"That.Was.Awesome!" I shouted for the 50th time. Okay, maybe not the 50th, but it has to be somewhere in the line of 40's.
I'm not lying, the scene that happened a few moments ago scared the life out of me, but honestly though, that was awesome! Right now, we're outside the Underground, well, above the Underground, and is walking somewhere in the parking lot.
"Stop it, you're embarrassing me," Langston muttered. I didn't stop though because he was hiding his smile by looking anywhere but me.
Adorable. I swear, adorable!
"Embarrassing you? Are you sure? I mean," I stopped then look at him, "I'm like the most awesomeness person in here." I snorted, "Are you sure you're not feeling honored? I mean, I'm actually with you." I emphasized every word that I've said.
He scoffed, "Yeah right if anyone here should be honored, it would be you because you are with me-"
He was suddenly cut off -in a very rude manner, by the way- by an egoistic manly shout, "THERE HE IS!"
I turned around and gasped loudly when I saw a dozen of gangster looking people, who look lame, and is currently running to where we are. They're roughly a mile away from us, but damn, they sure can run. I wished I have their stamina when I was taking my PE class back in freshmen year; but then again, I really don't like PE.
I immediately grabbed Langston's arm and run towards his gorgeous baby he calls a car, with him towing right behind me. I was about to jump inside the car when I saw his once dreamy car now looking like a total lame family van who got vandalized by preschoolers.
The Lamborghini, oh my... The Lamborghini is covered with .... writings! Red, yellow, green, blue -every color in the rainbow! IT HAS GRAFFITI ON IT!
Like how can anyone do this to a car? Let alone to a Lamborghini? They should've just stole the car, not trash it! Actually, thinking about it now, I should've just stolen it!
Why did I let this happen?
How can I let this happen?
Note to self: Steal a good looking car instead of letting other people trash it.
"Fucking shit!?" Langston growled, then shouted, "ANACONDA" like how Candace would shout Phineas' name in Phineas and Ferb.
I squinted my eyes and muffled a laugh when I saw an -Anaconda♥ word written hugely at the back window, with a heart symbol.
Fudge? Who's Anaconda? I voiced out my thoughts, "Wait, who's Anaconda?"
"The moron from earlier!"
Oh, right. The sore loser of a cheater.
We heard another shout that says, "Get him!"
Langston was about to run to them when I took his arm and shook my head, "There are 15 or more of them, and 2 of us- wait, I don't know how to fight." I faced him and cleared my throat, "So let me rephrase that, there are 15 of them, and one of you. Fighting them head-on is not a wise idea, man."
He pursed his lips then dragged me, well, somewhere.