I slowly turn the key and get into my house. I know this will be a pleasant night. I can finally sleep peacefully. Brandon is at a party drinking his way to hell.
I close the door behind me and turn around to find the living room's lights open. The sound of the television gets louder as I walk closer to it. I step into the living room to find both of my parents sitting on the couch.
A smile appears on my lips at the sight of their cuddled selves. They are a really happy and lively couple. Their hearts are so pure and gold. I wonder how Brandon got out of them. They think he is an angel, he makes himself look like an angel. Only if my parents knew...
"Hey, I'm home." I make my appearance quietly, trying not to ruin their moment.
They both turn to me and smile widely before getting up. "Oh, hello darling." Mom comes up to me and kisses my cheeks. I kiss her's back.
"We didn't hear you come in." My father says as he gives me a hug.
The warm feeling of having a family spreads through my body. I, once again, remind myself to be thankful for at least having someone who adopted me when my real mother died and my dad left.
I just wish that Brandon wasn't a part of this. Though I guess this is what I have to pay for having loving parents, for having a second chance at a happy life...
"Where were you honey?" Mom asks as we all go and sit on the couch. It's what we do everyday if they're not asleep. Normally Brandon and his angel façade joins us also, but thankfully he isn't here today.
We tend to just sit and talk about how our day went. It doesn't last for long since there are other things that must be done but it's always enough to keep our bond tight and strong.
They think everything is going just fine, and that I get these bruises in my sleep because of my nightmares. They even tried to find a cure for it. I know if they knew Brandon raped me constantly they would immediately do something about it. Though I wouldn't be alive to see it happenning since Brandon would either kill me by himself or make someone else do it.
"We went shopping with a bunch of my friends." I answer mom's question.
"Oh, you made new friends! I'm happy to hear that darling." She gives me the warmest and the most symphathetic smile which I gladly return before I continue with asking about their day.
They are too good to have a son like Brandon.
I reach out to grab my phone from the top of my drawer while still sitting on my bed.
The timing is so precise that my phone decides to ding the second I finish my homework. Yes, they give us homework on the first week. Cruel right?
Before checking the text message, I make sure that my door is locked and check outside if Brandon has come yet. When I don't see his car, I turn the lights shut and get into my bed.
Unlocking my phone, I open the text.
Sex God (10/10 definetly would date): Good night, beautiful.
What the... I don't remember having anyone saved with that name in my contacts.
I narrow my eyes slightly as I text back.
Me: Who is this?
Sex God (10/10 definetly would date): I thought I made it pretty clear with the way I saved myself in your contacts ;)
Oh, Romeo, what am I going to do with you?
Me: How the hell did you manage to get my phone?
Sex God (10/10 definetly would date): Blossie, you're pretty defenseless against robbery you know?
Me: Rom, I 10/10 definetly wouldn't date you you know?
Sex God (10/10 definetly would date): That was harsh. Though I like that nickname ;) So, you like what I got you?
Me: Huh?
After sending the text, I quickly change his name then wait for his reply. I'm very curious to what he did again.
Dumb Shît: Check your bag, beautiful, have a nice sleep. Dream of me.
I quickly get out of bed, opening the phone's flashlight to look into my bag. After a few seconds, I feel a lacy fabric in my hand.
I frown in confusion as I pull it out and my eyes go wide.
He bought me a fûcking red laced bra and a matching thong. A thong!
Me: I'm gonna shove a freaking couch up your asś.
"I take it you didn't like my present much?" Romeo teases and I shove fry in his mouth. He jerks away, laughter following his movement.
"What did you get her?" Emma asks.
Romeo looks at me and winks, making my blood boil in anger.
"It's nothing." I quickly say, not wanting to embarrass myself.
"You know it isn't." Romeo smirks and everyone at the lunch table looks at us with curiosity filled eyes.
"Come on, how bad can it be?" Jason speaks up, his mouth full.
"Ew." Alyssa scrunches her nose playfully, making Jason stick his tongue out at her.
"Sooooo... Are you going to tell us?" Tyler asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yes, tell us Bloss." Emma insists, backing Tyler up. Seriously, they need to date or something.
"Heboughtmeapairofunderwear." I quickly say, hoping to get it over with.
I sigh. "He bought me a pair of underwear!" I blurt out, wanting this conversation to end as soon as possible.
