Chapter 5 – Skipping Class with the Bad Boy
There is definitely something going on with Austin. He’s been acting strange the moment he knew about Matt and after that, he never fails to show me things that I couldn’t understand.
Thinking about the past things he said and showed me made me really uncomfortable, and those things were—
a.) He told me that he wouldn’t let me be together with Matt—which I don’t think he would care at all because I know he doesn’t like me, especially when he told me that after he’s been banging a girl in his room which is disgusting by the way.
b.) He told me that he liked my look before, than what I look now. I don’t really know how to react on what he just said to me that time because I must feel flattered that someone appreciates my looks before but I was a bit sadden when he didn’t find me any attractive after the big project.
c.) He kissed me when he shouldn’t suppose to do it because he does not even like me at all! – but to his protest, he only did because he was testing how would I react. But still find it weird.
d.) He was there when my drink has been spiked, being all protective and what not which was starting to make it confusing as to why does he care at all?
e.) He brings me at his place after the incident, which was something I want to blur in my mind because I don’t want to remember it all. He has been clingy, he’s been holding me like I’m some sort of his possession when clearly, I don’t even remember that we’ve been touchy since the day we met.
f.) He told me that we’re not enemies and we should find out in the near future of what we are which is weird.
g.) Last and not the least, he told me that I should be prepared of what’s coming because he wouldn’t be seating around anymore which I find it very hard to depicter what does those words meant.
I feel like I’m Sherlock Holmes after remembering every detail. After eating breakfast at Austin’s place, it has been really awkward and I was too focus in getting home. Even though I have nothing but just his clothes on, I told him that I think that my parents were home and I immediately run out of his house like a mad woman, I’m glad that the house is already unlock—meaning Elliot is already at home but he didn’t saw me that time because he was in the bathroom.
I don’t know what is Austin is doing to me that made me think about the past events too much. I didn’t even have enough sleep, it was obvious with the eyes because the skin around it is much darker compare to the rest of my face.
“Are you okay? You’ve been zoning out since you got here.” Lila asks, we’re at our second period—history. I’m with Lila at this class which was pretty much obvious.
“I’m fine.” I hate Mondays and also because I hate history. I really need to throw myself out of this place because I kept on thinking about Austin. What is that guy doing to me? What are his intentions?
Time was so slow but I’m happy to say that it’s already lunch time. I get to have an hour without thinking too much with school related activities. I plop down beside Casey and put my tray on the table. Lila followed behind me and sits down at the other side of Casey.
“I don’t think if you’ve noticed but you’ve been zoning out since the moment you got to school.” Casey intervenes. My little bubble of thoughts started to pop and I finally realize that I’m back to reality. Okay, I think I’m having too much Sherlock Holmes by just thinking about Austin’s doing.
“You should tell me where you went after the party.” Casey suggests, “There are a lot of rumors spreading around the campus you know—after Matt, Austin incident because of you.”
Wait, since when did that rumor spread without me even knowing?
I look at her in a confuse look that made her sigh, “Really El, you didn’t even know that you’re a talk around the school?”
“She clearly does not know.” Alex added.
Carl started laughing, “Well she may not even remember a single thing because she’s like her twin brother that does not even remember anything after getting drunk.”
I remember everything very well which was also something that I’m curious about. I remember everything that had happened that night but something tells me that I should pretend that I didn’t know to avoid being questioned.
“What kind of rumor exactly?” I pretend that I didn’t know.
“The fact that your drink got spiked by Jesse because he wants to get laid with you—and Austin suddenly became over protective after finding that out but what really is interesting was that Austin was much more mad at Matt.” Ace said, “And some were saying that there is a love triangle going on and some sort.”
Well it’s true that my drink got spiked but I don’t really think that Jesse was behind it. And it was also true that Austin became over protective and it was also true that Austin was really acting strange when he acts that Matt was the sole problem of the incident when it showed that he does not even know anything about it. But that brings me to the problem of—did Jesse really spiked my drink?
“And you might be wondering where Austin and Elliot are now—“ Ivan clears his throat, “I think they are having a little chit chat with Jesse. Your brother was furious after finding it out.”
