This story is about a king who has lost his mate A beautiful girl who has no idea of the powerful Wolf she holds inside...
The Meeting
There is a new family joining our pack today, it's a mom, a dad, and a little girl. I'm not supposed to know this, but I overhead my parents talking about it a couple of days ago.
I'm not so happy that there's going to be another girl here, they smell weird and like the colour pink, and I hate pink.
"John!!" My Dad yells
"Yeah?!" I yell back, starting to walk in the direction of his voice.
"Come here son there is something important I've got to tell you."
"I'm coming." I run down the stairs and to my a Dad's office. When I get there he gestures for me to sit on the chair opposite to him, so I sit.
"What's up Dad?"
"I know you were listening into the conversation I was having with your mother." He chuckles when he sees my shocked face. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble, I need you to do me a favor, and show their daughter around the territory, while I talk to her parents. Do you think you can do that?"
"Do I have too, she's a girl, why can't one of the girls do it?" I whine, thinking that the world is unfair.
"Well, as the future Alpha King, I thought that you could handle this responsibility but I guess-"
"Wait! You didn't tell me it was that important, of course I can handle it Dad, I'm eight years old, I'm practically a man." I say with all seriousness. My dad just shakes his head and smiles. As he walks to the door he says "Come on son, lets go meet them with your mother, at the front door." As we walk towards the door I smell the best smell i've ever smelt, but i can't seem to place what it is. "Dad, do you smell, that?" I ask, maybe he'll know.
"Smell what John?"
"You can't smell that? It's like vanilla, Pie, and cupcakes all wrapped up into one amazing smell. I think its coming from out side..." I rush to the door hoping to find out whose house that amazing smell is coming from, when the doorbell rings. My mom beats me to it and opens the door, the powerful smell hitts me in the face and forces me a couple steps back. My eyes run over the two adults and they land on the little girl.
She's the cutest thing I've ever seen, she looked so scared and tiny, all i wanted to do was protect her. She has bright blue eyes, and blonde hair, really long blonde hair. She was wearing a pink dress, and looking at her i realized that there is no way anyone could hate the colour pink, when this tiny angel was wearing it. I could faintly hear my Dad calling my name but I didn't care, i had to talk to her. I slowly walked up to the girl, and when I was right in front of her, I crouched down and sayin a quiet voice "Hi my name is John, whats your name?"
She looks at me shyly and says "I'm not really supposed to talk to strangers."
"Well" i say "If you never tell me your name, I'll always be a stranger and we will never get to talk."
"Oh, hmm, I never thought about it like that. My name is Claire."
"Well Claire, would you like to go exploring with me, if its okay with your mom?" I ask while standing up, and looking at her mom, who doesn't look like Claire at all. I notice two things right then, everyone is staring at me and Claire, and neither of Claire's parents look like her at all, they both are tall with black hair and brown eyes, very tired but cautious brown eyes.
I look around and meet my mother's eyes and say "What? What happened, why are you guys staring at me."
My mom just keeps on staring, so my dad is the one who answers me. Clearing his throat he says, "Nothing happened son, we were just suprised at how quickly you moved to make Claire feel welcome, are you going to show her around?"
I look down at Claire and put my hand out hoping she'll hold it, "If Claire would like me to?" I ask. Claire nods her head, and takes my hand, and then we are out the door.