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Chapter 7: Dumont Family Reunion

"Nate and Jake I would like you to meet your older sister Jennifer." As my dad introduces us I can't help but be pissed off how could be of hid other siblings from me. Where were they all this time. When the one my father introduced as Nate holds out his hand I can't help but notice the Saints tattoo on his wrist. "Jennifer I know this is a shock for you just finding out that you have two other brothers but I should tell you now that you have three sisters as well. You and Devin weren't just twins but triplets. Your sister that is the same age of you is Trish and the other two are the same age as Paul. Their names are Samantha and Victoria. I would like to have dinner with all of you tomorrow night as well with Devin and Paul. If you want Mason can come with you. No one from my gang will be there just the family I promise."

My jaw dropped once he said I have three sisters as well and that I had a sister the same age as me. But what I can't get out of my mind is the tattoos on my younger brothers wrist. "You know how close I pay to every detail right father?" He nods his head at me. "Ya I remember Jennifer, that's what made you the best for stake out missions you never missed anything why?" Mason looks over at me confused so far him and Kevin have stayed silent the whole time. "So would you like to explain to me why these two have Saints tattooed on their wrist when it was the same tattoo I saw on the people that I thought killed you and mom. Where is she by the way? Is she actually dead or is she alive? And who was the person I thought that was actually you cause they looked exactly like you? Actually don't answer that last one I just remembered that you had an identical twin brother and I could never tell you two apart. So that makes since and Kyle did say something about it being your twin. Also where have been all these siblings of mine that I never knew about?" My dad takes a step toward me but I move backwards keeping the space between us.

"Jenn, your mother is still alive she is with your sisters right now. Nate and Jake here were there and to my understanding that there was an incident that happened at the end when Jake stayed behind to untie you and Devin. They were the ones that pulled the triggers on my brother as well as your mom's twin sister. We needed to make you guys think we were dead. They were going to go the cops about everything we have done and bring you kids done with us. We did what we had to do. All of them were staying with my brother up until that point. But they knew I was there father and that they were going to go down as well. They have the Saints tattoo because I agreed with Victor that the gang should be called Saints. I have on as well in the same spot." I look back and fourth between Nathan and Jake.

"What one of you is Jake?" They both look at me confused but the one on the left steps towards me. "I am why?" I pick up my hand gun and shot him in the stomach. "You shouldn't of shot me brother. Didn't our father tell you what happens?" My dad gets between Nathan and me as he was about to lunge at me. "Jennifer was that necessary? I know I told you from when you were little that if your brothers ever did something to you do the exact same thing back but did you really have to shot Jake? He never said anything about shooting you to me. Do you have first aid stuff to treat him here with?" I just roll my eyes at my dad. "He shot me in the gut and Devin in the leg. He must of left that part out. Yes I do, I also have an on call doctor, which I just texted, he will be here in 5 minutes."

My dad turns on Jake who is holding his stomach glaring at me. "You shot your sister? Why? You knew who she was Jake? And to think I wanted tomorrow to be a nice family super! You both agreed it would be nice! Now come on get up Nathan help Jake to where ever Jennifer's first aid is set up." I turn around and walk away with Mason and Kevin following me. "Follow me guys if you want to know where it is. Kevin can you please help Nathan with Jake since your medically trained." He nods his head and goes to help. Mason walks up beside me and entwines his fingers with mine. "You did good there but I don't think you should of shot your brother he doesn't seem like he was raised like you, Devin and Paul." He says lowly to me and I turn and look up at him and smile. "It teaches them not to mess with me again. It needed to be done." Mason returns my smile and gives my hand a slight squeeze which I return. "You Dumont's are something else that's for sure Princess" he chuckles lightly.

The rest of the way to the first aid room is quite which is OK with me. Once inside I tell Nathan and Kevin to out Jake down on the bed. I go over to the cabinets to open them, then call Kevin over. "Kev grab what ever he needs, he are the keys for the strong pain killers in the locked drawer in the corner there use what ever. I have everything there." He gets to work by grabbing everything that Jake will need and starts the basic treatment until the doctor gets here which should be any minute. My dad walks over to where Mason and I are standing and looks between us. Mason is currently standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist with his head resting on my shoulder. "Are you two together now?" My dad asks us and Mason stands up straight. "No we're not sir, at least not yet." Mason turns and looks at me when he says the last part with a smile on his face, then turns back to my dad who is smiling at us. "I always knew you two would end up together, I could always see it, even when you were children. If you break her heart Mason, you'll be a dead man. Jennifer could I please talk to you outside alone for a moment." I stand fully up and nod my head. "Ya we can go to my office. Mase when the doctor comes, tell him I'll be right back and that I'll bring his money with me, tell him its my brother that's on the table, he will get better care." Mason nods his head and I turn and walk to my office down the hall with my dad.