My eyes widen after hearing that, wait—Elliot is out to get Jesse when we don’t really know at all if he really is the culprit. Plus, thinking about it made it look like I’m going to have no chance of being with Matt because if my brother is at war with Jesse then he must also be at war with Matt and with that, I have zero chance of dating him, ever.
“And where were you at that time? After the incident? Where did you run off to?” Lila questions.
I avoided Lila’s question and ask instead, “So where is exactly are they?” I ask, directing my attention to Ivan.
“Here.” Elliot sits down across me, and Austin followed behind him but he was now seated beside me. I don’t think I want Austin seated beside me after the incident.
“Hey cupcake.” Austin grins, making my heart melt. Wait—why did I just said that? But really, it made my heart skip a beat which was odd. He’s my enemy, I shouldn’t be feeling any of that towards him.
“Woah—cupcake?” Carl laughs, “Where’s the ugly name calling?”
“Don’t call me that.” I said in an irritated tone of voice. “Elliot, what did you said to Jesse?” I directed my attention to my brother which he just shrug it off by just saying, “Let’s talk about it later, you still have an explanation to do. You should thank Austin.”
I don’t think I could even thank this brat after having the advantage of me getting half-naked and sleeping beside him and acts like I was his girl when clearly—I’m not.
“I would but I don’t think I can.” I take a bite from my sandwich, and avoided Austin’s eyes looking at me.
He started to laugh, “Why? You can’t even thank me after letting you sleep in my bed?”
“Bed?” Everyone in my table said in unison. Elliot wasn’t surprised by it, maybe Austin told it already to him. I must ask him later. We really need to talk.
After hearing Austin say that, I could feel my hands being sweaty and my heart started beating so fast that I think it wants to escape out of my rib cage, “Shut up Austin before I kill you.” I snapped.
“Bed?” Casey repeats, “Is there something going on with you two that we don’t know?”
“Maybe.” Austin shrugs, “And Ella, I won’t just shut up, after all, I had fun sleeping beside you, cuddling half-naked.” He grins proudly. I wanted to punch him on the face right now.
“Cuddling?” Ivan said, “Half-naked?” His eyes shot at Elliot.
Elliot started laughing, “You know—you’re my best friend,” He looks at Austin, “But if you keep on saying that in front of her brother, I might just punch you. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Ellie but just keep it that all for yourselves, I don’t want to be involve with any of it.”
“It sounds like you just given Austin the permission to date your sister.” Alex clarifies.
Elliot chuckles, “Why not?” He looks at Austin, “Isn’t it obvious that they like each other?”
I feel like I’m going to vomit. Not because Austin is ugly which is totally opposite but because my brother is giving Austin the permission to date me. Where is Elliot my protective brother?
“Oh-my-gosh- Elliot!” I snapped, “Are you even my brother?!”
Austin chuckles beside me, “Why baby, aren’t you happy that you could have a chance with me?” He wiggles his eyebrows, making me cringe.
I stand up from the table, glaring at Austin and Elliot, “I seriously can’t stand the two of you right now—“ I groaned frustratingly, leaving my food on the table and exited the cafeteria. I think the one hour of break time wasn’t even good after all.
Now what? Where should I go? I’m not the nerdy type to go the library. Damn that Elliot and his freaking best friend.
I made my way out of the school, seating in one of the benches. Some students go here when they don’t want to eat at the cafeteria but only few of the students go here and now, that includes me.
“Hey what’s up.” I was startled with the voice of the person who is now seated beside me. When will this guy even leave me alone?
“Excuse me?” I rolled my eyes in irritation, “The reason why I left was because of you and Elliot, and now you have to bother me again?”
“No—“ He grins, “I was hoping to do something more brilliant than that.”
I snorted, what else could be something brilliant with spending some time with him? “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
He relaxes his back on the bench and stares at me with a smile on his face, “I was planning to skip the afternoon classes.”
