Chapter 3 - Worse Day Ever
Austin Prince just kissed me and it starting to make me go crazy. Why would a hot guy like Austin would kiss a girl like me? It was so weird but in the same time, I can feel a pain in the pint of my stomach and my heart has been pounding like crazy, it won't even stop.
As soon as he parts his lips from mine, his face was stern, it was emotionless, he wasn't even laughing. I was going to show my mad expression but I was confused that I couldn't even display any emotion. Any minute now, I could die because I feel like my heart is going to escape out of my rib cage.
"Wh—" I stutter, "What—what—was," I pointed my lips with my index finger, avoiding eye contact.
His stern demeanor suddenly turns to his usual jerk face, which he always place his signature smirk that girls would love, "I was just testing, if how would you react after having a kiss."
What did he just say?! This guy just kissed me because he was testing how would I react? This is completely absurd! He can't just kiss anyone just to see what is there reaction, especially to girls like me who could give it a different meaning.
"What kind of reason is that!" I deadpan, If I have given the power of strength, I would have thrown this guy out of this building and smash his whole body by a bus, "You just stole my first kiss!"
He scratch the back of his neck, acting like a complete idiot as if he does not know anything, "Oops, sorry?" He displays a smile that I would want to rip of his lips, "Should I take it back?" He asks with an annoying smirk on his lips.
"And how are you supposed to take it back?" I cross my arms against my chest, pursing my lips. He places his hands on his pockets, acting cool like he usually does, "By kissing you again, taking it back."
I seriously hate this guy, I have the feeling of wanting to murder him while all the students and teachers are all in their respected classroom.
I cover my lips with the use of my hand, he chuckled softly as he passes by me, heading his way upstairs. If he is teasing me, he shouldn't go too far. A guy should only kiss a girl if he likes him or he has feelings for her, not because he wants to see how she reacts or if he is just messing with her.
The minute we got at the office and received the detention which I truly disagree that I even deserve it, Mr. Fanning, had just ask us to write on five sheets of bond paper back to back, saying 'I would no longer disrupt classes and continue to listen to my teachers.'
I was expecting a grave punishment since I never got in detention in my whole school life but this is nothing compared of what I was thinking. He asks us to do it on the empty classroom beside his office and left us for an hour before he would come back and check if we're finished or not.
"One paper left and I'm done." I said to myself, my hands are already tired but I'm glad that I manage to write quickly with just thirty minutes.
"Nope." Austin disagrees, popping the 'p', "You still have four papers left."
"And why is that?" I raise an eyebrow, I diverted my eyes back to my paper in attempt to finish the last paper, "Because you have to do mine, you should be glad because I already did the first one."
I smash my table with the use of my hand and stare at him blankly, "And why should I do it? Get it done you lazy piece of shit." Damn girl, I sound feisty.
He crosses his arms on his chest and started shaking his head, "The only reason why I got here in the first place was because of you, so I think it's only fair that you have to finish mine." This guy has a lot of guts and air on his smart-less brain.
I snorted, "The reason I'm here was because of you," I corrected, "I should be asking you to do mine instead but you must feel glad because I didn't bother asking you to do mine."
He hisses, "No, you're the whole reason why I was here, I just got here yesterday, I'm trying to be a good student for once but you manage to pull me back in here."
Good student? Like he even cares, "Oh really?" I started laughing, he was just being funny. "Since when do you plan on being a good student?"
He sighs, "Can you just do mine and I'll ignore what you said earlier." He places his papers on my table which is utterly rude. Can't this guy be a gentleman for once? He acts as if nothing happened earlier. He's been acting cool, while I suffer about thinking of why he really kissed me.
"Can I just cut your balls and feed them to the dogs?" I ask with a bored look.
"Should I kiss you again to shut you up?" He smiled sarcastically, making myself want to punch him on the face.
He is the total jerk in the world and I can't believe that he was able to get me to be in a vulnerable state and kiss me when I wasn't even expecting it. He should be ashamed of what he has done, he kiss me and acts as if nothing happened.
"For once, I just wish you could be a person I could like more than hate. Because hating you is also tiring and bothersome to do." I started writing on my paper, ignoring the brat beside me.
"Then start liking me then." And hearing those words sends signals in my chest that I couldn't describe.
