"W-w-w-what?" I laughed nervously, "CrazyHater?" Suddenly, my throat felt dry and rough, "I'm not Cra-CrazyHater." I smiled sheepishly as I try to keep my composure.
Oh no, Oh no, Oh no!
Calm down Chloe, he's just probably bluffing, yeah, we're talking about JerkAss here, he's stupid... Okay, I'm lying. He's actually not. I heard that he's taking up AP Calculus, AP Government, and AP Economics. He's not taking AP Physics because he already took that a year ago. So yes, he might not be bluffing right now.
His familiar smirk appeared on his face as he walked closer towards me, "Then why is there a Welcome CrazyHater written in your twitter?"
Did he hack me? Okay, I'm starting to regret having the same password for all of my accounts. Password123.
"Coz I'm awesome....?" I flashed him my award-winning sheepish smile but was immediately replaced by my award-winning scowl when I realized that he's not buying it.
Oh, whatever.
I crossed my arms and glared at him, "So what if I'm it? No one is going to believe you."
He simply rolled his eyes before grabbing something behind his butt pocket. He pulled out an oddly familiar I phone and he unlocks it easily. He did a few taps here and there and eventually showed the screen to me. What I saw made me hate the creator of screenshot and Facebook messenger.
"I have evidence." He threw me his famous smirk and handed my phone back to me, "Don't worry though, I'll keep my mouth shut." Really?! Turns out, JerkAss is not really a jerk, nor a butt. He's good. He's amazing! I don't usually say bad words, nor like hearing them, because my parents brought me up to not have a potty mouth. My mom pinches me whenever I say a bad word. I only say the 'a double-s word' when I call JerkAss as JerkAss because, in all honesty, he is one. But not now. No. Now, he's an angel- "But, I have a condition."
Of course, he has a condition. HE'S JERKASS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Why did I ever think otherwise? Grumbling some colorful words, I looked at him in the eyes and frowned deeper, "What do you want?"
He smiles, "You need to be with me for a few months."
"No...?" I answered him firmly with a sparkling smile, "Hell no."
"Then I better send this to every follower I have-"
No!! JerkAss may be scary to others, but he has a lot of followers, in AND out of this school! If he'll send that picture, then I am literally doomed!
"Other options," I gulped, "Please."
"No other options." He shrugs nonchalantly, "It's either you taking the offer, or you taking the personal death messages from random people." He smirks again, "Pick your choice."
Wait a minute... "Are you blackmailing me!?"
"No, I'm making a deal."
"That's the same thing!"
"So I'll send it?" He smirked.
"God!" I stomped my feet angrily.
"It's Reed Langston babe, not God."
"Langston...." I growled out angrily.
"Louder hun." He winked. perv.
I sighed, "I can't say no, ey?"
"You can, but is it going to be for the best?" He mocked thinking, "Nope." He smiled charmingly.
"But I have classes."
"You're excused."
You see, my parents are rich in their way but I don't abuse their authority in this school while JerkAss here uses it 24/7. But... "Even if it's Calculus?"
"Whenever I need to, babe."
I can't believe I'm saying this. "What exactly am I going to do?"
He grinned, knowing I'm considering it. No, I'm more in the lines of accepting it. "You have to come with me in every Free Chicken Tour I will be having for the rest of the year."
... free chicken tour? What? "But why?"
"You see, I'm hot, and even if I'm in a-" He whispered, "chicken suit," He returned his normal voice, "Girls still ask for my number. And it's getting out of hand."
"I need you to be my girlfriend."
Vicious, Heartless, Cruel, Bad Boy said whaaat!?
"I'm sorry, I think I'm having an ear syndrome, what did you say again?"
"I need you to be my girlfriend."
"Your fake girlfriend?"
"Fake or real; whatever. As long as you can keep away those filthy flirts off me." Ah, his very colorful and lively language is beautiful.
"You don't need a girlfriend Langston, you need a bodyguard."
He laughs loudly, "Nonsense Porter, now, I'll start calling you Chloe so people won't ask weird questions."
Wait a minute. "You know my name?"
"Yeah. Sure. Why won't I?"
"Because you call me Porter. I just assume that you didn't know my name..."
"You call me Langston, same thing." Well, I only call you Langston because calling you JerkAss in public would seem rude.
"It's not. I mean,"
He cuts me off with a wave of a hand, "Stop fanning over me, Chloe."
I raised an eyebrow and felt my fists clench beside me. I am not fanning over this arrogant conceited JerkAss.
"Now, hug me tightly and confess your undying love for me." He said as he pulls away with a wide and genuine smile. A genuine smile because he loves torturing me.
"But I don't have an undying love for you."
"It's called acting babe, acting."
"And my name is Chloe, I am not a pig."
"Whatever babe. Now, start squealing."
I glared at him because I just told him that I'm not Babe the pig, and now he wants me squealing. Sighing, I immediately change my expression into a happy one before attacking him into a hug while shouting, "YOU LIKED ME! I KNEW IT!"
Our fellow school mates were either gawking or smirking at us.
"I love you, Chloe. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you."
I held in a snort because we were supposed to act as if we're in love, "Of course, I love you too Jer-" He squeezed me tightly, "I mean Langston! I love you to Langston!" Damn, I'll be winning the Oscars in no time. Like, literally, in no time.
I love my life.