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Chapter 2

It's later in the day when Emma and I are chatting during lunch time. I have my not-so-tasty school food in front of me that I'm eating as Emma refuses to even let it touch her tongue.

"I can't believe you're staying after school for detention." Emma speaks up, biting her apple that she brought from home.

"I can't believe it either. It's the first day Em, the first day!" I can't help but get angry all over again. The memory of Romeo curled up on the ground, holding his junior part flashes in my head as I murmur to myself. "Serves him right."

"Serves who right?" Emma asks. This girl is a werewolf or something I swear, she has to hear everything.

"Romeo." I answer.

"Oh my... You did something stupid didn't you?" She puts her apple down and looks suspiciosly at me.

"Well... I might have kicked him, uh, somewhere." I scratch the back of my neck.

She bursts into laughter. She laughs so loud that the whole cafetaria stares at us for a second before going back to their own bussinesses.

"Oh, shut up. He deserved it." I try to defend myself as she takes a few deep breaths to stop the laughter.

"I love you so much, you know that right?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" I tease while she just chuckles and slaps my hand lightly.

Taking the apple back in her hand, she narrows her eyes. "Though, why did you kick him? Just because he made you get detention?" She asks.

"Well, partially yes. But—"

"I might have asked her to have sex with me." A deep voice comes from behind me and I see the shock forming on Emma's face as she stares up.

I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them back again and turning around in my chair to face Romeo and his friends.

"You asked her to what?!" Emma exclaims.

"I asked her to have—"

"Shut up! She heard it the first time." I quickly cut in, not wanting to hear any more of it.

By now the whole cafetaria is staring at us. Well, I can't blame them. Romeo is the most popular guy in our school and is talking to a nerd, plus about having sex with her. That's a sight I would like to see. Not be the sight itself.

"Blossie, interrupting your friends is rude you know?" Romeo smirks, causing me to send him a death glare.

"Blossie?" Emma asks again. Then after a pause, "Friend?"

Oh, my poor friend. You've got so much to catch up with.

"Go away Romeo." I say, not caring about my manners.

"You're so rude to me. However, my friends and I wanted to sit with you guys." With that, one of the guys behind him sends a wink and they all sit on our table. With us. Intentionally.

"Now, don't look at us like we're some kind of creeps." The girl speaks up and I turn my head to her since she is sitting next Romeo whereas Romeo is sitting next to me. The other guys are sitting next to Emma who is still in a state of shock.

The girl raises her hand and smiles. "I'm Alyssa," she says, then points to the guy next to Emma. "That's Tyler and this is Jason." She introduces, putting her hand on Jason's shoulder.

Tyler gives a warm smile while Jason sends me a wink, earning a glare from Romeo which raises questions in my head.

I smile politely in greeting, blushing slightly. I turn to look at a frozen Emma and slap her slightly. That brings her back as she flashes her bright and confident smile.

"Oh God, sorry I was just so overwhelmed for a second." She fans herself with her hands while I bury my head in my hands in embarassment. "I'm Emma, and you guys probably already know who she is." She says.

"Yeah, this guy won't stop talking about her for ye — ow!" Tyler yells as he starts rubbing his hurt leg. "Why you hitting me man?" He asks Romeo, not really expecting an answer.

"Soooo, Blossom right?" Jason questions and I nod, my mouth still shut. I'm trying to process what's going on. "This hottie," he points to himself, " is Jason and Jason thinks your friend is hot." He flirts in third person (why, I have no idea) with Emma, smirking at her.

Emma just laughs. "And Emma thinks you're not."

"Damn..." Alyssa chuckles. I see Tyler looking at Emma like he discovered some type of gem.

"You are the first girl ever to say that." Tyler says to Emma. "I think I'm in love with you." He jokes, hugging Emma as Alyssa and Jason laugh while I keep my slient state.

I turn my head and look at Romeo who's staring at me, amused. "Are you okay, Blossie?" He grins.

"Umm, excuse me if I'm rude, except Romeo. You can always take it in a rude way." People chuckle as Romeo fakes hurt, pinching the bridge of his nose and acting like he's crying. I just roll my eyes and ignore him, continuing. "Why are you guys here?"

They all look at each other, probably asking the same question in their heads.

"Because." Romeo answers, making me shake my head in defeat.

"Okay then..." I say and go back to eating my food.

"Well, girls. Since we are going to be best friends soon, how about we hang out sometime?" Alyssa speaks cheerfully as Emma's eyes go wide in excitement. She loves meeting new people. I, personally, can't relate.

"Yes! We should definitely do something. Bloss?" She turns to me with a meaningful look in her eyes telling me to accept the offer.

"Yeah, sure. Though let's talk about it later. I got to go." I say and stand up from my chair. Romeo stands up too, wanting to come with me but I don't let him. I say goodbye to everyone and start walking to class.

That was a weird lunch.


"Thank. Fûcking. Goodness." I blurt out as soon as I get out of hell. By hell I mean the detention room.

It's only me, Romeo and a few other people along with the teacher left in the school building. I can't say I want to go home, but I just want to get out of here.