Mr. Fanning send me back to my next class after I give him my papers, I didn't do Austin's because I'm already mad at him for kissing me and whenever I remember it, I just want to punch him on the face. He was still in detention and Mr. Fanning wouldn't send him back unless he does his punishment which I truly think he deserves.
My next class was Physical Education and I'm a bit happy because it's my favorite subject because, a.) It involves sports, b.) Casey is with the same class as I am, c.) Matt is also in the same class because their section and mine has been mixed together because of complicated schedules and I'm so happy to just see him with the same class as I am.
"Where have you been?" Casey eyed me suspiciously as soon as I sat beside her. Ms. Clark is still discussing the mechanics of the game that we're going to play and how she would grade us, meaning- she wouldn't notice that I was late.
"Detention." I said flatly. Her eyes widen, mouth fell with an 'o', "What? Detention?" She couldn't believe what I just said because of all of my school life, this is the first time I got in detention. I nodded and she has this confused look all over her face.
"That fuckin' turd. He must be really satisfied by dragging someone in detention when he's the only person needed it." Casey said with a serious look.
I let out a deep breath, remembering what just happened a while ago and the kiss that Austin made is already tiring enough, so talking about it is much tiring. "Let's just listen to what Ms. Clark is going to say."
My eyes wandered in the sea of students, looking for Matt. I don't know if he already see my transformation but I was hoping that I had the idea that he saw me and he thinks that I'm at least attractive. I just want a guy to like me, I've beginning to sound like a desperate woman but what could I do? I have no zero experiences, I never dated someone and I don't have a boyfriend or even had one, it's the last year of high school and I just really want to experience it.
My eyes instantly caught Matt, he was seated in front with his buddy, Jesse, a smile forms on my lips after seeing him. Should I go talk to him or should I pretend to ask something so he could notice me?
"So when are you going to show this look of yours to Matt." Casey whispers softly, preventing students beside us from hearing.
I sigh and showed her a very depressing look, "I don't know. I really don't know."
Ms. Clark blows her whistle, "Okay class, after the rules have been explained, let's now start with the girls," She looks at us, "C'mon and position yourselves."
The game that we're going to play for today is dodge ball and luckily I am good with it, "So, the other section (Matt's section) would be the ones to strike while the other one (my section), would be the ones who are going to be aimed at." Ms. Clark said.
Easy as pie.
The game went smoothly, well for me, since I'm really good at this. Casey is the first person who's gone out of the game because she was the first person who got hit. Casey is really not into dodge ball and I could tell by how she's been acting so lazily whenever the ball passes by.
It was only me and Jennifer who are on the middle, "Jennifer here I come." Says Amy who I presume her name was, she hits Jenny by the thigh, forcing her to get out from the game which means, I'm the only one who is on the middle.
"Go El!" Casey shouts, making me smile. The minute I turn around to look at Casey, my eyes were immediately struck when I saw Matt near Casey who was looking at me. I can't believe he was looking at me and to think that I was wishing that he could notice me.
The ball was passing down to the other side and I immediately run the opposite side to dodge the ball, I can't help it, I'm like a freak who is playing this game and was smiling like crazy. The ball was to be pass down again and I immediately catch the ball, ending the game. Meaning- our team won.
My girl teams shouted my name which means we have a high score in our Physical Education. I'm starting to think that Matt was my lucky charm.
"Nice catch El." Casey screech, "And now we have an A in our report card because of this," She winks at me.
"I know—" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when someone poke me from behind which startled me, I instantly turn around and was just still after seeing the guy in front of me, "Hey—" He greeted, "Nice catch."
"Yeah—" I stutter, "I mean, yeah, I was just lucky." I added, I tuck a stray strand of my hair behind my ear and kept my smile normal because I feel like I am going to have it wider if he won't stop talking to me.
"I don't think I have seen you around before?" Matt said. I was a bit disappointed hearing that from him but I look on the brighter side because I think he just didn't recognize me because with the new look that I have right now.
"You actually do, chemistry lab partner, sophomore." I said, smiling like a weirdo. He looks confused and I added, "Ellie Reed."
His eyes widen after hearing my name, "Oh," He scratches the back of his neck, "I didn't recognize you, you look different," He smiles, "Like in a good kind of way, not that I'm offending you or anything."
"No-" I instantly replied, "You don't, thanks."
