Ellie's POV
"I'm not going to the party Lizzie, it's just not my type of thing," I exclaimed as I slumped down onto the bed beside her. She narrowed her eyes at me and pouted, "You're no fun, boo!"
It's Friday night and Lizzie is forcing me to go to this big party Taylor Evans is throwing and not so surprisingly Taylor just so happens to be the most popular girl at school.
However, she's not mean like your cliche high school popular girl, she's actually really sweet and we've hung out a few times so going to her party would not be a total drag.
"We've been invited to probably the biggest party in this cramped up town and you're turning it down, are you delusional!?" She huffed out in frustration and I sighed deeply as I fell face front onto the bed and bury my face into the plush pillow.
"Liz, you know I hate parties, please don't force this on me."
"Please El, live a freaking little!"
"I am living, breathing too!" I exclaimed as I raised my head from the pillow. She pouted once again and grabbed my shoulders tightly, "YOLO El, YOLO!" She squealed and I giggled as I brushed her hand away before sitting upright.
"Okay but promise me that whatever I want to do after this you're gonna agree to it, no questions asked," I said as I pointed a wary finger towards her. She groaned deeply and shook her head vigorously, "oh no El I don't want to spend my day reading books in the library."
"Well, then I'm not going to the party so your loss." I shrugged and she sighed in defeat as she rolled off the bed, "fine!" She gave in and I flashed her a toothy smile before engulfing her in a hug, "yay, what time is the party?" I asked.
She sucked in a harsh breath and fumbled with her fingers nervously, "ten pm?" She squeaked and I narrowed my eyes at her before folding my arms. Considering how protective my parents are I won't be able to go to this party and Lizzie knows this.
"I know, I know, that's why I made sure Alec was going!"
"Alec is going?!"
"Yes! Come on this is Taylor's party, the whole freaking town will be there. Would you expect your man whore of a brother to stay home?" She inquired and I chuckled deeply as I nodded my head in understanding.
She does have a point.
Alec can never resist a party.
"Fine." I huffed out in defeat as I strolled towards my closet. "What's been going on with you and Xavier this week, you guys been getting close." She teased and I rolled my eyes as a blush crept onto my lips. "I know you like him!" She squealed and I shook my head vigorously as I pivoted on my heels to face her.
"I don't like him, Liz, I just enjoy his company. It's nice to have another guy other than Stewart and Alec around."
"Ellie even if you don't like him, he likes you! Have you seen the way he looks at you girl? I wish I had a boy to look at me with so much admire in his eyes." She swooned as she flopped down onto my bed, a dreamy look flickering over her face.
"If you stop being a whore then you'd find one." I teased and she chuckled loudly as she turned to face me. "I know. The truth hurts but you're not lying El, I can't find the right guy. . .I know." She sighed deeply as she flickered her eyes away from me and towards the blank wall.
"All guys see in me is a smash and dash toy because that's the image I gave them. No one really wants to be in a serious relationship with me, every time I decide to commit they run away before I could tell them." She shrugged nonchalantly but I could see the pain behind her eyes as she spoke.
I strolled towards the bed and lowered myself down beside her. "Trust me, you'll find someone to look at you with adoration in their eyes and when they do they'll know they love you and want to spend the rest of their lives with you," I reassured her and she smiled sadly.
"Now let's get ready for this party," I said and she rolled off my bed before making her way towards my closet. She began to rummage through my clothes and suddenly squealed as she pulled out a dress.
"This is it!" She said as she handed me a red sequinned v neck dress. I parted my lips to protest but she shook her head vigorously, "don't you even dare, you're wearing this!"
This was the dress my mom bought for me on my 17th birthday. She wanted me to wear it on a special occasion but I barely go out. I guess I'm wearing it tonight then because I know Lizzie will not take no for an answer.
"Come on, let's get this party on!"
This girl will be the death of me.