Everyone in the lunch room turns to look at me, that's when I realize I've been too loud. Too loud that the entire world learned that Romeo West bought me fricking underwear.
"Oh my gosh, I knew they weren't for some random asś girl!" Alyssa chirps and I frown.
"Of course they weren't." Romeo says with a smug look on his face. "I wouldn't want my little Blossie to get jealous now would I?" With that he pinches my cheek.
I slap his hand away. "Why would I be jealous?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"'Cause you like me." He answers as I try to hold myself back from wiping that smirk off of his face.
"But..." I make a confused expression and fake crying. "But I... I don't like potatoes?!"
I actually really don't like potatoes. Any form of them. Yeah, sue me if you like. I'm more of a greens person. With a few exceptions of course.
For example, pizza and hamburgers and... Sweets.
Okay, I might not be that much of a greens person but I still don't like potatoes okay?
What am I thinking about?
"Class, I'm going to be pairing you up for the upcoming project that I just talked about."
Project, yay! (Note the sarcasm please thank you very much.)
"So, Lindsey with Brian. Emma with Aaron..." Emma looks at me with pain in her eyes but then quickly puts a smile on her face and goes next to Aaron.
I turn my head to look at Romeo since this is one of the three classes we have together. He is busy on his phone, so I turn back to sketching on my notebook.
"...Romeo with Alyssa..."
Oh thank goodness. I wouldn't want him to be paired up with a random girl or something. I trust Alyssa, plus, she doesn't swing that way so we're good.
Wait what?
"...and Blossom with Josh."
I hear something fall so I turn my head to the source of the sound to see Romeo's phone on the floor.
He just picks it up and raises his hand as in saying sorry. I hear Alyssa chuckle next to him.
I slowly get up to go next to Josh when someone beats me to it and sits next to me. I lift my head to see a smiling Josh.
"Oh, hi." I smile back.
"Hi Bloss." Bloss? Since when are we calling each other nicknames? "How are you?"
"Fine, thank you. So, your place or mine?" I quickly ask, praying that he would offer his place. I don't want anything to happen with Brandon.
The bell rings before he opens his mouth to speak. "We can do it in my place since-"
"Okay. Super cool. Fantastic, I got to go." I gather my stuff and storm out the classroom before he can change his mind.
"Wait, Bloss! I don't have your number." I hear him yell behind me. I quickly rip a piece of paper from my notebook, write my number on it and walk towards him.
I put the paper in his palm before waving at him with my nicest smile and going back to my locker.
"You can't go to his house." I hear Romeo's always-husky voice behind me and turn around, leaning on my locker.
"And why is that?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.
"Because I said so. He is no good."
"I think I can make that desicion myself. Also it's just for a project Rom, it's not like we're gonna have sex or anything."
His eyes darken with anger ever so slightly. He sighs in annoyance. "You're impossible." With that, he just walks away.
A minute later, Emma comes to her locker and opens it, does something in it, then closes it before smiling wickedly at me.
"So, there's a party tomorrow night and you are coming." She says, not giving me a choice.
"Definetly." Alyssa appears with Tyler.
"I don't like parties that much." I say.
"How can you not like it if you haven't been to any?" Emma asks.
She has a point there.
Though I can't go to parties. I'm not allowed.
"Guys you go without me really—" My words get stuck in my throat when I see Brandon walk past us with his group of friends. He shoots me a smug look then is gone.
"Bloss, Bloss!" I hear Alyssa's voice and turn back to planet earth.
"Oh, sorry." I mumble, blinking a few times.
"Are you alright?" Tyler and Alyssa ask at the same time.
"Is this a thing that twins tend to do?" I ask, laughing slightly.
"What?" They say it at the same time again, making Emma and I laugh.
"Whatever, it's cute though." I place one of my books in my locker.
"Wait. You made us go off topic Bloss!" Emma whines. "Yeah, party. You, me, Alyssa, Ty, Romeo and Jason ok? I won't take no as an answer." She demands.
"Ty?" I chuckle at the nickname. Emma turns completely red. "Nevermind," I quickly change the subject, not wanting to give her a harder time. "I'm not coming."
"You are." Alyssa orders.
"I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you-"
"Okay enough, I'm coming!" I exclaim as smirks appear on their faces.
"Great! So girls, tomorrow, after school, my house." Is the last thing Emma says before walking away.
Brandon is going to kill me. And no, I'm not saying it for nothing.
I'm dead serious.
Or simply just, dead.