Chapter 8 – Heart to Heart Talk
“Again, did you just call me a bitch?” She laughs and composed herself with her usual bitch face whenever she challenges a fight with someone, “And how dare you speak of me as taking advantage of Austin when clearly, we had fun last night.”
Everyone in the cafeteria directed their attention to our table, and it was because of Alexandra’s voice that made the audience bigger.
“Alexandra—please—“ Austin started talking but I immediately cut him off,
“I was just pointing out the fact.” I said with my eyes looking straight at her.
She laughs sarcastically, “You don’t have to say anything about it because you weren’t even there, and what do you even care about what happened that night, it’s not like you like Austin and it’s not like he likes you too.” I don’t know what just happened but after hearing her say that made me feel like an arrow just shot in my chest.
She walks closer to me, “Aren’t you a lesbian? You like girls.” She follows it with a laugh, “The only reason you are popular because your brother is popular and the only reason why guys talk to you was because they consider you as a guy that they want to hang out with and not a girl that they could go out or fuck with.”
“Hey! You’re exaggerating it too much!” Ivan spoke. Alexandra ignored her and continue to look at me.
I stand up from my seat with my eyes glared at her, “You don’t know about anything so just shut the fuck up! I’m not a lesbian and the reason they talk to me because you’re right, they want to hang out with me because I’m fun to be with and maybe because I act more of a guy than a girl, that made them comfortable,” I chuckle and later compose myself with a serious look, “But so what? I don’t care! The only reason why guys only go over heels for you because they want to fuck you! That’s the only reason slut!”
“Burn.” Casey hollered, I look at her and she instantly compose herself into a serious look and directed her eyes to Alexandra.
She glares at me with her face red because of embarrassment, I was right and I know that she knows it too, “If you don’t care so much then why did you suddenly want to look like a girl?” She eyed me from head to toe, “Wearing clothes that does not even fit you, and that make-up? It does not really change who you are, you’re still a tomboy and every guy in here wouldn’t even consider you as a girl.” She laughs evilly, making me want to punch her on the throat.
“Why Alexandra? Can’t accept the fact that my friend is better looking than you now that she actually looks like a girl?” Lila fired back, earning a glare from Alexandra and her best friend.
“People change, so you don’t have the right to judge me whether what I want to wear or not and it’s not like I care about what other people think so stop being such an asshole and grow up. And what about you?” I look at her from head to toe, “I sure do think that your clothes does not suit you because we’re in school,” I laugh, “Shouldn’t you wear something different than a slutty costume?”
And with that I could hear people laughing, even in our table. Elliot stepped in the fight, pushing me away from Alexandra but I didn’t budge or even listened to him, “Ellie, stop, you’re going to get in detention.”
Austin tries to pull Alexandra away but she didn’t listen to Austin and just stand there looking at me. “Slut?” She angrily said, she shoves Elliot away from me and charged me, making myself land on the floor while she is on top of me, pulling my hair.
“Oh no you didn’t!” Casey shouts angrily, she tried pulling Alexandra away from me but it’s not even helping because the more she pulls, the more the pain in my head gets.
“Get away from me you slut!” I tried pushing her face away from me but it didn’t really do anything. Lila tried to help but she was confronted by Alexandra’s best friend.
“Slut? Shut up fucking lesbian!” Alexandra spat. Making me more mad that I am before. I quickly turn my hand into a fist and punch her on the stomach, making her groan in pain. She lets go off my hands and Casey was pulled out by Ivan.
Elliot pushes me away from Alexandra and Austin was making sure she wouldn’t do anything. And before we know that it’s over, Alexandra stood up and launch a kick on my stomach which was really painful. I was so mad that I punch her in the nose, I was fighting like a guy more than a girl and I know it’s kind of bad but punching Alexandra makes me feel good.
I heard a crack when I hit her, and it was more clear to me that I broke her nose because blood started to draw out from her nose, she shouts in pain and I think the reason why she was shouting was because her perfect nose has been broken. “You’re going to pay for this!” She screeches. She latch out her long nails and she was about to scratch me on the face but I manage to block it with my arm, it was painful but bearable.
