Mason's POV
"You lying bastard! I saw my father killed in front of me! How dare you say he is still alive!" Jenn yells and goes to lunge at Kyle with the sharp knife I gave her earlier. I quickly grab her by the waist and pull her back. "Calm down Killer, we need him alive, if we want him to tell us the truth." I feel her struggle in my arms to break free of my grasp and I hold on tighter.
"Mason let me go! I will get answers out of him!" She yells and I let her go but keep close to her just in case I need to grab her quickly again. She picks up the bat again and swings it at his knee and you could hear his knee cap shattering. "You little bitch!" Kyle yells back at her trying to grab his knee. Jenn backs up putting the bat in both of her hands. "Now Kyle I will tell you what is going to happen. You're going to call these people or however you get a hold of them and tell them how we ruffed you up because of the money. Tell them you want to met up with them and we will be laying in wait to ambush them after to tell us where the spot is. If you lie to us your sister here dies and so does your parents, as well as your older brother. Got it?"
Kyle looks up to his sister who is sitting in a chair scared for her life than back to Jenn. "Fine but let go of my sister." Jenn shakes her head at him "No she stays her but will be not be harmed by any means more than she already has been unless you step out of line." It takes a while but Kyle finally agrees to it. Jenn turns her attention to the guys.
"Where is his phone?" She asks them and Kevin walks over handing it to her. "Here you go Killer, just make sure he makes the call away from the house. We don't need them tracking the call." She nods her head and cuts Kyle's restraints. "Come on Kyle we got a phone call to make." She starts to walk towards the door and I follow "I'm coming with you, you're not going out alone." She turns around pissed off. "I don't need your help, I can take care of myself!"
I grab her wrist and pull her close so I can whispers in her ear. "Princess I'm not asking I'm telling you. It's not up to debate I'm coming." She pushes me off of her and takes a step back. "I don't need to be treated like a child Mase, you don't need to." I know she can handle herself, she has proven that to me. But if Kyle is right and that our fathers are still alive they are dangerous and she will need the back up. It also makes me think to when Paul came up to me reminding me about the deal I had with their father but him owing me Jenn. I wasn't going to make them give me her no more after losing both of their parents. But Paul said his father told him about it a few days before he died and how he would keep up his father's end of the deal. So now I'm wondering if their dad David actually told him about before he died or afterwards and just been keeping up the front of thinking they died this whole time. "I'm not treating you like a child Jenn. Your pissed off and upset. I seen my father die too like you did. Kyle is probably wrong there is no way our fathers have faked their deaths for a year now with no one from the gangs seeing them. But if it is true, they could be waiting to catch one of us by ourselves to act. That's not going to happen to you. They were dangerous then, they still will be. I'm not taking any chances."
I go to reach out to her but drop my hand when she steps back once. "Your weak side is showing Mase, and with someone that works for someone other than my brother in the house to see it." I growl at her and push her up against the wall with my forearm. "Watch yourself Princess...." I hear the clearing of a throat behind me and turn around to see Kevin helping Kyle walk. "Are we interrupting something here? " He asks nodding to our position against the wall and I take a step back. "Not at all was just telling Killer here that I was going with her and Kyle to make the call, and was also reminding her who the boss is here." I feel daggers being shot at the back of my head by Jenn but I don't turn around to face her.
I look at Kyle who is being helped by Kevin to stand "How's the knee? Is it that bad you can't walk by yourself?" He looks over my shoulder to glare at Jenn. "The stupid skank over their shattered my knee by smashing a metal bat into it. How do you think it is!" He spits out before I could react Jenn is lounging at him and knocking him to the ground in the process she places one knee on the ground beside him before swinging punches down at his face that he can't block because his hands are behind him from when he tried to break their fall. I walk over and grab her off of him. "That's enough Killer, we need him for this plan of yours remember." She goes to swing off on me once and I grab her wrist stopping her.
"Don't you dare try to hit me! Let's go now' I growl at her and carry her outside with me and Kevin helps up Kyle from the floor. Before I walk out of the door I hear Kyle mutter under is breathe rubbing his jaw to Kevin. "Good luck living with that psycho bitch." Kevin just laughs "That's nothing you should of saw her come home last night the shape she was in." I continue to walk out of the door but not before I hear Kyle state. "I did, I saw the whole fight, they had someone trail Josh last night to the park and they saw everything." I eventually get to the car and throw Jenn into the front passenger side seat "Don't get out of this car Jenn, I mean it. I know your pissed off but we need him still. Afterwards I don't care if you kill him or not." She just snarls at me as I shut the door.
I walk back to Kevin and Kyle. "They have someone trailing people from Paul's gang?" I ask Kyle and he laughs. "No not everyone in that gang, people that they know are close to you and the bitch out there. They trail people from your gang as well. Their trying to find out yours and her are. Since they don't know where this house is. Yours and hers fathers are smart they know you both know a trail when you see one so they don't follow you guys directly." I don't know what to think at this point. If it is our fathers they know how we operate, and if so we are in dangerous situation. If they want someone dead, they have no chance. Except us because we know how they work as well.