"You were about to die in there." Romeo teases, taking a big step to reach me. It is easy for him since he has the longest legs in the world. I have long legs too, but his are another case.

No wonder why he is in the soccer team, and the captain to be exact.

"Yeah, duh. It's detention." I say as I reach my locker.

"It was fun for me." He leans on one of the lockers. I just keep pulling books out of mine.

"Staring at me the entire time must be so fun." I mock sarcastically.

"I already told you this multiple times, you're cute." He compliments, pinching my nose lightly and making me slap his hand away.

"You're annoying." I shoot back.

"The girls in our school don't think that way." He winks at me. "I'm more like the really hot, irresistable but also smart type." He speaks cockily, making me want to gag.

"And did you know that I have this disease?" His expression changes into one of worry.

"What is it? Should we go to a hospital?" He rushes, panicking.

I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "No, I've already got it checked. I just have this thing where my body doesn't produce enough fûcks to give." With that I continue to look for a book in my locker that I lost recently.

I really want to see the priceless look on his face but I also have to keep my nonchalant act going.

A few more seconds of silence, then: "I have never met someone like you before, Blossom Wills." Romeo's words send shivers down my spine as I lift my gaze to look at him. His admiring, beautiful eyes meet mine and the time suddenly stops.

I know, it's a really cheesy moment but I can't help but get lost for a second. It's just so magical to look at him.

I shake my head. "I, uh, I better go now." I force out and get myself out of my trans. I quickly grab whatever I can and get out of the building.

The second I step outside, to say I get drenched is an understatement.

It's raining like crazy. I've never seen it get this bad before. Actually, this good.

I have only one thought in my mind as I leave my bags somewhere that doesn't get rain and run into the parking lot, I love the rain.

I open my arms and welcome the raindrops that fall madly onto the ground. My hair is fully damped, just like my clothes. I know I will be sick, but I'm too happy to care.

Rain is the most beautiful thing there is.

It's just so pure and full of happines. Unlike most things in my life. Unlike a part of me that wishes for a better life at home. So I just take my time to wash all the negative things off of me. I stand under the clouds, thanking them.

My eyes are still closed as a smile lingers on my lips. But my eyes open instantly when I feel someone take my hand and pull me somewhere.

I can't really see due to the heavy rain, but by the height of the person and the feeling that shoots through my hand, I know it's Romeo.

We reach an unfamiliar car and he opens the door for me to get in.

I shake my head. "I will ruin your car." I yell for him to hear me.

"Can't you see we are in the same situation? Get in the car." He orders and that's when I realize he is as drenched as I am.

Without any more objection, I step into the car's warm and comfortable self. I take a deep breath then. I see Romeo sit on the driver's seat and close the door. The silence brings peace.

He puts my stuff that he probably took from the entrance where I put them on the back seat and looks at me.

"You're so weird." He says with a smile on his face.

I giggle and lift my gaze at him. "Yeah, I might be." I respond.

He looks at me for a few more moments then just chuckles and starts the car.

"How did you know that I didn't have a car?" I ask out of the blue after we drive for minutes in silence.

"I saw you walking to school in the morning." Is his answer and I nod, understandingly.

Then all the noises fade and the passing images beyond the window suddenly become very interesting.


The rain is over as I step out of the car. Before I walk to the door, I turn around to hold on to the car's open door and lean over.

"Thank you for the ride." I say with a genuine smile on my face.

He gives me a smile back. "Go inside, you'll be sick if you stay like this any longer." He warns, earning a chuckle from me.

I close the door and wave at him before getting into my house.

The house is silent. My parents are probably asleep, as well as my brother. Which is a relief.

I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water but stop dead in my tracks when I hear footsteps behind me.

*Trigger Warning*

He isn't asleep, is he?

"Well, well... Guess who decided to show up?" Brandon, my brother, speaks from behind me. I shiver in fear.

I turn to see him in his drunk state as usual. He comes closer to me and I step back. Not today, please not today...

"Were you with your boyfriend?" He asks with a sinister smirk on his ugly face.

"I d-don't have a boyfriend." I stutter out.

"We have ourselves a little liar here now, don't we?" His smirk is scaring me and I soon realize I can't step back anymore when my back hits the counter.

I don't have an escape.

"P-please, don't." I whisper, my eyes already tearing.

"So, should I fûck you right here," He drags his finger down my arm. "or should we go to bed?" His alcohol filled, stinky breath hits my nose and I can't help but scrunch my nose.

"Don't make that face, I know you want this as much as I do." With that he starts to kiss my neck. I want to gag, to thrown up on him. But I have no other choice but to go along. I've tried fighting too many times. He is just so strong.

I wish my family never adopted me. I wouldn't have to live with this asshole of a step brother.

"No..." I say but know it won't do anything.

He starts to unbutton his shirt and gets out of his pants. Soon he is naked and is forcefully taking my t-shirt off. I helplessly fight, but a slap on my cheek shuts me up. I'm aware that if I don't stop fighting, the beating will be worse.

When I'm completely in my underwear, he stands straight and grips my arms so tight it hurts. That will surely leave a bruise.

He leans in next to my ear. "This is going to be a fun night."

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