Why did I agree to this?
Langston AKA JerkAss, plus that giant AKA Sore Loser, over there is equal to Langston's death!
Oh crap, what would I tell to his parents? That their stupid, idiot son challenged a man five times his size!?
Oh shit!
Right now, Langston AKA Langster - his pen name inside the stadium- is currently wearing shorts. Just shorts, which means he's showing his 6 pack.
"Go Langster!" I heard some random people shouted, I guess they were a fan of him. Rumors around here said he quit this sport around a year ago. That's why he was the 'Guest' in their round.
"What the fuck is he doing?" I turn around and saw Red with a furious look, "Fuck! Tell me he doesn't have a death wish!"
I gulped.
"What ya doing just standing there? Stop him!"
"Are you saying that Langston can't handle him?"
Reed looked at me sternly, "I trust my buddy, but that shit over there's using steroids!"
I gulped deeper.
"THE GAME WILL START IN 5, 4," The announcer announced while chewing his chewing gum. How rude...
"3, 2, 1! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Then the loud siren came from the huge speakers. What is this, The Hunger Games?
I gulped and silently prayed, dear lord, I don't want him to be disabled! I mean, who would take me home?
Anaconda, or a sore loser, took the first punch. He swung his big, huge, gigantic fist straight to Langston's face.
I was about to shout Oohhh when Langston blocked the punch by his palm, then just like Jackie Chan, he twisted Anaconda's fist and kicked him in the shin.
Then I took the chance of saying Oohh.
Now, Anaconda is obviously pissed off!
Langston smirked.
Right now, Anaconda looks like he's ready to kill someone. And I bet that someone is a boy named Reed Langston.
Stupid annoying smirk!
Then Langston did the worst mistake he had ever done in his life, he signaled the come on finger with his pointer finger with a smirk, before saying something. But, I can't hear anything, so I have no idea what he said. Then, Anaconda jumped towards him with anger blazing in his eyes, crap!
Langston ducked the huge body and just like Dash in the Incredibles, he ran to the opposite side. It's like he knows Anaconda's following him, so he literally ran so fast that he runs through the walls! Then, he locked his arms around Anaconda's neck then flipped! Bringing Anaconda with him! -Passed out.
Holy shit! The bell rung, which means...
The announcer ran inside the ring, forcing Langston arms to be raised while Langston looked at me, smirking,
That stupid smirk.