’m don’t love him the bond doesnt make you instantly fall in love with the person.” I tell him

“I know that but you must feel some changes already.” He says

“I can tell when he is around his scent is easier for me to be alerted to. I can tell when he is looking at me the hair on the back of my neck will stand up and i ill get goose bumps all on my body. When he touches me I feel these tingles in the area he is touching me.” I explain

“He touched you?” He asks

“It’s not what you think my father was getting physical and he pushed me behind him to protect him.” I explain

“Oh.” I can tell how hard this is for him I couldn’t imagine if he had found his mate first.

”I am sorry Julian you know I didn’t ask for any of this. I have always wanted you and only you. ” I say about to cry

“ I know Aria. We will get through this and I will always be here for you if you still want me. I will always love you.” He says

“Then why are you talking like we already broke up. Everything your saying is in passed tense or like it is the last time you are going to see me?” I ask

“I would never break up with you love. I love you far too much to do that. I want to be with you and marry you and have children with you I want you by my side for life. But I also know this bond is not going to be easy for you and I don’t want you to feel pressured, I want you to have the time and space that you need to make the right decision for yourself. “ he tells me. And while I appreciate how he is taking this I wish we could just go and get married and have. This whole mate thing over with. But I also don’t want to put Leo through the pain of having to feel me mate with someone else.

I don’t know what to do we sit here in silence for a few hours and we text Amanda and Justin to meet us at Julians house instead of mine. After hour of silence we go upstairs to begin getting ready. I still want to keep my outfit a surprise until I walk down the stairs so Julian gets ready in the guest room while I get ready in his room.

He is always such a gentleman.

I curl my hair and have it hang on my shoulders in a half up half down style, I put my necklace on and the slip into my dress. I put my shoes on and grab my purse. I then open the door of Julian’s bedroom and call his name to find out that he is already down stairs waiting for me.

“Ready ?” I question.

”Always Beautiful.” He says to me.

I walk down the stairs and my eyes immediately find his. He is smiling so big,

“my love you look so beautiful. I am going to be the most lucky man at the ball tonight.” He says which makes me blush so big he hands be a corsage and it has a white rose. And a gold ribbon. He slips it onto my wrist and I pin his to the coat of his jacket.

“Ready to go love?” He asks

“of course.” I say.

“There is one thing. Leo. Is outside .” He tells me

“What? Why?” I ask

“Before the whole mate thing I invited he and Caden to go to the ball together I never imagined he would end up being your mate.” He explains

I can’t blame him for that. He was only trying to do something sweet.

“It’s okay love we will handle this together” I say as we walk out of the house

The minute the door opened I could smell him here then I could feel where his eyes were landing on me. Julian put his hand on the small of my back as he led me down the stairs I heard a growl from Leo I could tell this was going to be hard for the both of them.

I look at Julian and we approach Leo

“Hey man “ Julian says trying to break the silence

Leo just looked at him with his jaw clenched and his hands in fists I know that Leo would never hurt Julian but his alpha in him was trying to protect his mate.

“Leo I know that the alpha in you is being protective of me but you have to regain control and remember that Julian is my fiancé and my date to tonight’s event. “ I state calmly trying to not cause any more issues

“I will try my best beautiful “ he says and I can feel Julian’s hand tighten on the small of my back. This was going to be a long night.

We all get into the limo and we are all having a great time. I can feel Leo’s eyes never leaving my body tho while Julian is rubbing his hands on my legs and my back which I could tell was making Leo jealous. This is so complicated Leo’s alpha persona is jealous of another man touching what’s his and Julian is jealous that another man is mated to his fiancé. I don’t know what to do in this situation to I just decide to avoid it while we are in such small corners.

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