Jason made me cancel our project meeting with Josh. Not cancel it compeletely though, we're still going to do it tomorrow.
I called Josh and told him that I had something important to do. I don't even know how I agreed to do this. Jason just didn't shut up.
Nevermind... Josh was kind of dissapointed at first but for some reason suddenly became happy. I heard him mumble something about his parents not being home but I'm not sure I heard him correctly, so I just ignored his instant mood swing.
Now I'm sitting on the huge couch in Alyssa and Tyler's house all by myself, trying to find a good movie from the saved movies list.
Alyssa went up to her room, saying she will be back in a few minutes. Tyler is preparing popcorn with Emma (they might not be only preparing popcorn but that's none of my bussiness *sips tea*), and we sent Romeo to the grocery store to buy some more snacks.
As for Jason, he bailed on us last second. Apperantly 'this chick is not one to be missed'. So yeah, he is getting laid.
Struggles of being friends with an ultimate-playboy...
I scroll down the list of horror movies. We decided on horror when we first stepped in the house, and since Emma told everyone that I was a film expert, I'm chosing what we are going to be watching.
I'm struggling to find a good one. I watched nearly all of them, though surprisingly not The Exorcist. So I click on that one and pause it before it can start.
Right when I'm about to get up to check up on Emma and Tyler, the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it!" I yell, walking to the door.
"I don't care!" Emma yells back playfully, making me shake my head and laugh.
I open the door to see Romeo and Grace standing before me. Romeo with a bunch of snacks in his hands and looking like he is about to die while Grace with her signature wide smile on her face.
"Hey Grace!" I grin.
"Hi, uh, Blossom right?" She asks, unsure.
I chuckle and simply nod, letting both of them in. "You guys ran into each other?" I ask.
"Yeah." Grace answers while Romeo directly goes to the kitchen, leaving everything on the counter and coming back.
"Do you know where is Alyssa?" Grace questions, tilting her head to the side. I get it that she is a bit shy around us, since she doesn't really know us. She gets more comfortable with Alyssa.
"I'm here." Alyssa comes running down the stairs.
Grace walks up to her and leaves a peck on her lips, then they start talking.
"So Blossie," Romeo makes me turn to him. "what movie did you choose?"
"The Exorcist." I answer.
"Good choice."
He sits down on the couch and pats the spot next to him. I smirk and sit on the other end of the couch, as far from him as possible.
"Little Blossie is too shy to sit next to me." He mocks me.
I send a hard glare at him. "More like too disgusted."
"You're so mean to me." he frowns.
"I know." I bite back a grin as Tyler enters the living room.
"Bloss did you choose the movie?" He sits on the couch next to the one I'm sitting on.
"Yep." I smile proudly.
"Let's start then. Where is Alyssa?"
"I'm here!" Alyssa yells from the other side of the room, while Grace just stands next to her. They seem to be having a short conversation.
After a few seconds Emma comes with two huge bowls full of popcorn in her hands.
"Popcorn's ready! Where is Alyssa?"
"I'm here, Jesus Christ!"
Emma looks at her with pity. "So now you're calling out to him? It's alright Alyssa, he is aware of your existance I'm sure." Emma replies symphatetically, arching her eyebrows.
Just when I'm about to call them for them to come sit so we can start the movie, I feel a presence next to me. Very close to me.
Can my body stop fûcking tingling?
I look to my right to see a grinning Romeo with his arm around my shoulders. His handsome face takes me under its affect for a second but I quickly gather myself.
I just slowly take his arm and put it away. "Nope." He pouts, making me smirk mentally.
"Awwwwww, you guys are so cute!"
Ugh, Em...
"GIRL ARE YOU STUPID GET THE FÛCK OUT YOU CÛNT ASŚ DUMB SHÎT!" Alyssa yells at the tv then shoves a chunk of popcorn in her mouth, making me laugh against Romeo's chest.
Yes, his chest.
