Chapter 9 – Best Night of My Life
Today is the bonfire party and I have thirty minutes left before Casey and Chase arrive in our drive way. I have everything in my bag except for a bikini. I don’t have one but Casey insisted that I should have one if I wanted Matt to notice me. But I can’t go shopping now when I know that I’m running out of time, and it’s not like other people will be bothered seeing me with just a plain shirt and shorts on the beach. Casey is just over reacting too much.
Last night, Matt had sent me a message saying, “I’ll hope I can see you tomorrow (: -Matt”, and by just seeing that message made me hyped that I couldn’t even sleep. I didn’t told Elliot where I was going because if he knew, he’ll probably lecture me not to go because of the incident last time about Jesse drugging my drink which I don’t think he really done it. I know that Elliot and my other guy friends will be invited but I don’t think they’ll attend and I didn’t see them attend the bonfire party for the past years because they’re not really comfortable with Matt’s group of friends and especially the incident last time.
I already ask my parents’ permission about going to the party and they agreed but letting me promise first that I would stay away from trouble. I’ll probably be home tomorrow because the party usually ends at three o’ clock in the morning.
I tied my hair into a bun and before I could even get my bag from my bed, I have this gut feeling of checking Austin in his room. I shake my head and tried to remove the thought of Austin bugging inside my head. Why would I be interested to that guy when he’s not even my crush or someone I would want to like? I’m getting really annoyed by just thinking about him when I don’t think I should. I close my bedroom window and close the curtains. I should stop thinking about him and focus on the party that I’m going to attend this evening.
“Elliot, I’m going out with Casey.” I called out his name when I pass by on his room but not a single word came out. I went back to his room and let myself in and I found no Elliot. He must be at Austin’s or Ivan’s.
I went downstairs and found my mom on the kitchen, baking. She loves to bake and cook-- sometimes I wonder why I wasn’t able to inherit those characteristics.
“Mom, I’ll be going now.” I said while I glance at her as she places the dough on the tray. The counter was a mess, flour are scattered all over the counter, egg shells were on the sink and her tray is all a mess. But seeing her like this makes me happy because she’s doing what she loves.
“Okay hun,” She takes a look at me, “You take care okay? Promise to stay away from trouble and hormonal teenagers.” She said and I laugh back.
“Of course mom.” I kiss her on the cheek, “By the way, where’s Elliot?”
She places the tray on the oven and set the timer, “He said that he’s going out with his friends and he’ll probably home by tomorrow, didn’t he tell you?”
He didn’t tell me anything but I think we’re truce now because I didn’t even told him about me going to Matt’s party. He must be at Ivan’s and I don’t want to know where they’re going.
“Oh okay,” I change the topic, “Bye mom! Save me some cookies!”
She chuckles, “I will hun.”
I went to the living room and saw my dad on the couch with the television set on the football game and his eyes settled on the newspaper that he is holding. My father loves multi tasking and I know that Elliot inherited that from him.
“So are you going to watch or read?” I teased.
My father diverted his attention to me and he chuckled softly, “Both? Is that a bad thing?” I’m a daddy’s girl, no one could argue on that. If Elliot is a mama’s boy, I’ll probably be a daddy’s girl.
“Nope, not at all.” I said laughing, “I have to go now Dad.” I smile.
“Fine, just no sex and trouble, okay?” I was shock to hear him say sex so forwardly that I covered my ears with a sharp look directed at him.
“Dad!” I exclaim, “Can you please stop saying the s word! I’m not even thinking that I’ll be doing anything related to that.” I scoff and he laughs, “I know you wouldn’t.”
A place a peck on his cheek, “Bye! I’ll text you and mom when I get there.”
“Okay, be careful.”
It took ten minutes of waiting before Casey and her boyfriend arrive on my driveway. I was a bit pissed because I’m not that patient but I’m relieved that I don’t have to wait for an hour.
“Hop on in.” Casey hollered after she rolls down the passenger window. I guess her boyfriend is the one driving. I may be a third wheeler in this set up but I won’t allow myself to be one. I don’t want to feel left out so I’ll do my best to converse with Casey and her boyfriend that I haven’t met before.
I went to sit on the back seat and I was greeted with a smile from Casey’s boyfriend.
“Hi!” I greeted happily.
“Hi, my name’s Chase, I’m sure you know me from Casey.” He answered back.
“Yes, and I’m El—“ before I could even finish my sentence, Chase beats me into it and said, “Ellie, I know. I heard a lot of things from Casey about you.”
I kick the seat of where Casey is seating and said, “And what could that be?!”
