I looked for some cycling shorts and just couldn't find any! The only thing I could find in my luggage is a high waisted black party shorts. I could match this with a plain shirt. Then another problem occurred. I don't have any shirts! Most of my wardrobe was party outfits and formal sexy. It's just my gorgeous sense of style to blame.
I went out of the closet without changing. "Does Ashton have any shirts?" I shooked my head. There's no way I would ask him! That's embarrassing! I would rather wear a dress! I peaked from the closet open door to see him sleeping. He won't know! I picked an oversized plain grey shirt. I smirked to myself.
I went to the bathroom to take a shower and got ready. I tied my sneakers well so I wouldn't do it again. I brought a red hand purse to put in my student card and other necessities. I smiled at myself as I look at the mirror. Perfect!
I went out and I almost puked. Ashton was right in front of me! He didn't look like someone who just woke up! He was smirking and looking at me from head to toe.
"You're wearing my shirt?"
I looked at him. "I'm just borrowing it! I was about to ask you..." This is so embarrassing!
"Uh-huh. So where are you going looking like that, hmm?" I gripped my purse and tried to walk past him but he blocked my way with his arm.
"I'm trying out for volleyball." He raised an eyebrow. "I'm good! Don't look at me like that." He chuckled and nodded.
"Okay, okay." I walked to the kitchen, then he called me. "You can borrow more if you want. I have plenty of shirts." I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge to drink some water. Should bring water? There should be at the gym, right?
I pulled my keys out of my purse to lock my door but Ashton also went out in his jersey short and shirt. A sports bag was on his left shoulder and he smelled like mint.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "I have basketball practice." My mouth formed an oh. Right. If Dane was on the team, Ashton could be too.
As I remembered, there were five gymnasiums. For volleyball, tennis and two for basketball. One was vacant for event purposes. But not like the other gymnasiums, the five had a more classic vibe than modern. I like it very much.
Ashton followed me 'till to my gym and the girls saw. Everyone was looking at me when I went in and it was like they were looking at every single thing I was doing!
"Hi!" I turned to a smiling girl. "I'm Amelia." Her eyes squinted as she smiles and there was a dimple on her right lower cheek. I looked at her hand, then I took it.
I was about to say my name when she said it first. "Kylee! I know. You're the queen of the Black Knights, right? It would be nice if you get in..." She sat beside me. She's so loquacious! I can't even butt in.
"You know, there's a lot of gang members around the school campus! Some girls are sometimes being harassed. We can't do anything about it because we're just girls." I looked at her.
"You don't need to be a man to be able to fight back." She looked at me surprised. "But sure, I'll try my best to get in." Her eyes widened If that's possible. she looked Korean or Chinese.
"Really?! I'll cheer for you! Good luck." She walked back to the official team's bench. She was skipping and I chuckled. May this is one of the reasons why some girls obeyed because they were not treated right. I'm lucky to be chosen to be their queen, huh? It would be a hassle if they fight with me. It would add my time here.
The girl in a high ponytail blew her whistle. "I'm Allison. The team leader. It's nice to have a lot of girls trying out. Don't worry, we can take more than two." She smiled then when she passes my eyes, her face looked suddenly serious.
Eight girls were trying out, including me. We were grouped by four and it would be an individual assessment and not by the group who won. Allison flipped a coin and the first one to serve is the other group.
She served it high above the net and went to the girl in front of me. She received it lousily so we lost a point. The girl served again and this time it was directed at me. I served it nicely and the girl beside me set and I smashed it to their part of the court. And now it was our point.
Time passes and we earned good teamwork. And now, It was one of my good serves. I threw it up in the air and served it to the girl that would likely lose it. It landed near the line, it was our point again! This is so thrilling! It felt like I was back at the underground when I'm fighting a one on one. A single mistake would result in losing and I don't like losing.
The ring was covered with a chain fence and we were taunting each other with swiss knives. The guy had sweat all over his face and chest. I wasn't even feeling hot! The thrill always gives me shivers like I was in a cold setting. I smirked and dashed onto him and slit his arm. He glanced at his wound and also smirked. He licked his lips and attempted to attack me. I snapped his right wrist where he was holding his knife and it fell down the floor of the ring. I pulled it to back and with a rope, I hid in my jagger pants, I tied both of his hands. The audience roared and cheered me. I grinned.
I turned my back on the guy and walked a distance. I closed my one eye and aim at the right place and his eyes were looking at me petrified. With my other dagger, I threw it near his shin. He sweated more and begged.
"Dear, don't move." He looked constipated and this time I aimed at his neck. I threw it and saw he bled a lot. My mood turned sour and was dissatisfied. I looked at my right man and he handed me a gun through the slit of the gate. I pointed it at him and pulled the trigger. I pulled it again and his head fell to the ground. The audience clapped at my perfect art. Some threw red roses to him and some dollars were flying around.
We won the first part and I glanced at Amelia as we exchange courts. She was grinning at me and giving me thumbs up. I wiped off the running sweat and smirked at the floating ball that was heading towards me.