Don't ask... I have no idea how we ended up in this situation. I was just peacefully watching the film but half an hour later I found myself laying my head on his chest and his arm hugging me from my back. I swear it's this pull thingy between us. It's a really weird thing. I just get pulled towards him by some sort of force. Literally.
Though it is actually a really peaceful position to be in. His scent is, I'm not gonna lie, amazing.
I feel Romeo placing his cheek on my head and inhaling. His hand strokes my neck, making strange sensations flow through my body. I don't think he is doing it conciously though. He is not aware of it.
Why are we so much like a couple?
I take a look around. Tyler is watching the movie and Emma is laying her head on his lap, asleep no matter how loud Alyssa is being. Oh, and Alyssa is holding Grace as they are watching the movie.
I lift my head to look at Romeo. I avert my gaze to his hazel eyes that are intensly watching the movie, then for a second, to his lips. But I quickly look back at his eyes, blinking a few times.
He looks down at me and smiles softly. "Romeo what is going on?" I whisper, straigtening my back and still staring at his eyes, our proximity close.
"What do you mean, beautiful?"
"What's happenning between us?" Words spill out of my mouth before I can stop them.
"Would you want something to happen, Blossie?" He is so calm about this...
"I don't know. You're confusing me so much." I respond. He places his forehead on mine. "Friends don't act like this..." I whisper out.
"You're thinking too much about this."
"I'm not ready for this, whatever this is..." I say and he nods in an understanding manner.
"I know, Blossie." I place my head on his chest as he starts stroking my hair again. And just before I drift off to sleep I hear him speak. "I'll wait for you."
I hear the sound of a camera coming from somewhere. I don't open my eyes right away since I'm still half asleep on this very warm and comfortable cloud.
Such a sweet cloud.
Click! This time I slowly peer my eyes open. At first they squirm a little due to the daylight coming from the windows but then they get adjusted.
Click! Standing in front of me, there is Emma, taking pictures of my laying state while cackling.
A frown forms on my face as I try to get up, but a strong arm pulls me right back.
Wait... Arm?
I instantly turn around to see who the body that's hugging me from behind belongs to, to come face to face with a handsome Romeo.
He opens his mesmerizing eyes and a smile forms on his lips immediately when he sees me.
Dumbfounded, I smile back. But my smile fades away as soon as I hear the clicking sound of a camera again.
I look at Emma angrily and get up. This time Romeo lets me, probably interested in what will happen next. Tyler is on the couch filming us, laughing histerically.
"Love birds are awake!" He shouts and I slap his leg.
"Ow! Why is everyone so violent towards me?" He massages his leg with a pout on his face. "This bird right here is a very aggressive one my dear viewers." He gets up and comes closer to me, filming my pissed off expression. "And this is the natural habitat of a Lovebird," He zooms the camera on to Romeo and he just laughs.
I walk up to Tyler with fast steps and try to grab the camera out of his hold, but miss it as he takes Emma's hand and they both run out of the door after collecting their stuff.
I open the window and stick my head out. "I'm gonna kill you both!" I yell as they laugh.
"I'll call you babe!" Emma shouts back and they both get into Tyler's car before driving off.
I get away from the window to see only Romeo is left in the roomz Alyssa is probably in her room with Grace, and I don't want to interrupt them, so I start gathering my stuff.
I feel Romeo's presence behind me and shudder unintentionally. He takes my hand and turns me around.
"Good morning," He greets but I don't do anything as the events of last night come back to my memory.
Why did I have to be so honest and blunt, I don't know. Though I felt like he would understand my confusion, and not use it against me.
And that was what happened last night. He understood me. But I don't want to talk about this anymore, nor do I want us to act more like a couple, so I step away from him.
Getting close means no more lies, and I have lied to him, will lie to him about Brandon a lot. I want to just spit everything out, ask for help somehow, or at least have someone listen to me.
No, I can't do it. I care too much to risk lives. Especially his.
I care too much for Romeo.