Scarlet POV
I can't stop myself when I say yes, my brows raise in surprise when I hear Quinn echo the same answer
My resolve broke when I heard that heartbeat, I don't know about him but after knowing this is a real thing, a real human growing in me, there's no way an getting rid of it, Tamara will be proud.
“Your sonogram will be ready in a few minutes you can wait here” She walks out with a happy expression on her face, I have a feeling she has changed a lot of minds before us
I stand up wiping away the jelly from my stomach.
“Why did you say yes? “ He speaks into the tense silence, “You were so adamant about getting rid of the baby”
I shrug, “Why did you say Yes?” I look up at him swinging my legs from the bed, “Are you going to have a child with an 18-year-old?”
He says nothing, turning away
He turns back to me, “I want the child like you said you have college and your career ahead of you, like the internship you can't do that anymore if you're going to keep the baby”
“I work with computers Quinn” I jump down from the bed and he flinches staring at me like I might break anytime soon, “I am not going to jump from one place to the other, I don't need to quit my job”
“And I change my mind, I could get online classes and I'll be fine, I want my child now” I fold my hands across my chest, “turn around I want to change” I raise a brow at him
He turns, “You heard what the doctor said, take it easy, no jumping, no clubbing, no walking about too much, and no se-" Nah she said we could have sex all we want,” he says and u can just tell he has a smirk on his face
“Shut up” I snap pulling on my shirt a blush crawling up my cheeks, “you may turn around and you're never touching me again, and as for the NO clubbing part, I don't usually go clubbing, the jumping part, I probably have to cancel my plans for bungee jumping this weekend” I shrug
“Definitely” he nods watching me pull on my high heels and boots
“Do you think that's a good idea?” He stares at my shoes
I roll my eyes
“I mean you could fall pretty hard from those”
“As long as she's comfortable she could wear them” I hear the doctor's voice again as she walks with a white envelope in hand, “here Mr Kingston”
He nods, thank you
“And I'll keep this as quiet as you want, I'll tell the nurses on duty too, it's an honor to meet you” She smiles widely at him, adoration in her eyes
He nods like he's used to this kind of treatment
“You should take good care of her, keep an eye on her, you should get her these too” She hands him another piece of paper like I'm not here, she nods before she leaves
“I can take care of myself” I grab the two pieces of paper “I don't need your help” I step out to find the waiting room empty only with a couple of guards and nurses standing around
“How-"? “ I Frown shaking my head, “Where can I get these please?” I ask the nurse at the reception
“Down the hall” She nods nicer to me than when I came in
I walk towards the pharmacy, he pulls out every drug for me, I grab my purse ready to pay but find out I don't have enough I groan in frustration
“Here” his voice calls from behind me paying the man, I grip the medications in my hand heading out, I don’t hate the fact you’re taking responsibility, I'm mad at myself,”
“I tell myself I can take care of myself and I can't pay for the first thing I need,” we head to the elevator with two guards behind him
“You know we should talk about this, how does tonight sound?”
I shake my head, “night class”
“But you-"
“No buts, because you're the father does not mean you get to control my every movement okay? I am fine, I am going to be fine, everything is going to be fucking fine” I say the elevator coming to a stop I step out but my heel settles on a cracked tile making me lose my footing before I can decide how my face will look on the floor Quinn grips my arm steadying me
“I knew those heels were dangerous” he shrugs
I grind my teeth moving forward to the automatic doors
“you are changing your doctor to one of my choice,” he says to me as we step out,” And we are going to sit and talk like adults about this okay? You might be fine but I’m not, not yet anyway”
“How about tomorrow?”
“Classes” I wiggle my nose
“You're stubborn has anyone ever told you that?”
I nod, “actually now that you bring it up yes, my mom multiple times”
“What about Thursday
“First day for my internship” I shrug
“Work” I blink talking about the new job I got as a waiter at some restaurant
“Not happening, I have enough money to provide for you and the baby, you're not working” he grips my arm
“I am not going to quit my job either” I stare stubbornly at him
“How about I hire you part-time too at King's Tech will you quit then?” he spits out
I shrug, “I'll think about it” It's a pretty good deal if you ask me, I think internally
“I’m picking you up this weekend Scarlet, and we'll see about it,” he walks away to a car, I see the man who I met the very first day the brown-eyed one before the door closes.
I shrug, gripping my bag tightly, I turn back to the hospital blinking slightly, hoping I made the right decision, I sigh the only problem right now would be my mother, she would get angry yes then she might make me move back if I don't have a stable job, I don't plan on telling her who the father is yet, she would yap to everyone, I can just call and explain I got knocked up but I have a part-time job, I’m okay and I’m alright, she's going to ignore me for a few weeks but she loves me In her twisted way.
I sigh heading back home and I stop for the groceries first, I slam the door open, “I’m home!!” I yell
“Hey” Jason grabs the bags, “how did it go?” Tamara calls from the couch as I pull off my shoes
“We decided to keep it” I sigh
“That's great” she yells pumping the air, “I’m going to be an aunty”
“What did he say?” she questions more
“He said he was going to give me a part-time job apart from the internship at King's Tech” I take a seat beside her
“Internship?” she leans forward confused
I nod “That's why the professor pulled us aside, internship, I have to quit my job at the restaurant down the street though”
“Do you both get along?” She quips for more answers
I shrug, “Most of the time” I wiggle my nose, “you know I am the stubborn one but he likes to throw his money in my face, but he cares too not about me though, the baby.” I place my hand on my stomach, “he insisted I change the hospital probably to some expensive one where I can depend on him to pay all the bills” I frown putting two together on my own
“But it's the right decision, you have the Kingston heir right here, do you know what people will do if they find out?” Jason says
“That's why nobody will ever find out, this will be between the three of us and of course Quinn” I nod at them
“Are you forgetting anything?” Jason calls from the door
“He wants to talk properly on Saturday but we can't stay in a room for over an hour before things get awkward” I sigh I was always talking about how normal and great my life is and now this.
“How do I get along with some mysterious self-absorbed billionaire?” I say out loud
“Trillionaire” Jason shrugs from the door this time with a cup of yogurt in his hand
I narrow my eyes at him, “Is that mine? I bought that for me”
“I'll go get you more” he raised his hand in defense quickly grabbing his car keys
“You finished the five I bought already?” I frown laughing slightly
“Hey don't blame me, I am hungry” he pouts
“Why don't we have dinner out to celebrate you know, the baby,” Tamara says sending me a look
I shrug, I move to my room to call my mom after an hour of explaining and getting a huge lecture she ends the call yelling at me not wanting me to end up like her
I stare at the ceiling tears pouring down my face, I knew she would be this mad, I knew she would bring this up and I feel like am more of a disappointment
My phone ringing pulls me out of my mind, I answer without looking at the name, "Hello?"