Jenn's POV
As we all walk into the building I keep on seeing Mason sending glares to Dalton and Jacob. So I walk up to him and grab his hand, he turns and looks at me with a small smile on his face. "Dalton take Kyle and Kevin to the board room, I'll be there shortly and Jacob go get the rest of the guys, Sara and Katrina tell them to meet us there in 10." They both nod there heads and I lead Mason to my office.
"What's wrong Mase?" I ask him as I let go of his hand and face him. "When were you going to tell me about this place of yours? How did you get it?" I let out a sigh I know I have to tell him about it sooner or later. "I was going to eventually tell you seeing how you are making me ask you before I leave any where. I killed the guy who was the leader here and took over. That's how it works with these guys. Who ever kills there leader becomes the new leader. I got it a a few weeks after I thought my father died." Mason is quiet taking everything in.
"No body knew about it? Kyle looked shocked to find out that you took over this place. He told us that you were starting to challenge Paul. Did anything happen there?" I nod my head yes at him and take a deep breath. "Ya I did challenge him, he was to weak to get stuff done, still is in some ways. He made a bad judgement call one day, one where a lot innocent people would get killed in the process. So I stopped it. I had all my guys hear wear masks and I did as well. We intercepted them and my brother ended up losing six guys. Kyle wasn't with them at the point but was close by. Once he heard the shooting he ran to where we were. He saw everything but never knew who we were. I told my guys not kill him because of his family." Mason face shows only how shocked he is with his mouth hanging open. "You turned on your brother? And your still alive. From what I remember of Paul he would of killed you for just challenging him for leadership of the gang." That is very true the old Paul would of killed me just for challenging him but once we thought both of our parents were killed he changed just like I did. It made him weak whereas it made me stronger.
"Thinking he lost both parents made him weak, he made stupid judgement calls all the time, it wasn't hard to challenge him.... We should get going the men are waiting on us." I turn to leave but Mason grabs my arm and pulls me against him. "Wait what do you want to do? Since we are both gang leaders here now. It will make us an even bigger target living together than what we already are if it gets out your leading this gang here. Its one of the biggest with no one knowing who the leader is." I think about it for a minute. Eventually I come up with something. "We can join them and just lead together? We will be even more feared and with more people we will be the biggest around. I have around 30 guys here and 10 girls as it is. I'll bring Jessica into it if she wants to get in." Mason nods his head in agreement. "Should I call in some of my guys as well? Or are all yours here?" I tell him to call some in because I only got only a little less than half my men here all the others are off on missions. And that most of my girls are off doing another mission Italy.
We eventually reach the board room and everyone is already waiting for us. "Guys this is Mason, Kevin and Kyle. They will be joining us tonight as will be others that Mason is calling so expect people to be showing up soon." I go on to tell them how we are meeting up with my dad and Masons dad Victor here at midnight and to arm themselves. "I want half of you hidden along with half of the guys Mason brings in. Grab the big guns. The ones that are going to be with us bring hand guns and some I want with ak'7s. I don't know how many people they will have with them so stand ready just in case things go down hill for us." They all nod and Mason steps up, "We both agreed to join our gangs together, we will stick to the Saints name and all of you will be getting the Saints tattoo tomorrow after all of this. Kyle is apart of another gang than the rest of us. Our fathers are going to be bringing his family with them and they are to be taken to safety right away. Expect the worst, they are dangerous and they know how we operate. What they don't know is how many people we have." There was some disagreement with joining the gangs together mostly from Dalton.
"Jenn with no disrespect to you but I don't agree with this. They have targeted us before you took over what makes it so they won't again. The two guys here killed my brothers." He says pointing to Mason and Kevin. Mason steps toward Dalton as Dalton takes a step forward towards us. I step in between them. "There will be no fights here got it! Dalton you are to follow orders. I'm sorry that they killed your brothers but that was before. We are joining the gangs. We will become the biggest gang around and the most feared. Mason and I already are feared and deadly separately. With us together no one will want to mess with us. Its happening." Dalton looks pissed off but sits back down in his seat. "Does anyone else have a problem with this. If so there is the fucking door." No body else says anything.
"Good now here's the plan. Dalton, Jacob, Sam, Dave, Daniel, Sara and Katrina your going to be with us. The rest of you are going to hide until I signal you. Mason's guys are going to be here shortly and we will split them up as well. Once our fathers get here we are going to take the kids and Kyles wife away right away. Chris you are going to take them to one of the safe houses till I call you. Take someone from here with you as well as one of Mason's guys make sure no one follows you. Either Dave or Sam will bring them to you then they will come back to us. The signal will be bastard so make sure you all have your ear pieces in and listening. The guys that are in hiding I want all of you to have the big guns. Everyone will have knives on them. My dad is a big knife fighter and is a good shot. Like Mason said expect the worst. It is now 10pm and we have 2 hours so go get busy and get ready. Take the people that are coming to the weapons room once they get here and you see them. Dalton or Jacob show Kevin and Kyle to it now. Kyle stick to strengths in weapons, don't let them take you alive. They will torture information out of you. Kevin I want you with an ak 7."
