”Are you sure?” I ask the doctor with a scowl
”Yes Scarlet Archway right?”
I nod
”You're pregnant” she repeats and Tamara gives a little squeak in shock again
”I will refer you to a gynecologist, maybe she can help you make a few decisions she shakes her head with pity at me” writing something down and handing the paper to Tamara since my eyes and hands are now focused on the Rubix cube, turning and turning again.
We leave the hospital quietly, I have not said a thing as we take the 15-minute walk to the apartment, the sky is getting almost dark and students roam about tired or exhausted my hands are still moving though, I'm trying to process what the doctor said, trying to think of a way out of this, trying to control my life again and only the rubix cube offers me that, I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder stopping me
”Scar say something, you're pregnant for goodness sake, what are you going to do?”She stops me raising my eyes to meet her brown ones
I shrug still silent, walking forward the apartment coming into view, we take the elevator in silence, I'm in the comfort of my home when I finally lose it, I lock myself in my room when the tears fall, and I can barely hear Jason ask what's wrong before I slam the door shut, a few seconds later I hear him curse, then the knocking starts, their soothing voices follow
I’m disappointed in myself that's it, I always called myself a genius but how could a genius end up 18 and pregnant with a mysterious father, I am my mom all over again only hers was better she knew who the father was, but for me, all I can remember is his face and even that is already slipping away, opening my eyes I wipe away my tears, changing into a big shirt and my shorts I walk out, they hear the thud of my door closing when Jason sticks his head from the kitchenette
”It's lasagna night baby” he half yells
I laugh glad they don't bring up the reason why I locked myself up for two hours crying my eyes out
I enter the kitchen with the Rubix cube still in my hand, staring at Tamara who is bent over the oven, and Jason who is leaning on the small counter chewing on some freshly baked garlic bread, I place the cube down and join him, chewing slightly
Tamara spins around eyes narrowed smacking our hands away, “If you keep on chewing you won't have the space for the lasagna later”
I still steal a piece with a laugh before she can smack me again
”Scar,” she silently calls my name and the room falls into silence and seriousness, I know what they want to talk about
”I'm getting rid of it I say,” my fingers drumming on the table, “like I am getting an abortion,” I say into the tense silence, I finally look up at them, their faces are both blank
"You did not expect me to keep it right?" I frown, this is the obvious solution
And the Father, “Don't you think you should tell him” she says her eyes keenly following my movements, these two know me too well.
”He used protection even when he figured out I was a Virgin so I am guessing he does not want any little thing of his running around either” I shrug my shoulder with a sigh
“But unfortunately his wise plan is in the garbage since I am already pregnant, I'm getting rid of it end of the story,” I say moving to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
”At least you should tell him first,” she says again this time turning to Jason, “if you got me pregnant and I went ahead to abort it without telling you how would you feel?”
”Angry of course, definitely angry, you've never done that have you?” He turns to her with a frown
She laughs shaking her head in a no gesture
The difference between you and me? “Yea. You know his name, he's your boyfriend, I don't know the first thing about him” I frown at the thought
”We both know you can find him with the snap of your finger, let me get your lap-" She does not finish the sentence when Jason grabs her
”Okay first my rule in this house, no more illegal shit, before you can break into any camera system or government systems again why don't we just go back to the hotel you both spent the night, ask for a name, ask if they know him personally?” he raises an obvious brow at us
Sshit like that!!, something legal and if that does not work we can do your thing” he sighs consequences of having two computer geeks living with me
”I am not going to go all the way to some hotel to tell them I am pregnant and I need to find the man that knocked me up” I frown
”You're coming, you're both coming, let's have dinner and we can go alright?” he nods
“Someone has to be the sensible and mature one here” he mutters
We both laugh stretching our hands out at the same time to smack his back.
After dinner, I pull on a blue top and jeans paired with black thigh-high boots, only a bit of makeup to make myself look less like an 18-year-old
I grab the same type of fake ID I made after I lost the other one, in case they ask for an ID, we all head out and I easily spot the hotel, it's not too shabby and it's not too expensive, we walk into the lobby and I don't recognize the woman at the desk
”Welcome, how may I help you?” She stares at the three of us with a smile
”Uh, I am looking for someone I step forward, we came here about a month ago and I just want to know his name, I think I might have forgotten my purse here too,” her eyes light up when I remind her about the purse
”May I see an ID please?” She calls out
I immediately hand her the identical one and she does not even blink twice at me, she looks underneath her desk and pulls out my purse
”The man you were with, he left this here in case you ever came back for it,” she slides the tiny brown purse at me, “and you can have a look at the register if you want”
”That will be great thank you,” I pull open the purse, the cash is inside and complete without a missing dollar, but the ID is gone, okay weird
” Scar here,” Tamara calls from the side peering at the book, the date is recorded, and my fake name is next to a name underneath
”Bryan Thomas”
”See girls, is this not better than using illegal means?” Jason calls from the front of the car as we start the drive back to campus
”Shut up” Tamara and I say at the same time
Okay my baby's father's name is Bryan I could live with that, at least now I could put a name to the face that hunted my desires, at least now I could call out a name when he's being the object of my fantasies when I am alone
We get home, I immediately grab my laptop settling on the couch, my two best friends beside me as I try to search for the name, I come up with nothing on social media platforms, so I use my special backdoor I wrote to the government system
”I can't believe they have not detected this yet,” Tamara says by my side
”If they end up tracking you, I’m jumping through the window” Jason sighs shaking his head
Putting in my password I type in the name, it loads for a few minutes when the name pops on the screen, the man's details following, my two friends immediately laugh
”That's him?” Tam raises a brow in my direction
I shake my head, the man on the screen is a tiny 15-year-old far from the man in my fantasies, I scowl, fake name too, “Let's see how hard you are to find” I crack my fingers turning to Jason for a go-ahead
He sighs nodding, shaking his head slightly at us
My fingers bounce on the keyboard losing myself in algorithms and codes when I break into the cameras at the hotel, 30 minutes later I find the video of us by the register writing our names down, he looks up a moment and I get an exact picture
”Damn girl that's him?” Tamara raises a brow at me
I nod shushing her, cutting out his face, I match it with a program on the government system to help find a hit of his face, anything, he could be a drug dealer for all I care but finding him right now is a silent challenge he gave me immediately he put down that fake name.
This is going to take some time I prop the laptop on the table, head back to my room, striping off my clothes, grabbing a towel, taking a bath, and changing back into my pajamas, my hair in a bun, I come back to the tiny living room when I see the loading has finished
”Guys I got him!!” I smile about to throw myself on the couch then I remember the baby in me, I sigh spinning around the couch and taking a seat, both my friends follow and I open his file
”Holy shit!!” Tamara says