John’s POV
There is a sudden something happening in front of me, breaking my train of thought. I immediately prepare myself to attack.
A familiar smelling male slowly walks toward me, and I growl in warning, not wanting him to come any closer. I don't want to hurt anyone but I know that I will if it means keeping Claire safe, that's all I care about.
There is a steady mental tapping going on in my head, when I realize that it's coming from the male in front of me who is trying to communicate with me, I let my mental wall down and grant him access, wanting to see what he's going to say.
"John, it's me, Noah. I have the pack doctor here with me, we need to help Claire, so you need to stand down so we can help her."
I relax my protective instincts, which were blocking my other senses and causing me to see everyone as the enemy. I see that it really is Noah and the doctor, so I relax my stance and let Noah and the doctor through, to help Claire. They pick her up gently and start to take her in the direction of the pack hospital. My wolf and I jump in front of them and take the lead, growling for people to move quickly out of our way, hoping that Claire will be okay.
Claire POV
The first thing I notice when I wake up is my splitting headache. My head feels like someone took a hammer to it, and just kept hitting. The second thing I notice are the voices, at first I couldn't really hear what was being said, but now the voices are close enough that I can hear the whole conversation clearly.
"How long has she been asleep for?" said a familiar female voice
"For about two days, and John has been a wolf for the exact same time, I don't think he is going to change till he knows she is okay." Said a deep masculine voice that I knew belonged to the Alpha King. Oh my goodness! Josh shapeshifted, but he's only 15, that's way to early, I wonder what brought it on?
"What do you think his early shift means. Have you seen his wolf, have you felt its power; its dominance? The boy is 15 and even my wolf recognizes him as an Alpha, one we must obey." Says another male voice, that I'm pretty sure belongs to Noah's dad, the head Beta.
"My son's wolf is strong, but his wolf recognizes me as his leader and respects me, so we shouldn't have a problem there for now. As his King and his father, it is my duty to harness his strength to such a point that he will definitely be the best Alpha king history has ever seen. As a pack we must make sure the future Alpha couple is safe, our future relies on it."
It seems that after the king speaks everyone breaks up and goes in different directions, but there are a pair of footsteps that I can hear coming closer, and it's at this point that I remember my eyes are still closed, so I open them, wanting to see who is approaching me. But then I get distracted.
When my eyes fully open, instead of searching for who those footsteps belong to, I take a look around the room I'm in, trying to remember how I got here, and where exactly here is. I'm in a blue and white room with nice square windows and a rounded blue door. The windows look a bit tinted and have very transparent floral curtains that are blue and pink. around the room there are different pictures that you can tell gave been drawn by little kids, they put a smile on my face. There is a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall and right now the news channel is on, talking about a missing old man. Hmm, I hope they find him.
Okay, so I know I'm in a hospital, that's the reason for the weird sterilized smell, and why there are little kid drawings everywhere. I hope I get to make one. I know that I was hit on the head, that's obviously why my head hurts, and I kind of remember the events that got me here, but it's still kind of fuzzy. The last thing I do for sure remember is soul connecting with Emily, and taking away her bad feelings....
Oh no, no, no, no, no!!! My eyes fly open when I realize that I didn't get the chance to release the bad emotions into the earth. The emotions I took from her are still rolling around inside of me, and If I release them now, anyone in or close to this room will get affected by them. Suddenly feeling that jealousy and anger Emily felt but multiplied by 10. And that would be a true disaster in a hospital with werewolves and sharp objects. This is why I spend so much time in the wilderness, it keeps me relaxed and calm and I don't get the urge to ease people's emotional state, it's just me and the animals.
I try to get up, but freeze when I notice that I am not alone in this room. Sitting on a chair in the far left corner, beside the Flat screen TV was John's Dad, Sebastian Wolfe, The Alpha King. A lot of people are intimidated by him, and I can see why. He is extremely tall and has a very muscular, and huge body. He always looks very serious, and hardly ever smiles in public. His hair is very short and black, he has chocolate brown eyes and a sharp facial structure. But the Mr. Wolfe I am lucky enough to know is quick to laugh and tease his son, he is extremely protective of his family, and loves cookies, like seriously the man is obsessed with them.
I don't think Mr. Wolfe realized that I was awake yet. He looked deep in thought about something. When I followed his gaze to see what he was looking at, I saw that right in front of my door, was a black wolf. One that I had earlier mistaken as a rug in front of my door. Its back was turned to me so I couldn't see it eyes, but I could tell from here that it is a very, very large wolf. Trying to get a better look at the beautiful creature, I cause the bed to squeak and shake, and in a flash, I had two pairs of eyes looking directly at me.
Choosing to focus on Mr. Wolfe I smile at him shyly and wave.
"Hey, Mr.Wolfe," I say with a scratchy voice. He slowly gets up and moves towards me.
"How are you doing Claire." Right when I'm about to answer there is a loud growl that vibrates around the room, I quickly look to the wolf, who seems to be glaring at the King.
"Why did he do that?" I ask John's Dad, still watching the wolf, wanting so desperately for it to look at me so I can really see his eyes.
"He doesn't want me to get to close to you." He answers back. Moving away from me a step at a time, not making any quick movements, making it known to the wolf that he is not afraid.
When the King is a good distance away from me, the wolf finally acknowledges me, and we make eye contact. Immediately I know exactly who it is that seems to be guarding my door.
"John?" I whisper, "Is that you? Wow, You are beautiful." I say in astonishment. He just growls at me, not liking one bit that I called him beautiful.
"Well too bad, you are beautiful," I say, and he is, he really is. His fur is midnight black, I bet that if the lights were turned off we wouldn't be able to see him. He has these three bright blue stripes on his head that mark him as a royal, but the most captivating part of him is his eyes. They are the most mesmerizing blue eyes, they looked as if they were glowing. As I'm looking at John, I notice his dad watching us, and I remember why I started to get up in the first place.
I quickly take my eyes off of John to tell his dad about my situation, and as soon as my eyes leave John's, he growls. So loudly that it causes me to flinch back in surprise.
"Woah, what was that for? I was just going to speak to your dad about something important... Hmmm, now I've lost my train of thought, so bravo, good job John, really good job. If you want to speak with me, change back into a human please, don't just growl at me because I'm not giving you attention, it's not mature, just sad"
His dad bursts out laughing, which in itself is pretty incredible, so I give myself a mental pat on the back for being the cause of this.
"Son, I think she's right. I promise she'll be safe with me, but it is time for you to change back, there are many things we have to talk about." He picks up a pile of clothing from the chair he was sitting on and throws them to John. John catches them between his many teeth and stalks out of the room.
"So Claire would you like to tell me what happened?" Asks the King.