Chapter 4 - Fights and Confrontations
I was too weak to slide out from Austin's hold. I can prevent this from happening by either dragging one of the boys out of the house but how could I do that when I couldn't even move. As I try to open my eyes, everything around me started spinning. Austin was still carrying me and the only thing that I could see clearly was his face. His expression was scary- he was mad.
"I don't think I want to waste my time with you." Matt hissed, "C'mon Jesse."
"But Ellie—" Jesse reckons, "I don't think you have the right to take her," He implied.
Austin's eyebrows furrowed, "Says the guy who spiked her drink."
Jesse instantly grabs the shirt of Austin, it was so fast that I couldn't really process anything right now inside my head, "I told you—I didn't spike her drink."
I immediately slide down from Austin's grip, landing my butt on the floor, it wasn't really painful because the only thing that I could feel right now is my head aching and spinning like crazy. I stand up slowly, trying to balance myself, "Ella, don't, I will help you." I heard Austin's voice from behind me.
I was about to fall down on my butt again but someone grab me by the back, instantly helping me to get up, I turn around to see who it was, and it was no other than Matt, he looks at me worriedly, "Do you want me to drive you home?"
I was about to nod but it was so fast that someone grab Matt from me, instantly pushing him on the floor, "What did I just said? Get your filthy hands off of her?" Austin shouted angrily, making the people around us turn to our direction.
Matt started chuckling, until he immediately got up and throws a punch on Austin's face, I was so shock that I can't barely move. Blood started to go out from Austin's nose, he smiled widely, and immediately kicking Matt on the stomach. Jesse started shoving Austin away from Matt's sight but Austin didn't budge and decided to charge Matt.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Everyone on the room shouted as they watch the three boys fight.
I wanted to do something, this isn't supposed to happen. Where are my friends when I needed them? I was so scared, my heart is beating so fast, my head is spinning, everything started to blur, and the moment I was about to get out of the room, I fell on the ground, "Ella—" He called, and later I found myself seeing nothing but black.
I immediately open my eyes to find an unfamiliar sight around me, I was in bed, covered with a blanket. This isn't my room. The walls are painted blue, posters of different band were hung on the other side of the wall and the room was definitely messy- cans are scattered on the floor, shirts and shorts were hung on the chairs and were at the corner of the room. Did I just got myself laid without me noticing it?!
I turn my gaze below my blanket, looking at my garments, I don't have my dress on. The only thing I have was my bra and underwear. Did I really get laid? I want to cry right now. I don't want to get laid with the person I don't even know, to think that I didn't also remember every bit of it.
I was about to slid out from the bed until an arm immediately slung on my stomach, preventing me to move. I didn't notice that I was lying in bed with someone. I turn my gaze to look at the person and I immediately scream on top of my lungs, he immediately open his eyes, awoken by my loud voice, he places his hand on my mouth, trying to keep my voice down. "Keep quiet will you?!"
I grab the blanket, covering my half-naked body, as I attempt to get the blanket, removing it also from him, his six pack abs were exposed, and the only thing that he was wearing was his boxers. I can feel my face redden, it was something that I could dream of when I have a boyfriend but in this way- it's horrifying.
I remove his hand from my mouth, "What am I doing in your room?!" I retorted, "Did we do it? Please tell me we didn't." I cross my arms on my chest, with a blanket covering my whole body.
He places his index finger in his lips, "Keep it down. The neighbors might here us." Austin said, "I wanted to bring you at your place but your house is lock, Elliot is at Ivan's place. Your parents are not home and when I search for your keys, you don't have anything with you."
"So you decided to bring me at your room, remove my dress and sleep with you?" I glared at him, "Oh my god did you also took advantage of me?!" I think if I had sex with this brat, which girls declare that he is a sex god, I think I might be fine with it but remembering that he is a playboy, my enemy and to think that I was drunk and he was taking the advantage of it, —I don't think it's something that I would want to remember.
"Keep it down. It's just one o' clock in the morning." He closes his eyes again, pulling me closer to him, what is he doing?! "I take off your dress because you have vomit all over it—may I recall that you also stain my shirt with vomit while I was carrying you out of the party—" He sighs, "Just thinking about it makes me want to puke—and the reason why I bring you to my room because I can't think of anything else where to bring you when I can't even find Lila and Casey at the party."
It was reasonable, but still, the kiss and the thing about him pulling me closer to him right now is practically unreasonable, "Can you take off your arms away from me please? Especially when I don't have any decent clothing that I have on."
"Why? Can't resist my charms that you want me to get away from you so that you could prevent yourself from throwing yourself at me?" He challenged, showing me his signature smirk on his lips.
"What?!" I retorted, "There is no way that I'll like someone like you."
"Well that hurts," He said flatly, "But I don't give a damn because you'd be begging me for more, sooner or later." He chuckles, "After we have done it. I just hope you remember it."
