Five years later
Claire's POV
I walk in a daze towards the forest, desperately in need of the solace, I find there. My mind is filled with so many thoughts and feelings, and it's all because of John. He kissed me. His lips connected with mine. He pulled me so close to him and then kissed me until I couldn't breathe anymore. He stole my first kiss and I allowed it! Claire, you are weak. All it took was his smouldering hot anger and his husky voice for you to become a puddle at his feet, But wow what a kiss it was. I gotta say I'm sorta glad I went to that party.
You see what happened was, John had texted me three days ago, saying that he wouldn't be home until next week, and like the clever girl I am, I used this information to my advantage. I knew right away that as soon as he got here I wouldn't be able to have any fun so I called my best girlfriend for a quick girls night out, a night where I wasn't seen as the future kings unrelated little sister, but as a regular girl who's just looking for some fun. My best friend came up with the best idea and that was to go to this new club for young adults called Fridays. Everyone had been talking about it, how it plays great music and how the alcoholic drinks were so strong that even werewolves could get tipsy. I've heard a lot of good things about the place and I knew that it was far enough from the royal territory that not that many people would know me there, so I didn't hesitate in saying yes. I took a quick shower and then took my precious time getting dolled up.
I had recently bought a dress that was perfect for where we were going. It was mainly white but it had black on the edges of the dress. It was very snug on my body and reached to the middle of my thighs, and had mid length sleeves. It's a fun party dress, and I love it.
I threw on the dress, and then went straight to work with my long blonde hair. After that was done, I put on some mascara and eyeliner, to make my eyes pop, and I gotta say I looked awesome.
Just as I was finishing putting on a bit of lip gloss, I heard the front door open and shut, telling me that my ride was probably here. Looking back quickly in the mirror once more, I knew I definitely looked ready for a night of fun. My hair was a long mass of gorgeous curls framing my face, my eyes were strikingly blue with the help of the eyeliner, my dress expressed every curve of my body but still managed to look modest at the same time. And the heels I chose to wear were black and had a space for two of my toes on each foot and because I was pretty short they made my legs look super long, it was incredible. Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but wish John could see me like this, as a woman instead of as the little sister who constantly needs protecting. Although, knowing what I know now, I wish someone had told me to be careful about what I wished for.
When I got down the stairs I heard Emily's voice and my father's in the kitchen, so I walked towards them. What I saw was hilarious, my dad and Emily were crouched low, staring hungrily at the cookies my mom had just taken out of the oven, my dad was trying to persuade Emily to take one and split it with him, but Emily was just shaking her head at him, telling him something I couldn't hear. She knew from past experience that if my mom realized that one of her cookies were missing my Dad would blame it on her, and Emily would never hear the end of it from my mother.
Emily and I have been friends since after I soul connected with her. She had come to visit me in the hospital the day after I woke up, she'd said that she was sorry for how she was treating me and that she was thankful for whatever it was that I did to take away the hatred she carried around with her. Emily told me that she had told her other friends to either be nice to me or don't speak to me at all. I was extremely happy that I was successfully able to get rid of Emily's negative emotions, and that the hit in the head I had received wasn't for nothing, so I asked Emily to stay and chat with me, and from there are friendship grew epically. Now we're the best of friends.
I cleared my throat to get their attention and both my Dad and Emily had jumped back from the cookie tray and looked up at me in surprise. Emily was the first one to collect herself, asking me if I was ready to go. I raised my eyebrow and smirked and she just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, pecked my dad on the cheek, grabbed a cookie and ran out of the house saying "She'll never believe you!" My dad just stared at the door in shock, and that's how I left him. I said a quick goodbye and I was out of the house.
When we got to Fridays I could easily understand why so many people talked about it, Even on the outside, it looked cool. Sorta like a fancy bachelor pad but with more floors, louder music, and tons of people going in and out.
I remember Emily talking nonstop about how much fun we were going to have all the way from the car till we got inside, once we had stepped inside the club she was speechless. The inside was a thousand times cooler than the outside and I couldn't help but stare. There were a bar and a dance floor, a DJ, and there was even an outdoor pool at the back. The place was off the hook.
After we got over our shock Emily and I headed over into the fray of people and started to dance.
I let myself go completely and I became one with the music, I felt so free......until I didn't. About five minutes after I started dancing, a pair of hands landed on my hips and pulled me against a very muscular chest. I made a startling squeak at the sudden movement, that's when I smelled him, the fresh woodsy smell that always made my knees weak, John.
I tried to pull away but he just tightened his grip on me, making it impossible for me to move. Suddenly I could feel his breath against my neck like he was breathing me in, then his lips grazed my ear and He growled in a very deep and husky voice, "what the hell are you doing here, Claire?"