Charlie slouched in his chair, tapping his fingers irritably on the table, and glanced at his watch for what seemed like the hundredth time. Angelo had called him last night and left a message saying she’d arrived just before dawn, that she had checked into this hotel until other accommodations could be arranged. He’d had a message sent to her early in the night, asking her to meet him here at midnight.
So why was he still waiting?
Standing Charlie decided he’d given her more then enough time, and staying any longer was undermining his position. He pulled out his phone, ready to call Vander and have this handled in a far more…unpleasant way then would have occurred if she’d given him his due respect and shown up on time. He was going home. She’d be brought to him.
As the phone started to ring he caught a commotion near the front of the hotel restaurant. He watched as a young girl, looking to be about sixteen, maybe seventeen, ducked under the reaching arms of the irate maitre’d, dropping her skateboard onto the carpeted floor and jumped onto it, pushing hard and swerving expertly around the tables, came to a neat stop before Charlie. She kicked up the board and grinned at him irreverently.
“Let’s make this quick…I’m missing the game.” She told him, flipping a chair backwards and straddling it. Charlie stared at her, distractedly pushing away the mortal attention she’d gathered with her outlandish entrance.
“The game?” Charlie repeated finally, unable to hide the confused curiosity in his tone.
“Ya. Red Wings versus the Islanders. We are so gonna kick your ass.”
Charlie blinked, taking a moment to sit. He looked her over, from her back turned Wings cap to her silky straight red hair, her bright green eyes and something he’d never seen on a vampire before, freckles. There was a light dusting of them across the top of her adorable little nose. He looked at her hands, wrapped around the back of the chair, nails painted a bright green, black gloves on both hands with the fingers cut off. Her jeans were ripped, but not in the stylish rocker way Nicky usually pulled off…more like she had torn them trying some kind of trick and just didn’t care enough to replace them. Her short sleeved black t-shirt had a large patch of some band he’d never heard of sewn to the front, and when he looked down he caught sneakers that looked exactly like the kind Sax wore, the only thing on her that looked fairly new and cared for.
And she was going to be the new leader of Venom? What the hell was Angelo thinking?
He cleared his throat, might as well get this over with.
“I could be wrong…but aren’t hockey games usually a little earlier?” Charlie asked, realizing too late that wasn’t at all what he’d wanted to say. He was still a little off balance, she wasn’t at all what he’d expected. She cocked her head at him.
“Games are at a pretty inconvenient time, so I watch em on satellite later in the night…it’s cool when the games are out west though, get to watch em live.”
“Huh.” Charlie remarked, then shook his head, forcing his thoughts back on track. “So I take it you’re Ace.”
“Naw, just caught sight of your hotness and decided I couldn’t live any longer unless I met you.” She quipped with a mocking smirk. He scowled.
“You’re late.” He said darkly. She laughed.
“Am I really? Well that’s good to know.” She commented unfazed. “So you wanna give me directions to my new crib? I’m not spending another day in this stuffy snob barn.”
Charlie opened his mouth, intending on rebuking her, making sure he put her in her place before she got in the habit of treating him this casually, a liberty she really hadn’t earned yet. He cursed as his phone sounded. He stood and took a few steps away from the table.
“What’s up Russell?” He asked quietly.
“It’s Jack. You better come quick.” Russell said. Charlie nodded and hung up, turning. He watched as Ace rolled a piece of the torn paper napkin and popped it in her mouth, then hold a straw between her lips and shoot it out at the back of a bald man’s head. The man turned, looking around, unable to see her. Charlie growled deep in his throat and walked up to her, grabbing her arm and forcefully dragged her from the restaurant. He pushed her towards his car.
“Get in.” He snarled. She crossed her arms across her chest and regarded him slowly, looking like she might object. Then she shrugged, reached into her pocket and pulled out a square of hubba-bubba, popped it in her mouth and went around the car to get in the passenger side. Charlie took a deep breath and got in behind the wheel, pulling out and gritting his teeth as she blew a bubble until it popped. After the third time he jammed on the break.
“Stop it.” He gritted out between his teeth. She raised an eyebrow at him.
“You haven’t gotten laid in awhile have you.” She remarked. He blinked, then gave his head a little shake. He kept driving, at a loss of what to say. He pulled up in front of David’s house, getting out and heading in without even glancing back to see if she was following. It might actually be better for her if she didn’t, he’d known her for about five minutes and already she’d irritated him to no end. He met Russell in the living room.
“David’s room?” He asked. Russell nodded and followed him up. He was surprised to see both Amber and Nigel inside, sitting with their heads close together, talking in low voices. They both looked up as he entered. Amber stood.
“Charlie I’m sorry…I didn’t know…” She whispered. He put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly, not sure what she thought she’d done but knowing it probably wasn’t her fault. He looked at Jack, not catching anything wrong with him for a moment. He was sleeping, skin smudged with dirt but undamaged, hair tasselled, clothing ripped and for some strange reason charred in places. He looked a little flush, but other then that...
Charlie stopped half way in turning to speak to Russell who he’d sensed walk in. He looked back at Jack slowly. Something was very wrong.
“Russell?” He said. Russell came to his side.
“It’s exactly what you sense…he’s mortal. There’s not a trace of the vampire he was left in him.” Russell confirmed. “He’s been sleeping since Amber and Nigel brought him, but I’ve checked all his vitals. He’s perfectly healthy.”
“But mortal.” Charlie repeated, trying to wrap his head around it. Russell nodded. Charlie pressed his lips together, swallowing, feeling like his blood was boiling within. “How did this happen?”