“So this is her…the girl we’re supposed to let replace Leyla.” She remarked, her tone degrading. She smiled slowly as she looked at Charlie. “You come alone with her…that was unwise.”
“Thank you.” Ace said suddenly. Both Charlie and Cindy looked her way. “I was wondering whether I should try to start off on good foot, or a bad one.”
Ace moved with a speed Charlie never could have even fathomed, turned sharply and executed a perfect round house kick to Cindy’s face, busting her nose.
“Where I come from disrespecting the leader to the city has consequences…I don’t suggest you do that again.” She said plainly as she straightened. Cindy backed away, holding her nose. Ace looked around the room. “Anyone else wanna say hi?”
No one moved. Charlie had to admit, he was impressed. Ace had made a very clear statement right off the bat. He watched as she continued. She wasn’t finished.
“I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure you don’t need to be here.” She told one of the boys, James, a member of the East End. James looked from her to Charlie and stood, mumbling something in accord as he headed out the door. Ace looked at the other boys pointedly. Chris, a boy Charlie hung out with regularly, a member of the Bloods, was the first to object.
“Listen cutie, I get that you’ve got to prove yourself, but we’re having a party here.” Chris moved towards her, clearly hoping to intimidate her with his size and strength. He grabbed Ace in a flash and shoved her back into a chair. He straddled her, moving his lips slowly up her neck. “How ‘bout you just chill for tonight, join in, relax.”
Charlie stepped forward to intercede but he didn’t need to. He watched in fascination as Chris jerked back, then dropped hard to the floor as Ace pushed him off her. Charlie looked down at Chris, taking in the switchblade he had sticking out from his gut.
“I want you to touch me I’ll tell you so.” Ace said. Charlie was relieved that he seemed to be the only one that caught the shudder behind her words, something there that went very, very deep. He made a mental note to tell her never to goad Ice into using his powers on her. He had a feeling there were some things she held within she really didn’t want to be forced to face. Charlie watched the boys file out silently.
“Got it from here Charlie.” Ace said suddenly. Charlie inclined his head to her, then turned and headed out. She’d made it clear she could handle herself, so now he could concentrate on the other obligations he had to fulfill tonight. A meeting with the delegates from Detroit and Montreal, trying to clear up the mess that had been made of his business dealing. Then to see Cash Cyrus. God this night couldn’t end soon enough.
I looked up as Ice came into the room, holding my fingers to my lips as I pulled away from where I’d been laying David into his crib. I left the room quietly, closing the door and leaning against it. I hated the way my body was shaking. Why was this happening again?
“It’s not as bad as it was Raven.” Ice told me in response to my thoughts. I nodded slowly.
“I know, it’s just frustrating. I’m Third Blood hybrid, the thirst shouldn’t pull this hard.” I told him, not hiding my disgust with myself. Ice pulled me against him.
“You have three thirst that yearn to be satisfied…maybe you should make a habit of feeding with all three.”
“No.” I said firmly, pulling away from him.
“Raven…” He started. I held up one hand.
“Ice I can’t…God I know I’m a pathetic vampire. I feed from you…and only you. The cold blood makes me ill, and no creature on the planet can have sex enough to satisfy my needs. Your fears haven’t changed so I won’t even go there. Who else do you suggest I use it on?” I demanded, my voice rising. I held my breath to stop, knowing it wouldn’t take much to wake the twins.
“You’ve never been so fulfilled as that night with me and Charlie.” Ice said, resting his hand on my shoulder.
“Ice stop it.” I hissed, pulling away again.
“What if it was somebody else? We could try…”
“God damn it!” I rasped out. I walked away from him, into the living room, sitting on the sofa. He was before me suddenly, pulling me back to my feet.
“What do you want from me?” He demanded. “I can feel it…you’re starving...all the time. You don’t sleep, I have to force you to feed. This isn’t good for you.”
“Ice we just got back…give me time.” I whispered. His scent was distracting as he pulled me against him and I pushed back. He pulled me against him once again, but this time I had no will to pull away. He lifted me, carrying me to the bed. He laid me out, pulling my face against his neck.
“Feed.” He said. I bit into his warm flesh, moaning as the blood poured into me, swallowing it down. I felt the weight of sleep fall on me and closed my eyes. I could feel his hand brushing over my hair slowly. He kissed my lips when I released him. “Just a few more times… then we’ll figure out something else.”