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Chapter 3: The Break up

As I drive up to the park and stop the car on the side of the road, I see Josh sitting on one of the benches waiting for me with a cigarette in his hand.

God how can I do this to him. He's going to hate me for cheating on him. Especially with Mason, he knew how I felt for him when we would all hangout together back then.

I turn off the car and get out and walk towards him, as I get closer he hears me approaching and looks up. Once he sees me, he gets up and walk towards me. "Hey baby, is everything ok? Why did you want to meet here instead of just coming over to my place." I look down at my feet and frown "Let's go sit down. I'll explain everything." He nods and lets us walk over to the bench he was sitting on. "Baby what's wrong? Look at me please. What happened?"

I take my time to look at him, and take a deep breathe looking into his eyes. "Josh.... Paul had to sell me to Mason Archer. It was apart of a deal my dad made with him before he was killed.... I live with him now and he is making us share a room." I take a few deep breaths trying hard not to cry. "Wait. Mason? From when we were kids and haven't seen in 6 years? Why would he want you when he killed your parents in front of you and Devin?" I slowly nod my head frowning feeling a few years fall down my cheeks. "Yes him, he wasn't the one who ordered them to be killed, it wasn't his gang, it was his father's gang that did it...."

Josh looks at me in my eyes and puts his head down "Is that what you wanted to tell me that you will be living in the same house and sleep in the same room with the guy you used to love, you know the one that was your enemy for the last 6 years! How can you believe a word he says to you Jenn?!" He screams at me and I flinch I hate seeing him like this, he gets mad, then he gets violent.

"Stop yelling Josh! I can believe him because before those 6 years we were enemies, him and I were best friends! That's not all I had to say to you, so can you please calm down? You know I don't like it when you get like this." He looks at me stunned, "How can I calm down when you are probably about to say something that is going to piss me off even more. I know you don't like seeing me mad baby. But I don't like that fact that my girlfriend is going to be sharing a bed with someone that she used to have feelings for."

I look down at my feet and let a tear slide down my cheek. "Josh I'm sorry, I truly am. But we have to end this, it won't work out anymore. We will be from different gangs now that he 'owns' me. Those feelings I had for him never went away fully, I just buried them deep inside me." I feel more tears slide down my face as he lifts his hand to my chin and makes me look at him with a frown set on his face. "Why didn't you tell me that you still had feelings for him?! We been together for over a year now for fuck sakes Jenn. Is he making you do this to us? Did he threaten you to make you break up with me?....." Josh takes a slight breathe taking in deep breathes curling his hand that isn't touching my face into a fist. "I couldn't tell you Josh, I couldn't tell anyone! He said I had to but no he isn't threatening me to do it. I'm so sorry Josh..... Mason and I we kissed... I pushed him away because I thought of you."

Josh's face goes from being in pain to being angry. He then swings his fist at me connecting with the side of my jaw. Lucky I had my mouth shut or it would of broke my jaw. As it was it split my lip because I feel the blood running down my chin. "You fucking kissed him! You little fucking slut! He jumps to his feet and stands over me and punches me again this time in the nose and I feel it break. "Josh stop please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen I swear. We were talking and it just happened!" I yell at him but saying it just pisses him off more as he takes another swing at me, I block him from hitting my face with my arm and kick him in the gut making him curl over.

"You stupid fucking little bitch! You really think you can fucking take me really? I'm twice your fucking size!" He stands up and curls his fist again but I roll out of the way as he punches bench beside me. He growls and turns to me pulling a knife out of his pocket. Oh fuck! "Your going to regret cheating on me bitch! Let's see how Mason likes you when you no longer have that pretty face of yours." I snarl at him jumping up "I get that your hurt Josh but this is to fucking much! Stop it already! What do you think will happen to you when I go back to Mason like this huh?! What do you think my brother's will do to you once they find out?! You will be a dead man! You will never get me with that knife! I'm faster than you and you know that!" I scream at him backing up so I have more room when he lunges at me with it.

Josh just snarls back at me and lunges going for my face with the knife that I block with my arm jumping back, but the tip of it catches my elbow cutting me. I instantly feel the blood going down my arm and I hiss from the sting of the cut. He tries again but I skill fully kick the knife from his hand and catch it. The tables have turned now and he knows it. He knows how skilled I am with knives and throwing them. If I wanted to I could throw it right now at his chest without him blocking it but I don't. I don't want to kill him. At least not yet. I want him to go into hiding injured knowing everyone will be after him after tonight is through.

