Ice slammed Charlie back into the wall hard, forearm braced against his neck, eyes flashing silver. Charlie ground his teeth to keep from crying out.
“I understand that things have been difficult, almost unbearably so, and as a result you are probably agitated…” Ice articulated slowly. “But I do not suggest pushing me Charlie. I will give the assistance I can, but I will not tolerate your little temper tantrums.”
Charlie pushed him away and they stood for a moment, facing one another. The sound of laughter cut through the tension and they both look towards the door. Charlie moved forward first, opening the door slowly.
“Well I’ll give you one thing…Burnside could probably pull off some nice tricks faster then Hawke if they decided to roll around under the ramps.” Sax was saying. Ace was laughing as she punched him playfully.
“Ya, well it takes a guy longer to pull his briefs from around his ankles then it takes for a girl to straighten her skirt.” Ace quipped audaciously. Sax laughed, trying to force a look of shock to his face.
“Briefs?” He said with disgust. Ace was twirling her gum around her finger as she gave him a crooked grin.
“Give me a break…you’re old enough to have been around when long johns were underwear.”
Charlie took a deep breath as he heard the light patter of feet coming down the stairs. He moved the arm he’d had braced against the doorframe and let Kitt pass, thinking it wise not to trap her by Ice overlong. Kitt tossed her sleek auburn hair over one shoulder, her eyes narrowing and her lips, glossed a pretty pink, pouted out. Charlie noticed she was still wearing black, albeit less concealing then what she’d worn to the funeral. The pleated black skirt revealed her legs to perfection, and the shirt, though surprisingly not low cut was shiny and almost transparent, as well as skin tight. Both Sax and Ace looked up as Kitt’s stiletto heel hit the balcony.
“Who are you?” Kitt demanded. No preamble, just blatant hostility. Why was he not surprised.
Ace stood, looking Kitt over with a slow smile.
“I’d ask you the same, but I think it’s pretty obvious…I mean dressed like that…at Charlie’s place…” Ace smirked and held her hands out to her sides, turning them palm up. “But hey…not judging.”
Kitt growled. Charlie caught her before she could attack.
“Ace get in the car.” Charlie ordered irritably, he looked over to Sax. “Get her back upstairs and calmed down. I don’t have time for this.” He was literally holding Kitt off her feet as she struggled against him. She went still suddenly and Sax took her hand, speaking to her softly. Charlie turned back to see Ace standing by Ice, having completely ignored his command.
“Is New York always this exciting?” She was asking. Ice looked down at her, then smiled. He seemed oddly charmed by the unruly little waif. Charlie had a bad feeling anyone who upset Kitt would quickly be on Ice’s good side.
“You’d be surprised.” Ice told her finally. She turned fully to face him, looking him over slowly.
“I take it you’re Ice.” Ice nodded. “Like to see you work your shit one day, always wondered if it would work on me.”
“It would.”
“Why the hell would you want to know that?” Charlie demanded suddenly. Ace shrugged.
“I get bored easy.” She admitted. She tilted her head and gave Ice a charming smile. Ice inclined his head to her and she turned, walking back to Charlie’s car. Charlie sighed and walked past Ice, ignoring his amused expression and got into his car. Heading out he took the route to the house of Venom, relieved that Ace seemed to be content with looking out the window. As they got closer he decided it was time he let the new arrival know what she was up against.
“Look Ace…I don’t know what Angelo told you, but Venom has been a problem for quite awhile in this city. I’m hoping to pull the gangs together, strengthen our hold on the city.” He explained, not looking at her but feeling her eyes on him. “I asked Angelo to send somebody he thought could make Venom into an asset.”
“Ya I got that.” Ace replied. Charlie nodded.
“Good. But it won’t be easy. Venom is accustomed to a certain…style of life. They won’t welcome change.” He warned. Ace was silent for a moment.
“I can do this Charlie.” She said finally, seriously. Charlie glanced over at her, wondering for a moment how old this kid really was. She might be a bit of an oddity, but he was a little hesitant about dropping this carefree little sprite into the nest of vipers that was Venom. She seemed to sense his thoughts. “Look. Angelo’s not stupid. You don’t believe in me then at least believe that. I won’t do anything that will reflect badly on him. I can handle it.” She said firmly. Charlie stopped the car, looking up at the house, already hearing the bass booming from within.
“I hope so.” He told her honestly. They both got out of the car and he led the way inside. Venom knew nothing but full party mode, and he could smell the human blood the second he hit the door. He took in the scene before him, twenty girls in the living room, boys from all six of the gangs dispersed among them, and three mortal blood sluts passed out on the sofa, reeking of alcohol. Someone turned down the music as his presence was noted. One of the girls, he was pretty sure her name was Cindy, stood from where she’d been lapping blood pooled in the center of the gaunt chests of one of the boys, and sauntered slowly their way.