"He is the one. The one that every girl searches for. He is the one for me, and he is mine now. He is what life offered ...
Chapter 1
"Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch!" I hear someone scream behind me as I stand in front of the school entrance which I have oddly missed. Well, okay, might not be that odd. I'm a nerd, I can't change it. School is kind of like my only escape.
I turn around and the next thing I know, two arms are tightly wrapped around me. At first I can't process things, but then I realize it's my best friend Emma who is hugging me.
"Emma!" I hug her back once I recover from my initial shock.
"I've missed you bestfriend!" Then she steps back and lets out a dramatic sigh. "It's been too long..."
"It's been, what," I check my watch. "11 hours?"
"11 hours without you is a torture my friend. How could you? How could you leave me to die all by myself..." Emma places the back of her hand on her forehead and sighs again.
Drama queen.
I laugh, shaking my head. Then – knowing that we have to get going – I tug at her arm. "Let's go, we can't be late on the first day." I tell her.
She laughs along and starts walking, our arms linked.
The heavy air hits our faces as we enter the school. First thing I do is to look around. It feels as if everything has changed, when in reality we just upgraded from junior to senior year. The students all around me are chatting happily, everyone is looking tan and some people are even unrecognizable with their hair in different shapes or colors. Some lost weight and some gained. It's fascinating how a single summer can change a person this much.
Emma and I walk to our lockers without wasting anymore time. We are heading the same way since our lockers are next to each other, and I can't help but feel a pair of eyes following me. It's like they are burning a hole in my head and I'm not enjoying it. But I try to brush it off and not ruin my first day of senior year with my paranoia.
"So, can you see what I see?" Emma's voice interrupts my thoughts. I give her a confused look.
"No, what is it?" I ask, looking around.
"You, my friend, are blind. Can't you see all the yummy stuff in here?"
Oh God, she is hallucinating again isn't she? She tends to do that when she is hungry. Once she tried to eat my deodrant stick, thinking it was a vanilla ice cream.
"Em," I begin, putting one of my hands on her shoulder. "I think you're confused. There's no food in here."
"Ugh Blossom no, I mean all the hot boys!" She then grabs my shoulders and turns me around so I'm facing the school hall. I'm not the one to lie, there are a bunch of hot guys in here. But my eyes catch only one of them. One that is looking at me intensely.
Romeo West.
He is the real Romeo, let me tell you. There isn't a single girl that hasn't slept with him. Except a few decent ones of course. We are the ones who could escape.
"Oooh... I see you're his new prey." Emma speaks from behind me, I can feel her smirking.
"Nope. Never going to happen." I say, turning around to face her again.
"He has a crush on you since freshman year." She speaks as if it's an obvious fact.
"That's not true. If he had a crush on me he would have told me and not sleep with other girls." I object, not knowing where the anger came from.
"Someone's jealous." Emma teases.
"Oh, go home." I say and grab my books from my locker while she waits for me with her's in her hands.
"Okay, okay. I still don't understand why you don't want that piece of delicious me-"
"Jesus, Em, no!" I exclaim.
Emma just laughs at me and we both head to our seperate ways after hugging.
As I walk to my class with somewhat fast steps, I check my schedule once more to make sure I'm going the right way.
"Chemistry - George Lennox"
I cheer to myself mentally since I love chemistry. Well, I love every class except math. Math is a no.
While I keep walking, I feel someone watching me again and this time I can guess who. I don't know why he is watching me though. By he I mean Romeo obviously. It has to be him, it was him few minutes ago after all.
I let myself take a look around. Turns out I'm wrong as I spot Josh Star. Yeah, Star. I mean really, if Romeo didn't exist he would be the so called "Greek God player" of our school. Too bad Romeo looks better than him.
Wait what?
"Hey Blossom." I hear a voice and realize that I've been standing in the middle of the hall thinking to myself for almost a minute.
Which is for my case, enough time to humiliate myself.
I turn to the source of the sound and see that Josh has came closer to me by the time I was thinking to myself.
"Oh, hey Josh." I smile politely, but not in a flirtatious way. I don't, well, can't really do the whole flirting thing anyway.
"Which class do you have?" He asks with that look on his face when he is trying to get some girls. He weirds me out when he tries this hard. Though I have no idea why I am his victim. Is he that desperate?
Oohh, right. I compeletely forgot that he fûcks every girl with a pulse. I told you, he is weird. At least Romeo chooses who he fûcks rather carefully.
Stop it with him.
"I have chemistry, you?" I ask back, eager for this meaningless conversation to come to an end.
"Ah! Same." He answers excitedly.
Not to be rude, I give him a wider smile while I make my sarcastic comments in my head.
"Great, let's go then." I say and start walking with him next to me.