I quickly shot out with my arm stabbing the knife into his gut and pull it out. Knowing he won't die from it cause he has given himself stitches before around the same spot I just got him last year. He is right around the corner from his house and the blade isn't that long so it wouldn't of went in to deep. He drops to the ground grabbing his stomach. I put the knife in my back pocket and walk up to him and bend down to his level. "Don't worry Josh, I won't kill you tonight with your own blade I won't come after you for this until next week so you can go and hide some where. You know I like the hunt." I smirk at him and get up and walk away from him. "You won't kill me Jenn, and you know it. You don't have it in you to kill someone you love." I turn and face him to see him still on the ground holding his stomach looking up at me. "Oh but I do Josh, and you know that. What happened to the last guy that put his hands on me huh? I loved him but yet I cut the tendons in his ankles so he couldn't run and put a bullet in his head. And you know Devin and Paul will let me have you like they let me have my revenge on my ex. Don't worry though I will take my time finding you. I can find you right away or take years. Have a nice life Josh. Get out of town whiles you still can. That's my last warning."

At that I turn and walk away from him hearing him yell he was sorry for hitting me in a moment of anger and that he loved me.

I really do love Josh but he crossed the line and for that he must pay. He knew what would happen to him as soon as he hit me. You can't go after a gang leader for hitting you without the the whole gang coming down on you that's why I let Paul and Mason get away for putting there hands on me. Paul's my brother and I would never kill him and Mason is the leader of the top gang, who I have a past with. I'm not looking forward to doing this. I will give him years before I actually try hard to look at him to let him have a life because of how long I knew him. He does in a way deserve to be happy despite tonight because he is a good guy but he will always be looking over his shoulder for a long time.

I get to my car that Mason gave me and start it. Then turn on the light for a minute to get a look at my elbow. It's deep but not to deep but I will need stitches. The worst part is that I'm getting blood on my white seats. I turn the light off and see my phone flash up with a call coming in from a unknown number.

Me: Who the fuck is this and how did you get my number?

Mason: It's only me Mason, your brother Devin gave it to me after you left. You been gone over an hour, everything good? Where are you? I'm coming.

Me: Don't bother I'm on my way back now. There were some complications. You will see when I get back. Just letting you know now, I'm handling him, no one else is. Got it?

Mason: What happened Jenn? I will let you have him if you tell me what went down.

Me: You'll see when I get back. I'll be 10 minutes.

I hang up my phone and drive off heading back to the house. Blasting Eminem all the way home.

Once I get back Mason is waiting at the door with Kevin once he sees me pull in he walks over and opens my door as I turn off the car. He grabs my chin turning my head towards him. "He fucking hit you! He's dead. Kevin go find Joshua Hastings and bring him hear now!" I get out of the car and push him back. "I said I had him! No one else is touching him Mason. I want him to go into hiding, I want him to leave town. It makes it all the more fun when I hunt him down!"

Mason takes a step back and grins at me "Your something special aren't you. No other girl I know wants to go out and hunt someone down. They would curl up and cry but yet with you. It wakens you up. Why is that?" He looks at me up and down come on "let's go get you cleaned up and put your nose back into place." He grabs my hands and looks down noticing it was sticky with blood. His face goes dark fast. "He cut you?" I nod my head "Ya but I ended up stabbing him in the gut with his own blade and pulled it out leaving him there in the park."

Kevin let's out a laugh "Your 5ft nothing. I have seen this Josh guy before he is twice your size. How the hell did you do that?" I turn and laugh at him "I'm more skilled of a fighter than he is and much better with a knife. I never miss my target." Kevin looks at me astonished and gives me a smile. "I had you all wrong. You are a fighter and deserve to be here with us. I just thought you would hold us back but I have a feeling it's is going to be us needing to hold you back." I smirk at him "What can I say, I love the fight and the hunt of someone even more. I'm giving him years before I go after him after I make sure he left town. When you grow up with a father like mine was, you could expect his only daughter be nothing but someone like me. He made me into him, he trained me himself. He was the best until he had to defend my mother as well as my twin and myself as we were all tied up, before they killed my father they put a bullet into my mother's head, in front of him then killed him" I look down at my feet.