My eyes widen, I wanted to slip out of the bed but he tighten his hold, not letting me go, "You took advantage of me?!"
"The last thing I remember, you were moaning and enjoying it, you kept on calling my name, begging me for more—" I close his mouth with the use of my hands, "Please stop, I don't want to hear it."
He licks at my hands, making me cringe and remove it from his lips, "Eww!" I said in disgust.
He chuckles, "Do you want me to tell you every bit of what happened? And mind you—I didn't go to you, you throw yourself to me."
"I don't believe you." I deadpan.
"Suit yourself cupcake."
"Don't call me that asshole."
"I can call you whatever I want cheesecake."
"So you're into calling me sweet foods right now?"
"Yes, because the thing we had done is so sweet for me to remember."
I can feel my face flush red in embarrassment, I started hitting him on the chest, he instantly pull me closer to him, making it hard for me to move, his scent was so good that I can't lose out from his grip. My heart is beating again in a very fast phase, what is he even doing to me?
"Can you please get off of me?"
"I will unless you start behaving."
"Can you just shut the fuck up—you're still my number one enemy, and that won't even change."
His face were just inches from mine, I stare down at his lips and nostalgia started ringing inside of my head, I remember the moment he kiss me, his lips were soft and gentle and it's just so fast that I couldn't really process what was happening on that moment.
"Are you really into that Matt—" The moment he brings Matt on the picture, I started remembering the flashbacks, the things that happen on the party.
"Why did you push him?!" I scowled.
He snorted, ignoring my angry expression, "Can't you see that I was protecting you from those douche bags after they had spiked your drink?"
"But they said they didn't—Jesse claims that he just got it from the counter."
"So now you're protecting them huh?" His eyes darkened, he didn't seem to be happy about what I said. "After I had protected you, after I punch those kids with my fist and after I had broken my nose for you, all you can do was tell me that what I did was wrong?"
"I didn't say that you're wrong, what I was trying to say that you shouldn't have started the fight thing and just talk it out." He didn't respond, "And besides, why are you even there to begin with—I mean yes, you're there because of the party but why are you trying to intervene with what was happening between me and Matt?"
"Between you and Matt!?" His eyes widen, he instantly chuckle, "I don't think that there is any progress happening between the two of you."
"Why are you even being like this?!" I scowled, my eyes glared at him, "You kiss me, told me that you liked what I look before—making it look like that I'm ugly right now when technically everyone said that I was beautiful, you told me that I and Matt wouldn't end up together, you started intervening with what was happening with my life when technically, from the first place when I was the tomboy girl I am, you see me as nothing but a girl who you claim to have a man face, teasing me and making me angry because you enjoy it and now you're starting to act like this guy when we're enemies from the first place—" He looks at me intensely, "We were never enemies, you just think that we were."
"Then what are we then?!" I said with anger rushing in my veins. What is this guy even doing to me?! Why is he even being like this?!
"It's something that we should found out for ourselves." He closes his eyes, "Good night." And before I could even say anything, I was so pissed off, I'm not even done yet, he started snoring. And that is how our little chat ended. What does he mean what we need to found out? What is he even doing to me? Why can't I talk to him without being so nervous and being all heart pounding all in the same time?
I wake up with the sight of Austin's face in front of me, he is still asleep. Our faces are just inches from mine and his arms were wrapped around my body. I never pictured this before and I never even imagine that this is even going to happen in my life. I never imagine that this is going to happen to me and to think that this guy is my number one enemy. Elliot told me once that there is something more to Austin that I didn't know. All I know from him that he was popular, a chic magnet, a bad boy, a douche, they tend to say that he is a sex god and most of all, my number one enemy who loves to tease me. I can't even think any more else that can describe him. If Elliot said that there is more—what are those qualities are and why am I now curious, why is there a feeling on my mind that I want to know more of him?
He started to move, I can feel like he was about to wake any second now, I immediately close my eyes, pretending to sleep. I lend my ears, trying to uncover if he had already been awake. He started moving, I felt his arms loosen from my body. I was expecting that he was going to get out of bed, but instead of that, I felt his hand touch my cheek. What was happening?! As much as I want to move, I can't. His fingers started to touch my lips, I can feel like I was about to blush. I swear, I'm going to look like a cherry right now. His hand was removed from my face, and it made my heart relax for a bit. I feel like he had stepped away from the bed. I instantly open my eyes and the moment I open it, his face was just inches from mine and his lips were forming into a smile. "I knew you were awake."
I instantly blush from embarrassment, making him chuckle, "And I didn't know that you could make your face turn red as a tomato."
"Get away from me." I said flatly.
He brushes off what I said and immediately took a shirt that is hung on his chair and wore it, "Too comfortable now?"
