“I have to do more test…but I have a feeling it has something to do with why vampires shouldn’t feed from the Breed.” Russell told him.
Charlie looked back at Amber, who looked on the verge of tears. Now he knew why she felt so guilty. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed in front of her.
“What happened?” He asked gently. Amber explained it to him, how she’d needed to see Jack, knowing about the funeral. Her fathers people had followed her and her cousin and had chased down Jack. The sun was burning him, and he’d been torn at by the wolves. Amber had pulled him to safety, but was sure he was dying, so she gave him blood. She’d passed out, and when she awoke he was mortal.
“You saved his life Amber…if he was badly burnt then the wounds would have slowly killed him without blood to heal. Injuries from the sun to Third Bloods is almost always fatal.” Russell explained. She nodded slowly, but didn’t look comforted. Her lips shook and a tear slid down her face. Charlie pulled her into his arms, hugging her.
“Get your hands off my girl.” Jack grumbled. Charlie pulled back, smiling as he met Jack’s eyes. Amber breathed out a half laugh sound of relief and fell against Jack’s chest. Jack wrapped his arms around her.
“Shh…it’s okay baby…I’m okay.” He assured her. Charlie patted Jack shoulder and stood to give the couple some space.
“Don’t worry Jack…we’ll have you back to your old self as soon as Russell gives the go ahead.” He told him. He stepped towards the door.
Charlie stopped, turning back to meet Jack’s eyes.
“I said no.” Jack repeated. Charlie stepped back to the bed.
“I heard what you said.” He shot out angrily. “Why the hell not?”
Jack looked at Amber, then back at Charlie. Amber opened her mouth but Jack hushed her. Charlie let out a sharp laugh, aghast.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” He exclaimed. “Jack the East End needs you, New York needs you! With all due respect staying mortal so that you’ll be a more appropriate match for your girlfriend has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.”
Jack pushed himself up, facing Charlie.
“You’re assuming I give a fuck what you think.” Jack retorted. “You’ll just have to find someone else.”
Charlie bent down, hand braced on the bed, his eyes level with Jack’s.
“You’re assuming you have a choice.”
With a rough growl Nigel pushed between them. Charlie stepped back, staring at the younger boy.
“You are not forcing him…give him some time to think things over.” Nigel said firmly. Charlie let out a gruff, frustrated sound and turned out of the room before he could do something he’d regret. The steady beat of his feet against the stairs as he half ran down them seemed to get louder as the fragile restraint of his temper came closer to being released. He gave up trying to be cool as he turned into the living room. He smashed his fist into the wall, then pushed over the liqueur cabinet with a satisfying crash.
“I do hope you’ve gotten that out of your system now. It appears we have some decisions to make.”
Charlie looked over at the sofa where Ice sat regarding him with enduring calm. He walked through the broken glass and dropped into a black armchair, leaning back wearily.
“I take it you know?”
Ice nodded slowly.
“Russell no doubt called me seconds after he called you. I didn’t bother going upstairs, the very atmosphere of this house is drugging.” Ice’s lip tilted up. Charlie frowned.
“What are you talking about?” He demanded. Ice met his eyes steadily.
“Jack is scared to death by what’s happened to him, scared that it’s too good to be true, afraid of his desire to keep it and the nagging desire to go back to what he knows. Amber is afraid that he’ll hate her for what she’s done. Hell, Nigel is terrified he won’t be able to protect his cousin against the horde of leeches he’s sure will attack at any moment.” He explained, smile broadening. “It’s a virtual buffet up there, but alas, I must pass…” His tone was serious now. “We do not have the time to wait around and see if Jack will change his mind.”
Charlie ran his hand through his hair, nodding slowly.
“Then I’m going to have to see if I can round up some of the East Enders and get their opinion on who they’d like their third leader this year to be.”
“Already done.” Ice told him, sounding bored. Charlie’s patience was starting to wear thin.
“Really. Who?”
“Cash.” Ice stood. Charlie pushed to his feet.
“Cash Cyrus?” Charlie shook his head. “He’s a loner. I don’t see him having any interest…”
“You’ll just have to discuss that with him. I suggest we call the gang leaders together for a casual meeting tomorrow night, there are too many new faces…which will invite challenge if we don’t make our support of their positions clear.” Ice said as he walked towards the door.
“Wait a second…’I’ll have to discuss it with him?’” Charlie repeated angrily. “I have business meetings to take care of…why can’t you go?”
“Raven needs to feed…the children take a surprising amount of energy.” Ice replied offhandedly. Charlie stepped into his path.
“Then maybe I should go see to her while you handle what’s necessary.”