I grumpily stopped licking my ice cream and glared at JerkAss, who also returned my glare just as harsh. His yellow fluffy suit really does ruin his bad boy demeanor because he looks like the son of Cookie Monster and Big Bird. I gave him a 'what the heck do you want?' look.
He shouted sarcastically, "I don't know, oh wait, I think it has something to do with something that is clinging on me!"
I saw a girl wearing nothing but short butt shorts and a cropped tee. I cringed when I saw her rubbing her upper front on JerkAss's chicken suit. It's weird. Absolutely weird.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I respect women with their type of fashion but I only respect women who want to be respected. And from the way this girl is acting right now...? Shame.
I rolled my eyes at him and nodded at my ice cream, sending him a silent signal that says I'm busy.
He whines exasperatedly, "Chloe!"
Groaning loudly, I knew that I had to do something because it is after all the reason why I'm in another town's Walmart at four in the afternoon. I walked towards where he was and heavy heartedly dumped the ice cream on the girl's hair.
Poor Ice Cream...
"Waaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" The girl screeches loudly as she touches her hair. When she touched the yummy gooey goodness of my cookies and cream ice cream, she once again screeched again, "Waaaaaaah!"
I covered my laugh with a cough and started my acting skills, "Stop flirting with my boyfriend!"
She gasps loudly then slaps JerkAss on his left cheek, "That's what you get for summoning me!"
What? Summoning? What...?
Did JerkAss sprinkle voodoo magic dust while whispering spells earlier? Oof, I wouldn't know. I was busy with my ice cream, after all.
She turns around and walks away while stomping her feet like a little kid on Christmas Eve who didn't receive anything.
Again, what the heck is wrong with that girl!?
"Should you explain what just happened or...?" I looked at Langston with a questioning look. I mean, I may or may not need to know the reason why she used the word 'summoning', but I want to.
"Nope." He answered while popping the 'p'.
"Okay..." I trailed off awkwardly as I let my back face him while walking back to where I was sitting from earlier.
Not even a heartbeat later, he calls out my name, "Chloe! Can you please just..." He pauses, "Stay right beside me?"
The mean, cruel, butthole of a bad boy said whaaaaat?
He seems to realize his mistake, he cleared his throat and shrugs, "Girls would not know that I'm seeing someone if no one's with me." He shrugs again, "Anyone who will see you standing next to me would think a babe like you is with me." He smirked.
Wait, was calling me a pig a compliment?
Either way, I punched him.
And damn it!
"Aaah!" I groaned, tapping my fist lightly, "Wwaah!"
I heard a throaty laugh and I did not have to look up to know that it came from the devil himself. I glared at him from underneath my lashes, "Why are you laughing? I'm injured because of you!"
"Well excuse me Ms. Who-punch-like-a-kitten, I wasn't the one who punched a person!"
I scoffed out loud because I'm losing this argument, "A cat can't punch!"
"Wanna bet?"
"Aaah!" I screeched again to change the topic.
"STOP YELLING, lady!" A little girl shouted from afar which made me glare at my shoes out of embarrassment as Langston laughed.
"REED!" JerkAss groans loudly while I smirked widely. Nice. Patrick, JerkAss's boss, calls out with a gigantic scowl planted on his face.
Langston frowns while crossing his arms, "Patrick."
The bald man walked towards us, his forehead crumpling and his eyes wide.
I tried squinting my eyes and making it wide at the same time - I don't know how he does that!
"I am not paying you to slack around and talk with your girlfriend!"
Oh, come on! I'm not his anything! I glared at Mr. Patrick Star and said, "There are so many WRONG things with what you have just said!"
"Excuse me?" Patrick raised an eyebrow, still squinting through.
I raised my right pointer finger, "First off, he's not an employee!" I raised another finger, "Second, I am not his girl-"
"Babe! You don't have to say that you're not hot," JerkAss said rapidly with a shrug, then gives an arrogant wink, "Cause trust me, you are."
Catching his drift, I shut my mouth.
Patrick's scowl deepens as he fixes his collar, "Well, whatever you horny teens do these days, STOP IT. I'm running a restaurant here."
I made sure not to roll my eyes while JerkAss smirks, "Why did dad ever hire you again?"
Patrick's eyes blazed with anger, obviously offended, and screams, "GO BACK TO YOUR WORK!"
Rolling my eyes, I went back to the place where I ate my ice cream and looked at where smeared ice cream was on the floor.
Oh ice cream, my lovely ice cream.