I snorted, "I'm never comfortable, especially when I knew you were sleeping beside me." Lie. I had a good sleep.
"Really now." He went to his closet and throws me his black shirt that would look so big to me. "Wear that. Let's eat breakfast and after that, you could go home."
"But I can't go out there with your parents in here." I scoff.
He looks at his appearance in the mirror and tried to fix his hair which was awfully gorgeous. Wait, did I just said gorgeous. I take back what I just said. "My parents are not here since yesterday, they'll be home by tomorrow evening."
I got out from bed and the moment I was about to wore his shirt over my body, I find him looking at me intensely, "Can you turn around pervert?"
He chuckles at my response, "I already seen that, no need to be shy."
"I don't think we did it." Maybe? I don't know. Because if we really did it, I should have remember.
"Whatever you say sweetcheeks." I wore his shirt over my body, it was so big that it was until my thighs. At least it covers my underwear, this could at least prevent Austin from seeing it.
"Can you stop calling me things like that?!" I argued.
"Why? I can call you whatever I want."
"By the way, I have a question—" I started to feel embarrassed with what I was going to ask him.
He looks at me, waiting for my reply, "Did you uhm—put protection?"
"What?" Is he acting dumb? Because I don't want to ask him in a very blunt way.
"Did you put protection in your sword?" Oh god Ellie. I can't believe I'm going to say this. This is completely embarrassing.
"What sword? What protection? Can you please speak in a way that I could understand?" He looks at me seriously. I feel like he was playing dumb.
"Goddamn it Austin! Don't play dumb." I cross my arms against my chest, staring at his blank expression.
"Ella, just tell me." He didn't change his expression, making me believe that he wasn't getting any of it.
I breathed heavily, making my cheeks go red, "Did you cover your—" I pointed his lower private part where he follows where I was pointing.
"You mean am I wearing boxers?" He questioned, "Isn't it obvious that I'm wearing one right now?"
"No Austin!" I can feel that my face is already as red as a tomato, "Did you put a condom on your penis when we did it?!" I burst out.
Austin started laughing, he was laughing non-stop, producing tears from his eyes because of laughter, "Why didn't you say so?" He started calming down, "No."
"No?" My eyes darkened, I feel like everything around me is about to fall apart, "You mean no--?" I am a virgin, and this guy happens to take it away from me, and now—I'm going to get pregnant with just one unprotective sex.
"I didn't use any condom—I forgot." His eyes look horrified, "And I manage to burst it inside of you—" His eyes widen, "Oh my god Ella, I'm not ready to be a father."
"And I'm not ready to be a mother—" I started to panic, "I am a virgin and you manage to took it away from me without me realizing it and now I'm going to get pregnant after just one sex?!" I said horrified. This guy is seriously going to pay for it.
"What?" He asks with a stern look, "You're a virgin?"
"Isn't it obvious? Isn't it obvious after you put your fucking dick inside of me?" I deadpan.
"So you didn't really you know—had it with anyone before?" He said, his cheeks flush red, he started to smile like an utterly idiot.
"What's that suppose to mean?! Of course I have, just yesterday, and it's because of you—I was going to save it with a person who would love me and you happen to take it away from me and to think that I'm going to get pregnant after bursting that shitty thing of yours in here." I said with a panic voice.
He started laughing again, making my head boil, "Really Ella—you're so cute and gullible." Did he just said that I was cute?
"What are you trying to say you fucking—" I charged him. Making him fall on the floor while I was seated on top of him, I was trying to hit him on his chest but he was not even shouting for any pain. He then grabs both of my arms, and pulled me closer to him, "Guess what Ella, I'm going to be the guy to take that away from you." He smirks, making my heart pound crazy.
"You just did asshole." Just thinking about me getting pregnant is a horrible scenario.
"We didn't do it. I was just messing with you." After hearing those words, I can feel that I could finally breathe, "Ella—don't forget what I said—" He smirks proudly at me.
"Asshole." I stand up and glared at him, "Fucking asshole! And I thought that I wasn't a virgin anymore and to think I'm going to be pregnant." I breathed heavily, "Oh dear heavens, I just ask for a boyfriend, not a baby."
"Ella, ella, ella." He hisses, staring at me intensely, "You really are something."
"What do you mean?!" I stare at him blankly.
He smiles at me, "Better be prepare for what's coming, because I'm starting to think that I won't be just seating anymore and to treat you like the usual."
"What?!" I ask, I'm really confused.
"Everything will start changing." He looks at me sternly, his eyes darkened, "Be prepared because I'm not going to hand you with just anyone."
"What are you trying to imply asshole?"
He smiles at me with delight, "Just wait and see." He turns around and went downstairs without looking at me.
What is he even trying to say? Why do I have the feeling that there is something bad going to happen? What is Austin Prince doing to me? And what the hell should I be prepared for?! That asshole.