"Right—" He looks beside him, "This is Jesse by the way—" He introduces me to Jesse who is one of his friends. Jesse is attractive, but not as attractive as Matt, Austin or even my brother. He has brown eyes and ash brown hair that suits him. He's just an inch short of a height from Matt who is 6'1.
"Hey Jesse—" I greeted, "This is Casey." I pulled Casey's arm and introduce her to Matt and Jesse. She gives me her irritated look but later soften when she saw that Matt was talking to me.
"So—are you going to the party later?" Jesse abruptly said, I nodded, "Yeah, I will, so are you going to come?" I directed my answer to Matt, "Yeah I am." He answered, displaying a smile on his face.
"We'll see you boys later then." Casey responds, ending the awkward scenario that is about to happen, "Yeah, we will." Jesse assures.
"See you later then Matt." I said with a smile on my face that I couldn't remove.
"See you Ellie." He then turns around after Ms. Clark called for the boys to play. I can't believe that he just talked to me. My heart is just beating so fast and I think I need a lot of air to breathe in.
"We totally need to dress you hotter later!" Casey screech, she's looks more happy compared to mine. I don't think that this day was so bad and unlucky after all.
Lila and Casey decided to have the little makeover at our place before we decided to head to the party. Lila brought her clothes to wear in the party which was her shorts and spaghetti top together with a denim jacket. She usually wears that kind of clothes.
While Casey brings her red dress that has a spaghetti strap, she definitely looks sexy and the great thing about the dress is that it is hugging her body that shows her sexy slim figure. We haven't been putting any make up or fixing our hair because up until now, we are in complete disaster of finding the clothes that I must wear.
"How about this?" I showed them a t-shirt and leggings that pretty much my taste.
"No!" Casey and Lila said in unison.
Casey immediately rushes in my closet and put the clothes that we brought yesterday in the bed, "You have to look more attractive, so Matt could ask you out on a date."
"But Casey, I don't think I want to wear something revealing just so he could notice me, can't I just be me?" I said while I my eyes trail at her, she sighs and looks at me in a worrisome look, "But El, I don't want to be frank with you but after the makeover thing that we had done, it's only until now that he notice you. This is the time where he truly notices you, don't you want to make him notice you more and ask you out on a date?" Reality starts to kick in. It was true. What Casey told me was true even though it hurts. Matt just noticed me now after I had this makeover project with the girls but before that, he couldn't even look at me or even notice me.
My brother told me before that I should find a guy who would like me for who I'm really are but why am I still pushing myself for Matt to like me even if what I'm doing right now is really not my thing. It saddens me that I should change just because of a person I like when I should be liking someone who does not really care about my looks or personality and truly likes who I am.
"This!" Casey held the dress up to show me and Lila what she found, it's a black dress that has no straps on, it's looks like a tube and it's length is up until my knees. I cringe in the thought of me wearing that but even though I don't want to, I need to because I really want Matt to like me. I sound so desperate and it's making me go insane.
I sigh, "Let's just get this thing done with."
"I don't think I could go in there with this outfit," I stand still, with eyes fixated at the huge house in front of me. It was evident that there is a party going on because the music is loud enough to be heard outside the neighborhood. "Can I please borrow your jacket?" I begged with my eyes looking like a lost puppy.
Lila shrugs me off and head inside without waiting for us, "You can do it El, I'll be rooting for you." Casey assures by showing her genuine smile.
I am currently wearing the black dress that shows off my shoulder and half of my legs because it's up until my knees. Casey decided to curl my hair in big curls to make it look more attractive, while Lila works on my makeup. All in all, I'm uncomfortable. Yeah, it's true that I look attractive that I hardly recognize myself but is this really worth it?
"I'll head inside, just make sure that Lila wouldn't end up drinking too much, you know her father." Casey said.
I can't believe my friends left me, I can't do this alone. I might as well go home and tell them that I had a fun time that I forgot to look for them but should I quit now?
I gather a lot of courage and enter the house without deciding the pros and cons, I don't think I could think about that right now especially when it's cold outside.
The house is filled with teenagers dancing, flirting and drinking their beers. Some are already making out in the corner without even thinking about the people around them. I don't really intend going in here but I have to. I have to meet him. I really sound so desperate. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick.
I saw Ace dancing in the middle of the crowd with Ivan, they were having a dance off and it looks to me that Ivan is already drunk because he couldn't keep up and his face is as red as a tomato. I feel like he's going to vomit any second now.