“Okay, you do that—now, run along.” I gesture him to get away from me but instead, he took me by the wrist and started to drag me along, “And you’re coming with me.” He said with smirk that I would love to rip off his mouth. Skipping class with the bad boy? Nu-uh.
He is too strong that I couldn’t even get off of his grip, “Seriously Austin! One detention is enough, I don’t want to have any more trouble.”
“C’mon Ella, there’s no fun with that, you should live a little.”
“I’m living and I’m perfectly fine by having fun without you in the picture.”
He started laughing, “I doubt that you can say that after having the best time of your life with me.”
“I doubt that,” I tried to remove his hand on my wrist but it failed, “Please Austin, I want to attend my afternoon class.” Lie. I don’t really want to. But I have to because I don’t want to get in trouble.
He lets go off my wrist and instantly took me by the waist and carried me like a sack of grains in his shoulder, I was trying to hit him on the back to let go off me but it failed. He opens the passenger seat of the car and let me in, he put the seatbelt on me. And before I could even exit his car, he’s already inside, locking it.
“I’m going to kidnap you for a while and you’ll thank me later.”
“Seriously, you’re going to pay for this.” I rolled my eyes but he didn’t seem to buy my expression and smiled instead.
What is happening in the world right now?
After forty minute of drive, which is a very silent drive because we refuse to talk to one another, he parks his car in a very secluded place, it looks like we’re in a forest because of the trees surrounding us and it was very scary. Is Austin going to take my virginity? Oh heavens, please no.
I stare at him with wide eyes and I think he finally get what I meant, “Relax, I’m not here to scare you or anything—I’m going to show you something.”
He gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for me, which was very gentleman of him. I wasn’t expecting to see this side of him.
I got out of the car and he instantly takes my hand, it was surprising for him to do. I was so caught up with his hand on mine that I can feel animals fighting all over my tummy and my heart starts to pump like crazy. Seriously heart, I shouldn’t be feeling any of this. He is my enemy, my number one enemy who is hot and attractive by the way, anyway, I shouldn’t be feeling any of these things towards him. I get it, maybe I’m feeling this way because he’s the first guy who actually touch my hand.
“Hey Ella—are you okay?” I was startled at his voice, and I instantly nod, “Yeah--?”
He chuckles softly, “I said, are you prepare as to what you’re going to see?”
“Please tell me you’re not going to feed me to the bears.”
He laughs instead and started to push the vines and bushes in front of us, so that we could get through. After minutes of walking, I can’t believe what I’m just looking at.
“Wow—“ I said with a smile.
“Wow indeed.” He said with smirk on his lips.
I don’t want to tell him that he was right that I should at least have fun but I think, he’s kind of right.
“I don’t want to say this but thank you for bringing me here even if I don’t want to.” I said with my eyes fixated on the scenery in front of me.
The scenery in front of me was breath taking, there is a lake in front of us right now and the sun’s position was making it more look beautiful. The tree surrounding the beautiful clear lake was giving the nice soothing feeling. Everything around is just so beautiful. I can’t help it. I love nature.
“I’m glad that you like it.”
“Wait—“ I’m not here to ruin the moment but I’m curious, “Why did you bring me here? Or did you bring any girls in here besides me?”
His face became stern and he instantly looks me in the eyes, “You’re the only person and the first person that I bring to my precious paradise,” He chuckles, letting the stern demeanor disappear, “I don’t know, I just feel like bringing you here, I think you could use it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Wait, I’m the only person and first person he bring me to this place? I must feel flattered. Why am I starting to see the different side of him? Elliot was right, there was something more to him. I don’t want to know at first but right now, I’m starting to feel that I want to find it out for myself.
He laughs at my expression, his laugh was genuine, it was a different laugh that I used to see him before, he was definitely happy, “C’mon, let’s just skip the talking part, you’re so noisy man face.” He’s really good at ruining the moment. Man face? Seriously.
“Asshole.” I murmur.
He chuckles, he started walking a few steps away from me and started removing his shirt and pants in front of me, “What the hell are you doing?” I tried to close my eyes but damn, those abs. Can’t he just keep his clothes on?
“We’re going swimming, or unless you want to just stand there and watch me have fun all for myself?”