We all get in the car and the ride is silent. We decide the local fair this weekend would be the best place to make the call because it will be packed with people and it would be hard to spot someone. Once we get there everyone gets out and walks to where there is the most people walking around and sit down at a table. Kyle makes the call on speaker so we can all hear it.
Unknown speaker: So your still alive Kyle?
Kyle: Ya I am, they roughed me up about the money as excepted, they were going to off me, but that daughter of yours left the room with a knife on the table and I got myself out. Little bitch shattered my knee.
As we listen to the call Jenn's face goes pale. Mine would too if I was her because I recognize the voice of her father David Before anyone can stop her she picks up the phone.
Jenn: Your suppose to be dead!
David: Oh its my lovely daughter. How are you Jenn?
Jenn: Drop the fucking bullshit father. Why pretend to be dead huh? I'm guessing since Kyle wasn't lying about you being alive still, he wasn't lying about Mason's dad still being alive right?
David: Jennifer do not speak to me like that again. Yes Kyle wasn't lying though he shouldn't of told you about us, he will pay for that dearly. Me and Victor would like to met up with you two.
I suck in a deep breathe when I heard that my dad is still alive. What are they playing at. Kyle said they wanted to take us out. But I know them they wouldn't want to met up with them.
Jenn: Bring Kyle's family, don't harm them in any way. We will meet up with you at the lock 7 docks at midnight.
David: Lock 7 that is enemy territory for all of us? I can promise that no harm will come to the children.
Jenn: Not for me it isn't. You may be watching us but you know I have my secrets. I own lock 7 father. And the men you run it work for me. I'll see you there. No tricks.
With that she hangs up and throws the phone into a garbage bin. "Will done Jenn, I expected you to freak out" Kevin says to her checking her out. She doesn't notice though cause she's looking at me. "Let's go everyone. Jenn next time you do that clear it with me first and when we get to the house, your telling me what your planning on doing at lock 7 and how no one knew you are the person behind it now." I tell her and she nods and walks away. We follow after her and bring Kyle with us. He's coming with us regardless. I know why she wanted the family there though she's going to trade for them with Kyle since he ratted them out.
No matter how tough Jenn might be she won't let kids get caught in the crossfire. Once we reach the car Jenn hopes in the drivers seat and tries to take the keys from me. "Who says your driving? Move over." She laughs in my face and shuts the door "You drive like an old lady, let me drive and besides were not going home. We got to set up at Lock 7 and my men won't let's you guys in." I sigh and hand her the keys. "I would like to stay in piece Dumont don't drive to wild." I turn around because I hear Kyle laughing. I look at him confusingly "What's so funny?" He hops in the back seat and puts on the seat belt. "You haven't ever seen her drive have you? I would put on your seat belt she rarely uses brakes. The only time she drives safely was when she would take my kids to school for Lisa and me." I hope in beside Jenn as Kevin gets in beside Kyle.
As soon as all the doors shut, Jenn speeds off. Kyle was right she rarely uses the brakes, its a good thing she is sticking to side roads driving like she does. What should of took 20 minutes to drive only took 10. Once we arrive she stops the car and parks it. "Stay here till I come get you. I have to let the men know I have people with me." We all nod our heads and she hops out and walks away.
Kevin turns to Kyle "I can't believe you and your wife trusted her to drive your kids to school driving like she does. A few times I thought she was going to wrap us around a tree!" Kyle just laughs. "As much of a bitch Jenn can be, she's good with kids, she's a totally different person around them, she never drives like that with them. She's actually more careful with them then I am. Also as much of a reckless driver she is, she's a good one, she drag races and street races for fun. Just don't let her behind the wheel when she's drunk, she totaled her car last time she did that." Kyle pauses to take a few breathes of air and Kevin asks a question " Lil' Killer is good with kids seriously? Wow who ever knew. Sounds like you two actually got along if you trusted her with your kids what happened?" Kyle shakes his head. "We did get along good. You'll have to ask her that yourself."
I turn to Kyle. "Tell me she won't. I'm not blind she's a completely different person now from who she was. What happened?" Kyle just shakes his head. "A lot of things Mason. Talk to her about it." Out of no where we hear banging on my window, so I roll down the window and see two boys around our age. "This is private property leave now." I shake my head at them. "We're waiting for someone so fuck off."
The one opens my door and goes to grab at me but I jump up and grab him when Kevin opens the door and hits the other guy with his door. "I said we are waiting on someone who is inside, she will be out soon, leave us alone." I push the guy I was holding away from me hard and he stumbles a little. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jenn walking up with 3 people. "Dalton and Jacob back off, their with me." They turn at her voice and step back as Jenn reaches us with the others. They both glare at Kevin and myself. "Got a problem boys, try something." I hear Jenn laugh and I turn to her. "Mason, Dalton would kick your ass in a blink of an eye. Now come on we got a plan to make."