Casey nervously laughs and hits her boyfriend on the arm, “Why don’t you just drive and get to the beach!” She retorted, making Chase and I laugh at her expression.
The one hour drive was not awkward at all. It was fun talking to Chase and making fun of her Casey in the same time. Just seeing Casey turn red because of embarrassment makes it funnier. Chase is actually not just a good looking guy, a built body and a handsome face for he is also a funny and kind guy who you would get close to by just one snap of a finger. Casey told me a while back that Chase is good at making friends and he is really good in communicating to new people, unlike me. So Chase might probably enjoy the party even if he doesn’t really go with our classmates. But I doubt that there will be no girls looking at him in a predator way—he’s hot and I suggest that Casey should put a leash around his neck.
“We’re finally here!” Casey chirped happily as Chase parks the car.
We’re going to stay in the hotel which is just a walk away from the beach. Casey and Chase will be sharing on one room and I, on the other hand, will be taking a room for myself. I don’t want to disturb those love birds, being the third wheel on the car ride is enough.
“So, I’ll be taking your bags and Casey—“ Chase started, “You book us a room?” He said making Casey smile. She’s indeed lucky. When will I ever meet the right guy?
“I’ll have my bag, thank you very much.” I said back to Chase, “I’ll be with Casey.” He nods and I followed Casey as she heads straight inside the hotel lobby.
“You’re boyfriend is so cool and hot!” I compliment, “You’re perfect for each other.”
She laughs, “I know,” She wraps her arm around my shoulder, “And I can’t wait my best friend to have her own boyfriend too so we could have a double date.”
“Yeah, as if.” I hissed and she replies laughing, “Don’t be so negative, Matt will probably have his eyes on you after seeing you wear a bikini.”
I instantly turn red and smack her on the arm, “That sounds terrifying and for your information, I don’t have a bikini.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know and it’s not like I didn’t brought you one.”
“What?!” I said with my eyes fixated at her.
She nods enthusiastically, “You have a bikini, I brought you one and it suits you! So, I suggest you try it on after we get our room keys.” She winks. And I thought I could escape this whole wearing bikini thing. I’m wrong.
Casey hands me the bikini as soon as Chase arrives on their room with her bag. I instantly lock my room and wore the bikini. It’s a two piece that has no straps and it’s navy blue in color which is my favorite color but I never expected that I’ll be wearing something like this. I mean, I’m shy in terms of showing off my skin, especially my curves. I’m not fat or too skinny, I have a fine and slender figure, not that I’m bragging. I have the nice body even Casey told me before when we were changing and I was just on my undies but I don’t have the confidence to show it.
“Should I wear this?” I said to myself as I look myself in the mirror. I mean, I look hot, but is this really worth it? I’m not really comfortable but Casey told me that I should show my wings, as if I have wings to show.
I grunted and close my eyes for a second and open them when I had finally relaxed. “Fine, I can wear this.”
I wore my see through dress above it that Casey brought for me before. I didn’t actually think that I’ll be wearing this but now I’m wearing it.
I sent a message to my parents telling them that I’m already here. I took my shoulder bag that I brought with me which is not heavy to carry to put my towel and the keys to my room. I’m all set and it’s six ten in the evening. The party should be starting by now.
I got out of my room and knock on the door across from where I was staying which was Casey’s, “Are you all set?” I ask.
No one is responded and I knock again for them to hear. No one responded. I breathe heavily and stick my other ear on the door, and believe me, after I heard the noise that was very unpleasant for my ears, I instantly back away from the door and message Casey that I’ll go ahead. And I thought that she’s excited for the party, she’s much excited being with her boyfriend. Not that I’m bitter, I actually think she’s lucky.
I can see familiar faces when I arrive in the beach but none of them were close to me. My eyes scan around the crowd to look for Matt or even Jesse but I couldn’t seem to find them. I message Matt to ask where he was and he didn’t reply, so I was standing in the middle of the crowd for a whole fifteen minutes until I was surprise by someone behind me.
“Hey!” I turn around immediately to find, “Ivan?!”
He nodded, “Do I look different?” He laughs, “Surprise we’re here?”
“How, why, and when?!” I ask in confusion.
“Well, it’s all because of Elliot and Austin,” He grins, “We weren’t actually planning to go here but Austin told us that you and Casey will be going and Elliot immediately told us that we should go and I think it was because of the incident last time that he doesn’t want you to be near Jesse.” Ivan reckons.
“But how did Austin actually know about this?” I ask with an eyebrow raise.
He shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know,” He laughs, “Anyway, you should be careful okay, but you have your knight and shining armors, if you know what I mean.” He winks and followed his sentence, “You look hot by the way, see you later.”
Am I dreaming? And I thought that I could actually get to be with Matt but Elliot and Austin decided to show up. I should stay away from them and to prevent them from seeing me.
“Ellie!” I voice called out my name and I can feel my heart beating each second as he walks towards me, “It’s nice to see you!” He said, displaying a smile on his face.
“Matt,” I smiled back, “It’s nice to see you too.”
“I thought you wouldn’t come because you didn’t reply back.” He smiles. I can’t believe he’s standing in front of me, shirtless and telling me that he’s waiting for my reply last night. I’m sorry Matt, I was too hyped that you message me that I wasn’t so sure what to reply.
“Yeah, I was already asleep that time.” Lie.
“So do you want to go get a drink?” He suggests, making me smile like an idiot.
“Maybe later.” I said.
“Okay then, where’s Casey? I thought she’s coming with?”
I rolled my eyes, “Too busy with her boyfriend.” I hissed.
“So that leaves you all by yourself then?” He chuckles, “Mind if I take you with me?” And by hearing him say that, it makes me want to puke rainbows.
I nodded hysterically, “Where are we going?” I stutter.
He runs his hand through his messy yet adorable hair, “I could introduce you to my friends or we could go swimming? Or let’s chill somewhere?”
“Chill! I guess.” I said with a smile and he chuckles, “You’re cute when you’re excited.” Did he just say that I was cute?! Oh my gosh, my heart. Calm down Ellie, this is your chance of showing to Matt that he could see something in you and that he could actually like me. Gosh I sound so desperate.
I walk on the sand with Matt beside me and it was really nerve-wrecking because I left my mind into thinking what should I tell him?
“Compare to the look you have when we’re still sophomore, you’re completely different now.” Matt opens the topic.
“Yea-ah,” I stutter, “Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” I chuckle nervously and he responded smoothly, “Good, I mean, you look attractive.”
He chuckles seconds later, “You’re attractive, not that I’m hitting on you or anything, I mean not that I’m—“ I cut him off, “I know, you’re just giving me a friendly compliment.”
“Yeah,” He said, “So, I heard that you and Prince are pretty close, is there something going on between you two?”
I laugh loudly, something going on between the both of us? Oh please, even if I live for hundreds of years, nothing will happen between us, “Except for the fighting, the bickering and the insults? Nothing is happening between us, we’re sort of fixing the frenemies status that we’ve built since freshman.”
“Fights? I never knew Austin will do that to a girl when he’s known for attracting girls because of his charms. And since freshman? So you two must be really close?” Matt shoots the questions, why is he even asking about Austin?
“Yeah, he’s my neighbor so we’ve known each other since and because he’s my brother’s bestfriend but it’s not like we’re close, we’re just into getting into each other’s nerves. Well other girls do not know him that much because behind that pretty face of his, he’s completely evil.” By just saying the last sentence that I utter, it made me smile like a complete idiot which was completely weird of me.
He chuckles softly, but it does not look like he finds it amusing, “So, do you have a boyfriend or someone you’re interested to?”
Just hearing Matt ask that question makes my heart flutter of excitement. Why is he asking this question? Is he going to profess his likeness towards me? I’m dreaming aren’t I? Oh please Ellie, don’t get your hopes up.
“I don’t have one.” Let’s skip the part of him, asking me whether I’m interested to someone because if I said yes, he might get other ideas. “How about you? Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” I ask, “I mean, other girls will want to have you with that beautiful--, I mean, hot, I really meant was you’re a nice guy.” What the hell am I saying? I feel like I’m a love struck teenager who does not know what to say.
“It’s not that I’m not into having one, I’m just looking for the right gal.” He said with a smile, “I don’t want to toy other girls’ feelings just because I want to get laid or experiment their feelings just to find out if that girl is the one for me, I just want to be friends with them and if I finally felt something, then maybe she’s the one.” He laughs nervously, “My guy friends thought that I was being ridiculous but I want it to be that way because my father was like that towards my mom and until now, they look like teenagers who are just madly in love.”
“No!” I retorted, I was surprise with the loudness of my voice, “It’s not ridiculous at all, actually I find it sweet.” I reply back with a smile and he smiled back, making me want to jump.
We walk close by the water and seconds later he splashes water on my feet with the use of his foot, he was laughing by just seeing my shocked expression. I didn’t saw that coming and I never imagine that I could have a perfect night with Matt.
