I woke up on a stiff mattress on the floor. As I became more awake, I took note of my surroundings. I was in a very spacious room, that had one source of light, which was placed on the ceiling in the middle of the room and in the far left corner was a metal door, that was so rusty it looked red. I couldn't help but think how lonely this room was as I looked around it, and I suspect that the only reason I'm still being calm about my situation is that I sorta feel like I'm dreaming, that at any moment I will wake up, and happily remember the kiss I shared with John.
I got up from off the bed and since I wasn't ready to deal with my captors, I decided that it was best if they think I'm still asleep, So I tiptoed to the other side of the room, putting my ear to the door, wanting to hear if anyone was close by. But as soon as I did, I heard heavy footsteps approaching. I ran towards my tiny mattress and I laid back down and closed my eyes while trying to get my breathing under control. Hoping that the person arriving would think I was still sleeping. I was in no such luck.
I heard the door creak open. and the footsteps got closer and closer until they were directly behind me. "Get up, I know you are awake" growled the person behind me. When I didn't get up, I heard the person's shoes shuffling on the floor, and then a terrible pain exploded in my back, and I screamed so loud, even my ears were ringing. "GET UP NOW!!" yelled the man,"unless you want to be kicked in the back again, then, by all means, stay right there, I call in my buddies and we will make you so unrecognizable that even your king will not want you anymore" he sneered. I couldn't believe this was happening to me, what did I do to deserve this treatment. What makes this even worse is my desire to take away the bad emotions from their souls, but if I do that the negative energy will have nowhere to go, and that would destroy me. I have no choice but to hope that John will find me and take me back home.
I shakily get up from of the bed, wincing from the pain, and I turn around to see who it was that hurt me, but before I can he roughly grabs both of my hands and ties them together against my back. He pushes me forward, taking me out the door and into a long straight hallway that contains many other doors, and I can't help but wonder if one of them leads to my freedom.