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Chapter seven

Julian’s POV

I can feel his eyes on her. I hate how he automatically thinks that she is his. I have been with her longer. I have loved her longer. I know everything about her. He just walks in and realizes she is his mate and thinks she belongs to him now.

I still can not believe that my fiancé is supposed to be my future Luna. I don’t want to give up on what Aria and I have. We pull up to the ball and I get out and escort Aria out of the limo. Everyone else follows. We start going up the stairs to the hall. Aria looks gorgeous. I love looking at her the way the light is reflecting off her dress.

We get into the ball and everything looks amazing and so extravagant. We walk in and there is this scent. I can't tell what it is but I want to find it. We walked down the grand staircase. I go to get Aria some punch. I can tell that Leo is still staring at her and at us. He wants her I can tell but I am not ready to give up on us yet. I love being with her. I love the future we have dreamed of.

I walk back to where Aria is and I hand her the drink that I got her. I still see Leo staring at her. I look at him and he looks away. After finishing our drinks I take Aria by the hand and lead her to the dance floor.

I pull her close as we dance and whisper to her “you look so beautiful in this dress and as much as I am enjoying you in it I can not wait to take it off of you.” When I say this she blushes and starts to kiss me. I then trail kisses down her neck she is quietly moaning in my ear which is exciting me so much.

“I can feel him staring at me.” She tells me I then move my hands lower to her behind and hold her tighter.

“He is jealous of what he can’t have. Because it is all mine” I say to her.

I begin to feel this weird tingling feeling and I don’t know what it is. I decide not to tell Aria I don’t need to give her more that she would have to worry about.

We dance the night away. This night was perfect the food was amazing and the decorations were done so nicely. I could not imagine a more perfect night. I am so happy that this night is coming to an end because I can’t wait to make this woman is mine forever. Our song comes on and I immediately take Arias hand and lead her to the dance floor and we dance to All of me by John Legend.

Once the song finishes we begin to head back to the table. When I see her the most beautiful woman in the world I can’t help but look at her I need to go to her. I let go of Arias hand I immediately walk over to this woman and I say “excuse me” she turns to see me and we both immediately say “mate” and then without warning we both go in for a kiss and stay like that for the longest time.

“What is your name?” I ask her

“Maria What’s yours?” She asks

“Julian” i tell her than after regaining control of myself I remember what I was doing where was aria? What did i just do ? What would aria be thinking ? I turn around and see tears falling from her eyes and then she bolts out of the door.

I can’t believe what I just did and we were having such an amazing night. How could I have been so stupid. I love Aria and I barely know Maria but the pull is already so strong. I look to Maria and say “I’m sorry I have to go.”

“Go where We just found each other?” She asks

“ I have to go find my fiancé,” I tell her

she looks shocked and I don’t stay to answer any questions I bolt out of the door.

I run out the door and I see Caden looking at me with a bro you fucked up look. He didn’t have to tell me I already knew. I walk up to him and ask him “have you seen aria?” He looks at me and says “yeah she ran out of here about five minutes ago and Leo ran after her but by the time I got out here they were both gone.

I feel so stupid how could I do this to her. I promised her. How could I do that to Maria kiss her and then tell her that I am engaged to someone else. I ruined everything. I doubt that either one of them would want to be with me anymore. Who do I want to be with? I love Aria I know that without a question. But Maria the excitement she brings to me. I have never felt this feeling before, but I know I want to feel it again.

I sit on the steps and Caden walks over to me

”Bro what are you going to do?” He asks me

”I don’t know. I love Aria… But. Maria.” I say

“Why don’t you mind link with Leo and see if he is with Aria.” He tells me

he is right I don’t know if Leo would even let a mind link in from me.

Mind Lind conversation L -Leo J- Julian

J- Did you find aria ?


j- is she okay?

L- yeah she is fine

j - Please tell her how sorry I am

l- she doesn’t want to hear from you

j-please Leo I LOVE her

l- didn’t seem like that when you were kissing your mate on the dance floor for five whole minutes

j- dude you know it isn’t like that it is the bond you should know your experiencing it

l- Actually I wouldn't know. My mate is engaged and is so worried about not hurting her fiance she hasn’t given me the time of day, don’t worry about her go back to your mate ill worry about mine. She doesnt want to talk to you anyway.

He closes the mind link

I can’t believe I did this to her. I had everything I ever wanted I never asked for this. I never asked for my mate I was perfectly happy with Aria. I love her and now I blew it. I begin to walk home I didn’t want to see Maria again all I wanted was Aria.

I get back to my house and walk up to my room. I hope Aria is here. But when I walk in I see she is not in the room and her stuff is gone. I just wish she would come back to me. I wish we could go back to that day by the lake.

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