I was about to kick her in the stomach but Elliot snatch me and carried me away so that I could stop moving and Austin did the same with Alexandra, “Reed and Hamilton!” The principal was with the sea of audiences that has their eyes on us. I didn’t really notice that almost everyone in the cafeteria has their attention to us.
“In detention now!” He shouted.
“No!” Alexandra said angrily, “She started it!” She looks at me in a mean way and I glared back at her.
“Either way, both of you needs to get in detention because what that two of you displayed is against the school policy.” He said angrily, “I expect the both of you in detention after you get those wounds treated.” He looks at Austin and Elliot, “I expect that both of you two accompany these ladies before they make another fight in the clinic.” He said.
Austin nodded and Elliot did the same. I didn’t really notice it before but I can feel that my lips is bleeding and the scratch on my arm got more deep. I never imagine myself getting into a girl fight and now that I did it, it was something that I won’t forget.
I was relieved that the wall is separating me with Alexandra because if it’s just a curtain, I think I might get into another fight with her. She was in the other side of the room getting her wounds treated by the nurse because she needs it more than I do after her nose being broken. But I don’t think that it was that broke and it could heal in a matter of weeks.
Elliot was with me and he was applying the medicine in my arm because the scratch that Alexandra placed was too deep that it actually produce blood but not too many that would make it look like a bloody mess. I was holding towel with an ice on it and applied it on my head because I can feel like my head spinning after hitting myself on the floor when Alexandra charged me.
“And you always fight like a guy more like a girl.” Elliot grinned, “As much as I want to scold you right now, I’m still proud of you for defending yourself.”
“She kind of deserves it though.” I sigh, “But still I was the one who started it, calling her a bitch.”
“But she is a bitch, and it’s not like you were asking for a fight, she’s the one who challenged you.” Elliot clears out.
“But I still feel bad because I have to get in detention and our parents may ground me.” I sigh, staring at the floor. How can I even go to Matt’s beach party if I am going to be grounded? This sucks.
Austin enters the room, clapping and smiling like an idiot. I glared at him, “You know, this fight wouldn’t happen in the first place if you just told them what you told me last night.”
He sits down on the bed beside me, “I didn’t really remember. Yesterday was a blur to me.” He reckons, “But you fight well and it’s turning me on.” He winks at me playfully.
It made my cheeks flush red and I glared at him. Elliot hits him on the arm, “Say that to her again and we may be the next one in detention.” He stands up, “I’ll just fill your name on the report book.” He looks at me and glared at Austin before he exited my room.
“Your brother sure does love you.” He says cheekily.
“And your slut seems to be a fighter.” I said seriously.
He smiles widely, “She’s not my slut. She’s nobody.” He clears his throat, “How’s your arm? Is your stomach okay?”
I nodded, “Where’s the handkerchief I gave you?” He asks.
I took it from my bag which was beside me and handed it over to him, he took it and he instantly moves closer to me. I can feel my heart suddenly pounding like crazy and I look at him in a weird way, “What are you doing?”
“Relax,” He chuckles, “I’m not going to kiss you,” Who says I think he is going to kiss me?
“I didn’t even think that you’re going to kiss me, in your dreams.”
“Really?” He challenged, “Then maybe I should kiss you?” He smiles, making my heart jump out of my chest. Why is he making me feel this way?
“No!” I snap, he chuckles and diverted his attention to my lips. He raises the handkerchief, wiping the blood on my lips which was only now that I remembered, “You shouldn’t have wasted your time fighting with her, we all know that you’re better than her.” Austin comfortingly said.
“Well she was out of the line, telling me I’m a lesbian and that guys talk to me because I’m just fun to be with.” I clarify, rolling my eyes.
He chuckles, “You’re no lesbian in the first place. The first time I met you, I didn’t consider you as anywhere near to that and what’s wrong with guys talking to you because they want to hang out with you? I think it’s more better that having them go to you because they just want to get in your pants.”
“Says the guy who always teases me that I look like a guy.” I sneered.
