I opened my eyes to the sun creeping in my window. I felt the cold breeze coming from outside so I pulled my sheets up to my head to feel the comfort it gives me. This is one of my best sleeps ever in my life.
My alarm rings and I'm too cozy too even care. I closed my eyes and hugged my pillow more. It rang again that it started to wake me up. I pulled it from charging and slowly opened my eyes to look at it. It's my mom calling! I remember deleting all my alarms! Say your greetings, it's my human alarm clock.
"Kylee! Get your ass here right now! I've been knocking since 6 in the morning. Are you seriously gonna skip class now?" I heard some murmurs from my Dad that I didn't bother to ask what he's saying. Probably some words that would hurt a little girl's heart.
"Okay." And I ended the call.
I took a hot shower and with my silky robe I went to my closet. I gaze for the best dress that could irritate my principal because of dress code and chose a black tube dress. Its somehow long up to my upper knees. I pulled a leather jacket for the possible cold weather and finished my look with a few red strappy heels.
I took my time walking down elegantly. From afar I heard my parents talking. i tried walking down without my heel making some noise. Good thing the stairs was carpeted! I listened to their conversation and hushed the maid that wants to carry my bag for me.
"Stop it Kennedy. I have already decided. She's better there. Stop spoiling her." Dad in a low cold tone. I looked at him. He was as always, with a creased forehead and wearing thick glasses. He was wearing a light blue inner long sleeves shirt and his hair was brushed back. Even though we were very wealthy, he looks tired and stressed.
"No! Aren't you scared for her? She can't leave there unless she really deviated! She's the only one that's left for us, Charles. Can't you just forget--" I cut her. My so called perfect mom had her hair in a high bun and was wearing an apron and a white long dress. Dad was stressed and Mom looks like she haven't aged. I smiled fakely.
"Wow sounds fun, Dad! Where is this cool university?" He smirked at my Mom. Her face was full of disapproval. Don't worry Mom, once I'm there you will forget you ever had a child that killed the one you've ever loved.
"See? She likes thrill and that will put her at place, Kennedy. Stop worrying," I ate my breakfast with a blank face. My mind ran through everything that's gonna happen and boy, I'm so excited. It's probably where all the children of spoiled politicians, mafias and people who can't be controlled by their parents. So... there's no rules then? I can do whatever I want? I can't ask Dad, though. I'll just worry about that when I get there.
When I finished my meal, I looked up at Dad when he threw some brochure in front of me. I looked at it and something just excites me. Marrison University. There's classes even for kindergarten and up to high school, wow. It's where it starts right? Being the black sheep of the family. From when you're just a child.
My Dad still hates me without knowing the truth about that night. I did not kill my twin brother. He was a curious cat to run to the woods. I loved him and he was my light in darker days. He was the wall I could never build. He always protected me... It was first grade when we went camping in the woods. Cute tents were set up around the campfire and each of us was clasping a stick with some marshmallows on the tip of it.
"Kylee," I turned to my brother and smiled at him. He's 50 seconds older than me and I adore him so much.
With his brown curly hair and bright eyes. His cheeks was tinted a little with red because he's always outside. I also remember how his cheeks tempted me to squeeze them. He's a beautiful memory that I can not tarnish that I've changed. I can't be his sister anymore, I should have protected him. All his life, he was protecting me... Why didn't I did the same?
"You see that?" He pointed a faint campfire far through the woods. If your eyesight was a little blurry, you won't be able to see it. It was dark and I was a little hesitant. I know what he's gonna do but I didn't show it. If he's going, I should too.
"Yeah, why what's wrong kuya?" He smiled at me and stood up. He placed down his stick and handed his hand to me.
"Let's go see it! It will be a lot of fun!" My eyes gleamed with excitement. I accepted his hand and we sneaked out of our campsite. I looked at our little hands holding. I remembered that Mom warned us not to do this. Don't stray off. I thought we were safe because I was always safe in the hands of my brother.
There were a lot of bugs and luckily we had protection on. I was happily following him until we saw a lot of guys with big builds. I was scared enough to back out. I look helplessly at Ken and started to let go of his hand. This is wrong! We could be in danger if we continue.
"I'm scared, Ken. Let's just go back." I tried to reach his hand to pull him back, but he avoided it.
"No, no. It's okay. Maybe they need help! I'll go and see. But you, Kylee, go back." He kissed my forehead and I turned my back.
Half the minute I turned back, I heard a gunshot. My feet stood like stones and even my body. I couldn't move. I couldn't accept that, that my brother was gone. My eyes wanted to cry but I just couldn't anymore. My tears have already dried out. Instead, my chest started to hurt and I couldn't breath.
I remembered how much anger they've invested in me. My mom cursed the hell out of me. She would've wish there were more words she could say. Lucky me right? There are lesser vulgar words she could utter.
There's only one person who stood up for me. My Manang Mae. She was there when I was restricted to eat. She was there to hush my whimpers. But then, she was separated from me and I tried to jump off my bedroom window.
I was unluckily saved and mom's anger ceased. She couldn't lose her both daughters. I had a sister that was married off to pay their debt and save us from bankruptcy.
My Dad really loved Ken. He was their unica hijo and I understand why Dad's like this. He knows I didn't kill him but He blames me. And my Dad's right, I should've stopped Ken. It can only be listed on one of my biggest regrets and will never ever forget.
And that's when I started to bend their patience. I know it was wrong but I couldn't help it. I really loved the attention they were giving me and the times I was never grounded because of mom. And that's how your girl was made.
Marrison University, get ready to see your new bitch.