"Hey," Alex greeted, it was only until now that I notice him standing beside me, "What are you doing here wearing like that?" His eyebrows were furrowed, it was evident that he was confuse.
"New look, remember?" I imply.
He chuckles softly, "I know, I'm just not really used to seeing you like that, even your brother," He laughs, "Speaking of your brother, I think that Carl was chasing him outside the backyard because he is already drunk and I think that Carl is having a hard time chasing him."
I rub my face with the use of my hands, trying to remove the stress that my brother just made, "And why the hell did he got drunk when he told me that he wouldn't even touch a single beer?"
"Austin and he make a bet out of it, Austin should be the one chasing him but he disappeared after Elliot was high and it was only me and Carl that was around." Alex sighs, "Anyway, you should definitely stay away from strangers or we will be dead if your brother heard any rumors about you in a non decent way, especially—" He pointed out my outfit, "When you look hot." He winks at me playfully and disappears from the crowd. Did Alex just told me to stay away from strangers and told me to be careful when he looks like a maniac and then told me that I look hot? What the hell am I even saying?
I walk through the crowd and went to the kitchen to grab a drink. I know I'm not supposed to get drunk, it's not like I want to get drunk. I just want to drink a cup, just to lessen this stress. Starting from the detention, to the kiss- speaking of that kiss, Austin really loves to mess around. Whenever I do something, he'll pop inside my head and the scenario of us kissing is playing in the back of my mind and whenever I try to shrug it off, it couldn't go away. Why did he even kiss me and acts like it was nothing to him?
Just thinking about it makes me want to drink and forget about it. I drink the whole cup that was filled with alcohol, it was making my throat burn but I cared less. I just want to remove Austin inside my head, I drink another cup, hoping that it would forget about him.
"Hey Ellie." The voice sounded familiar and when I turn around--, "Matt."
"Hey, you look, attractive," He chuckles, sending electricity all over my spine, I think my face is starting to be as red as a tomato, "I hardly recognize you."
"Yeah—" I stutter, "I was—I mean, my friends tried to dress me up and I was just okay with it because they love to dress up because you know what girls do." What did I just said? I don't think I made any sense.
"Okay," He said flatly, "I was looking for you," He smiles, "I mean Jesse was looking for you."
"What's that suppose to mean?" I stare at his round eyes, it's insanely beautiful.
"I don't know how to say this but do you like Jesse?" He pops the question instantly, making me confused.
"I don't—" He cuts me off, "Because I think that he likes—" He was not able to end his sentence when Jesse had joined our conversation, "Hey Ellie." He greeted. "You look beautiful."
I smiled awkwardly, "Thanks." Jesse offered me a cup, "One for you," I took it from his hand and he gave one to Matt, "Another one for you," He then looks at me, "Cheers to new found friends."
They drank the whole cup and I did the same, I was beginning to feel dizzy, everything around me started to look like a blur, I can feel my head spinning, it was definitely because of the alcohol. I was beginning to fall out of balance until Matt catches me from behind and his eyes were fixated at me with a worried look, "Are you okay Ellie?"
"Are you okay? Do you want to lie down a bit?" Jesse asks, concern was evident on his voice.
"Excuse me—" Someone said from behind us, "You can't just touch her like that." I couldn't recognize who was that, everything around me was becoming a blur. It was supposed to be a perfect moment but it was ruined because of my low tolerance with alcohol.
Someone took me and carried me in a bridal style, his scent smell like vanilla and it was so comforting that I lean my head on his chest, "Are you seriously fucking with me Jesse? A girl could still handle an alcohol even at its three cups but it looks to me, you spiked it." His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't really see anything clear. And did I just heard that right? Jesse spiked my drink?
"I didn't do anything man—I swear, I didn't know that it was spiked, I just got it from the counter—" He was cut off with the guy who was carrying me, "Just stay away from her, especially you Cross." He sounded mad and it was evident from the sound of his voice.
"I didn't even do anything Prince. I think the one who she should stay away was from you, you're a troublemaker." Matt said, he was beginning to sound mad.
And that hit me, the sound of the voice was beginning to be familiar, it was Austin Prince.
"Oh really? A troublemaker? Do you want to have a fight? Right now?"
And I thought this day could not get any worse. This is the worse day ever.