I miss them a lot. My father taught me everything I know and had his best in his gang teach me everything they knew. Everything I would need to know in order to survive this life style. As much as I might hate it some days, I will never leave it, not alive anyways and I already know this. I have made to many enemies. I father's gang was the best before he died and now Mason's is, which I'm now apart of. But that's this life, you live it like it's your last day, because in a gang it could always be your last day. You either leave it walking away or leave it in a body bag, most the time in an unmarked grave somewhere in a bush where you wont be found easy or not found at all.

"Come on Jenn let's get you inside already, Kevin will stitch up your elbow and place your nose for you." I look up at Mason and nod and walk towards the house without saying anything. As we walk into the house I feel Mason put an arm around my waist and feel his lips against my ear. "We will find those who are responsible for your parents death and when we do, you'll get your revenge. I won't let my gang touch them. I will leave it up to you and your brothers to decide what gets down to them ok lil princess?" He says it quietly so I'm the only one that hears him. I give him a small smile at his old nickname for me, only he called me that. To everyone else my nickname was Lil' Killer.

After being stitches up and my nose being placed, Mason and I head up to our room. Mason walked into the bathroom and came out with a wet cloth a minute later. Come here, let me clean up your face." I walk over to him and sit in the chair in front of him. He starts wiping my face first before starting on my arm which was the worst. "Your a strong person, you know that right princess? Normal people would break down after all the shit you've been through in your life. They wouldn't be able to handle it." He is gently washing the blood off my arm but is staring into my eyes. " You have to be strong to survive this life. You know that better than everyone Mase. Normal people are happy because they feel safe everyday, whereas people like us, have to watch our backs all the time because we have a list of people a mile long that would rather see us dead than alive." I can see the sadness in Mason's eyes as he looks at me.

"What happened to you Jenn? Before we stopped talking you wanted out of this life. You wanted to make something of yourself other than being known as a gang leaders daughter. I heard about the one life you took, he was someone I know cousin. How many have you took in the last 6 years?" I take a breathe and look down not wanting to answer. "A lot has changed in the last 6 years Mase, I had to grow up quickly, we both did, we had this life thrown down our throats since we were kids. I took multiple lives Mason. Some because they were trying to kill me, some because of missions. And some just for revenge. God only knows how much the cops want me, but they have nothing on me at all. They have wanted me for years now." I stand up to go walk to my bags to grab something to change into after my shower but Mason stops me by grabbing my hand.

"Princess don't look to much on the past it will eat you alive. I will be always here to talk ok? You need to let go of all the bad shit that's happened or eventually it will break you." He pulls me into his chest and wraps his hands around me tightly and I hug him back. "Thanks Mase, I'm ok though, I've learned to not let it affect me. You know for a gang leader you have a major soft spot. Don't ever let people see it, it shows weakness and they will take advantage of it..... How many lives have you taken?" He leans back and looks down at me. "I only have the soft spot for you Princess, always have. I stopped counting how many lives I have taken, I will never forget there names or faces though. Come on, let's just go to bed, have a shower in the morning." I nod my head and get a pair of pajama shorts and a sports bra out of my bag and head to the bathroom to change. I look at my body and see all the scars on it, the ones I tried to cover up with my tattoos but some that aren't covered yet, like the bullet scar I have on my stomach. It doesn't matter how much I tried to cover them up though, you can still see them a bit, but not much only if you look carefully. I should of grabbed a tank top. I hate people seeing it. My body is scarred everywhere. I walk out of the bathroom and see Mason laying on the bed in only his boxers with only the lamp beside the bed on.

I see him checking out and his eyes go bad. I quickly cover my upper body the best I could with my arms and walk to the bed getting under the covers. I feel Mason wrap his arms around me and spoon me. "You don't have to hide your scars from me Princess, I have my own scars." I turn and look at him. My eyes down "They don't cover you like they do me though." Mason rubs my cheek with his thumb cupping my face. "You will always be gorgeous, scars or not Princess." I slowly lean in towards him and he kisses me softly. " Good night Princess" I fall asleep in his arms quickly but that doesn't stop the images I see in my head every night.

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