Well I wanted to, but I don’t have any clothes to wear, “I don’t have any extra.” I stammered.
“Don’t worry, you could borrow my shirt in my car,” He grins, “You don’t need to be shy about it, you wore my shirt before and besides, my shirt looks good on you.” Did he just compliment me for the first time? Oh my Austin, what are you doing to me? I can feel the blood rushing in my cheeks.
“C’mon!” He shouted, he runs with just his boxers on and immediately jump on the lake.
I’m jealous. I should have fun, I don’t really have a choice because I can’t go back to school now. And besides, he has already seen me in my undies, it’s just like wearing a bikini.
I remove my tank top and shorts and immediately jump on the lake. The water was cold but I could get used to it later.
“Now that is more like it.” He said.
“You’re still an asshole for making me do this,” I rolled my eyes, “But, I don’t want to say this but I don’t regret it.”
He smiles at me, what the fudge? Did my heart skip a beat again. No, heart, you shouldn’t. You like Matt, you want Matt. Not Austin. Not Austin, okay?
Austin immediately took me by the waist, his touch is making me feel electricity all over my body, this is making me go insane. He carried me and places me at his shoulder, “What are you doing?” I said irritated.
“A payback.” He said.
Oh no you don’t. I tighten my grip on his shoulders, he’s going to toss me, I could feel it.
He takes a hold of my waist, trying to carry me, but I instantly tighten my grip, but instead on his shoulders, I was holding him by the neck, “Stop that Ella—you’re going to kill me.”
“Well I don’t want you to throw me!” I retorted.
He laughs, “I’m not going to throw you.”
I loosen my grip after hearing him say that, “Then what?”
“This.” He instantly throws me at the water, I instantly got up to get air and he was laughing so hard that I splash him with water.
“That is bad.” I scoff, “You never fail to annoy me!”
“And you never fail to make my life amusing.” What—amusing? Compliment? Is that a compliment?
“C’mon—there are more stuff to discover, let’s go.” He turns his back and started to follow him.
Austin checks his phone which is place on our dry clothes on the ground, “It’s three fifty three, we should head back.” He said, after turning his phone off and looks at me.
I went out of the water and grab my dirty clothes on the ground. I don’t think I could wear this.
“Here—“ He hands me the shirt that he is wearing a while ago, “Just put the first, make it like your towel, because the clothes that I will let you borrow is in the car.”
“But, how about you?” I stare at him, he’s only wearing his wet boxers and his pants is hung on his shoulder.
He laughs, “Don’t worry about me, I’m a guy. I don’t want anyone seeing you walking half-naked.”
Seriously, Austin is showing me different sides of him and it’s only now that I’m starting to discover it one by one.
The moment we reach his car, he went at the back of his car, he hands me his football jersey which was too big to me but actually I find his shirts comfortable.
He has his jersey jacket on and he went at the back of the bushes to wear his pants. I went inside the back seat to change. I remove my wet bra and wore his football jersey. My shorts weren’t really dirty compared to my top a while ago, so I just wore it again.
“Ready to go?” He asks after getting out of the backseat.
I nodded, “Yup.”
As we got in, he started his car, stepping on the gas. I hope I could visit this place again because it’s really beautiful. I can’t help but smile because this is the first time that I had fun with Austin. And to think that he share me this little paradise.
I disturb the silence in the car and said, “Hey Austin.”
“Yes?” He asks.
“I actually had fun. Thank you.” Really, I mean it.
“I’m glad that you did.” He chuckles, “And Ella?”
I look at him, this time he was just smiling, “I hope that you wouldn’t see me as your enemy because I don’t really see you as any of that.”
“Then what do you see me as?” I ask with a curious look.
“Well that is ours to find out.” He said, leaving a smirk on his lips. It sends my heart skipping again. Seriously Austin?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I retorted.
“You ask too much manface.” Really good way to ruin the moment.
“Douche.” I murmur.
He laughs at my respond and didn’t say anything more.
I’m starting to see a new side of Austin and I’m starting to think that I want to find out more about him.