I put down my bag on the ground which was a little far away from the water and I immediately push him towards the water when he turns his back. He fell on the water, he was completely soaked and I was just laughing seeing him like that.
“Did you just do that?” He asks as he stands up, looking at me in a different way. Something tells me that he’s going to do some pay back.
“That was an accident.” I said.
“Really?” He walks closely and I started to walk backwards.
“I didn’t do it on purpose.” I reply laughing.
Before he could even charge me and push me in the water, I felt that I hit my foot into something, it made me lose my balance, letting me fell on the water. I’m now wet, even my dress.
Matt lends me his hand with a smile that makes my heart pound like crazy, “Do you now believe in karma?”
I splash him with water and he blocks his eyes with his hands, “Stop or I’ll make you pay!”
I stand up immediately, I remove my see through dress on the sand and went on the water to swim, trying to avoid Matt. He saw me swim away from him and he followed me laughing, “Is this a challenge?”
“Last one on that big rock is going to have a dare!” I shouted.
He tried to swim faster, he was following behind me. It was making me too nervous that I was beginning to slow my phase, “You’re cheating!” I said as he was about to reach the big rock while I was gasping for air.
“No!” He shouted when he finally reaches the big rock, “I did it fair and square.” He laughs, “Now, you owe me a dare.”
He swim towards my direction and he stop as soon as he’s already inches from mine. His blue eyes were staring at me and all I could feel was my heart beating loudly. “So, what’s—the dare?” I ask stuttering.
“I dare you to hang out with me this coming Saturday.” He said with a stern look. Is this a date? Is he asking me out?
“I—uhh, I—“ I wasn’t really sure of what to say but I know what’s on my mind.
“I what Ellie?” He asks nervously, “Do you not want to? I mean, I could just take it back if you—“ I cut him off, “Yes! I mean,” I compose myself before giving him a proper answer, “I would love to.”
He smiles at me, making me feel butterflies all over my tummy, “Then I would look forward to it.”
After minutes of talking and swimming out of the water, we finally reach the ground. It was so cold after feeling the air touch my bare skin. I was a bit relieved that I saw my bag on the ground, but my dress was completely gone. Someone must have taken it, who would even get that dress when it’s partially wet?
“Is there something wrong?” Matt asks with a sincere look on his face.
“I can’t seem to find my dress, it was here before we got in the water.” I said as I scan my eyes on the ground.
“Should I help you look for it? Someone must have taken it, thinking that it was theirs or something.” He scan his eyes, trying to help me search for it.
“Hey Matt!” A voice called out Matt’s attention and I also turn my back to know who it was.
The guy has an attractive look and built body, he’s in the basketball team with Matt and one of Matt’s closest friend. “Hunter, what’s up?” Matt greeted Hunter and he was surprise when he saw me beside Matt.
“Well who do we have here?” Hunter asks in a flirty way and Matt interrupts, “Can you please stop flirting every girl you see?” Matt said annoyingly. I feel like Matt was being protective over me and it’s making me go insane.
“Fine.” Hunter rolls his eyes, “The guys were looking for you like thirty minutes ago, you have to come, the game won’t be complete without you in it.” Hunter complains.
“Fine,” Matt laughs, “Would you like to come with?” I would love to but I have to find my dress, I don’t want to walk in the crowd with just my wet bikini on.
“I’ll follow you guys later, I just have to talk to Casey about something.” I reply back with a smile.
“Is that a promise?” Matt scratches the back of his neck as his eyes were directed at me.
I nodded, “Promise, and good luck.”
He smiles at me before he follows Hunter walking figure.
I have to find that dress fast and join them. I have the feeling that this night can be the best night of my life especially now that Matt has ask me to hang out with him next week. I can feel a smile form my lips and it’s making me want to jump like a kid.
“Is playing on the water that fun for you? Both of you act like kids.” A familiar voice said.
I was surprise that someone actually saw what was happening between me and Matt and it’s making me nervous by just hearing it.
“And Ella, looking for this?” Hearing the name Ella made me realize who it was.
I turn around to see the guy that I want to hide from since I arrive this party, it was no other than Austin. Just seeing him makes me feel nervous and in the same time, I can feel my heart pound so fast that I was actually annoyed why am I feeling this way just by seeing him.
He was topless and he has my dress in hand. His messy hair makes him look irresistible with the signature smirk that every girl would fall for. “Give that back to me!” I retorted.
He laughs evilly, “I will, if and only if, you spend the night with me.” He wiggles his eyebrows, making me startled with what I just heard from him.
And I thought this was the best night of my life, it was completely opposite than that.