He wasn’t all that surprised when she passed out, knowing all to well how difficult it was for vampires in Detroit who weren’t killers to get blood. The less blood one had in their system the longer it took to heal. It wasn’t rocket science.
Charlie pulled over, pulling Ace’s small body across her seat and laid her head carefully on his lap. He bit down hard on his wrist, then held the steady flow of blood against her lips. Ice stopped behind him and got out, coming around to the drivers side and leaned in the window.
“How is she?” He asked. Charlie watched her as she began swallowing steadily, gathering strength and holding his wrist to her mouth, sucking down harder. He chuckled.
“Hungry.” Charlie quipped. Ace’s eyes shot open and she pushed away from Charlie sharply. Ice inclined his head to her and went back to his car. Ace closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths shakily. Charlie reached over and she jumped. He wiped away a tiny drop running down the side of her lip. She jerked back, scrubbing her shirt over her mouth as if to remove the lingering sensation of his touch. She cleared her throat.
“Thanks.” She muttered. Charlie wanted to say something, something to get past the stiff, uncomfortable way she was holding herself, but nothing came to mind. He sighed and headed out, driving in silence till they got to his place. Sax walked over, wincing as he took in Ace’s appearance.
“Yikes…bad first night?” He asked. Ace looked down, groaning.
“Sure looks that way doesn’t it.” She replied dejectedly. Charlie caught her drift. Showing up at her first meeting of the gangs covered in her own blood after having been shot by the lover of one of her own people would make a horrible first impression.
“Do you think Kitt…” Charlie started. Sax laughed abruptly at the look Ace gave him.
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.” She said. Sax put his hand on her shoulder.
“I’m sure I got something that’ll fit you. You’ve got enough time for a quick shower while I hunt something down.” He told her. She nodded, and they both headed inside. Ice came up beside Charlie.
“Kitt’s not going to like this.” He remarked cheerfully. Charlie looked at him sideways.
“You don’t have to enjoy this quite so much.”
Charlie sat at the table, looking over the impatient faces before him. Ice was sitting at the foot, elbows rested on the table, fingers steepled. Vander was seated to Charlie’s right, Aiden, a former member of the Gun Hill Crew at his side. Shadow sat to Ice’s right, Cash sitting beside him. Two chairs were empty. The seats for the leaders of The Gun Hill Crew and Venom. Sax and Ace.
Charlie stood quickly as he heard a loud thump sound from above. He waived the others back to their seats.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, walking out of the room calmly, then once out of sight taking the stairs two at a time. He reached the landing just in time to see Kitt hit the wall, then jump back to her feet with a growl and surge back at, naturally, none other then Ace. Ace swept Kitt’s feet out from under her, her hand swiping over four long gashes across her face. Ace put her foot on Kitt’s throat, holding her down with the barest pressure.
“You don’t like me…I get that…and believe me the feeling is mutual.” Ace said, her voice steady even though Charlie could see her shaking with barely controlled rage. “But you keep attacking me every time I stop by and you’re gonna get hurt.”
“You better watch you back.” Kitt hissed. Ace nodded with resigned.
“Ya, kinda figured you’d be that type.” She remarked. Charlie relaxed as Ace stepped back, watching warily as Kitt got to her feet. He caught Sax watching from the doorway of the room across the hall. He frowned at him, but said nothing until Kitt had stomped into her room and slammed the door.
“Why don’t you keep her in line?” Charlie demanded under his breath as Sax came up to his side. Sax shrugged.
“What’s the point? Ace can handle herself, and if Kitt wants to take her on it’s her choice. Maybe if she gets beaten down often enough she’ll back off.”
Ace grinned at him as she passed them.
“Happy to oblige buddy.” She quipped with a wink.
Charlie sighed and shook his head.
“Look, I’m all for tough love, but next time save it…both of you.” He said firmly, catching Ace’s eye. “This might not be a formal meeting…” He looked her over, from Sax’s shirt, several sizes too big, to his jeans, synched tightly around her hips. Her damp hair hung limply over her shoulders beneath her backwards cap. “Obviously…but it’s important non-the-less.”