I turn and face my dad once I hear the door shut. "Jenn I want to tell you, how proud I am of you. You kept strong when you thought your mom and I was dead and came out stronger than ever. When I do actually die, I want you to take my place as will Mason be taking his fathers place. For the past year I have seen you almost everyday. When I saw the video of you and Josh fighting I wanted to track him down and kill him myself but I knew you would be pissed if I did that, so I left him be. I have people watching him if you want to know where he is." I shake my head at his last part and smile up at him. "I like the hunt its fun, just tell me is he out of the city yet?" My dad nods his head and smiles back. "He's out of the country darling." My dad let's out a small laugh and I do the same. He moves in closer and hugs me and I actually return it surprising myself. "I missed you Jenn, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. If you come to dinner tomorrow I will let you know why. You kids is all your mom can talk about." I pull back from the hug a bit. "I missed you to dad. I'll be there and I'll make sure Devin and Paul are as well." He steps out of the hug and let's me go. "You haven't called me dad in years pumpkin. Good I'm glad your mom will be excited to see you three. I'm sorry that we never told you about your other siblings as well. We will talk about it tomorrow." I nod my head at him just as there was a knock on the door. I open it and see Dalton covered in blood. "What the hell happened?!"

Dalton comes into the room and sits down and puts his head in his hands. "My parents and my little sister were killed by some gang. I got a weird call saying my parents and my sister were dead because of something that we did to them and they said something about your dad. They targeted men because they knew I was your right hand man. So I drove there right away leaving Chris with the Kyle guy kids. When I got to my parents house I saw the front door open and ran in. There wasn't anyone there. The first person I saw was my parents cleaning Lady, they just slit her throat. But my parents... They were tortured them badly. And my sister had no clothes on and was beaten to death. They raped my 16 year old sister and killed her Jenn! We have to do something please! I have avenge them!" I sat down beside Dalton and rubbed his back. "You'll get your revenge Dalton, this won't go unpunished. We will find out who did it and kill them. I promise. Those who did this to your parents and sister, will be left to you."

I stand up and gesture for my fad to go out to the hall. He follows after and shuts the door. "Do you who did this dad?" I ask him quietly so Dalton doesn't hear us. He nods his head slightly at me. "I have a good guess who's behind it. Its a part of what I was going to tell you tomorrow at the dinner. Their were people after me and your mother. They were threatening you, Paul and Devin. They only knew about you guys. That's why he faked our deaths for the most part to protect you kids. They must of found out were not really dead..." He pauses for a moment taking deep breaths. "Call all your men back Jenn, tell Mason to do the same, I'll get my guys and call your mom and tell her to bring your sisters here. Call Devin and Paul as well, tell them to bring everyone of their men with them as well. From this day on we are at war and it will be ugly. I'm gonna go tell Mason what's going on and check on Jake. Go make the calls." I nod my had and he walks away.

Well this is just great.. I just find out my parents are still alive and that I have other siblings and this shit happens. I've been careful to not let anyone know who runs the men here. I've kept myself hidden from my involvement with them. They must of been watching me, and when my father showed up they attacked. I stay out in the hall and make the calls. I decide to call Jacob first and then get him to call everyone else that is still here, then I'll call the girls away on the mission and then the guys that are out as well. It will take them a couple of days to get back but its the best I can do.

I ring Jacob and like always he picks up right away.

Jacob: Hey boss, what's up?

Me: Call everyone that is still around here and get them back here now, tell them to except a lot of people to show up and not to cause any shit. Dalton's family was attacked and killed. His 16 year old sister was raped first. My dad knows who it is. And they are after me and my family and our gangs. Tell them to be on the look out for anything."

Jacob: I'll be there in 5. And will make the calls.

I end the call with him and call the people I have out on missions next. They all promise to be here in the next day or two. Next to call are Paul and Devin. I decide to call Devin out of the two of them.

Devin: Hey sis, what's up?

Me: I need you and Paul and your guys gang to come to Lock 7 now. Bring everyone. Something big is going on. More will be explained once you get here.

Devin: Lock 7? What you doing there that enemy territory? Are you safe?

Me: Ya I'm safe. Long story short, Lock 7 is mine and has been for the past year. Now get here now. Be prepared for a huge surprise. Paul knows about this surprise but if I tell you, you'd think I was lying to you. And just know that I found out about it today. Tell all your guys men to be on the look out for anything. Someone is targeting our family and going after our gang as well. My one men guys family was attacked and killed. He had a 16 year old sister who was raped then killed.

Devin: Fuck. I'll tell him right away and we will be on our way. I'll see you soon twin.

We end the call with each other and I walk back into the office to see Dalton in same spot. "Dalton everyone is coming back here right now, my brothers and dads gang as long with the rest of Mason's side is coming as well. We will get them OK?" He just nods his head at me not saying anything. "I have to go make sure my brother that I never knew about is OK I kinda of shot him in the gut. Will you be OK?" He stands up and walks over to me. "Can I come with you I don't want to be alone right now? I'll get lost in my own thoughts of revenge." I nod my head at him and tell him to come along and that I'll introduce him to the family that I have here.