I hear Kyle choke out a laugh. "Like you did to me earlier today." I can't help but laugh about it. "Who do you think taught me all about torture Ky." Everyone leaves the room except Mason. After the door shuts behind the last person he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.
"Did you know its a big turn on for me when you take control like you did there." He brings his lips down to mine and I instantly kiss him back. Soon enough my arms wrap around his neck as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he backs us up against the wall. He starts kissing down my jaw to my neck. A moan escapes my lips as he hits my weak spot on my neck, he begins to lightly suck on the spot and I tug at his hair making him groan. He moves us from the wall to the table and sits me down on it. In a instant he has my shirt off and looks down at my body. "God your sexy princess." Mason than attacks my lips with his and I remove his shirt as he unclasps my bra and throws it to the side.
Mason moves his kisses down my neck to my breast and begins sucking on them, when the door wings open. In one swift moment Mason moves in front of me to block the persons view. "So we are joining the gangs together because you two are fucking each other?" I recognize the voice as Dalton's and I quickly bend down and pick up my bra throwing it back on. I feel Mason tense in front of me clenching his fist together. "What we do is no concern of yours prick now what do you want?" Dalton moves towards Mason with his fist clench. We don't need a fight right now so I step from behind Mason and try to get in between them before there is a fight. "I'm the prick? You walk in here and think you run the show right away just cause your banging her. I don't follow your lead I follow Jenn's...." Dalton pauses for a moment and glances at me obviously checking me out. "The guys this asshole called are here and are wondering whats going on. What do you want me to do with them? They're all armed and just waiting on you guys." Mason shoves Dalton up against the table and swings at his jaw hitting him. "Learn your place grunt. You work for both of us now." Dalton pushes Mason off of him and hits him back. Both of them start swinging punches at ones another. I try and fail to break them up so I run to the hall and see Jacob and Kevin talking. "I need you both in there to break up Mason and Dalton before they kill each other right now!" They both run into the room and pull the guys off of each other.
Kevin has Mason who is struggling to break free where Dalton is just breathing heavily in Jacobs grasp. "There will be no more fucking fighting between you two. You got that!" I yell at both of them. Both of them just grunt in response. "Dalton you will answer to both of us. If you don't like it leave. Mason if you want to join the gangs then you can't just start fights with someone give you attitude that's from here." Mason glares at me and shakes off Kevin and walks up to me then slams me against the wall hard. "You will not order me about Jenn I won't put up with it. Now put on your fucking shirt before others walk in." I see Dalton and Jacob both ready to jump in if they need to but Kevin stands between them and us. I seen Kevin fight before, he could take both of them. Mason backs off of me so I could grab my shirt and see both of them. "You two got a problem?" Before there was another fight I join Kevin in the middle of them whiles grabbing my shirt in the process and throw it on. "Mason that's enough! There will be no more fights between you and Dalton or anyone else!"
Mason grabs my arm and punches me in the face. "Stop trying to run the show Jenn, we both do. And they need to realize that." Dalton pushes past Kevin and pushes Mason off of me. Before they start fighting again I step between. "Dalton I'm fine go cool down somewhere tell the others to join us here, Jacob go with him." They both nod and leave the room.
Mason glares at me, and if looks could kill I would be 6ft under the ground right now. "We will talk about this later Jenn." He goes to walk out of the room but is stopped by Kevin. "Mason the others are coming here right now, you should stay here and tell them what's going, your dads will be here soon, we need to get ready for them." Mason nods his head and sits down and then turns to me. "Do you guys smoke in here?" I nod my head surprised he asked and didn't just light one up. "Ya there's ash trays in the corner there." I go and grab him one, grabbing a smoke for myself as well.
We are joined shortly after by every one and we go over everything one last time, with no arguments this time about joining the gangs together. Before we know it, its quarter to midnight and everyone goes to get in there places.
Exactly at midnight we see six hummers pull up and around five guys get out if each. In the last one was our dads with Kyle's family. His wife Lisa is bleeding from a stab wound to her arm and leg, but the kids seem to be unharmed.
I confront the man that I have thought to be dead for the last year. "I told you not to harm them father. Hand them over this has nothing to do with them." My dad laughs at what I said and walks up to stand in front of me. "Is that how you greet your dad that you haven't seen or talked to in a year Jennifer. I raised you better than that." Now its my turn to laugh at him. I know we agreed not to bring out the others if we didn't need to but he needs to what he's dealing with. Out if the corner of my eye I see Mason give his head a slight nod knowing what I'm thinking. I take a slight step forward and all the people he brought make a move forward as well.
"You raised me to be a killer father or have you forgotten. Your just a bastard who got mom killed and left your children." Once I said bastard the rest of the guys came out all holding guns. "I did what you never could and took this place as my own, I'm more connected than you know seeing how Paul who tells you everything doesn't even know how many connections I have. No hand over Kyle's family, your out gunned things won't end good for you." My dad is clearly shocked but I hear a laugh coming from behind him and recognize it as Victor.