“The only reason I did that was to tease you because whenever you get pissed, it’s amusing to look at.”
“Amusing? You find that amusing!” I snorted.
“Yup, and that’s make it cute.” He smiles sweetly, making every nerve in my body tingle. Making my heart jump out of my chest and making me smile like an idiot.
“Am I interrupting anything?” Elliot spoke and Austin immediately jump away from me, making him stand, “Nothing.” He clarifies.
I shake my head, “Nothing—I have to go and get in detention,” I stand up from the bed, “Bye!”
The talk with the principal and with Alexandra beside me is something that I wouldn’t want to happen again. It’s not like I’m scared with the principal because he was actually calm but because of Alexandra’s stare that made it uncomfortable. She makes me feel like she’s going to kill me after this is finished which was evident on the look of her face. The principal just gave us a warning and ask us to have cleaning duties on the gymnasium with a specific schedule for a week. I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to spend it with her because the principal gave us a separate schedule so we wouldn’t be together. But if this incident happens again, our parents would be called and we’ll be suspended for days or weeks depending on the damage that we’re going to cause.
Just looking at Alexandra with a bandage on her left eyebrow and two bandages on the nose makes me laugh and also feel bad. This fight wouldn’t start anyway if she didn’t heard me calling her a bitch and l think that she would try everything on her power to make my life miserable, but I don’t really care that much because I have my friends and I could feel that I can stand up to her.
“You do realize that Alexandra will make your school life a living hell?” Lila adjusts her eyeglass as she looks at me while I return my books on the locker.
“Don’t care.” I shot back, “Unless she wants to have her nose break again.” I said in a feisty way.
Casey chuckles, “She actually looks worse after the fight,” She stares at my arm, “You actually look good, except for the scratch.”
“Her nails are sure long and sharp.” I said cringing.
Lila and Casey started laughing and I did too but it died down after Alexandra and Charlotte passes by. Alexandra looks furious and I think it was because of her face that’s full of bruises and bandages, while Charlotte on the other hand has a look I can’t decipher.
Alexandra turns around and came up to us with a furious look, “I can’t believe what you did to my face!” She said angrily, throwing a tantrum like a little baby.
“I know I’m the one who started the name calling and I apologize,” I can’t believe I just said that, “But it’s you who started the fight so the thing on your face was your fault.” I pointed out.
She looks more irritated compared before, “No!” She said with a furious look, “If you didn’t care about my boyfriend so much! This wouldn’t happen!”
“Boyfriend?” I ask with a confused look.
“Austin! If you hadn’t stick your nose in our business then none of this wouldn’t happen.” She said with a furious look.
“He is not your boyfriend, he’s just a guy you happen to make out with period.” I said lazily.
“He may not be my boyfriend now, but just wait and see, soon!” She chuckles, “And I know that having him as a boyfriend will make your life a living hell because I know you’re into him.” She displays a smirk on her lips that makes me want to tear it off.
“I’m not into him but it does not mean I’ll allow you to get your hands on him, he’s my friend and he does not deserve a girl like you.” I said with an irritated look.
“Sounds like a jealous girl.” She challenges, “Your face does not seem to tell me that he’s just your friend.” She walks closer to me, “You’re into him, admit it.”
“I’m not!” I said with my eyes fixated at her, her smile grew, “Oh well, I’ll still make sure he’ll be mine and I’m sure you won’t like it.”
“Stop it Alexandra, you’re provoking another fight.” Lila states.
“I’m not.” Alexandra chuckles, “I was just telling Austin’s friend here that I’ll be his soon to be girlfriend.”
“Then just do it, you don’t have to mock it on our faces.” Casey said in an irritated tone, “We don’t care—“ I cut Casey off, “No, actually I care and I’ll make sure that you won’t end up with him.”
She smirks at me and turns away from me with Charlotte beside her, “Good luck with that.” She says as she trails away from us.
“I’m seriously going to murder her.” I said with a furious look.
“And you sound like you like Austin.” Lila cooed.
“I don’t!” I deadpan.
“You sure sound one.” Casey admits.