We get into the first aid room to see everyone laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask everyone and Mason walks up to us and looks at Dalton. "Sorry for your loss man and about killing your brothers before. We will get the assholes who did this to your family. And to answer your question Jenn your dad here was just telling us funny stories about you and everyone as kids." Dalton just nods at Mason and goes to sit down in the corner by himself. I send a glare at my dad who just smiles at me. Mason grabs my hand in his and we walk over to where my dad is with Nathan and Jake. I nod towards Jake who is still laying down on the table. "You good?" I ask him and he nods his head at me. "Ya you didn't hit anything important and they gave me some pretty strong shit for the pain. Oh ya your doctor guy left and just said to pay him later cause he had some emergency to get to at the hospital or something." I just smile at him. "That's cause I wasn't aiming for anything important trust I know where all the major things are. I wasn't trying to kill you lil brother. Just teach you a lesson. Ask dad I'm the best shot in the family. I don't ever miss my mark."

My dads smiles grows wider at us. "Its good to see you guys getting along. I'm proud. And yes she is, she's a lot better shot than me boys. And you know how good I am. Jenn your mom and sisters are on their way they should be here soon. Your mom is excited to see you again sweety. What about Devin and Paul? Are they coming?" I nod my head at him and tell him that they are on their way here soon after they call everyone.

I tell everyone that I'm going to go change my clothes since I have blood on me from Dalton. The first time I see my mom after a year I don't want to have blood on me. I still can't believe that they are still alive. I happy that I can see them again. I head to my room that I have here to change. Unfortunately the only thing I have here is a black crop top that shows my bullet scar on my stomach and a pair of skin tight black spandex booty shorts. Its what I wear out on missions with a black sweater, but I had to burn the sweater two weeks ago after a drug deal gone bad that ended up with dead bodies. It took me all of a half hour to get changed and wash off the blood that was on my skin and fix my make up.

On my way back to the first aid room I see that some people have showed up already. Some of the faces I don't recognize so they must be my dads, Mason's or Paul's and Devin's men. I walk into the room and see the woman who I haven't seen in over a year with some girls that are around my age. My face breaks out into a huge smile when I see my mother.

My dad sees me and frowns a little. "You didn't have any clothes that covered you more Jennifer really?" At the sound of my name coming out of my dads mouth my mom turns around instantly from where she was talking to Jake with her back to me. As soon as she sees me she breaks into a huge smile and comes over and hugs me. "My baby girl, I've missed you so much Jennifer. I'm so sorry we let you think we were dead. I wanted to reach out to you so many times but knew I couldn't. Your so beautiful baby girl." I return my moms hug instantly. Out of the whole family even the ones I haven't met till today I see that I'm still the smallest out of all of us. "I missed you to mom. Its OK, I understand now why you couldn't. You did it to keep us safe." We break the hug and step back from each other. My mom steps beside me and wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Let me introduce you to your sisters Jenn." We walk over to where the girls are standing on the one side of them room talking to each other. They hear us walking towards them and they all look up at us. "Jennifer this is your sister Trish who is the same age as you and Devin." She says pointing to the girl who is the shortest out of the three. She still has about 4 inches on my 5ft nothing self. "The one with brown hair is Victoria and the last one is Samantha who you are very similar to might I add. Victoria and Samantha are the same age as Paul." They all come up to me and hug me which surprises me but I hug them back instantly. My excuses herself so we can get to know one another. "My mom and dad were right you are so small compared to the rest of us in the family. Though we still haven't met Devin and Paul but we got told they are tall like dad is. Its nice to finally meet you Jenn." The one my mom introduced as Trish says to me with a huge smile on her face. "Its nice to meet you girls to. I always thought I was the only girl in the family a side from mom. Its going to be nice having sisters. What did mom mean when she said we were similar Samantha?" I turn towards her who is the tallest out of them.

"Oh mom and dad said how you were always doing crazy reckless things. I always do reckless things. We are going to get along good little sister. These two here never join me in my stupid shit. It will be nice to have someone join me in causing some trouble for once." The other two roll their eyes at her and laugh. "That's cause you do shit that could kill you. We're not stupid to do the stuff you do." Victoria laughs.

I laugh along with the three and can tell I'm going to get along great with all of them already. "Oh ya I do reckless shit all the time for fun. On a camping trip before mom and dad faked their deaths I jumped off a 65ft train bridge and it was a blast. Paul and Devin were too chicken to join me though." They all let out a loud laugh. "Oh we heard about that, mom told us you nearly gave her a heart attack doing it. You were like what almost 17 when you did it right?" I nod my head at them and we all talk some more with lots of laugh. We were all telling stories when we are interrupted by a startled voice at the door.

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