Victor moves to be in front of Mason, "You just gonna let her talk boy or do you have something to say son. You always did have a weak spot for the Dumont girl." Mason just laughs "Oh dad you have no idea what's going on. Now hand over the family they have nothing to do with this. You've been dead to me for over a year now, just cause it turns out you faked your death doesn't change anything." Victor can tell he isn't getting the reaction he wants out of Mason so he turns to me. "You talk so big for someone so small, you sure you got the strength to back up what you say little girl? Your still a child playing with big guns and nothing more." I just laugh at Victors comment. "You know I have the strength Victor, if its true that you guys had someone trail Josh, you would if seen what I did to him and I didn't even want to seriously injure him. We don't have all night, what do you guys want? And I won't say it again I want Kyle's family." I pick up my gun and aim it when I see movement out of the corner of my eye when someone moves forward. I notice my dad hold up his hands at me and I lower it a bit.
"We didn't come here for a fight Jennifer. I realized how weak Paul was when he didn't tell you or Devin about me still being alive. I saw how you challenged him over everything. I also see now how far you have gotten. Its everything I wanted for you. You surpassed me as a leader by taking this place over. You were right I never could do it, I never wanted to risk my men over it..." My dad pauses for a moment to look over at Victor who nods his head to continue on with what he was saying. "We want you two together to take over our place. Seeing how both of you have people from two different gangs here, I'm guessing you joined them together. Something that people wouldn't think twice about because the more people you have you could be over thrown. We will give you the children but Kyle has to pay for telling you about us. You know how things work in our life styles. It has to be done, and we will be taking him with us." I move closer to my dad than before and smirk at him. "Your not taking anyone from here father. Kyle is staying with us and is going to leave with his family in tact."
My dad just laughs at me and smiles. "Hunny your forgetting who raised you. I know you won't turn your gun on my me or my men." I signal for everyone behind me to raise their guns as Mason and I do the same. Almost instantly everyone on my dads and Victors side does the same. I get a quick glance at some of them. They look like they are my age maybe a little older or younger. I aim my gun right at my dads head. "Tell them to drop their guns and release the family now father. This doesn't need to turn into a gun fight" I wave over Dalton and he comes over instantly. I turn to him keeping my gun on my dad the whole time. "Tell everyone not to shoot to kill everyone over there beside my father and Victor are young. Once they give the family over get them out of here." I whisper to him quickly and he just nods in response and goes off to tell everyone.
"What's it going to be father. Is it going to be an all out gun fight that you will lose or are you handing over the family?" My dad signals the guys that are holding them to bring over the family and tells them to let them go. As soon as he does Chris and Dalton come up and take the kids holding them just as they are about to someone fires there gun and shoots Lisa in the head. Before I can react Kyle is running up as best as he can with his gun raised. "Stop him! And get those kids out of here now!" Dalton and Chris get the kids out of there by getting in a car a driving off. Kevin wrestles Kyle to the ground and holds him there. I raise my gun and shoot the person who killed Lisa. More guns are raised once I do this and my dad is shocked but composes himself quickly. "Drop your guns everyone! Jennifer no one else has to die tonight. Tell your men to lower the guns." My dads and Victor's men drop their guns right away. And I signal everyone on mine and Mason's side to do the same. "You killed the wrong person. He wasn't the one who killed Lisa. Though I'm happy you didn't kill the right person seeing how the right person is one of your half brothers. They are twins like you and Devin. I would like to speak to you alone with them if that would be alright. I wouldn't mind if you kept two other people with just send the others away and I will do the same. I send mine away first if it makes you feel better." I look to Mason and he nods his head at me then points to Kevin basically saying to keep him here as well. I turn back to my father who is smiling at me.
"Fine yours go first then Mason and I will send the others away." My dad nods and turns around. "You heard my daughter, leave. Nathan and Jake come here." All of my dads and Victors men leave but before Victor leaves he turns to Mason and myself. "Son its good to see you again and doing so well for yourself now. Same to you Jennifer. You two will make excellent co-leaders. Especially when it comes to taking our places. Till next time then." We watch as he drives off and the rest of the men do as well.
Once I no longer can see the cars I turn around to address everyone. "Everyone but Kevin and Mason leave." I watch as everyone leaves, even Kyle does without a fight just one last glance at his wife Lisa. Once I no longer see anyone and Kevin joins us I turn back around to face my father. "What did you want to talk about father?" My dad smiles at me and approaches with his arms out. Mason and Kevin step in between him and me. "That's close enough David" Mason says to my father who looks confused. "I wasn't going to hurt my own daughter boys, I was just going to hug her seeing how I haven't seen her in a year."
I put a hand on both Mason and Kevin's shoulders "Its fine, he won't hurt me guys." They both move aside and my dad hugs me and let's go. "I'm sorry the first time us seeing us again resulted in two people dead Jennifer. But things happen. You have changed so much in the past year." My dad waves the boys over and they stop right in front of us. Up close I can see the resemblance, they have the same thick black hair and bright green eyes I do.