"So son, a little birdy told me you're doing mushy things with Chloe here." Tan smiled at JerkAss before looking at us with an I know look.
Did that little birdy happen to be Patrick?
"Fatty just told you that, which is, by the way, the worst lie, earlier," JerkAss said before crossing his arms, I mean, his wings.
"Stop being rude son," Tan scolded, "Besides, you're one to talk." He smirked while pointing JerkAss's chicken suit.
JerkAss glared at him.
Causing me to laugh loudly,
JerkAss glared at me.
Causing for Tan to laugh loudly.
Sigh. Like father like son.
If JerkAss was a cartoon character, his head would literally pop.
He grabs something from his chicken pockets, yes there was a hidden pocket in the suit.
Then suddenly, I felt something vibrated in my jean pocket. Grabbing my phone, I frowned when I saw a text from the devil itself,
"CconviNCceee mnhy daaasd tob lkjrseasve."
I believe that means Convince my dad to leave.
Wow, he's good in typing messages without looking at it properly. SARCASM.
I smiled, then said out loud, "What if I don't?"
He smirked while Tan looked confused, "What if you don't?" Tan asked.
Crazy Hater.
"Hey. Did you know there's a new Frog set in the department store!?"
Did I just say that?
"What?" Tan asked,
You see, Tan addicted to frogs, dead or alive. So, it's no shock if he'll literally run down to see it, like right now.
Before I can open my mouth, he immediately runs towards the escalator, going down.
"Why did your dad do business about," I coughed pointing at his suit. "Chickens, when he's obviously addicted to frogs?"
He shrugged.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me that you and him," She pointed at JerkAss, "Are officially a couple!?"
I opened my mouth to answer, but stopped when I notice a word she said, "Officially?"
Arch smiled, "Yes, officially. Of-fi-cial-ly. Officially."
I looked at her with an offensive look, "I know the word 'officially' Arch,"
"Why officially?"
"Ooohh..." She trailed off, "Well before you two labeled your relationship, you were pretty much acting like couples. Right Hunny buns?" Archie cooed, looking at Ivan.
Ivan smirked, "He finally said something, huh?"
I saw Langston giving Ivan a look but I shrugged it off.
"That is not true! I absolutely, positively, affirmatively, hate him!"
Archie stopped cooing him before looking at me with raised eyebrows while air quoting, "Then why are you together then? If you 'absolutely, positively, affirmatively, hate him'?"
I looked over my side, well glared.
I gave JerkAss a help me look, while he just smirked and gave me you're on your own look.
Butt head.
Have I told you he's an Ass?
A jerky ass?
Oh right, I named him JerkAss.
"Because I secretly loved him." I said through gritted teeth, which made JerkAss grin and swing an arm around my waist, "Well, I can't let my," He looked at me, poking my nose, "hunny buns, be late, right?" Then he looked at Ivan, "See you later dude."
Then he started walking, but I held my ground, but since he's strong, he literally dragged me. Causing for everyone around us to give us an 'aww' look or some annoyed look.
Why did no one help me see I'm struggling? Because apparently, we were 'cuddling'.
"What the freaking heavens do you want to do JerkAss?" I muttered silently while piching his unfortunately lean, muscle-y, strong biceps.
Guess one rumor was true.
JerkAss rolled his eyes and didn't try swatting my fingers, "We're going to the Underground."
Underground?- I look around and frowned when I notice the park wasn't crowded, which was weird since our neighborhood's park is usually full.
Oh, he dragged me here by the way. After class earlier, he decided to say 'I'll show you something' out of the blue before dragging me to his black lamborghini.
If it wasn't a lamborghini, I would be calling the cops by now.
"What the hell? We're in the middle of nowhere, there's no people walking around, or dogs in leashes! It's like a graveyard!"
"It's because it is." JerkAss smirked, before wrinkling his nose, which he usually does whenever he's thinking deep. - I find it adorable; I mean, the bad boy wrinkles his nose every time he thinks very deep.
Wait, did I just admit that he's adorable?
"Well," He continues, "Not technically, it's more of what's under the park, is the graveyard."
"How so?" I asked curiously, looking down at where I was going, maybe I'll step on poops,
He smirked, "You'll see,"
"I can't believe there was an opening behind the guard's comfort room! That's like plain creepy, and disgusting." My arms flew while I look at JerkAss like he's crazy, which he is by the way.
JerkAss face shows no emotion, none, zip-po.
"Oh my goodness, we're inside an elevator. An elevator!" I shrieked, looking around the elevator like it's made up of cockroaches; besides, it's really creepy! The lights are blinking like the ones in the horror movies, the walls are violated by random writings and unknown green slimes. Plus, there are blood drops on the floor.
My eyes widened, before looking at Jerkzass accusingly. "Are you finally planning to kill me!? Please, don't torture me!"
And the elevator door dinged.