I wasn't shocked that, that same day, I was drove to my new school. My maids that was in charge of carrying my bags weren't able to do their jobs because only students are allowed inside. I pulled my luggage to my type of dorm, and this was the only building I've liked the most. It was all black, white and brown. Some language was written above and it was definitely not made for the building. It was an old classic tenth floor house or mansion? I don't know know what to call it. Though, outside it smells cigarettes. I do too, but isn't that illegal?
I got some keys from the desk when I saw that there's no receptionist or some clerk. Whatever! I saw the keys so it's mine now! I smirked at the old fashioned door. It was made of hardwood and has no doorbell. But it has a gold antique knocker that had a crown carved on it. I ignored it and just slipped the keys through the keyhole and pushed the door open. I was amazed at the vintage room. It was more of a condo because it had no walls to separate the other rooms.
When you come in, the first thing you see is the two large king sized beds. Both had side tables with lamps the living room at the other side had a television and a couch. I made a face a I looked at the painting on the wall! It was a naked woman. I walked back to the two beds and saw one had black sheets! The color of my soul! I jump to my new bed and was stunned. I sniffed it again and I was right. It was a man's perfume! I glance at the red one and stood up to sniff it. This one has a woman's perfume!
So I have a creepy roommate that has a thing for this? Does she like the guy's perfume or they've slept here?! What the hell? She has to change rooms when I see her! So disgusting.
I took off my leather jacket and went to my luggage. I have to put it in place so I could claim the room! I found an empty closet so I pulled my two suitcases and my hand bag on the floor. I've fixed all my things when I decided to change into my nightgown. I used the robe that was folded under the sink and went out to the balcony.
It was dark outside and just had some little stars. But on the grounds? There were a lot of lamp posts and some lights that was hanging around the trees. So this is the star replacements. Well, it ain't bad.
I'm sure I'm gonna be lost tomorrow so pulled the brochure Dad gave me and my schedule. I found my first class and the cafeteria.
I started my day wearing my first day dress. I walked like a model as I glide through the halls. I loved the attention as I walked past them. I don't want stepping aside on my own lane so even though they were walking together I still walked in the middle of them. What do you expect? I live up to my title.
As I was navigating my way to my first class, one guy didn't step aside. I raised an eyebrow on him and he didn't even look back at me! What is he wearing? Earphones?!
"Hey!" I called the tall guy that rudely bumped on my shoulder. He didn't respond so I threw him my hand bag. He turned around look at me from my heels to my head. I smirked, like what you see?
"What?" He arrogantly asked and boredly looked at me.
"You see this?" I pointed my shoulder. "You bumped into me! Are are you stupid?" He smirked that I didn't like. So I crippled his shirt and pulled him down to test him. He's kinda tall so I pulled harder. He wouldn't bend down!
I looked at him. Dark hair that was brushed upwards and some hair was covering his forehead. His lips was pinkish and full. His eyes... What the hell is he? I noticed that he had some bandages on his left cheek. What a shame!
"Like what you see?" He smirked again! I picked my bag and kicked his foot that didn't even budge.
There's no way talking to that jerk! Are those kind of guys I'm gonna be with?! So arrogant! He thinks he's so handsome! Well, continue thinking like that so they'll transfer you to a psych ward!
I found my room and I was introduced as the new student and wanted me to say my name. "I'm Kylee Cassandra, but just call me Kaycee." They looked at me surprised. What is that reaction? I don't like it.
"Okay, Miss Perez, you can sit next to Mr. Marco." Then she pointed the vacant seat at the back. I glanced at it and saw a guy was smiling widely.
He looks like he's gonna talk all day! I'll just sleep 'till the next class. I didn't look at him and just sat down but when I look at my handbag, his hand was there reaching mine.
"Hi, I'm Dane Marco! Let's be friends!" I looked at him weirdly. Why is he here though? He can't be a gangster, so maybe a son a politician that wants him hidden? Hmm..
I accepted his hand to shut him up. "Kaycee."
He smiled. "Are we friends now?" I didn't answer and just took a glance at the teacher and took my nap. He poked my side that made jolt up. I wasn't ticklish, I was just surprised! How childish can he be?!
"Can you be our queen?" I raised an eyebrow. Is he a bee? Why is he looking for a queen? "Please? We have to have one and you're a perfect match!" I smiled. He ain't wrong though.
"Okay, and stop disturbing me." He nodded and I took my nap. I heard him typing on his phone. Wow, even at my school I mute my phone. And he's here making noises? Well, whatever.
Lunchtime and I was excited. What food do they serve here? Can I have someone to wrestle with? My muscles are kinda getting stiff. I pushed the door open and was amazed how clean the cafeteria or restaurant? It was carpeted and had at least four chandeliers. There are a lot of chairs and based on what I saw on the brochure, there are five floors on this cafeteria.
There was a long line but as I came near they stepped back and made way for me. Lots of murmurs were heard around the cafeteria. As I started walking, the whole place became quiet. I didn't give much attention to it and just walked to the counter. My heels was the only thing that was making a sound. I looked at my grey silk covered heels and to the one asking what food would I like today.
"Can you make the creamy cheese pasta spicy? And that sandwich," I pointed at the menu on the counter and looked back to choose for my drinks. "I'll have a chocolate frappe and water." I turned around to look at the crowd and they were all looking at me! Whyy?
I faced the counter and saw my food coming so I got it and took an elevator up to the third floor. There were a few students up here! This will be my floor from now on. I sat and was gonna start eating when a girl came near me and was nervously getting my tray.
"You have a problem, miss?" I asked in an annoyed tone and pulled my tray back to me. Her eyes look helpless and couldn't even utter a single word. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Uhh, I'm Mae. I'm here to serve the Black Knight's Queen." I raised an eyebrow.
"So? Why are you here?"
"I'm here to serve you..." What? Queen? So this is what Dane was talking about? I let her carry my tray and we went to the fourth floor. When the elevator opened, I saw Dane's stupid face smiling. He smirked at me and took the tray from Mae.
"What is this about, Dane?" I asked and reached his shirt and pulled it violently. I didn't want to do it but this is too much. I thought I was gonna eat peacefully!
"Ouch." He acted hurt and frowned. "Don't you remember? I asked you to be our queen!" He pulled me to some table with a lot of guys!
"Guys! She's here, the perfect match for our King!" They stared at me smirking and the all nodded. "Meet Kylee!" Dane placed my food on their table and push my back to introduce his group.
A tall handsome guy went to me and pulled my hand to kiss it. He was the recreation from the books of a prince. Oh boy, this one is a playboy. "Oliver, my queen."
"Ace." His aura looked dark. Dark hair, grey eyes and his skin was so white he'll melt in the middle of the sun. Did I just compared him to an ice scream? I just nodded.
And I look at the last guy on the table. He was smiling and waving at me. My breathing hitched and I felt I couldn't even breathe anymore. I took a step back as I look at him from his shoes to his dashing smiling face. My heart started to thump that started to hurt my chest. He was my exact mirror. It can't be...
"I'm Kenneth,"