The awkward silence is cut when he starts talking. "So, you wanna come to my friend's party this weekend?" He offers out of the blue.
Parties? No, thanks.
"Sorry, I don't party much." I can't.
"Why? Look it'll be so fun. He has some good drinks." He insists but I just shake my head.
"No thank you really, I don't drink anyway." I reject once again, wanting for the class door to show up.
"Oh come on! It—"
"She said she doesn't want to come." A husky voice comes from behind me, sending shivers down my spine for a reason that I don't know of.
We both turn around to face the one and only, infamous Romeo West.
What the...
"Go away, Star." Romeo refuses to use his name as Josh starts walking away with a defeated sigh. Why isn't he defending himself? Well, it's not much of a problem since he is not necessarily wanted in here by anyone.
I lift my head up to look at Romeo. His hazel eyes that he probably got from his father (Yes, I might have looked up to see who this famous billionaire Adrian West was. That was when I found out that they had Romeo as their son.) shine brightly. He looks devilishly handsome, almost too handsome that it can be considered a crime, but I'm not the one to be affected so quickly.
"You didn't have to. I could've made him listen." I say. I probably would have made him listen but with his help, I just got away quicker. I'm not thanking him though.
"Well Blossie, I was expecting a thank you and a kiss. I'm hurt to be honest." He jokes, putting his hand on his heart and faking hurt.
Why does everyone have to be so dramatic today?
"Oh, please." I roll my eyes. "Also, don't call me that." With that I finally enter the class it took so long and eventful to come to.
The teacher isn't here yet as I go and sit beside a nerdy looking boy since I don't want to sit at the very back.
The boy looks up at me and I see a blush creep up his ears. I can't help but find it rather cute so I give him a small smile which he awkwardly returns.
After I turn around and take a pencil out of my backpack, the teacher walks in with a bright grin on his face.
"Okay, class, let's begin!"
I feel something lightly hit my head, causing me to stop taking notes and look down to see a crumbled piece of paper. I lift my head and scan around to find who threw it.
Guess who? Cutie boy Rom-Rom.
I roll my eyes as I just leave the note on my desk without reading it. I'm actually pretty curious to what's written inside but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of me caring.
I smirk to myself in my head but my little proud moment is cut short when an another note lands on my desk. I immediately turn and glare at Romeo who is smirking at me, then check if the teacher saw him throwing it at me.
The teacher is too busy writing stuff on the board so he doesn't realize. I unfold the piece of paper, knowing if I don't more will come, and I surely don't need the nerdy boy to give me any more 'the fûck?' looks.
You look so cute when you're thinking.
Good try.
I just rip the note in pieces and leave them be while I continue listening to the teacher.
Five minutes into it, another note hits my head, making me want to walk up to him and punch his handsome face.
I open the note angrily. Will you go on a date with me?
I snort, quickly grabbing a pencil and ripping a piece of paper from my notebook.
Hahahahahah, funny. Now shut up.
And I throw it at him without thinking. I repeat, without thinking, which causes the teacher to see us.
"Ms. Wills, Mr. West, you've got yourselves a detention." The teacher announces.
"B-but—" I try to object but am cut off when he continues lecturing.
Fûck my life now will you?..
"Awww... Little Blossie is upset." Romeo cooes as he pinches my cheeks.
I slap his hands away. "I got detention because of you!" I shout, my face red.
My record is as pure as it can be. Well it was until now! This little stupid person that deserves many colorful words decides to talk to me after three years of being in the same school, and the second I respond, I get detention.
He hasn't gotten detention before either... This is just to our luck I swear. We are so not good for each other.
"It's okay Blossie. Detention won't hurt that much." He tries.
"Don't call me that." I demand as I unlock my locker.
"Too bad. It's cute, just like you." He flirts, winking at me.
I roll my eyes for like the millionth time today.
"What? It's true you're beautiful." He compliments me again. I don't respond to his compliment, instead I ask him the first question that pops in my head.
"What have I ever done to you to deserve this?" I place my hands on my hips with a frown on my face.
"Deserve what?"
Ugh, dumbass. Deserve your instant interest in communicating with me which makes me feel uneasy because you're so fûcking handsome and I'm so fûcking ugly which means that you don't –shouldn't – strive for me, like what are you trying to – oh God...
This is a bet isn't it?
"What is this, a bet or something? You're just trying to get me laid aren't you?" I ask suspiciously with slight dissapointment really, really, really deep in my heart.
He gets serious all of a sudden which makes me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"That's not true." He says very sternly. Surprising me in the process. But then his signature smirk comes back. "Though, can I?" He asks playfully.
That earns him a strong, merciless kick in the balls.
"It was a joke. Damn woman, a joke!" I hear his curled up self scream as I leave him in pain on the floor and walk to my next class.