“I thought you like Matt?” Lila clears her throat looking at me.
“I do!” I protested.
“Then why do you sound like a jealous girlfriend as if you’re into Austin?” Casey shot back.
“He’s my friend.” I admit. And I don’t want him to be with someone like Alexandra because she’s too bad for him.
“Since when do you decide on who shall your friend needs to be with?” Lila points out, “You shouldn’t interfere especially when you’re just a friend and you never care about who is Austin’s dating.” She informs.
I sigh and look at them, “I don’t like him, I just don’t want him to suffer with the hands of Alexandra who is just clearly toying around.” I clarify.
Both of them started chuckling, they are making fun of me, “We all know that Austin is just the same as Alexandra but he is much better because whenever he makes out with someone, he’ll just do it for fun and no strings attached.” Lila said, “So you don’t have to worry about him.”
“But—“ I started to protest but Casey beats me into it, “I know that you know it too, are you perhaps jealous?”
“No—“ I clarify but I can feel my heart pounding like crazy.
“Then why do you act like one? You shouldn’t care about them and let them be because Alexandra wants to get in your nerves and ignoring them is like shoving a pie on her face.” Casey said, “So let’s just ignore them because I think Austin is good without us in the picture, he can handle himself. He’s good at playing girls anyway and I’m sure Alexandra wouldn’t get anything from him.”
“I know what you’re trying to say but Casey—“ I didn’t finish my sentence and Lila spoke, “Just drop this topic, if you don’t really like him then there’s no meaning into talking about this topic any further.” She dismisses.
I don’t know what I’m feeling but I really can put my finger on it. I really don’t want Alexandra to be with Austin and just thinking about it makes me mad. But Lila and Casey is right, I shouldn’t care because I don’t like him and it’s not like Austin can’t handle himself and besides, he’ll probably get tired of Alexandra and she’ll probably get her sorry ass dump before she could even ask him to be her boyfriend. Right?
I went up to my room after having the dinner with the family. I was kind of glad that Elliot didn’t bring up the fight to mom and dad because if he did, I’ll probably be grounded.
I took the face mask in my bathroom and started applying it on my face. Casey advice me before we separate ways at the parking lot that I should use the face mask that Lila had given me because it’s a waste if I would just leave it and expire. I should remove it thirty minutes after and wash my face properly just as what Casey had instructed.
I can feel my face wet and sticky and it’s something that I’m not really comfortable about.
“Ella? Are you in your room?” I heard Austin calling out my name from the other side, his room.
I instantly panicked because I don’t want him seeing me like this. It’s embarrassing and I’m sure he’ll make fun of me.
I stand beside my window, not looking at him on the other side. “What do you want? I’m busy!” I exclaim.
I can hear him laughing, “I just want to talk to you? Can you show yourself?”
“I can’t. I’m changing.” I spat out. As much as I want to remove the face mask on my face, I can’t because it’s not thirty minutes yet and it might have a side effect if I remove it without following the instructions. Oh my gosh, I need to know about these things because I’m like a child who does not know what she’s doing.”
“Oh c’mon, if you’re changing then you shouldn’t leave your window open, I know you.” He clarifies, “You’re hiding something, do you want me to go in there?”
“No!” I shouted, “I’m busy, don’t go in here,” I stutter, “I’m naked!”
“What?” He laughs, “Then why is your window open?”
“Because it’s hot!”
“Okay then.” He said plainly. I let out a heavy breath after hearing him say that. The moment I was about to walk in the bathroom I heard a loud bang. I turn around and saw Austin on the floor, coming from the window. He jump from his room to mine just like what he did before and it’s starting to annoy me.
And it hit me, my face.
I instantly went to my closet and took my hoodie out, wearing it as fast as I can and I place the hood on my face, so he couldn’t see me. I am being ridiculous, I know.
“That hurts.” He groans, I heard him stand up and I can feel him looking at me, “You’re not naked just as what I presume and you’re hiding something.” He reckons, “What’s wrong? It’s not like Alexandra scratch your face.”
