“So, why now? What has happened that has brought you here?" I ask urgently.
This time it's the woman who speaks, Jezabelle. In a soft voice, she says, "When Claire was younger it was easier to hide her, she was just a baby when we escaped the attack. But as she grew she gained more attention from people and their packs, they were drawn to her, just wanting to be in her presence. She is only five years old but the things she says sometimes make her seem older beyond her years. We started to move from pack to pack because it's simply not safe for her to be noticed by people, and we were afraid, still are afraid that the rogues who killed her parents are looking for her. We would stay at a pack for about six months and then we would leave, so no one would get too attached to her. But something happened in the last pack we stayed in; The Dark Moon pack." My mate, Elizabeth must have noticed the scared look in Jezabelle's eyes, because she got up from beside me, and picked up one of Jezabelle's hands, and gracefully sat down beside her. Elizabeth then said in a soothing voice "Jezabelle, you don't need to be afraid, I will tell you right now that no matter what you say, we will protect Claire as well as yourselves, no harm will come to you, I promise."
Jezabelle takes a deep breath and says to my wife in a soft voice, "I am not really afraid, I just don't want you to think of our Claire as some freak, she is just different."
"You have nothing to worry about."
"Okay, we stayed at Dark Moon longer than we normally did, we didn't think anything bad would happen if we stayed just a bit longer, so we stayed. One afternoon, a fight broke out between two of the teenager's and i guess claire didn't want it to continue so right when one of the teens feel onto the ground, she ran up beside him and put her two hands on his face, anyone who was looking close enough could see her eyes turn an intensive grey color, it was mesmerizing. It was like she was talking to him telepathically, none of them made a sound, but you could see Claire's mouth moving; forming words. This all happened so fast, about a minute later, Claire's eyes were back to normal, and the boy looked like he was becoming more aware of what was going on. Claire took a step back and smiled the brightest smile to the boy, and then she was off, running towards the forest."
"Why did she go to the forest?" asked Elizabeth, her face still in awe of the story we just heard.
Lucas cleared his throat and answered, "Claire, really likes going into forests and being around nature. If you ever can't find Claire, look in the forest and she'll be there. Ever since she's been able to walk, she's been going to one forest or another."
"What happened after she ran off," I asked wanting to know the effects of what Claire did.
Jezabelle continued, "right, well after Claire ran off, we all looked to the boy, wanting to know what she did. The boy looked up to the one he was fighting with and said 'Dude look, I'm sorry I was with your girl, but I didn't know she was dating anyone, so I don't really understand why you're mad at me when she is the one who cheated. Fighting you is pointless and you're still going to be angry whether you win or lose.' I guess this boy had never said anything like this before because everyone's jaw had dropped and the look of surprise was frozen on their faces. The boy then got up and held his arm out saying, 'we cool' and the other guy nodded and they did one of those guy hugs, with the hands and the back slap, it was cool."
Lucas continued from there saying, "The Alpha of Dark Moon, Alpha Marcus, walked over and asked my wife and I to follow him to his office. There he told us that it would be smart for us to come here and ask you if we could stay here where Claire would unquestionably be the safest. All this happened about two weeks ago."
"Well," my wife said while breathing out, "Now you guys are for sure staying here, even without that incredible ordeal, because Claire is John's mate, so she needs to be protected. I just find it surprising that John was able to scent her from inside the house. Normally the significant smell of a mate doesn't affect you until the age of eighteen, seventeen at the earliest, but it affected my son at eight years old, this is definitely going to cause some problems later."
"Indeed it will, but I think the smart thing to do is to wait and see what happens," I say while leaning further back into the couch.
"I agree," says Lucas
"And so do I," says Jezabelle
"Okay," says my wife "we wait."