“No, I have blisters, you can’t go near me.” I explain. Way to go. I can’t believe I’m saying pathetic excuses just because of a face mask.
He didn’t respond and it gave me the reason that he must have been disgusted and he’s now attempting to jump to his room.
My hood was remove instantly and I saw him standing in front of me, letting go of my hood, “Oh please!” He started chuckling, “Just because of a face mask, you can’t show yourself?” He laughs.
“And that’s the reason why I don’t want to show you because you’ll make fun of me!” I stomp his foot with the use of mine and he groan in pain, making me smile. Serves him right.
“I’m not laughing because you have that on!” He explains, “I’m laughing because you’re making poor excuses just because you’re wearing a mask.” He added, “And besides, isn’t it normal for girls to use that? I usually see my mom wearing that and it’s not funny at all.”
I twitch my lips and looks at him as he stands up properly, “What? Don’t want to believe me?”
“What do you want?” I deadpan.
“I just want to talk to you.” He sits down on my bed and started to lie down comfortably.
“What about and I didn’t gave you the permission to lie down on my bed.” I retorted and he started laughing, “But I slept here last night and I didn’t even ask your permission.”
“It’s a different scenario!” I explain.
He didn’t get off of my bed and instead, he lie there comfortably, “Anyway, what I want to talk to you about is that what happened last night because I seem to be recalling nothing, everything was a blur.”
“I already told you what happened during lunch.” I said plainly. I sit down on the edge of my bed and cross my arms as I look at him.
“Trust me, I can’t recall anything.” He sighs, “Did I perhaps told you something about the girl I like?” He said stuttering.
I hissed, “Trust me, as much as I want to know who that girl is, I couldn’t even milk the answers from you.” I said and he exhales a deep breath like he could finally breathe.
“Who’s the mystery girl anyway? And if you like her so much, why are you being such a playboy? Why can’t you just confess your feelings to her and run off with her, why do you complicate things?” I said annoyingly.
He chuckles and later compose himself in a serious face, “I’m being a playboy because that’s what I’m good at and I’m not good with serious and I think that if I did became one, It’ll probably turn into a mess like I might get broken or she may get broken and confessing isn’t easy if she doesn’t even see me as that guy who she could be with.” He said whole-heartedly. I’m starting to widen my view of Austin and this heart to heart talk makes me happy because he’s sharing me something like this even if he doesn’t tell me who the girl is.
“How would you know if you’re not good with serious if you don’t start to try and being a playboy isn’t something that you’re good at, the reason you’re doing that is because maybe you’re barricading yourself into reality, like you’re making yourself a distraction so you don’t have to think about the girl you like and I think being in pain and being broken is part of life but you’ll never know anything unless you try!” I feel like I just given him a motivational speech. I should get an award. What I just said makes sense because is it true that the real reason he was a play boy for the first place was because of the girl? And why is he so afraid of getting broken when he doesn’t even experience it for himself?
“You know manface, it’s not your problem to begin with so forget what I just said.” He smiles weakly, it was evident and it’s starting to remove the happy mood that just happen minutes ago.
“Way to go and kill the mood.” I spat out.
He chuckles, “It’s something I should figure out for myself.” He explains, “But—thank you, for the motivational speech even if you’re not comfortable of having an audience with the look on your face!” He teases, making me hit him on the stomach.
“What was that!” I said in an irritated tone of voice. “Whoever that girl is, I think you should tell it to her before it’s too late.” But just thinking about whoever that girl is saddens me with no particular reason.
“Well, it’s not like I’m just going to give up that easily.” He laughs, “I’ll make sure she’ll not end up with him and fall for me.” He said wiggling his eyebrows in unison.
“Well good luck and I’m sure I’ll figure it out who’s the unlucky girl you’re falling to and I’m sure that she isn’t falling for you.” I said bitterly.
He laughs at my come back and he said something that gave tingles against my spine, “Don’t worry, I think it’s working.” He smiles, giving me the feeling of having butterflies on my stomach.
What is this guy doing to me? And who is that girl? I’ll find it out soon even if it’s not my business.